View Full Version : News: New Planetside 2 Interview on Strategy Informer

2011-08-23, 11:26 AM

Quick listing on what new stuff was said

Social Networks - Facebook/Twitter
Friendly Fire might not be enabled at launch
Better Understanding on how the Resource system works
Rail Guns!!
Several Maps will be in the game

2011-08-23, 11:47 AM
I'm interested in hearing more details on the developers' thinking regarding friendly fire. At this time, I can only assume that they can't think of a really good grief control system. Considering how it'll take less bullets to kill people in PS2, I understand why they current system is less desirable.

2011-08-23, 12:39 PM
Nice interview.
1) I really hope they keep friendly fire, however, I am curious as to how the game would look without it. Even though it takes away some of the thinking required, it may be more fun.
2) Maps are "dozens of square kms" which sounds awesome.
3) Being able to drop towers and "bunkers"! I really really love the idea of being able to set up some sort of structure other than a base or tower. For example, I always thought Dviddleff's ideas for additional structures were awesome. I know they said "post-launch" but still, that has me excited.
4) Glad they arn't focusing on "player trading and marketplaces". Might be a good addition way down the line, but I really didn't want to see it at launch. Just pure chaotic fighting.

2011-08-23, 12:45 PM
I'm saddened by the possibility of friendly fire being disabled. While it may indeed be more fun to not get punished for people not watching where they are walking, it'll be less fun to have mass grenades/plasma/etc everywhere.

2011-08-23, 12:49 PM
I'm saddened by the possibility of friendly fire being disabled. While it may indeed be more fun to not get punished for people not watching where they are walking, it'll be less fun to have mass grenades/plasma/etc everywhere.

I agree. How is this like a massive war if there is no FF :(

2011-08-23, 12:53 PM
I would really like it if they spent less time and resources towards balancing the weapons and vehicles, that is supposed to be our job in Beta...

2011-08-23, 01:01 PM
Friendly Fire might not be enabled at launch


Why have revamped grief system if no FF? Fucking retarded, everyone will just use spam weapons. Sounds like vehicle door camping will be even worse.

2011-08-23, 01:07 PM
"There are three factions that are pretty much unique - I mean they are all human, they all wear armour and have similar classes (...)."

It might just be a misunderstanding, but if it wasn't, then... Empire specific classes? :O

2011-08-23, 01:28 PM
I think grief would have to be revamped to have FF. Also, with increased lethality, I imagine a 4 shot burst from MA to the back of your buddy at point blank would cause a TK. Hopefully once they get live players on the game they can look at all the numbers and figure out how to make it work. But I'm thinking idiots stepping in front of you = dead idiots. I can see how it would suck if 30 percent of deaths in a heavily contested facility were TK's due to the back line firing through the guys up front

2011-08-23, 01:28 PM
Friendly Fire might not be enabled at launch


Why have revamped grief system if no FF? Fucking retarded, everyone will just use spam weapons. Sounds like vehicle door camping will be even worse.

Seems like their idea is that they get the game out A.S.A.P to make money and then continually develop the game after. Think of it like the game is constantly being made even post "launch". We're going to see a soft launch of PS2 soon, within the next few months.

2011-08-23, 01:45 PM
We're going to see a soft launch of PS2 soon, within the next few months.

I'd be pretty shocked if we see beta in the next few months, let alone a launch. Plus, they arn't going to release a half baked game, or they'd be telling us a release window already. Instead they are saying "It will release when its ready."

Now, they do have very large aspirations for this game with just an insane amount of open world features, and thats the sort of stuff that will get released over time post-launch. But it sounds like the actual launch will be a complete game with as many features as we see in Planetside 1 now.

2011-08-23, 01:51 PM
Planetside without friendly fire would be dumb. No 2 ways around it, and you won't change my mind on the subject.

Sounds like another method to dumb down the game for morons.

2011-08-23, 01:59 PM
I think grief would have to be revamped to have FF.

They've already stated they've revamped the grief system. "the grief system will be back with some changes"

I like this funny bit: We want the game to remain open-ended, if someone just wants to hop into a mosquito - one of our lighter aircraft - and just go fly around in circles in the corner, that's fine. That's not really bothering anyone. Yeah, he's not helping anyone achieve any goals, but it's not the end of the world.

