View Full Version : Confiscated vehicles/weapons..?

2011-07-27, 01:38 PM
What shall the verdict on this be..?

2011-07-27, 01:42 PM
I believe they said no looting and no hacking vehicles already.

The no hacking is ok to me BUT i think no looting is bad as alot of ways soldiers can resupply in the thick of battle is by scavenging.

2011-07-27, 01:50 PM
Scavenging could be a sub skill in the Assault class tree.

2011-07-27, 01:50 PM
I think both of the answers to this poll are sufficient.

Hacking vehicles, and looting were both good ideas and I was surprised to hear they were both scratched.

I was more surprised to hear the reason they don't have hacking vehicles is because they don't want to spend the money to render vehicles in different colors.

But seriously, who didn't like going after the scavenger merits?

2011-07-27, 02:02 PM
I love scavenging. When I run out of ammo during a big field battle I rely on ammo looted from friendlies/enemies. It was always pretty thrilling to me, having to make due with whatever I could find in the bags.

2011-07-27, 02:02 PM
I was more surprised to hear the reason they don't have hacking vehicles is because they don't want to spend the money to render vehicles in different colors.

Maybe they need robot ears? I think they would like it if they had robot ears... "Please sit on my face pew pew pew"

2011-07-27, 02:02 PM
I also agree with no looting... 400 bags on the ground full of different items could in itself being a technical challenge.

Sony: thousands of players fighting is fine, but a couple hundred backpacks? Technically infesable!

2011-07-27, 02:07 PM
i have to say i did enjoy the running out of ammo and having to make do with whatever i could find aspect :)

i'm not 100% sure i buy there reasoning but whatever :P

2011-07-27, 02:15 PM
Sony: thousands of players fighting is fine, but a couple hundred backpacks? Technically infesable!


2011-07-27, 02:20 PM
^^ haha love that movie from when i was a kid...

2011-07-27, 02:30 PM
I voted yes, have it come back.

The reason is not because Planetside 1 had it (I rarely looted guns, mostly ammo and medkits) but because most games now HAVE this feature; and many FPS players would probably feel a bit weird if they could not pick up an enemies ammo / weapon.

I think it's worth having.

2011-07-27, 02:40 PM
Not to mention it makes gaming sense that I should be able to take everything from the gentlemen whom I just introduced to the floor.

I'm not sure how they intend to do it, but if they just magically give you ammo, or nothing at all for that matter it sounds kind of lame.

2011-07-27, 02:45 PM
I love scavenging. When I run out of ammo during a big field battle I rely on ammo looted from friendlies/enemies. It was always pretty thrilling to me, having to make due with whatever I could find in the bags.

This, it required some luck, some skill, and sometimes your trusty knife.

Say for instance were holding a generator (or something similar, whatever circumstance the new game may present), the people running in and getting shit canned provided supplies. Which I believe they very well should. When you were getting down to the nitty gritty you could share your supplies with your squadmates.

Now it seems a majority of that is going to be taken out, which is disappointing.

Talek Krell
2011-07-27, 11:09 PM
Maybe they'll add some new logistical aspects to it since you can't scavenge anymore? Air dropped supply crates could be used for the open field warfare we're supposed to be having, for example. Not sure what to do about your gen hold though...

2011-07-28, 12:41 AM
Let's get this quote in here:

Keep in mind that from a technical perspective, having to make VS and TR specific texture variants for an NC vanguard is as expensive to our texture budget as having two unique vehicles too (assuming we'd want to do it right, with a full skin not just a decal swap, which we would). Our texture budget is already stretched with all the unique armor, vehicles, weapons etc. I can't think of any other AAA fps game that would have anything close to our texture requirements.

It looks like it's a texture memory problem. Even so, I see no reason why weapons could not be looted. There's no need to re-skin a looted weapon, just change the tracer color.

Also, I simply don't see how it could present a balance issue unless the empires each have weapons with radically unequal abilities in different areas. I'm holding out hope for loot-able weapons being added in beta.

2011-07-28, 05:00 AM
It was a blast hacking and stealing enemy vehicles, but I probably only did it 40-50 times in the years that I played. Even if they can't handle the extra textures, I'd still like to see some ways to mess with unattended enemy vehicles like rigging them with bombs or despawning them from a hack menu.

As far as acquiring enemy weapons, I agree with Thoreaux that it should be much easier to implement that. Even if we won't have inventories, I'd like to at least be able to stand over an enemy body and swap my current weapon for his.

