View Full Version : Two Questions of "Day and Night"

2011-07-26, 09:42 AM
1. What druation of 1 auraxium hour in-game is going to be set?
2. Will there be a proper night like in:

***x202a;Battlefield 2: Special Forces Intro***x202c;‏ - YouTube

Edit: here are some pics to strengthen my point:


2011-07-26, 09:49 AM
Id hope they have hemispheres so its night on one side of the globe and day on the other. Also Id like to see it be in 8 hour increments just because if its day at 8am est (actual american time zone time not game time) time one day the next day itll be night in that part of the world at 8am est. Just because I work third shift and during the week do most of my gaming in the morning. I guess it wouldnt really matter though as long as half the globe is day and the other is night. That and 8 - 12 hours of real life time gives you plenty of time to conduct operations in whatever setting you prefer for the mission.

As in real life without proper nightvision it would be stupid to conduct any night time operation and i also believe that all vehicles should come equipped with IR or black and white thermal imaging, except for buggies and such like that.

2011-07-26, 09:55 AM
1: I think you mean how many hours will the day/night cycle be because knowing how long an hour is in game is useless without knowing how many hours are in an Auraixan day. Answer is that they haven't set it yet and probably won't be able to tell us until beta is actually out.

2: Smed talked about how shadows are done really well in forgelight. This indicates that the engine can probably handle the extremes of light to make a proper night. However, I doubt that unless they add night vision we'll be seeing something that dark.

I'd love to see a difference in the intensity of day/night based on where you are on the planet. So the nights wouldn't be as dark near the poles and you could literally chase the sun across the world. That would be the bee's knees, I can also see things like dawn air raids happening by chance and making the world that much more real.
That would kick ass.

Well that's what I get for taking an extra 6 minutes to post. Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes the idea of a realistic night.

2011-07-26, 10:02 AM
Well that's what I get for taking an extra 6 minutes to post. Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes the idea of a realistic night.

Im positive we are not the only two that would love to see night and day be a part of the world.

2011-07-26, 10:06 AM
1: I think you mean how many hours will the day/night cycle be because knowing how long an hour is in game is useless without knowing how many hours are in an Auraixan day. Answer is that they haven't set it yet and probably won't be able to tell us until beta is actually out.

If you ver used /time in PS1 you'd surely know :) According to PS1 auraxian day is 24 hours. But 3 auraxium minutes = 1 RL minute. That means that we have 3 auraxium days in one RL day.

Yeah, Imma geek, I know.. :evil:

EDIT: LOL we've been fighting for almost quarter of century...

2011-07-26, 10:31 AM
Not only is there /time but also an alarm clock function! I only played with it once though and I don't think I got it to work. Eventually I just used a kitchen timer to set how long people had to get on a gal before take off.

If we're counting beta we've passed 25 years but if not we're at 24... and I'm still not BR40! Good observation.

There's been talk on the forum before about night time and how some people didn't want to have to stare through green tinted vision for half of their game time. There was also comments on how awesome controllable headlights would be. I'm in the second camp, the Ant has some great headlights that I've always wished that they worked.
Ooo! Flail rounds lighting up courtyards on impact turning night into day... ok, I'm drooling now.

2011-07-26, 10:37 AM
I like how the green tinted vision looks in halo reach, its purdy.

JanitOr KanOs
2011-07-26, 11:15 AM
Only if we get to see AA tracers crisscrossing the sky at night. Explosions, aircraft you can hear but can't see, infantry trying to advance into blackness with only the muzzle flashes of people trying to kill them to guide their way.

Mmm.... And maybe the targeting laser might be used for more than painting the vehicle spawn pad for artillery! :D

2011-07-26, 11:31 AM
The best would be if the day night cycles were 23 or 25 hours. This would give the game world a realistic feeling, but would mean that over the course of about 2 weeks, would be completely flipped, and after another 2 weeks would return to normal. Any day night cycles such as 6/8/12 is going to cause every area (assuming its hemisphere based so that half the world is light and half is dark) to always be in the same 4/3/2 times of the day at the same time every day. If you work a very rigid schedule, and you really like X continent, if we have a 12 hour cycle, its always going to be one of two time. But if we have a 23 hour cycle, than over the course of roughly two weeks you're going to experience every time of the the day from midnight, to dusk, to morning, to noon, to evening back to midnight.

There was a another thread about day night cycle and a lot of people seemed to be in favor of super super super short, 1-2 hour cycles which I think is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. It should not be possible to experience 4 days worth of day/night in the course of a battle.

2011-07-26, 11:39 AM
There was a another thread about day night cycle and a lot of people seemed to be in favor of super super super short, 1-2 hour cycles which I think is absolutely ridiculous and absurd. It should not be possible to experience 4 days worth of day/night in the course of a battle.