Good news: We talked about offering 'Outfit Housing' so that Outfits could have or create their own bases, but we're not sure that's something we're going to do for launch. It would probably be something we'd have in our long-term plan.

2011-08-23, 02:05 PM
They've already stated they've revamped the grief system. "the grief system will be back with some changes"

I like this bit:
Wait maybe you don't damage friendlies and you just get grief?

2011-08-23, 02:30 PM
Wait maybe you don't damage friendlies and you just get grief?

I wouldn't be completely opposed to this.

2011-08-23, 02:58 PM
I wouldn't be completely opposed to this.

Or "FF for AoE only", or "FF for bullets only". Not sure I like either of those options to be honest.

Grief when you shoot friendlies, with < full damage sounds like a good idea to me. Zero is clearly less than full, but there's a lot of room between "none" and "less".

Quite a few knobs they can play with to get the experience they want here.

2011-08-23, 03:12 PM
Wait maybe you don't damage friendlies and you just get grief?

OR maybe the damage rebounds and instead of damaging the friendly being shot, it damages the shooter?

I havn't played many games that use this though I know its out there, so I'm not sure if it's good or bad.

2011-08-23, 03:37 PM
I like the idea mentioned earlier, no damage done, but FF still causes grief to accumulate. No one likes getting TKed, especially when they accidentally TK someone from a big outfit and now they're about to find out that guy took it personally and ordered a KoS on them. No one should have to worry about their own team hunting them down over a simple mistake, or even a disagreement in chat. Really, that's just another way to lose a subscription.

But for the most common example, spammers don't stop because they're killing their own guys: they stop because they're quickly approaching weapons lock.

People are selfish.

The only reason I'd want FF turned on is to discourage idiots from stepping and strafing in front of other idiots already firing but that happens SO MUCH in PS1 I'm almost inclined to say that FF isn't working.

2011-08-23, 03:42 PM
Social Networks - Facebook/Twitter

Fb integration? I HATE fb - I have a profile for ONE reason and ONE reason alone. And that expired months ago. I hope that this doesn't come to pass because FB is generally worthless.

also, Fb's privacy policy is shit. I don't trust them with it. Do NOT expose jack shit to them.

2011-08-23, 03:44 PM
I wouldn't have thought you need Facebook to play the game.

Just that if you do have Facebook, and really want your mum/girlfriend/boss to know you have been playing games all night when you should have been sleeping, you can.

Talek Krell
2011-08-23, 04:01 PM
Rail Guns!![/LIST]

You realize that they already had rail guns in the first game, right? The magrider "cannon"? :p

I don't like the idea of turning FF off but leaving the grief on. It seems too exploitable to me, in the sense that I can see outfits building tactics based on those mechanics and then moderating their use of them enough not to hit grief lock (which admittedly may not exist, depending on how they've revamped the system).

2011-08-23, 04:05 PM
There are a few things that irk me:

We're looking at Battlefield, Modern Warfare, MAG... even Team Fortress 2. We look at them and we think about what are the cool experiences we can take from this and incorporate into Planetside 2.

That sounds to me more like a threat than anything else, considering any one of those games couldn't really reach the quality of gameplay found in Quake, Unreal Tournament and Tribes. And when he then says

Planetside was a more slower game it took a lot of bullets to kill somebody.

like it's a bad thing, i'm afraid PS2 might end up being like this:

Quake 3 arena VS COD Black Ops. The 90s versus modern day FPS - YouTube

I hope not.

2011-08-23, 04:18 PM
Friendly Fire+Grief is a must IMO. Even if that means "slowing" it down a bit. Too much abuse of spam weapons and otherwise. I don't think the time to kill in Planetside is all that bad. Plus I love my moments of my buddies knowing to stand way back when I use grenades. I'm not good with them but they are so fun.

The speedup needed is the time between battles in current PS after taking a base. That should definitely be changed in PS2.

From the statements made about what they are working on now, it sounds like launch is much further off than I would like. I was hoping to be stomping around before the end of the year. My free planetside is running out and I need the new one. :D

2011-08-23, 04:35 PM
Fb integration?
Dude seriously, learn to post without being disrespectful to people, your posts are laughable.

Do you honestly believe they force you into it? Turn it off.

Problem solved.

