View Full Version : Things I didn't like about PS...

2011-08-08, 05:12 PM
This is just a simple wishlist for PS2.

1. BFR's and MAX suits. Too overpowered/crowded. Basically there were far too many of these people around when I played.

2. Flight ceiling, AA and HORRIBLE 'aircraft' physics. Hopeless as I am I still loved the mossie and reaver. But I always found it annoying that it felt mostly like flying a 3D version of Asteroids.

3. No one-shot sniping of anything besides Infils. Same with knife. Sniper and knife should be one-shot weapons if you want a serious fight. Otherwise its just another lolfps.

4. Boring maps and graphics. This will obviously be improved. But meh - its my list anyway :P

5. Weak MMO-feeling. PS was advertised as a MMO-RPG-FPS back in the day. But in reality it was more like a Persistently online FPS. Yes, there is a difference between the two :)

DISCLAIMER: Its been a good long while since I quit playing PS. I will most likely pick up PS2 if I find it appealing. My reasons for quitting PS has nothing to do with the grievances above. :)

Anyway, excited about PS2. Hope they bring back the EU server for this. I used to hang out with Ostekake's gang ;P

2011-08-08, 05:17 PM
3. No one-shot sniping of anything besides Infils. Same with knife. Sniper and knife should be one-shot weapons if you want a serious fight. Otherwise its just another lolfps.

It has nothing to do with bragging, but my infil killcount with a boltdriver is almost 1/3 of all my sniper kills. Do you really think that instagib sniper rifle is a good thing? As for the knives - there's a thread nearby.

2011-08-08, 05:21 PM
1. Won't be an issue in the next game because BFRs aren't even in the game and MAXes will require specialization, and you most likely only be able to specialize in one type of MAX rather than say, have uni-max.

2. Not sure what you're getting at? Flight ceiling is necessary, AA is necessary. However yes, the flight physics were very bad. They stated there will be real flight physics this time around, flips and barrel rolls and such. Each aircraft will feel different as well. Piloting a gal will take different skill than piloting a reaver/mossie.

3. No. "lolfps" doesn't apply to MMOFPS. You can't have kiddies running around one hitting people with knives in close quarters. Same with snipers. There could potentially be hundreds of snipers on the field. One shot kill for headshots, maybe. One shot kill anywhere for snipers? Definitely not.

4. Game was released in 2003, and the map/graphics were developed before that, so I'd say it actually had decent graphics and maps for its time.

5. Weak MMO? Hundreds of outfits competing against each other and thousands of players online on each server. Didn't feel weak to me. But meh, to each his own.

2011-08-08, 05:52 PM
1. BFR's and MAX suits. Too overpowered/crowded. Basically there were far too many of these people around when I played.
BFRs not in. MAX suits were overpopulated due to cert point expansion, but still it's a class decision in PS2.

MAX are important for the indoor dynamic and for AV to be meaningful useful. It creates combined arms indoors and forces players to make decisions about which weapon types they're using, rewards teamwork, and opens up new tactical options and richer gameplay. Basically indoor tanks. Lots of ways to curb the population issue.

2. Flight ceiling, AA and HORRIBLE 'aircraft' physics. Hopeless as I am I still loved the mossie and reaver. But I always found it annoying that it felt mostly like flying a 3D version of Asteroids.
Physics is supposedly much better, new engine, etc. Still needs to be a flight ceiling, though i'd be nice to see it raised a little.

3. No one-shot sniping of anything besides Infils. Same with knife. Sniper and knife should be one-shot weapons if you want a serious fight. Otherwise its just another lolfps.

Agree with you there in terms of infantry weaponry, especially knives, but vehicles are another story. Tank shells, bombs, and getting run over should definitely be instantly fatal to infantry. All of those you should see coming and can take steps to protect yourself from doing.

4. Boring maps and graphics. This will obviously be improved. But meh - its my list anyway :P
Yeah gotta raise the stakes with eye candy looking as good as it does these days.

5. Weak MMO-feeling. PS was advertised as a MMO-RPG-FPS back in the day. But in reality it was more like a Persistently online FPS. Yes, there is a difference between the two :)
I didn't ever see it advertised with the acronym "RPG". It was a persistent world with hundreds of players competing over the same territory at the same time that was completely free-form on where you wanted to go and what you wanted to do. If that doesn't scream "MMO" I dont know what does.