Agreed, it would have to be long enough to conduct a military operation.

Also about the moonlighting. In an open field you could see great but have you ever stood in a thick brush in the middle of the night? Even with the moon out it is still hard to see. But i think SOE would make it so those who prefer to not use NV could still function.

2011-07-26, 11:58 AM
I would vary much enjoy Dark nights and think that some kinda night vision would be cool. i dont know if i really want it in the game. if all vehicles towers and bases had lights then it should be enough light being created from 1000 people to really make a well lit area ;)

2011-07-26, 02:42 PM
Time for me to link my usual picture for these threads...


That is, ideally, how dark I'd like nights in Planetside to be (it looks better full-sized). Imagine being able to look up in that picture and see the silhouettes of galaxies floating across the sky, or the light show that pulsars and gauss rifles would create as NC and VS fought each other from opposite ends of the path...

There could be night vision "goggles" or scopes (scopes would be cooler in my opinion, as well as give people a reason not to use night vision 100% of the time at night), but they absolutely, positively mustn't be the green grainy crap from other shooters. Be it a thermal effect, darklight or something else, anything would be better than...well, the green effect used in the original poster's video.

2011-07-26, 02:46 PM
Night, yesss, anything that makes the game world more immersive.

2011-07-26, 04:04 PM
I hadn't put much thought into the night fighting aspect of PS2, but this thread has opened my mind up to the possibilites. I am intrigued to be sure. The idea of being on a 23-hour (or 17-hr ?) clock for the length of a day in PS2 is a good one. Most players do tend to log in during the same time of day - the game should be offset slightly to expose players to every time of day/night in each environment.
I can see a dark night outside a base......Lightnings/Reavers/Libs spamming flares ?.....napalm ? Gameplay at night could be hella crazy - and FUN.

.....cloakers running around in the dark ...... how far will we be able to see them when they are running ? It might be raining plasma in the outdoors at night......

I want to experience seeing muzzle-flash at night and see if sniping off that creates a new way to have fun in the game. PS1 gameplay did get stale after months or years (depending on the individual). Night warfare and the rammifications of what equipment is best certed - and the corresponding strategies - sounds like it will help keep the game from becoming repetivie/boring/.....

HIGBY stressed;

.....mixing in night time play greatly magnifies the gameplay beyond everything else new that SOE indicates they will be bringing to PS2 - regarding certs/weapons/changes in gameplay/.....

Sounds damn cool.

2011-07-26, 04:19 PM
Honestly you can do night without having it be so dark you need night vision to function. If all you are doin is turnin on night vision every time it goes dark then night time is a failure. You are just changin your day to crappy enhanced vision be it green or whatever.

Keep it moer like a full moon lit clear sky night. Which for those who have experienced it is actually pretty bright. Its still got taht cool dark atmosphere and still changes up gameplay with it being harder to see clearly, esp at distance. But for the most part you can function just fine with no need for night vision at all.

Maybe even during some weather systems or on certain conts its darker and may need a bit of light. Possibly a gun mounted flashlight? You could fake the light comin off other players flashlights with a light poly style effect to limit hardware strain, but your personal light would function like a real light. You can go lights out to hide a bit better at the cost of not being able to see as well. But again it would have to be much more limited, probably fairly rare compared to overall time, via where and/or how often it gets that dark. Havin it super dark every night or even a decent amount of time would just get annoying to many people and some would just not go to these places or not play at all.

And i'd prefer no night vision. if it was on a scope that limited your view when usin it ok, but not on goggles. Or you end up forced to just play with the night vision all the time. Then there's no point in having real night darkness if you are just gonna light it right back up. I'd rather have 24/7 days than to get nights where i just switch on night vision all the time.

2011-07-26, 04:33 PM
Honestly you can do night without having it be so dark you need night vision to function. If all you are doin is turnin on night vision every time it goes dark then night time is a failure. You are just changin your day to crappy enhanced vision be it green or whatever.

You can do that if you make night vision an implant, or some sort of weapon sight. This makes night vision a drawback as it prevent you from taking something else. Do you take nightvision over darklight, allowing you to see enemy soldier easier, but making cloakers impossible to see? Do you take a nightvision scope over a red dot sight, forcing you to always have a 4/8/12/whatever zoom?

Nightvision doesn't have to be something that is default to every soldier, that they can turn on at the flick of a button with no downsides.

2011-07-26, 04:47 PM
NIGHT-VISION as an Implant sounds good. I like both Boris' & Psychos input.

Night vision should NOT be required, but it could be another Implant PS2 would do well to add in. If a Gen is blown at night, would it not be pitch-black indoors ? I think yes.....it SHOULD be.