2011-08-23, 04:38 PM
Well if I'm blasting away in my DC Max today I still get four people walking into my continuous line of fire. I'll be damned if I get griefed and they take no damage. That's like getting ran into by a reaver and getting grief.

And they should stop looking at TF2. Planetside + TF2 = Global Agenda.

2011-08-23, 04:41 PM
I'd rather they look at TF2 than "lolrealism" shooters. At least TF2 is fun.

2011-08-23, 04:45 PM
I'd rather they look at TF2 than "lolrealism" shooters. At least TF2 is fun.

Just out of curiosity, what games do you consider "lolrealism" shooters?

2011-08-23, 04:56 PM
Just out of curiosity, what games do you consider "lolrealism" shooters?

COD and its clones. I don't know a better word for them.

2011-08-23, 05:18 PM
Just removing FF is a really risky move. I'd like to see a compromise instead.

Have it to where whenever someone gets shot (or hit by grenade shrapnel) from a member of the same faction, that player's action is instantly interrupted, but he takes zero damage. Of course this wouldn't include movement of the player though. So if you accidentally jump in the LoF of one of your buddies, while trying to take out that guy from across the canyon.....the immediate cut off of your assault rifle is going to make you move your such and such out the way fast. Then couple the grief system with that, to keep players from using it to.......well.....grief.

I know I've seen this used in another game before, just can't remember what one though.

2011-08-23, 05:22 PM
FF should stay the way it is. Full damage if you hit someone.

Otherwise you just end up in a massive massive bullet spam. And thats not really fun. :/

2011-08-23, 05:33 PM
I like the idea mentioned earlier, no damage done, but FF still causes grief to accumulate. No one likes getting TKed, especially when they accidentally TK someone from a big outfit and now they're about to find out that guy took it personally and ordered a KoS on them. No one should have to worry about their own team hunting them down over a simple mistake, or even a disagreement in chat. Really, that's just another way to lose a subscription.

But for the most common example, spammers don't stop because they're killing their own guys: they stop because they're quickly approaching weapons lock.

People are selfish.

The only reason I'd want FF turned on is to discourage idiots from stepping and strafing in front of other idiots already firing but that happens SO MUCH in PS1 I'm almost inclined to say that FF isn't working.

Other FPS games train people to strafe and move around a lot. Takes a while to untrain people.

2011-08-23, 05:34 PM
Seems like their idea is that they get the game out A.S.A.P to make money and then continually develop the game after. Think of it like the game is constantly being made even post "launch". We're going to see a soft launch of PS2 soon, within the next few months.

If they launch it without friendly fire, they should keep it without adding friendly fire. Adding FF later on would be a change on the level of the infamous "NGE" in SWG, because it would fundamentally change the way people play the game. We all know how well changes of that sort go over for SOE in an already released product.

Friendly Fire: Either have it or don't, I don't personally care, just don't change it after launch.

2011-08-23, 05:47 PM
Other FPS games train people to strafe and move around a lot. Takes a while to untrain people.

I'd believe you... if PS1 wasn't training them to abuse warping as well. And lately, what games allow that play style without punishing you via someone whom can actually land a round or two?

You can untrain strafing by taking a number from the many "lolrealism" shooters out there though: can't hit **** even with a shotgun while moving unless you ADS, which will slow you to a crawl.

Though I don't imagine warping will be nearly as prevalent in PS2 as it was on PS1's crappy code, as it WAS designed to primarily cater to 56k, not broadband. *Shrug* Couple that with lower TTK's, and strafing in the open will probably get you killed more often than not, competent hip-fire accuracy or no.

2011-08-23, 05:53 PM
i don't recall anyone else posting this, but, other than reducing damage dealt through friendly fire, they could possibly implement a single player-like system for moderating friendly fire.
Basically you can't shoot if you're aiming directly at a friendly and your crosshair turns into an appropriate icon so you know what's wrong. Ideally, the system also drops your weapon a bit, to make it look all tactical, well-drilled and stuff. ;)
Not the ideal system, won't help with grenade spam or more ballistic weapons (cannons etc) but would help with:
a) blatant, direct asshole teamkills,
b) accidentally shoving 5 rounds into the back of a friendly that just ran in front of you,
c) making intentional griefing that much more inconvenient.

And, of course, the grief system will be quite invaluable.

