View Full Version : Female characters?

2011-07-28, 10:41 AM
In case any of you SOE folk are lurking the forums anytime soon, and don't mind commenting on this... Will there be female characters in PS2, like there are in the original?

It's definitely a selling point, considering that few, if any, modern online FPS games allow you to play as anything other than a guy. I don't see girl gamers flocking to PS2 because of that, but it's definitely a great and rare feature.

The only exceptions to the male-only scheme I can think of would be the Tribes series (ancient, though), and TF2, since the Pyro is either a chick or a drag queen... :P

What about you lot? Would you care if there were no more of those annoying girlish voices in the sequel? ;)

2011-07-28, 10:46 AM
not postive but i think this came up once already and someone said either in a video or in a screen shot there was.

2011-07-28, 10:47 AM
Ofcourse they'll be in, but I don't think its as big as a selling point as you think it is and higly doubt that "girl gamers" will "flock" to PS2 because of it ;)

2011-07-28, 10:54 AM
Why would they NOT be? That's like asking if there will be guns in PS2.

2011-07-28, 11:01 AM
......Give 'em sqeekier and more annoying macros and voices.....
and more cleavage...and tighter fitting pants.


I'm TWACKED, but it would be both amusing and irritating. Not much worse than to get mocked by a squeeky Paris Hilton (w/ a Dolly Parton rack) looking av - after you got powned by them.

....an element of cheap humor has plenty of room in a game like this. I doubt SOE has the balls - but the FPS genre should welcome a little salty and off-color humor. R-rated would be fine. Kids hear worse at school, the internet, or on TV already. It fits, hence it belongs.


2011-07-28, 11:04 AM
and more cleavage...and tighter fitting pants..
Yeah, not this.

Not that I'm saying we have to have a bunch of hideous abominations, but there's big props to be had in gaming right now for decently done women, as opposed to DOA bouncefests.

2011-07-28, 11:10 AM
T&A is great, but not in a awesome wargame like Planetside.

2011-07-28, 11:15 AM
......I hear ya......it was mostly tounge-in-cheek (regarding the physical features).

I am serious about some harsher voice macros....especially from the female avatars.
(not important issue)

2011-07-28, 11:21 AM
What about accents (for males aswell)? Would it make sense if they were different? You know, to make faction diversity better? TR would be slavic, NC could be americans, VS could be brittish.

Maybe not.

2011-07-28, 11:29 AM
The question for laypeople isn't rather or not there will be females in PS2..

Rather its if they'll be 'smokin hawt'?!!

2011-07-28, 11:32 AM
I am serious about some harsher voice macros....especially from the female avatars.
(not important issue)
Definitely. One of the things I really respected about the voice-work in the original Planetside was the range of female and male voices, especially the huskier female ones and the squeakier male ones.

You say it's not important, but sometimes it's the most random things that end up getting a game respect, and more importantly, exposure.

What about accents (for males aswell)? Would it make sense if they were different? You know, to make faction diversity better? TR would be slavic, NC could be americans, VS could be brittish.

Maybe not.
I could certainly see there being different accents, but you might want to avoid making them empire-specific. I know a lot of people want to see the NC move away from the american hero image and more toward guerilla rebels.

Also, they'd need to be real careful to avoid stereotyping criticisms (thinking mostly of asians here, although badly done british/russian stereotypes are painful too). People are so quick to take offense now, that the slightest thing can cause an outrage (in the same way the slightest thing can end up getting it a lot of respect).

2011-07-28, 11:44 AM
Did you ever notice in Star Wars how, with the exception of two characters (Vader and one of the admiral/general types), anyone who was with the Empire was speaking with a British accent?

2011-07-28, 11:47 AM
That is because, unmistakably, it is the best accent. Indeed.

2011-07-28, 11:53 AM

Absolute RUBBISH, I say.

2011-07-28, 01:46 PM
Well we had females in the first one. But then we also had boarding animations for vehicles. So I guess there is no guarantees.

I doubt it will be that big of a selling point considering this game isn't one that really allows you to have the girls wearing bikini armor.

