View Full Version : Infiltrators Sabatoge/booby traps, and destroy vehicle halo style

2011-07-23, 10:47 PM
Yeah I know half of you just got mad because I mentioned halo.....sorry if I offended u.

Anyways would you like if some sort of vehicle sabatage was in the game?

Example make it part of the skill tree where you can go behind enemy lines, do booby traps to vehicles.

Example would be like the vehicle automatically blowing up when somebody gets inside or if they are inside already, it blows up with a timer....hacking turrets to not make them work if u want to be stealthy and not blow something up.

Kind of sucks that you cant hack vehicles anymore so sabotage seems like it should be a big part with infiltrators.

It shouldn't just be limit to vehicles, we should do traps in terminals

Also lastly I would like if Infiltrators could destroy a vehicle like halo...You know they get on it and throw some grenades inside or whatever when the vehicle is moving....it should be hard to do and be part of the skill tree.

I would like it if u could jack the vehicle like that aswell but SOE seems to be against this...I say dont put new textures on vehicles and let infiltrators jack them halo style if u cant hack them.

What kind of bobby traps do you guys want?

2011-07-23, 10:50 PM
Using less !!!!!!!!!!!! HALO STYLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011-07-23, 10:51 PM
I wouldn't like to see any really. Just sounds like it would be an annoying addition to the game and only slow it down. Much like when some bored asshole cloaker comes to your base and randomly boomer people as they leave the spawn room.

It's stupid and lame.

As for throwing grenades in vehicles Halo-style. I think that could potentially destroy any balance that would be in the game if you could just leap onto a vehicle and throw a grenade inside it. Granted it would be a little difficult, but I don't think that fits within a game where balance and TTKs are very fragile to balance.

I think Infiltrators role should be what the name implies: Infiltrating. It should just be a stealth role to get behind enemy lines and hack shit.

Cool ideas, but I don't think they're right for the game.

2011-07-23, 11:37 PM
I mentioned this in a few other threads, but simply being able to place boomers on vehicles is enough for me. With the component based damage system I'm imagining putting a boomer on an engine of a plane then blowing it when they take off would be enough to send them to the ground.

2011-07-23, 11:45 PM
i think we should be a mostly infil role and less a sabatore role. that said, infiltrators have had a long ps history as a disabler to the bigger guys. i wouldnt mind if instead of jacing (since we cant) when we hack an enemy vehicle its impairs it in some way, weather its as simple as jamming its weapons or a total short term disable, or something else.

2011-07-24, 02:42 AM
We should probably see how disposable vehicles are and what the pace of gameplay is first. The idea sounds an awful lot like some of the ideas here...



2011-07-24, 02:59 AM
With how much emphasis dev seems to be putting into specialization for both individuals and outfits, I imagine giving specs the ability to easily shut down whole role types was one of the first to go. Mostly I'm thinking of Halo's "jump on it and toss a grenade" trick. As neat as that is to pull off, I don't think it has a place in PS 1 or 2.

Being able to flip the off-switch for a whole role sucks in terms of balance and sucks for the people being casually nullified.