View Full Version : Making your mark on Auraxis - Competitions

2011-07-19, 11:57 AM
Just had an idea that maybe something SoE might like to do with the community as things escalate, is maybe running some competitions for Planetside 2 and the prizes would be to have something you create added to the game.

I was watching Starship Troopers again last night with a friend who never saw it before and we were discussing after what the best bits were when he said something that gave me this idea.

One of my fondest memories of PS apart from the shit hot combat action ;)
It was the propaganda posters that were up around the HART buildings and even on the forums that gave the three factions their distinct feels.

SoE could run a faction propaganda war competition and get the community to send in drawings, art work concepts, ect.

Couple of basic ideas for concept


Enlistment and Inspirational Posters: like the original ones, Posters that would appear around the buildings of Auraxis proclaiming the greatness of each faction

Graffiti: either written in paint or the bodily fluids of your enemies you just want to get your message across, it could be a picture or some inspiring words or demoralising derogations towards your enemy.

Statue / Monument / Sculpture: Might be a bit to far on the ideas list and not so easily added but one of these dedicated to the greatness that is your faction.

I'm sure there are more I could add but you get the general idea I'm sure :)
These things could be added to bases and switch around depending on which faction controls the base or there could be more static versions about like in the ruins of the cities "Urban areas" that Smedley mentioned.

Or like the monoliths you could find some pretty bizzare stuff out in the middle of a forest or on the grass plains where you'd least expect it, Kinda like easter eggs. :cool:

2011-07-19, 12:40 PM
the time to penis in this is incredibly low.

time to penis referring to the time it takes someone, or more than one person to put the first phallic object ingame.

edit: look at what people often drew on the maps in planetside. you think thats actually going to work?

2011-07-19, 12:48 PM
Uncle S.A.M. Wants you!

(Inspiring photo of a Sparrow MAX)

2011-07-19, 02:24 PM
My name is Sentrosi, and I approve this idea.
Imagine a poster that you thought of being put up in game. I'd love to be a part of that.

2011-07-19, 04:53 PM
the time to penis in this is incredibly low.

time to penis referring to the time it takes someone, or more than one person to put the first phallic object ingame.

edit: look at what people often drew on the maps in planetside. you think thats actually going to work?

You can bet that my whole outfit will be submitting penis drawings with MCGs and TR helmets.

2011-07-19, 05:02 PM
Very cool idea, anything to help increase the distinction between empires is awesome. Posters, slogans, graffiti on faction buildings, community created no less.

2011-07-19, 07:21 PM
To much fail in this thread, please stay on topic when replying or don't.

This is a very interesting idea for sure although I'm not sure we would see something like this.

2011-07-19, 08:03 PM
Faction propaganda seems like a cool idea.

I'm a bit more interested in how we show propaganda in the game without Sanctuaries.

Perhaps facilities and towers at the very least could be stained with the propaganda of their owners. That could be another way to make it plainly obvious which empire is in control (in addition to base colors).

As for actual propaganda contests, I'm sure that would be one way to help the Devs create it, though I would expect us just putting up ideas would be sufficient here. That way the devs could balance out the propaganda and help ensure one empire doesn't look overly "cooler" than the others. (Warhammer had that problem and it led to big population imbalances).

I like the idea of having these propaganda posters themed and drawn somewhat similar to the old WWII posters from the 30's and 40's.

That said, I'm thinking of a few examples for NC propaganda:
* A burning city with the words "Freedom, no matter the cost!"
* Vanguard treads crushing an iron red fist of of a Terran trooper with the words "End the oppression!"
* A picture of a wrecked magrider with the words "Fight slavery in all its forms!"
* A picture of an Enforcer, a Jackhammer, and a Phoenix with the words "By Any Means Necessary"

I'm trying to capture a bit of the zealotry that is in the NC's lore. The line between terrorist and revolutionary can get blurry.