2011-07-28, 01:49 PM

2011-07-28, 01:57 PM
i dont care nothing about bording animations to tell ya the truth, zip zam do magicly am the driver of this vehicle works for me.

2011-07-28, 02:22 PM
I would be disappointed if the devs decided to implement female armors that are entirely unsuited for war.

Female characters I think would be in the game by default. Planetside is more of a full scale combat simulator (in my opinion), and while female models aren't required for that, it adds to the atmosphere of the entire game.

2011-07-28, 03:02 PM
Planetside is more of a full scale combat simulator (in my opinion), and while female models aren't required for that, it adds to the atmosphere of the entire game.

Does it? For me personally it does the opposite.

While the hitboxes in PS1 where quite crude and the same for male and female characters, how would this be handled in the next game, since the female characters are usally a bit smaller?!

2011-07-28, 03:02 PM
Does it? For me personally it does the opposite.

While the hitboxes in PS1 where quite crude and the same for male and female characters, how would this be handled in the next game, since the female characters are usally a bit smaller?!

Fat suits for all female characters. Done and Done, next question?

2011-07-28, 03:31 PM
Fat suits for all female characters. Done and Done, next question?

:rofl: Dude, thats hilarious. "Does this armor make me look fat?"

2011-07-28, 04:05 PM
Use the same hitboxes for both, problem solved.

They're in armor that should largely be the same anyway - In that regard PS1 dealt with the female characters well.

2011-07-28, 04:06 PM
Yeah, as long as they're pretty much the same size with the same hit bxes I don't really give a damn either way.

2011-07-28, 04:10 PM

Also, there will definitely be hitbox collisions, not entire model collisions. Our PCs are not ready for the latter. ;)

I remember how people would play with female characters in Quake 2 to be harder to hit... :)

2011-07-28, 04:42 PM
Yeah, as long as they're pretty much the same size with the same hit bxes I don't really give a damn either way.


Anybody know if character customization will be increased at all? Maybe something similar to the BR24 headgear?

2011-07-28, 04:53 PM

Anybody know if character customization will be increased at all? Maybe something similar to the BR24 headgear?

"Customization" is one thing the devs have repeated quite a bit, so yeah, the level of customization is sounding like it will be pretty deep. So we got that going for us, which is nice.

2011-07-28, 04:56 PM
"Customization" is one thing the devs have repeated quite a bit, so yeah, the level of customization is sounding like it will be pretty deep. So we got that going for us, which is nice.

I'd personally like more options available at the beginning, and unlock more as you progress, but thats getting off-topic.

Bring in fem characters, even though I don't understand the pleasure a guy gets from playing a woman.

2011-07-28, 05:03 PM
Bring in fem characters, even though I don't understand the pleasure a guy gets from playing a woman.

Yeah, I can see it in a 3rd person game since you have to decide whose butt you will be looking at the entire game, but for a 1st person shooter? Yeah, I'm with you, don't see much of a point, but to each their own.

2011-07-28, 05:53 PM
What if in the rare event we can look down and *gasp* have full body awareness. *Thinks back to the Tribes days...*

I'd love to see my armor break apart as I suffer more damage too... erm... as either sex mind you.

I miss that about Tribes 2. It was always cool to come out of a fight looking like I had just come out of a fight.

2011-07-28, 06:28 PM
Did you ever notice in Star Wars how, with the exception of two characters (Vader and one of the admiral/general types), anyone who was with the Empire was speaking with a British accent?

Star Wars was so chock full of steretyping... it's not even worth really getting into. The newer movies were much worse though, the jamaican/blackface comic relief, the hard selling arab *** on tatooine, the corporate yellow-menace traders blockade.

George Lucas is such a... *facepalm* ... uuuggh

I REEALLY don't think we need to map the three empires to current racial divisions in our own fucked up world, better science fiction can often come from unexpected points of relation.

Also, as much as i like boobies... and think that the ditzy blond "GREEETZ!!" voice macro is awesome, it's also refreshing to have female stereotypes in check too.

2011-07-28, 06:37 PM
Star Wars was so chock full of steretyping... it's not even worth really getting into. The newer movies were much worse though, the jamaican/blackface comic relief, the hard selling arab *** on tatooine, the corporate yellow-menace traders blockade.