(...) you can't hit **** even with a shotgun while moving unless you ADS, which will slow you to a crawl.

I agree with what you're getting at, but I must disagree with this particular point. Weapons are surprisingly accurate when fired from the hip in "lolrealism" (not a very fitting name) games, even on the move. I use shotguns in every single game that has them (except for PlanetSide - the only game in which shotguns are no fun at all:P) and I have never aimed down a shotgun's sights out of common sense. I always hit what I want to hit.

2011-08-23, 07:51 PM
Shotgun was hyperbole.

Rifle use on the other hand depends on the game I guess. CoD hip fire is only accurate for the first round or two if you're crouched/prone, otherwise running and gunning you don't hit anything unless you get lucky. You don't aim, you just look in their direction and hope for the best. Can't speak for BF. Other games like Brink make nearly no difference between hip fire or ADS. Killzone 2 and 3 just make it a pseudo zoom. Regardless of ADS, your bullets spray everywhere in KZ2, and are laser tight even hip firing in KZ3.

2011-08-23, 08:39 PM
I don't see the problem with FF being off. FF never stoped anyone from spamming their weapons. People don't care if they kill teammates. It was the greif that stopped people.

As many have said keep the greif and you stop spam near friendlys and you remove TKing which is dumb. Best of both worlds. If you liked being able to TK people... well yeah I don't want you in mah game lol :P

2011-08-23, 08:44 PM
I don't see the problem with FF being off. FF never stoped anyone from spamming their weapons. People don't care if they kill teammates. It was the greif that stopped people.

As many have said keep the greif and you stop spam near friendlys and you remove TKing which is dumb. Best of both worlds. If you liked being able to TK people... well yeah I don't want you in mah game lol :P

And then you get people rushing into your line of fire and you're the one being penalised completley for their actions.

2011-08-23, 09:02 PM
Regarding FF: Seeing arguments for, no FF, no FF but with grief, Reduced FF, and Full FF. We shouldn't be asking which is best but which would limit a griefer's actions the most. All following ideas are based on PS as it currently stands.

No FF: I stand in front of a deployed tank/artillery/max he can't do anything. I can stand in a spawn tube and stop people from getting out. I could use friendly vehicles to stop you from leaving the courtyard with a tank. I can stand in front of snipers and constantly shoot them in the face with a weapon with a bright flash or stream (e.g. beamer/dragon). I could stop people from hacking a base or capping an LLU.

No FF w/ Grief: Most of the above but now friendlies will also now get weapons locked when I do it. more pain -> more encouragement to grief

Reduced FF: Throw plaz nades at people and retort when they get mad that it wasn't really doing anything to them. I can run for longer when I annoy people as it takes more effort to kill me. Grief piles up faster because it takes more shots to kill me.

Full FF: Today. Standing on top of flails, bombing funerals, and killing random friendlies who ask for repairs.

Personally I'm in favor of full FF because sometimes you need to kill a friendly. Also because accidentally bombing a friendly AMS is a much worse thing to have done and it just adds to the realism/immersion in general.

2011-08-23, 09:02 PM
And then you get people rushing into your line of fire and you're the one being penalised completley for their actions.

That happened to me all the time in PS1, whats the difference? Cloakers running in front of my prowler was a regular occurance. I even felt bad if it was a female character. :(

2011-08-23, 09:06 PM
I think grief would have to be revamped to have FF. Also, with increased lethality, I imagine a 4 shot burst from MA to the back of your buddy at point blank would cause a TK. Hopefully once they get live players on the game they can look at all the numbers and figure out how to make it work. But I'm thinking idiots stepping in front of you = dead idiots. I can see how it would suck if 30 percent of deaths in a heavily contested facility were TK's due to the back line firing through the guys up front

Maybe this will keep them from gettin too stupid with reducing TTK's. Honestly we should have the same armor as PS1' agile in teh new rexo equivs of PS2. Adding the ironsights and less bloom on the CoF will greatly increase teh amount of bullets that land and alone will massively shorten TTK's. If they also lower armor alot and add this better accuracy, its gonna get stupid. And TTK's that are too low cause this FF issue. Better to just increase TTK via the accuracy of the ironsights rather than makin everyone wear paper armor.