If balance when using enemy weapons is going to be such a huge problem, add in a limitation system like you only have 100 rounds and that's it, or where the weapon starts to jam or break down after a certain amount of use.


2011-07-28, 06:19 AM
Remembers weapon-swap-deals resulting my locker full of Jackhammers =)

2011-07-28, 02:00 PM
Let's get this quote in here:

It looks like it's a texture memory problem. Even so, I see no reason why weapons could not be looted. There's no need to re-skin a looted weapon, just change the tracer color.

Also, I simply don't see how it could present a balance issue unless the empires each have weapons with radically unequal abilities in different areas. I'm holding out hope for loot-able weapons being added in beta.
Ah, good to have confirmation on this..

It does seem that it will be a belated feature of the game now unless they for some unforeseen reason have a 'change of heart' but most likely not but still cant help wishful thinking at times like this..

2011-07-28, 02:38 PM
Remembers weapon-swap-deals resulting my locker full of Jackhammers =)

My locker is full of Repeaters and Miniguns. Used to meet a TR soldier out in the middle of nowhere with a trunk full of goodies to trade.

Let's get this quote in here:

It looks like it's a texture memory problem. Even so, I see no reason why weapons could not be looted. There's no need to re-skin a looted weapon, just change the tracer color.

Also, I simply don't see how it could present a balance issue unless the empires each have weapons with radically unequal abilities in different areas. I'm holding out hope for loot-able weapons being added in beta.

Why do we have to re-skin them? It would be fun to fly over a TR base in a TR bird and drop NC troops. A lot more tactical options, too.

2011-07-28, 02:57 PM
Why do we have to re-skin them? It would be fun to fly over a TR base in a TR bird and drop NC troops. A lot more tactical options, too.

No thanks.

I really wish SOE would reconsider this though. Not putting something that people like into the game because it's not in the budget seems pretty dumb.

I used to spend hours a night cloaking with my Arm Assault 2 cert. Steal vehicles while they were repairing and than run them over as I drive away with their tank. It was so much fun.

2011-07-28, 04:03 PM
I totally agree about no reskinning.

It's fairly hard to find an unattended vehicle (no more of this hacked while in it stuff, though). Even have it IFF as friendly until close range or damage dealt or something.

2011-07-29, 09:54 AM
Why do we have to re-skin them? It would be fun to fly over a TR base in a TR bird and drop NC troops. A lot more tactical options, too.

Hah, that's a good point. As badass as a TR-skinned Vanguard looked, I never did understand why they flipped textures when you hacked an enemy vehicle. I think it would be awesome to hack an enemy vehicle and roll it into their base, trojan horse style, suddenly popping out with guns blazing.

There may be some balance issues there, but it would be a lot more efficient to put in a few simple gameplay limitations rather than three times as many high-quality vehicle textures.


2011-07-29, 10:27 AM
Hah, that's a good point. As badass as a TR-skinned Vanguard looked, I never did understand why they flipped textures when you hacked an enemy vehicle. I think it would be awesome to hack an enemy vehicle and roll it into their base, trojan horse style, suddenly popping out with guns blazing.

There may be some balance issues there, but it would be a lot more efficient to put in a few simple gameplay limitations rather than three times as many high-quality vehicle textures.


yeah the main one being if you had a TR giving NC prowlers. As long as you didn't shoot the gun, you wouldn't really know it was hacked until they are in the CY, or on top of you.

Which would be pretty devastating to all of sudden have 10 prowlers full of NC pwnin you in the face.

2011-07-29, 10:36 AM
Poll is pointless, of course we all want to see more features, so your poll worded the way it was is going to tell you what you want to hear. There are two reasons to not include a feature, time and gameplay decision. They cited time as the reason for vehicles and gameplay for weapons, so likely it is both for both. Gameplay is the stronger reason, so this thread would be better off arguing that point than picking at the time reason.

I for one dont think it was a make-or-break feature and it certainly makes balancing more difficult and has more underlying systems involved than simply art assets. The whole loot system is affected and i think this decision is tied to pacing.

2011-07-29, 01:02 PM
I like looting - vehicles, or backpacks.

No reason to reskin a looted vehicle or weapon in my eyes.

If the enemy approached a base (or your toon) in a looted vehicle - it could show RED on radar. A lot of players would probably miss their radar giving them a warning. So be it.

If looting doesn't come back, I'll be fine. I think it should be in the game.....skip the retexture, but show it as enemy on radar.