George Lucas is such a... *facepalm* ... uuuggh

I REEALLY don't think we need to map the three empires to current racial divisions in our own fucked up world, better science fiction can often come from unexpected points of relation.

Also, as much as i like boobies... and think that the ditzy blond "GREEETZ!!" voice macro is awesome, it's also refreshing to have female stereotypes in check too.

Real life is politically correct as it is. I don't want it anywhere near my vidya games.

2011-07-28, 08:11 PM
Yes, because blatant racial stereotyping has a place anywhere?

As much as I love Star Wars (and it extends to scifi and fantasy in general), you've got to admit the way most alien species are portrayed as being sort of homogeneous in temperament and so on is not far from simply being fantastic-racism.

At any rate, I don't want to have a british accent simply because I'm VS just as much as I don't want to be 'murican as NC. Sure let people pick those things. But keep the faction differences to the equipment and so on.

2011-07-28, 08:16 PM

Heads will roll if I don't have access to this voice macro.

2011-07-28, 10:30 PM
I doubt it will be that big of a selling point considering this game isn't one that really allows you to have the girls wearing bikini armor.
Bikini armor? No. Infiltrator spandex? YES!

Wait, what were we talking about?

2011-07-28, 11:19 PM
I imagine the item shop will have a lot of those kinds of choices for the characters. Not sure if the same people that play dress-up games are into an MMOFPS game though. Maybe the cross-over of players is larger than I'm imagining.

Having unrealistic armor really doesn't bother me as long as I can still tell what type it is. Like if someone has a fancy max suit skin I'll be able to tell. I just don't want rexo female outfits to look like agile. Gets confusing.

Also I can't wait for someone to pay for an upgraded cloaker outfit. "Looks nice with darklight on" :P

2011-07-28, 11:52 PM
I loved that PS actually included women, something few FPSs, even ones that aren't serious, do. I also loved that the women were treated with respect, had realistic bodies, and wore the same armor as the guys do, and not chainmail bikinis.

Tbh, SOE has always been decent about portraying women. SWG, EQ, EQ2, PS, etc.. None of them really go for the barbie doll look, and if a chick is wearing armor, it looks like actual armor(Notable exception being the eq1 cover art.. but hey, thats a robe! The armors looked like armors).

I don't expect them to change this.

2011-07-29, 12:49 AM
Why would they NOT be? That's like asking if there will be guns in PS2.


2011-07-29, 03:40 AM
Why would they NOT be? That's like asking if there will be guns in PS2.

Development costs, for one thing. Also, no one minds the sausagefests in CoD, BF etc, so there's no real need to dedicate resources into creating twice as many models, animations and customizations.

2011-07-29, 04:34 AM
Development costs, for one thing. Also, no one minds the sausagefests in CoD, BF etc, so there's no real need to dedicate resources into creating twice as many models, animations and customizations.

Looking at the Brink Stink when it came to the fairer sex, there are enough ladies and dudes that roll switch that it may be worth it from a general player satisfaction standpoint.

2011-07-29, 06:16 AM
Maybe PS2 can attract the females disenchanted from xbloxlive? Hopefully, we need more soldiers.

2011-07-29, 09:42 AM
Not that many women play FPS games, unfortunately. Still, diversity, even it it's guys playing as chicks, is always welcome. :)

2011-07-29, 09:52 AM
Considering CODs and BFs sell tens of millions I think theres more female FPS players than Planetside 1 players.

2011-07-29, 10:18 AM
Not that many women play FPS games, unfortunately.
More than you'd think.

2011-07-29, 12:20 PM
Not that many women play FPS games, unfortunately. Still, diversity, even it it's guys playing as chicks, is always welcome. :)

True, but the ones that do are pretty sweet. I was with a chic one time, only thing we did more than spend time in the sack was playing black-ops together. She was a keeper.

On a more serious note,

If they do have chics in PS2 (i think they will), they need to make a balance between beefy armor and knowing that a chic is wearing it. I mean, whats the point of playing a chic character if your chesticles get all covered up and she has the profile of a dude?

As for hitboxing, just give 'em tig ol bitties, the increased funbag hitbox compensates for the more slender profile.