Sorry but if your game causes lots of friendly death because you have TTK's too low, then you prob need to increase the TTK a bit. No quick firing weapon's 4 round burst should be killin anyone from full health to zero anyway. And DO NOT do any cheap fix like making FF do lower damage. It must be FULL DAMAGE in order for teh gameplay to work right. If its causin too much to friendlies, adjust the TTK or functionality, do not cheat it like was done with teh lasher's lash. It ultimately ended up being 95% removed because its function was bad, if you cheat it you just put more bad functionality into the game. Do it right from the start and you dont have to deal with the issues of a bad system.

2011-08-23, 09:10 PM
Regarding FF: Seeing arguments for, no FF, no FF but with grief, Reduced FF, and Full FF. We shouldn't be asking which is best but which would limit a griefer's actions the most. All following ideas are based on PS as it currently stands.

No FF: I stand in front of a deployed tank/artillery/max he can't do anything. I can stand in a spawn tube and stop people from getting out. I could use friendly vehicles to stop you from leaving the courtyard with a tank. I can stand in front of snipers and constantly shoot them in the face with a weapon with a bright flash or stream (e.g. beamer/dragon). I could stop people from hacking a base or capping an LLU.

No FF w/ Grief: Most of the above but now friendlies will also now get weapons locked when I do it. more pain -> more encouragement to grief

Reduced FF: Throw plaz nades at people and retort when they get mad that it wasn't really doing anything to them. I can run for longer when I annoy people as it takes more effort to kill me. Grief piles up faster because it takes more shots to kill me.

Full FF: Today. Standing on top of flails, bombing funerals, and killing random friendlies who ask for repairs.

Personally I'm in favor of full FF because sometimes you need to kill a friendly. Also because accidentally bombing a friendly AMS is a much worse thing to have done and it just adds to the realism/immersion in general.

Aye, that pretty much hits it.

Lets face it: There arent much guys out there that would just nuke the crap out of friendly. The few who ever tried that got grief locked quite quickly.

Besides that, those new players who may have problems with friend/foe stuff learn it quite quickly. And even if you get Grief issues at the beginning, once you learned a bit, you are fine.

And, besides all that: Everyone who ever bombed in a lib to drop a full load of Bombs on a friendly ams by accident, just to notice his mistake before the bombs hit know how goddamn crazy that feeling is. You know you screwed up, you know theres no damage done yet, but it will be done, and theres nothing you can do now, and you just pray to a god of your choosing that you dont kill 2 many of you guys. :D

Leave Friendly Fire the way it is. Its great. :)

2011-08-23, 09:54 PM
I agree with this 120%. Friendly fire should be reflected upon the person dealing it.

That's easily exploitable.

2011-08-23, 10:04 PM
I agree with this 120%. Friendly fire should be reflected upon the person dealing it.

The problem still exists where you will have to try to differentiate between trolls dancing in front of FF and noobs/idiots trying to run through Rambo/Matrix style.

Keep friendly fire the way it is, add a grief forgiveness option. Edit: Make it easier to identify friendly units for people driving/gunning vehicles, that should help cut back on the accidental FF. (No more running over a friendly cloaker because their name didn't show up!)

2011-08-23, 10:05 PM
That happened to me all the time in PS1, whats the difference? Cloakers running in front of my prowler was a regular occurance. I even felt bad if it was a female character. :(

But in PS1 they take damage so they're going to either die or move out of the way. If they don't take damage in PS2 they will just stay there and you will either get weapons locked or have to move or just wait.

And don't worry, they're really men.

2011-08-23, 10:11 PM
why not make FF do full damage to the person your attacking, you accumulate grief, and ALSO you take the same ammount of damage you just delt. or perhaps a little less just for those little accidents. that discourages everyone from doing it.

edit: full friendly fire with grief with no reflection penalty until 100grief.
at 100 grief still 100% FF but you gain 50% reflected back at you
at 200 grief still 100% FF you gain 100% reflected back at you
at XXX grief weapons lock, log off and think about who is who before you pull the trigger

2011-08-24, 12:18 AM
Basically you can't shoot if you're aiming directly at a friendly and your crosshair turns into an appropriate icon so you know what's wrong. Ideally, the system also drops your weapon a bit, to make it look all tactical, well-drilled and stuff. ;)

I really like the idea of a weapons lock when your gun is aimed at a friendly target close range, and your crosshair is green... Obviously this wouldn't stop friendly fire and it would probably take a fair amount of play-testing to see how fucked it was in reality...

