View Full Version : Dev Questions (that might actually get answered)

2011-08-02, 12:58 PM
No, Hamma. This is not that question thread.

I've been thinking about a few details here and there that have been partially revealed, and had some clarification questions. I figured others might have the same "grade" questions, questions that might be answered by any random passing Dev, so here I am startin' me a thread.

PS: "No Comment" answers would also help us to tailor what questions are and aren't Kosher.

Inapproriate Questions:
1) "Will you marry me?" >SLAP< "Okay, well how about a quickie?" >chu-chuk< **BOOM**

"Was that a 'no'?"



"So jackhammers are in then?"

>bleed out<

2) Specific stat questions. Any number quoted now will almost certainly be changed by the time the game is released, so there's really No Point.

3) "Is vehicle X/weapon Y in?" They've shown the empire-specific standard assault rifles, TR and VS HA, the Magrider, Mosquito, and what looks an awful lot like a Galaxy in the Far Distance in the clip they released. And that's it. They haven't said much of anything beyond that. I suspect with good reason.

Appropriate Questions:
1) Hand wavy stuff. Generalities.

2) Design process questions. Priorities.

3) Digging a little deeper on what we already know.

My Questions:

1) Are classes tied directly to vehicles? Will I spawn as a "pilot" or as a "mossy pilot"? If I spawn as a pilot, will I already be in my Designated Vehicle, or am I going to have to march off from the Spawn Tubes to the Vehicle Pad, delaying my return to combat (something ya'll have expressly stated that you're trying to reduce)?

The devs may be considering an intermediate solution: spawn drivers/pilots nearer the vehicle terminals... They could even have a "pilot/driver" spawn tube in the same room as the vehicle pad (with an equipment terminal or two thrown in for good measure). Classes A, B, and C spawn in the vehicle tube, while X, Y, and Z spawn in that tube over there, and Foo, Bar, and Baz are in that room there. Infantry classes might show up in the "garrison room/squad bay", while support types could show up a tad further inside. Medics spawn in the infirmary? At least by default, but then give folks a choice if they Feel The Need.

2) Will the stats released on the interwebs include specs on all the gear (weapon damage, vehicle armor, etc)?

(Note that I'm not asking for the specs themselves, just asking if they're included in the "almost everything will be available" statement that's been made in a couple places)

3) Will gear-specific certs apply to all classes that use that piece of gear, or will each class have their own "instance" of that section of the cert tree (presumably each instance would be cheaper as a result... or the general certs would take longer to train... half full!).

3b) Likewise, will there be "general certs" across all classes (a health bonus for example)? I'd think command-type certs would apply to almost all classes, but is there anything else?

4) Presto-change-o gear switches, or is there an animation? Ditto for armors. Watching someone grab gear (quickly one would presume) from a rack would just Look Cooler than the usual poof-Ima-*.

Watching the Iron Man movies must have inspired someone to at least design a MAX installation animation. Step into the boots in a Special Alcove, reach out spread eagle, and all the parts get placed/welded/extruded/grown.

Out steps MAX troop.

Que the Black Sabbath music.

Wouldn't help gameplay at all. But DAMN it'd look epic.

(And that gives me an idea for another GUI Customization Thing (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36936): When X happens, play audio track Y. When I step into the MAX Installation Device, play a clip from Black Sabbath's "Iron Man", or "The Terminator" theme, etc)

5) What can you tell us about things that got pitched when you went from "PS 1 Upgrade" to "PS 2"?

6) You've repeatedly mentioned faster action and shorter Time To Kill. Will heavy infantry (non-MAX) be able to 1-shot/less-than-half-a-second kill another heavy infantry at point blank?

Head shot kill: Play the "In the face! IN THE FACE!" audio clip from the taser scene in the original "The Hangover".

7) Will there be anything other than the NC wire-guided AV missile that can be controlled remotely? Base turrets, drones (armed or otherwise), etc?

8) Moar! >twitch<

2011-08-02, 02:41 PM
I'd like a little more clarification on what they're doing for crosshairs/aiming. We've seen that the game already includes iron sights/aiming down the barrel. Does this displace the old Cone of Fire/Bloom mechanic, or does Planetside 2 blend the two in some way? If it's a blend, how do the two interact, from a general design perspective?