In this instance - such a thing as Night Vision Implant could be nice. Also (at night), when rainy or cloudy, in a rock cropping, dense forest or other cover, on the "shady" side of a canyon (on a Moon Lit night),.....

2011-07-26, 05:37 PM
LOL I've just remembered...


It actually IS on topic =P

2011-07-27, 03:38 AM
I never understood the appeal of a night-time you can see in. That's not night, that's dusk...An atmosphere alteration as opposed to a game-play alteration.

I know there'll be people who'll hate proper nights, but it's been said that nights would also need to be long enough for it to be worth planning for, hence if there were also sufficiently long sunsets/dusks, it'd give people an hour or two to prepare to join the battle on another continent, or even try and wrap up the fight before things go dark.

2011-07-27, 02:54 PM
UNTIL I see and experience it for myself, I can't say I won't or couldn't learn to like fighting in very dark conditions. If 75%-95% of the world zerg tends to avoid DARK night conditions, then we can expect the BIG battles to happen on continents that have the majority of daylight hours ahead of them.

DARK nightime fighting might become like cave fighting.....for the few dedicated lovers of a different environment.

I don't know enough about the myriad of challenges it will offer the player. Nor do I know what SOE may add in the ammo, weapon, or cert trees to help make NIGHT battles an entirely new and perhaps as equally an addicting part of PS2 as the huge battles PS1 sometimes gave us.

2011-07-27, 04:52 PM
If a Gen is blown at night, would it not be pitch-black indoors ? I think yes.....it SHOULD be.

Good luck getting the facility to pass inspection with no emergency lighting. :P

Time for me to link my usual picture for these threads...


It is impossible to see anything in that picture. The only thing that would do is necessitate a night vision mechanic, which then does nothing but turn the game into a crappy green color.

Or everyone would pump gamma and contrast.

I could agree with this:

***x202a;Operation Flashpoint 2 ***39;Blinding the Dragon***39; 1 of 2***x202c;‏ - YouTube

Especially if you could get flares for grenade launchers(and perhaps engineers could set up flare launchers)

2011-07-27, 05:05 PM
"Good luck getting the facility to pass inspection with no emergency lighting"

I was wondering if anyone would bust me on that....maybe the emergency backup lighting would be only 25% of normal. Or,.....nevermind....

2011-07-27, 06:56 PM
Not the first thread about day and night, let me just link you another one.


But dont get that one out of its grave. just get some more ideas, or whatever, i dont care, just do something cool. :D

2011-07-27, 10:21 PM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.

2011-07-27, 10:25 PM

2011-07-27, 10:59 PM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.

I need new info! New Screens! Dates!

Please.... :cry:

2011-07-27, 11:54 PM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.

Screenshots or it didn't happen!

(hint hint wink wink nudge nudge)

2011-07-27, 11:55 PM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.


2011-07-27, 11:57 PM
Night vision goggles, here we come.

2011-07-28, 12:50 AM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.

So cool. Can't wait to dance with the devil in the pale moon light.

2011-07-28, 01:26 AM
Just made me picture the future war scenes from the good Terminator movies. ;)

2011-07-28, 02:06 AM
I'm liking what I'm hearing. Also I hope the day/night cycle is on the shorter side of 24 hours (21 to 23hrs), so I would get the feeling Auraxis is bigger than Earth and maybe try to spend a whole week playing on Auraxian time, hehe.

2011-07-28, 02:23 AM
Hey can you guys imagine how powerful Higby must feel :p

Everytime he writes smething, even a <3, everybody is amazed and excited :)

Bt anyway, what he says is nearly all the time great and reassuring, he is our protecting-mommy to all of us Planetside fans :p

( And about the day/night cycle, great news; night fights are really immersive, like they are in Arma 2 )

2011-07-28, 05:51 AM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.


2011-07-28, 06:57 AM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.


2011-07-28, 08:55 AM
It is impossible to see anything in that picture. The only thing that would do is necessitate a night vision mechanic, which then does nothing but turn the game into a crappy green color.
I did suggest making it full-size. The thumbnail makes it look far darker than it actually is.

Also, read my post again. I addressed the night vision issue. I completely agree that night vision, if it existed, should avoid being anything like the terrible green stuff in other shooters.

I could agree with this:

***x202a;Operation Flashpoint 2 'Blinding the Dragon' 1 of 2***x202c;&rlm; - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBxPGRBOxJA)
That's nice and all, but it's not night. I've seen darker day-times in England at winter.

Edit: Speaking to Cutter in IRC, it seems the example pictures aren't much use considering people's different settings. If you can't see the lake, the rock, the wall and the building in my picture, don't even consider it a reference.