I love the concept though!

2011-08-24, 12:23 AM
I am alll for full FF like Planetside has today. Even if it sometimes pisses me off when I get grief because some retard can't run in a straight line and gets run over by me in my tank. :)

2011-08-24, 01:13 AM
Think people are reading to much into this FF business. They probably have a reason its turned off at the begining. Lets just do our job and test the game when it comes.

Dark Atlantis
2011-08-24, 01:22 AM
Interesting interview!
I'm not sure what I should think about "no Friendly-Fire" ..., without this the game will turn into a spam fest...
Anyway, very interesting for me is the ressource system, they mentioned Rail Guns, but I don't get it yet. Do players have to unlock weapons with those ressources? Or upgrade them? Or even "pay" with ressources everytime you want to use THAT specific weapon (similar to crafting)?
I'm also worried about the ressources at all. If you need ressources for a weapon (Rail Gun), but your faction was not doing good in the last time and you have less ground, you have less ressources... which leads to the most basic weapon with the lowest damage output?

2011-08-24, 02:04 AM
Why not have it so friendly bullets take very very little damage from your faction like 2% of health or something like that, but you get a large amounts of grief...

2011-08-24, 02:49 AM
I am alll for full FF like Planetside has today. Even if it sometimes pisses me off when I get grief because some retard can't run in a straight line and gets run over by me in my tank. :)

Back before pedestrian grief, you'd get people standing in front of vehicles all the time and drivers getting locked. Not even out of malice, just pure fußgänger stupidity. Adding grief to the people getting hit did more to make them get the f out of the way than dying ever did.

2011-08-24, 04:32 AM
I dont understand why anyone would change FF, it was fine in PS1, with the grief system you had to be aware what you are shooting.

It was perfect, why change?

2011-08-24, 04:52 AM
why not make FF do full damage to the person your attacking, you accumulate grief, and ALSO you take the same ammount of damage you just delt. or perhaps a little less just for those little accidents. that discourages everyone from doing it.

edit: full friendly fire with grief with no reflection penalty until 100grief.
at 100 grief still 100% FF but you gain 50% reflected back at you
at 200 grief still 100% FF you gain 100% reflected back at you
at XXX grief weapons lock, log off and think about who is who before you pull the trigger

Getting hit yourself if some idiot runs in front of your cone of fire is just stupid. If you've ever played mount & blade warband online you'd know you suggestion is just... not good :)

2011-08-24, 10:21 AM
I really like the idea of a weapons lock when your gun is aimed at a friendly target close range, and your crosshair is green... Obviously this wouldn't stop friendly fire and it would probably take a fair amount of play-testing to see how fucked it was in reality...

I love the concept though!

It's the guy who's too careless, or just too gungho to pay attention to what his teammates behind him are doing that causes FF to happen. That's why HE should be the one being penalized, having his weapon locked until he moves out of the LoF.

But still have some kind of grief for a shooter who's doing it too frequently.

2011-08-24, 11:47 AM
why not make FF do full damage to the person your attacking, you accumulate grief, and ALSO you take the same ammount of damage you just delt. or perhaps a little less just for those little accidents. that discourages everyone from doing it.

edit: full friendly fire with grief with no reflection penalty until 100grief.
at 100 grief still 100% FF but you gain 50% reflected back at you
at 200 grief still 100% FF you gain 100% reflected back at you
at XXX grief weapons lock, log off and think about who is who before you pull the trigger

I like this idea, but the average PS player has about 100 grief constantly, wether it be from killing terms so other factions do use them (like when defending an interlink, first thing u do when the are in the CY is blow top terms and vpad). Why should i get penalized for doing something that helps my empire?

What u suggest is an Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth. Which we all know leaves us a bunch of dead, blind, toothless players. As much as i would love to see this, it would do more harm than good.

p.s. weapons lock doesnt count down when your offline :)

2011-08-24, 11:51 AM
I haven't had over 100 grief in years. But then of course I don't shoot teammates so...

2011-08-24, 12:11 PM
Yeah, apart from the rare exception, if you get weapons lock, you deserve it. I'm sure there is room for improvement in the grief system, but overall it works great. Thats IF we have FF in PS2 of course.

2011-08-24, 03:01 PM
I haven't had over 100 grief in years. But then of course I don't shoot teammates so...

damn do you even fire your gun?

2011-08-24, 03:54 PM
You guys seem to be missing the real problem, they have TTK's too low so even a few stray bullets will kill or dam near kill someone. They arent takin into account the scale of PS2's combat when workin on the TTK. If its too low for FF, its too low period.

You cant cheat it with lower damage or no damage to friendlies, as its not only stupid and lame, but causes a ton of other side effects in bad gameplay and you'll end up with countless more bandaid solutions to fix the problems it causes, which in turn cause more. It must be left at full 100% FF damage.

They need to work on the TTK and the FF issue will be fine, make it appropriate for a game of this size, TTK like that of BF wont work, it has to be longer. Nor will direct comparisons with PS1 work since that game also had much lower weapon accuracy which were a big contributor to longer TTK's.

Its really only half armor/bullet damage. The other half is weapon accuracy when it comes to real world TTK. Shoot a dummy in vr, it dies stupid fast, you just dont hit your target nearly as often with the inaccuracy of weapons in real combat in PS1, that wont be nearly the case in PS2. In other words if you had the same weapon damage and armor values, but moved em to PS2, the greatly increased accuracy and hit detection alone would mean a huge reduction in TTK just simply due to you landing alot more bullets on average, i would bet anything that accuracy alone from just ironsights that dont bloom plus better net code (hit detection) would drop it by dam near half when it comes to MA rifles.

2011-08-24, 04:57 PM
damn do you even fire your gun?

Yes, I do. Quite frequently too.


My last few sessions. On one of them I got a few grief points for being run over and that was it. I think I got around 20 - 30 on my VS but that's due to the orbs being slower than bullets.

It's all about the situation awareness.

2011-08-24, 06:52 PM
You guys seem to be missing the real problem, they have TTK's too low so even a few stray bullets will kill or dam near kill someone. They arent takin into account the scale of PS2's combat when workin on the TTK. If its too low for FF, its too low period.

I don't know if I neccessarily buy that. I think the TTK is so long is PS now that there is room to lower it. If an enemy has a doorway well covered, you're going to get ganked as soon as you walk in already. Does that mean we need to increase the TTK? No way.

Now if you are basing your opinion on a point blank HA v HA hallway duel, the TTK is already fairly quick, but as soon as you get any sort of distance at all, especially for MA, well that TTK goes up drastically. For example, just look at how long it takes to kill someone at maximum MA range.

Bottom line, we are all guessing at this point, but I have confidence that this is the exact thing that they will be looking at in beta besides fixing all the bugs. So I'm not gonna worry.

2011-08-25, 02:52 AM
Has it occurred to anyone that during an interview things can be said with a double purpose? Not just to inform the planetside community, but also to see the initial responses from the community itself.

Pretty sure this is one of them.

Matthew Higby: Friendly-fire is still something we're working out - the original Planetside had friendly-fire, we have friendly-fire on currently, but we're not entirely sure it will be in at launch. Right now we're iterating on the mechanics for weapons and vehicles.

The majority of this thread is hung up on friendly fire and with good reason.

2011-08-25, 03:13 AM
Has it occurred to anyone that during an interview things can be said with a double purpose? Not just to inform the planetside community, but also to see the initial responses from the community itself.

Pretty sure this is one of them.

The majority of this thread is hung up on friendly fire and with good reason.

While true, some form of testing would still be required. Just reading this forum, one would think nearly everyone wants Planetside 2 to play practically like Planetside 1, just with the Forgelight engine.

The problem is I don't think we're getting much of the opinions of players new to Planetside, just the old breed stuck in their ways, and the old breed looking forward to NOT repeating the current model of Planetside that obviously isn't doing nearly as well as it used to when UT, Quake 3, and Tribes 2 were the standard in FPS gaming. SOE has to consider the unknowing, fresh-faced demographic that is the CoD generation.

2011-08-25, 03:20 AM
I like how the friendly fire works now in PS1. I think its just ridiculus to be able to spam fire without worrying about hitting friendlies. This would be a huge gameplay change for the worst. There is no reason to dumb down the gameplay for some moron who cant check his fire. Let them grief their way to weapons lock. They will eventually learn or they wont get to shoot anything. They can then take their ADHD butts to some other game.

2011-08-25, 08:13 AM
The problem is I don't think we're getting much of the opinions of players new to Planetside, just the old breed stuck in their ways, and the old breed looking forward to NOT repeating the current model of Planetside that obviously isn't doing nearly as well as it used to when UT, Quake 3, and Tribes 2 were the standard in FPS gaming. SOE has to consider the unknowing, fresh-faced demographic that is the CoD generation.

While I agree to an extent what you are saying here, SOE devs did state that they will be listening to the community more this time around. They said they didn't listen to the community the first time and are turning over a new leaf. A post by one of the PS community relations guys on the PS forums wrote this in a thread the other day which gives me hope that this is actually true:

From: What happened to our regular Developer update? (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000028060)

I would love some info about outfit features. How many outfit ranks will be allowed?

Perhaps you should start a new thread about that and include some features you would like to see. Once there are other player feedback and suggestions I'll forward that information along.

2011-08-25, 08:53 AM
Seems like a lot of people think the current grief system wouldn't work. This makes no sense. It would be exactly the same. You are not punished for killing people. It's somehow based on how much you hurt the person. It seems to give different amounts of grief for different things. You can OS 10+ friendlies and only get like 60 grief for it, but if you kill that many people with a suppressor you are going to be in the hundreds. So all it would really need is some light tweaking.

What they are probably thinking about, is how the current model doesn't actually stop grief. Just earlier today, there was some fruit-cake VS who logged onto NC, got into a scat-max and went on a team-killing spree. How is the system supposed to know that that was intentional, and not some sort of accident? Or that he was really trying to defend himself? We can also use the cloaker/tank example. Did the cloaker run in-front of the tank, or did the tank run over the cloaker? Was it an accident or was it intentional? To get this right is not a simple task.

2011-08-25, 09:25 AM
Grief amounts accumulate depending on how many times you produced grief points for yourself in short span of time. So for instance if I hit a friendly once I'll get 10 GP but if I do it again not long after I'll get 20 GP. And it continues to accumulate like that unless you stop getting GP for a given time period.

2011-08-25, 12:47 PM
PS is a tactical, real world war simulator in my view, the closest any game has really came(esp when including the size of the fights/variety). It would be whole heartly stoopid to not include this mechanic.


Also: PS2 for 2011 PLEASE!

Raka Maru
2011-08-28, 07:20 PM
Griefing players should me "MARKED" with some kind of halo that shows other characters in the empire that he is a griefer when he hits a certain level. Maybe put a dark cloud on them and change their avatar to a sad face and put chains on his arms not allowing him to hold a weapon, but only support devices.

This would put a shame factor on the griefer and empire members can throw rotten fruit at them from time to time.

The current PS1 grief system works fine however. I've seen someone just stand at an exit door and we had to kill him just to get past. It's necessary at times to TK. I hate getting randomly run over by tanks from behind when a stealther, or shot because they didn't see my name, but it didn't cause me much trouble except I had to respawn, but that person got the grief for shooting me, but we both got it for getting run over.

I think the system is good as is, but add some fun things we are allowed to do to griefers as well as penalizing them.

Raka Maru
2011-08-28, 07:33 PM
As for the other info in the thread...

Structure placements sound cool. It would be like the RTS's where you can set up bunkers etc... but who would be allowed to do this? Commanders?

I've played EVE Online and the vastness of the differences of resources for players is a big concern. How would a newbie with starter resources compete with player who has billions of credits handle this? Is the team going to get the resources? The empire? Can I play as solo and still do these things? Will I have to buy a good tank or settle for "stock"?

I loved PS1 because we were all relatively "equal" in that I just grab my weapons layout and went back to battle. Will I have to grind so I can even compete with the "133t" players that are on all day long while I can only play passively because of work?

I'm sure these questions will be answered eventually after beta for better or for worst, I'm just waiting and hoping they get this right.

Hoping for the best!!!

2011-08-29, 07:58 AM
Don't worry, I will be there.

2011-08-30, 02:59 AM
But you only grief me! :(

2011-09-03, 12:02 PM
Thought I'd chime up. Everyone I've spoken to including myself will be very pissed off if there's no friendly fire.

It's ironic for Higby to announce his love of competition video gaming and not include this.