Also, to address the comment of not wanting bad publicity, which was mentioned in reference to racial stereotyping. Ever heard of "any publicity is good publicity", because we are at that point. Our target audience is like 95% men, so if PS2 made the news for coming under fire by some crazy feminist group due to outrageously accentuated, large, firm, sexy, awesome sweater puppets; that wouldnt be a bad thing. Then after a few months they could reduce them in size (but maintain perkiness) to please the crazy feminist cult and hopefully keep the publicity (i mean they cant take it back).

2011-07-29, 12:25 PM
"any publicity is good publicity"
It isn't.

2011-07-29, 12:30 PM
True, but the ones that do are pretty sweet. I was with a chic one time, only thing we did more than spend time in the sack was playing black-ops together. She was a keeper.

On a more serious note,

If they do have chics in PS2 (i think they will), they need to make a balance between beefy armor and knowing that a chic is wearing it. I mean, whats the point of playing a chic character if your chesticles get all covered up and she has the profile of a dude?

As for hitboxing, just give 'em tig ol bitties, the increased funbag hitbox compensates for the more slender profile.

Also, to address the comment of not wanting bad publicity, which was mentioned in reference to racial stereotyping. Ever heard of "any publicity is good publicity", because we are at that point. Our target audience is like 95% men, so if PS2 made the news for coming under fire by some crazy feminist group due to outrageously accentuated, large, firm, sexy, awesome sweater puppets; that wouldnt be a bad thing. Then after a few months they could reduce them in size (but maintain perkiness) to please the crazy feminist cult and hopefully keep the publicity (i mean they cant take it back).

Shrewd, and accurate. I agree. Also, I am tired of this fake "politically correct" BS age we live in anyways. :zzz:

2011-07-29, 12:41 PM
True, but the ones that do are pretty sweet. I was with a chic one time, only thing we did more than spend time in the sack was playing black-ops together. She was a keeper.

On a more serious note,

If they do have chics in PS2 (i think they will), they need to make a balance between beefy armor and knowing that a chic is wearing it. I mean, whats the point of playing a chic character if your chesticles get all covered up and she has the profile of a dude?

As for hitboxing, just give 'em tig ol bitties, the increased funbag hitbox compensates for the more slender profile.

Also, to address the comment of not wanting bad publicity, which was mentioned in reference to racial stereotyping. Ever heard of "any publicity is good publicity", because we are at that point. Our target audience is like 95% men, so if PS2 made the news for coming under fire by some crazy feminist group due to outrageously accentuated, large, firm, sexy, awesome sweater puppets; that wouldnt be a bad thing. Then after a few months they could reduce them in size (but maintain perkiness) to please the crazy feminist cult and hopefully keep the publicity (i mean they cant take it back).

ShowNoMercy for PlayerMod 2011.

2011-07-29, 01:03 PM
Halo Reach has girl avatars and it caused a big stir up. I am not against girl avatars or women at all for that matter, unless they are required to do something useful besides cook and clean. Anyway, the stir up was that female avatars were a smaller silhouette. If you play reach you know it has hit boxes like PS2 will have. Well players felt that female avatars in Reach had smaller hit boxes. Which ended up being not true. They were smaller in actual size though which did make them harder to see from across maps. Also they may have had the same hit boxes but who is going to aim to the left of the head to get that sniper shot? You may have been off and luckily hit the head but the fact remains you were still always aiming at the smaller silhouette.

So as long as female avatars in PS2 are equal with the male avatars, not just the hit boxes, i am all for the inferior species getting blown away by me and my TR friends.

2011-07-29, 01:13 PM

2011-07-29, 01:22 PM
Halo Reach has girl avatars and it caused a big stir up.
Riiiight... because it's totally not established in canon literature (you know, books and stuff you read?) that there are female Spartans. :rolleyes:

You all are forgetting one simple fact - a number of males will play a female avatar. A small portion of this group will also either RP as female or they'll outright pretend to be females playing females.

This is why gamers invented the term "G.I.R.L." Guy In Real Life.

2011-07-29, 01:23 PM
I like a girl with a smaller "hit box "

(I'm just sayin'.....)


2011-07-29, 01:33 PM
Riiiight... because it's totally not established in canon literature (you know, books and stuff you read?) that there are female Spartans. :rolleyes:.

No... the stir up was over smaller silhouettes and if the hit boxes were the same....

2011-07-29, 01:48 PM
No... the stir up was over smaller silhouettes and if the hit boxes were the same....
Ah, gotcha. Hmm, so what was the overall verdict on that? Hitboxes couldn't have been THAT much smaller.

2011-07-29, 01:54 PM
Ah, gotcha. Hmm, so what was the overall verdict on that? Hitboxes couldn't have been THAT much smaller.

They werent smaller hitboxes at all according to bungie. The silhouettes were definitely slimmer though. For example if you were snipping a female avatar and you aimed to the left of the body into the air it would still register a hit. Im not sure how far off the body or head it would be, probably not by much, but they did say hit boxes were the same for both female and male just not the silhouettes.

2011-07-29, 02:18 PM
More than you'd think.

I know what I'm talking about, so it's neither more or less than what I'd think. ;) I know that a fair portion of female players don't reveal their gender to avoid unnecessary attention from the lonely and desperate, but still the percentage is definitely not in the double digits. What I'm getting at is that it's absotively not something that can be called a "target audience".

True, but the ones that do are pretty sweet. I was with a chic one time, only thing we did more than spend time in the sack was playing black-ops together. She was a keeper.

If the purpose of this bit was what I think it was, then I'm left speechless.

2011-07-29, 06:05 PM
Riiiight... because it's totally not established in canon literature (you know, books and stuff you read?) that there are female Spartans. :rolleyes:

You all are forgetting one simple fact - a number of males will play a female avatar. A small portion of this group will also either RP as female or they'll outright pretend to be females playing females.

This is why gamers invented the term "G.I.R.L." Guy In Real Life.

Yeah, exactly. Get into an organized group that plays a game and uses voice chat and out of maybe 100-200 people perhaps 1-2 are female whereas far more than 1% of avatars are female. Obviously the games I like to play might not be popular among the fairer sex due to gender stereotyping but hey, compared to the rather large amount of people that claim to be women there is a clear disparity.

This also spawned the GURLLLLLLLLL Gamer, e.g. people who just have bio's full of 'I'M A GURRRL YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT, I DON'T CARE I'M A GURLLLL. BTW I'F YOU HADN'T NOTICED I ACTUALLY HAVE A VAGINA, SRSLY' either because they are a man desperately trying to convince people or because they are hilariously insecure.

Anyway that was totally spurious, I don't see the problem with having female avatars - games are games afterall, people play them to enjoy them and if they want to play as a female avatar then I don't see why they shouldn't' be allowed to.

2011-07-29, 06:15 PM
The last chick I played games with removed me from steam friends for jokingly telling her she sucked at L4D.

I lol'd. Sorry, I'm not treating you nicer than I treat my other friends because you have boobs.

2011-07-29, 06:25 PM
I lol'd. Sorry, I'm not treating you nicer than I treat my other friends because you have boobs.

That's why you're not a hit with the ladies, Bagsy.

2011-07-29, 06:36 PM
Yeah, you need to treat them with no respect at all for them to like you.

Back on topic I think without female characters, especially in sci-fi, it really feels odd if they are not there. Females are like equaly useful to males (pratically, they can do more in other areas) and any overlording oppressive but ultimately good and kind goverment would make sure they use every last bit of thier population to its fullest.

2011-07-29, 06:59 PM
Women should not be allowed in combat jobs, nor should there be gay men. Sadly the second is unavoidable but from a game stand point like i said as long as the silhouette and the hit boxes match the male avatars then I am all for it.

2011-07-29, 07:02 PM
Women should not be allowed in combat jobs, nor should there be gay men. Sadly the second is unavoidable but from a game stand point like i said as long as the silhouette and the hit boxes match the male avatars then I am all for it.

Did bronze elemental make another account?

2011-07-29, 09:24 PM
Yeah, exactly. Get into an organized group that plays a game and uses voice chat and out of maybe 100-200 people perhaps 1-2 are female whereas far more than 1% of avatars are female. Obviously the games I like to play might not be popular among the fairer sex due to gender stereotyping but hey, compared to the rather large amount of people that claim to be women there is a clear disparity.

This also spawned the GURLLLLLLLLL Gamer, e.g. people who just have bio's full of 'I'M A GURRRL YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT, I DON'T CARE I'M A GURLLLL. BTW I'F YOU HADN'T NOTICED I ACTUALLY HAVE A VAGINA, SRSLY' either because they are a man desperately trying to convince people or because they are hilariously insecure.

Anyway that was totally spurious, I don't see the problem with having female avatars - games are games afterall, people play them to enjoy them and if they want to play as a female avatar then I don't see why they shouldn't' be allowed to.

Now while FPS games have much less females playin em. World of Warcraft for example is 40% female, serioulsy, check the Nielsen numbers. So dont get hung up on the myth. We had prob 10-15% females in our ps outfit so wasnt alot but they are there. In fact i play more lately with a few girls than guys when i log in nowadays.

Girls generally go for less of the in your face stuff but will often do things like driving vehicles, sniping, cloaking, CE, support roles. These less intense roles seem to be more popular than the HA super twitch in your face killers that guys often go for. Obviously this is not set in stone as we had a girl who was a bad ass hardcore killer too, but the majority arent as interested in that aspect. Somethin they need to keep in mind with PS2.

2011-07-29, 10:00 PM
And EVE Is like 5% female, I'd wager that most fast paced FPS games have similar demographic breakdowns. That's pretty statistically significant when it should really be 50/50, WoW would really be an outlier and it's not all that surprising; casual games tend to be far more popular than 'hardcore' games (massive inverted commas) with females and WoW is about as casual as you get, not very demanding in terms of system resources and it's all grind.

But hopefully times will change as they generally do and we can see the gap close, but as society is standing now there is a huge gap that still exists and the attitudes are still there.

2011-07-30, 01:32 AM
Did bronze elemental make another account?

No, I was in the infantry a couple years ago and i dont feel women or gay men should be allowed in combat roles. It is a well shared belief and it isnt because women or gay men cant do the job it is because of the distraction and problems that are created. For example sexual harassment toward women and just harassment period toward openly gay soldiers, it creates a very hostile work environment and some people just cant take it and snap and either kill themselves or other soldiers.

2011-07-30, 02:34 AM
So rather than finding a solution and trying to create equality all women and gay men should not be allowed to join?

I'm sure that there would be some cases where bullying will occur but can you tell me that bullying doesn't already happen between straight men in the armed forces?

I think it's ridiculous that no matter how fit or able someone may be that they are refused the right to serve their country based on whether they sleep with men or not.

2011-07-30, 03:40 AM
Let's hear what the girls here have to say about it?


2011-07-30, 03:55 AM
clearly, the female characters should be all naked.

Let's hear what the girls here have to say about it?

there are no girls on the internet. don't let THEM fool you into believin'

2011-07-30, 05:41 AM
Let's hear what the girls here have to say about it?


How do you know they havn't? They could be watching us... RIGHT NOW!

2011-07-30, 05:53 AM
How do you know they havn't? They could be watching us... RIGHT NOW!

Don't be ridiculous, there aren't any women on the internet.

Edit: lol didn't even see Raw's post.

2011-07-30, 06:01 AM
I think that joke is responsable for several suicides, it is just so old now! As Kanye and friends said "It aint funny anymore, try different jokes".

For example: "There are no women here because they are all picking out new shoes to go with thier bright red REXO".

2011-07-30, 07:51 AM
So rather than finding a solution and trying to create equality all women and gay men should not be allowed to join?

I'm sure that there would be some cases where bullying will occur but can you tell me that bullying doesn't already happen between straight men in the armed forces?

I think it's ridiculous that no matter how fit or able someone may be that they are refused the right to serve their country based on whether they sleep with men or not.

This is completely off the posters topic, well kinda. It does have to do with females in combat roles. They do have a solution and it is that they are not allowed to serve in combat roles. Women do see combat, women do serve their countries very well, gay people are abundant in the armed forces. One of my companies sgts walked in on a couple dudes one time... not very pretty. Yes there already is alot of bullying and rape in the military as is so thats why i support there not being any more distractions than already present. You wont have that in the PS universe though so as long as silhouettes and hit boxes are identical then Im all for it.