2011-07-28, 10:00 AM
hmmmmmmmm......"Slick" nightime tracer illumination. Let's go. Threads like this one just make me THAT much MORE anxious.

The guys are right....c'mon HIGBY.... SMEDLEY ...... start breakin' out more screen shots.

We have no choice but to put our trust, faith, and hope behind HIGBY/SOE....because they have the helm. I'm a pessimist by trade, but I still see PLENTY to be optimistic about this games roll-out. These guys are HERE (from time-to-time) reading the posts, talking with Hamma,.....HOW CAN THAT NOT BODE WELL FOR HOW THIS GAME TURNS OUT ?

These guys are NOT out-of-touch ivory tower types. They claim to LOVE this game. I take them at their word. The fact they come on this site really really ENCOURAGES me.

(we KNOW you're playin this game ALREADY...give us a little fix....we're ALL Jones'n for MORE.

I'm so GEEKED on where these cats may be taking this game......I'm seeing GIANT SPACE KRAKENS....in my sleep !

2011-07-28, 12:10 PM
A cycle akin to what they had in SWG atleast would certainly add the enthralling prospect of night raids into the game and thermal visioning.

Would be icing on the cake if they do so..

2011-07-28, 01:02 PM
I think this is the ingle most important thread I have seen in thi forum regarding PS 2.

Night combat would totally add a whole new layer to the game and would on the surface seem relatively easy to do.

One big point - nights should be dark, not just smudge the issue like the dev talked about before, not some half ass dark lighted landscape.

Night is dark! Tracers and all that shit would be just too amazing to even think about. Spec ops under cover of night.

Please dev team do PlanetSide nights and do them right !

2011-07-28, 01:13 PM

I don't think I editted that before submitting... That's the closest to real night I've seen in PS1.

JanitOr KanOs
2011-07-28, 04:08 PM
I was just looking at some kickass day/night cycle work this morning, in fact. It was pretty dark at night and the purple and yellow tracers sporadically illuminating the world was pretty slick.

This game just got even better...:eek:

2011-07-29, 10:31 AM
Awesome to hear that day/night will be significant. Now how about weather? I hope to see the large red balls slowly moving across the whole map again.

2011-07-29, 01:30 PM
I don't want to see large red balls (that aren't mine) anywhere near me - under any circumstance.


2011-07-30, 01:31 AM
you will be amazed when you see what we have

2011-07-30, 01:37 AM
you will be amazed when you see what we have

I'm excited. Period.

2011-07-30, 01:49 AM
I dunno I am hard to please

2011-07-30, 02:00 AM
you will be amazed when you see what we have

So long as it involves seeing, and not squinting at shadows on a black screen.

Please remember that not all of us are basement dwellers. I have a large window behind me with actual sunlight(I know, I'm a poor gamer :rofl: ).

2011-07-30, 02:41 AM
you will be amazed when you see what we have

That's some bold talk. Let's see you back it up. ;)

2011-07-30, 07:55 AM
Please remember that not all of us are basement dwellers. I have a large window behind me with actual sunlight(I know, I'm a poor gamer :rofl: ).
That's just poor monitor placement. :p

2011-07-30, 02:25 PM
you will be amazed when you see what we have

And with that I'm sold.

Cue showcase vid with benny hill music. :D

2011-07-30, 04:50 PM
I dont do a lot of posting, but hearing that theres going to be night/day cycles in PS2 is going to be AWESOME! I just hope that its done right and can actually be running through the fields under moonlit skies and dodging spotlights :D

2011-07-30, 05:50 PM
I dont do a lot of posting, but hearing that theres going to be night/day cycles in PS2 is going to be AWESOME! I just hope that its done right and can actually be running through the fields under moonlit skies and dodging spotlights :D

This is part of why true night lighting would be freaking awesome.

There's daylight combat.

Then there's realizing there's 4 dozen hostiles in your area you never knew were there until one of them slipped up and got spotted.

Cross-fire ensues. Anyone looking down from above must be seeing an awesome light show.

2011-07-30, 06:44 PM
Psh, we already have a day and night cycle in PS1. The sky turns slightly more purple in the night time :rolleyes:.

I honestly don't think you guys will ever be happy :confused:

2011-07-30, 11:33 PM
you will be amazed when you see what we have

Really hope so. Very excited to see a day and night cycle.

2011-07-31, 04:43 AM
Psh, we already have a day and night cycle in PS1. The sky turns slightly more purple in the night time :rolleyes:.

I honestly don't think you guys will ever be happy :confused:
I don't see how your second statement ties into your first. Are you saying we should be happy with a slightly more purple sky for night time in PS2? :doh: