View Full Version : Vehicle/MAX CD

2011-07-25, 12:34 AM
Im pretty sure the devs have this all figured out but want to hear what you all think of it.

In PS1 there was cooldowns on when you can spawn another vehicle or max suit and whatnot. Now with the classes such as pilot focusing on vehicles, how does it effect the class or is there even a cooldown for spawning vehicles?

They also said you would be able to easily and quickly switch between classes but is that in the rate of everytime you spawn you can switch class, is it something you can do in the middle of a battle at your base? We don't have the answers now but we can speculate.

What do you all think?

2011-07-25, 12:41 AM
I'd like the cooldown to be longer, but start the moment you pull the vehicle. Lets say its 10 minutes for a tank. If you live 5 minutes, there will be a 5 minute wait. If you last 10, you'll be able to pull a new one instantly.

This rewards you for taking care of your vehicle.

Also, rather than a blanket 5 minutes, the timer could be used to penalize more powerful vehicles. Vehicles prone to dying alot could have a shorter c/d.

I'd like MAXs to be a single suit, so one c/d, but the timer is somewhat shorter to compensate.

I would also be fine with spending resources to purchase a vehicle before the timer runs out.

2011-07-25, 01:10 AM
I thought PS1 already had a cooldown system like that. I remember living for a long time in my Mag and being to pull out another one right away after finnaly dieing.

The thread point though is if the class Pilot who only operates vehicles im assuming dies, will they have to wait for their vehicle CD to finish and just sit there. Or just they have it with no cooldowns. If they do have to wait are they then just left with the option of switching class besides waiting?

2011-07-25, 01:37 AM
Yup, tanks have around 5 min cooldown starting from when you pull one. This time limit seams to be set based on the power of the said vehicle (a thresher for example has shorter than a magrider).

2011-07-25, 01:39 AM
I thought PS1 already had a cooldown system like that. I remember living for a long time in my Mag and being to pull out another one right away after finnaly dieing.

Dammit. You're right. :drunk:

Yup, tanks have around 5 min cooldown starting from when you pull one. This time limit seams to be set based on the power of the said vehicle (a thresher for example has shorter than a magrider).

That at least I know isn't true. Or wasn't when I last played.. Vehicles were 5 minutes, except the BFRs which were 45.

As for the pilot thing..

1. I've heard nothing about a 'pilot' class. Its possible, but who can say?


2. Pretty sure its been said you can change classes whenever you feel like at a terminal.

2011-07-25, 01:51 AM
Dammit. You're right. :drunk:

That at least I know isn't true. Or wasn't when I last played.. Vehicles were 5 minutes, except the BFRs which were 45.

Um how long has it been since you've played? lol?

2011-07-25, 02:59 AM
Um how long has it been since you've played? lol?

A while. They changed the vehicles timers? Nifty if they did.

Also, I'll shut up in this thread now, since I can't remember a damned thing anymore it seems. :D