2011-07-30, 08:17 AM
No, I was in the infantry a couple years ago and i dont feel women or gay men should be allowed in combat roles. It is a well shared belief and it isnt because women or gay men cant do the job it is because of the distraction and problems that are created. For example sexual harassment toward women and just harassment period toward openly gay soldiers, it creates a very hostile work environment and some people just cant take it and snap and either kill themselves or other soldiers.

Perhaps they should behave like men and not little boys with guns then.

2011-07-30, 08:21 AM
If grown men can't serve with gays without harassing them then maybe those men shouldn't be soldiers?

2011-07-30, 09:32 AM
So will there be gay characters in the game? Id love to walk into a base and see a couple of guys and a horse and be like "WTF? How did you guys get a HORSE?!? I want one!".

2011-07-30, 09:50 AM
No, I was in the infantry a couple years ago and i dont feel women or gay men should be allowed in combat roles. It is a well shared belief and it isnt because women or gay men cant do the job it is because of the distraction and problems that are created. For example sexual harassment toward women and just harassment period toward openly gay soldiers, it creates a very hostile work environment and some people just cant take it and snap and either kill themselves or other soldiers.
Hi, leg. Papa-Victor here. The most vocal proponent of no-gays and no-women are ignorant grunts who don't know shit about shit. We had a saying in Battalion - if you're going to put women in our unit, fine - make them perform according to male standards. If they can survive, they're welcome here. I had a gay soldier in my squad who was terrified to let anyone know. Some of us knew, and none of that knew cared. As long as he did his job, he was one of us. Now I *KNOW* you're not about to tell me that dirty leg units are better than my beloved Regiment, but the bottom line is that if we can do it, you can do it. So you need to fix that attitude because I know plenty of females and gay soldiers downrange RIGHT NOW who are the equal, if not the better, of about 70% of the leg grunts out there. Hell, they've had women in SF for years now - are you saying SF is a bunch of pussies and that you legs are better than SF because you have no distractions?

2011-07-30, 10:20 AM
So will there be gay characters in the game? Id love to walk into a base and see a couple of guys and a horse and be like "WTF? How did you guys get a HORSE?!? I want one!".

Wasn't there one male voice that yelled "FABULOUS!" in PS1?

2011-07-30, 10:25 AM
If grown men can't serve with gays without harassing them then maybe those men shouldn't be soldiers?
Hehe. When I became an instructor, I used to sneak up on our trainees at night during FTX as they're sitting in foxholes. I'd hop in their foxhole with my knife drawn and eyeball the prettiest one, then say "Hey son. It's not queer in the field."

Oh, the lulz I had.

2011-07-30, 11:55 AM
@ cutterjohn

unavoidable, agreed alot of soldiers should grow up

@ bags

it isnt always the straight soldiers doing the harassing...

2011-07-30, 12:05 PM
@ bags

it isnt always the straight soldiers doing the harassing...
No, you're right it isn't. And regardless of who it is, there's a reason it's called equal opportunity. Just because you're gay doesn't mean you're somehow protected from obeying the rules. I can't harass a male or female soldier because I'm straight. That whole "because I'm gay/straight" shouldn't be a caveat attached to that statement. You wear the uniform, you're a fucking soldier. Obey the rules. The end. And if your leadership can't enforce policy, they are a fucking failure. The end.

2011-07-30, 12:17 PM
@ firefly

first off i never said i supported the whole belief of no women and no gays but i do support less stress in combat units. you take me telling people why women are not allowed in combat units to im the one who supports it. I could careless if a woman was in my platoon as long as should could keep up and do the job. If a dude wants to puff pole i could careless as long as he can do his part. Now i dont care either way, im not an advocate for changing the policy as well i dont support the policy. It is just there are alot of people who feel different and dont support women in combat roles. Deal with it or get together with some others and picket the white house, but do not come at me like you know about my unit or me.