2011-08-08, 05:52 PM
This is just a simple wishlist for PS2.

1. BFR's and MAX suits. Too overpowered/crowded. Basically there were far too many of these people around when I played.

At this point BFRs are fairly ignorable. Annoying as hell though. MAXs weren't really a problem until BR40.

2. But I always found it annoying that it felt mostly like flying a 3D version of Asteroids.

This will be remedied in PS2

3. No one-shot sniping of anything besides Infils. Same with knife. Sniper and knife should be one-shot weapons if you want a serious fight. Otherwise its just another lolfps.

I'm not sure what to make of this paragraph

4. Boring maps and graphics. This will obviously be improved. But meh - its my list anyway :P

A game from 2003 has dated graphics? What the fuck sony

5. Weak MMO-feeling. PS was advertised as a MMO-RPG-FPS back in the day. But in reality it was more like a Persistently online FPS. Yes, there is a difference between the two :)

It's advertised as an MMOFPS and it's an MMOFPS

Honestly, planetside doesn't sound like your game. And can you put some more thought behind your points next time?

2011-08-08, 08:21 PM
This is just a simple wishlist for PS2.

1. BFR's and MAX suits. Too overpowered/crowded. Basically there were far too many of these people around when I played.
i agree bfr's were terrible, but maxes were fine, in current ps they are a bit much but thats because the pop is so low they become an indoor tank. early game this wasnt much of an issue, IMO

2. Flight ceiling, AA and HORRIBLE 'aircraft' physics. Hopeless as I am I still loved the mossie and reaver. But I always found it annoying that it felt mostly like flying a 3D version of Asteroids.
i cannot wait to see the new flight system for ps2, they said it was going to be a entirely new feeling, and i for one welcome it.
3. No one-shot sniping of anything besides Infils. Same with knife. Sniper and knife should be one-shot weapons if you want a serious fight. Otherwise its just another lolfps.
do not want. i never had a problem getting sniper kills, one shot kilsl would be super over powerd, espe since sniper rifles could be fired from so far away that only another sniper rifle could reach them. infil 1 kill knives? id have over 1k kills in less then a few hours, and get bored. i love the curret thrill of the cat and mouse game you have to play a knifer.
4. Boring maps and graphics. This will obviously be improved. But meh - its my list anyway :P
maps were cool when they came out, but after 8 years i could draw them from memorey, for their time they were really well done, cant wait to see what the new ones are.
5. Weak MMO-feeling. PS was advertised as a MMO-RPG-FPS back in the day. But in reality it was more like a Persistently online FPS. Yes, there is a difference between the two :)no there isnt. mmo is massive multiplayer online. we have battles with 700 people. all of them players, and it was online. that fits every stipulation of MMO, i think it acheived it better then any other game ever could.

DISCLAIMER: Its been a good long while since I quit playing PS. I will most likely pick up PS2 if I find it appealing. My reasons for quitting PS has nothing to do with the grievances above. :)

Anyway, excited about PS2. Hope they bring back the EU server for this. I used to hang out with Ostekake's gang ;P

added my 2 cents in red

2011-08-09, 03:49 AM
When I played MAX's were fine, even with dedicated medics and repairs you could get knocked out easily anchored down on top of the stairs.

I don't know how anyone feels Planetside wasn't an MMO when you had a complete persistent world that a massive amount of people contested for. If that doesn't make it an MMO then I don't know what does.

2011-08-09, 07:02 AM
How was Planetside not MMO? Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter...300 people was pretty massive for a time when most people were on dial-up.

Edit: How are one-shot sniper kills not "lolfps"? Be it AWPs in CS or snipers in CoD, one-shot snipers have always been the epitome of "lolfps" (I haven't played much Battlefield, but I hear it can be a similar situation there too). Sniper rifles are as "lolfps" as "lolfps" gets if they one-shot kill, unless landing the shot is basically impossible/sheer luck for 90% of the playing population. Landing that second shot is the challenge...that's what takes some ability (and the same probably applies to knives).