2011-07-30, 12:36 PM
@ firefly

first off i never said i supported the whole belief of no women and no gays but i do support less stress in combat units. you take me telling people why women are not allowed in combat units to im the one who supports it.

Yes you did. Would you like me to quote it?

Wait, nevermind. I'll quote it anyway.

Women should not be allowed in combat jobs, nor should there be gay men. Sadly the second is unavoidable
No, I was in the infantry a couple years ago and i dont feel women or gay men should be allowed in combat roles.

but do not come at me like you know about my unit or me.
If you don't want to be construed as an ignorant grunt from a backwards society who espouses the ideals of chauvinism and homophobia then don't fucking post it on the internet. The end.

2011-07-30, 01:21 PM
Yeah i dont feel they should be allowed in combat roles because of the up stir it causes not because they are women. Hence the support of less stress in the combat units. Read closer next time. The end.

2011-07-30, 01:29 PM
You can write "the end" all you like but it it doesn't change the fact that every single one of us who commented had read what you wrote and interpreted it as chauvinistic and homophobic. I read it closely. I think you're just back-pedaling now that pretty much everyone and their mom jumped down your throat. Here's a pro-tip: instead of leaving it to the reader to intuit some obscure meaning out of what looks to be clearly-written text, why don't you try writing your view properly and without obfusciation.

Because all of this:
Women should not be allowed in combat jobs, nor should there be gay men. Sadly the second is unavoidable
No, I was in the infantry a couple years ago and i dont feel women or gay men should be allowed in combat roles.
contradicts this:
i never said i supported the whole belief of no women and no gays but i do support less stress in combat units.

So stop trying to blame me or anyone else that read it the way I read it for your inability to articulate yourself.

And in the end, none of this changes a fucking thing about female avatars. Put them in the game, with relevant proportioned hitboxes. THAT, my friends, is the end.

2011-07-30, 01:38 PM
Yeah i dont feel they should be allowed in combat roles because of the up stir it causes not because they are women. Hence the support of less stress in the combat units. Read closer next time. The end.

Reminds me of the whole deal about the mosque being built in NYC and the uproar bigots created. Many of my friends even said they shouldn't build a mosque there, not because they thought they shouldn't but because it would avoid a lot of the hassle and stress.

In the end it's not about stress, it's about rights. Either you fight for them and try and work together for a better future for everyone or you continue living in a backwards society to avoid hassle. I feel this applies to both situations.

2011-07-30, 02:15 PM
You can write "the end" all you like but it it doesn't change the fact that every single one of us who commented had read what you wrote and interpreted it as chauvinistic and homophobic. I read it closely. I think you're just back-pedaling now that pretty much everyone and their mom jumped down your throat. Here's a pro-tip: instead of leaving it to the reader to intuit some obscure meaning out of what looks to be clearly-written text, why don't you try writing your view properly and without obfusciation.

Because all of this:

contradicts this:

So stop trying to blame me or anyone else that read it the way I read it for your inability to articulate yourself.

And in the end, none of this changes a fucking thing about female avatars. Put them in the game, with relevant proportioned hitboxes. THAT, my friends, is the end.

Pro tip? congrats on being a "pro"

Im not blaming anyone for anything? I said dont come at me like you know me or my unit. You said my leadership is faulty and does not do their job. We have have had no issues with anything like this. So i said dont come at me like you know me or my unit. Anything anyone else has said i just responded with "women should not be allowed in combat roles". I do believe i even said it isnt because women cant do the job in previous posts before you started off on your whole thing.

From a game stand point I talked about this for realism to a game. Such as COD does not have women avatars because they keep it realistic. Do I think SOE has to go that realistic with their game, no. PS1 had women avatars so PS2 might as well have them. If they were trying to be realistic then no they should not allow women in the game, but thats a bit absurd because for the 2% of the pop that is women it may keep them from playing the game. So say about me what you will but I care not what you think. The post was about female avatars. I said they are not allowed in combat as of today and why they are not. I said I dont see that being an issue in the PS universe unless SOE was trying to have some sense of realism to the game and as long as the hitboxes and the silhouettes match the male avatars then they should put them in.

The end.

2011-07-30, 02:32 PM
Game Over.

Lets stay on topic next time.