View Full Version : Your mission should you choose to accept it.

2011-08-25, 10:20 AM
The problem that I noticed with planetside 1 was the fact that not enough people seemed to know about it. I hang out with gamers a lot and most of them had never even heard of the game until I showed it to them. So far this week I have gotten 2 new people addicted to planetside. Now that they have it they are placing preorders for planetside 2. Yet each day I find more people who want this game and sadly don't know it exist.

Each and every one of you knows a gamer who has never seen or heard of planetside. Your mission (should you not be so lazy you don't get out of your chair) is to get that person to play planetside either on your account or on their own. Once they know how great a game it is show them planetside 2 and blow their minds. I do not want to be able to walk down the street and find gamers who have never heard of this epic game.

2011-08-25, 10:38 AM
The problem that I noticed with planetside 1 was the fact that not enough people seemed to know about it. I hang out with gamers a lot and most of them had never even heard of the game until I showed it to them. So far this week I have gotten 2 new people addicted to planetside. Now that they have it they are placing preorders for planetside 2. Yet each day I find more people who want this game and sadly don't know it exist.

Each and every one of you knows a gamer who has never seen or heard of planetside. Your mission (should you not be so lazy you don't get out of your chair) is to get that person to play planetside either on your account or on their own. Once they know how great a game it is show them planetside 2 and blow their minds. I do not want to be able to walk down the street and find gamers who have never heard of this epic game.

While helping SOE advertise the new game is a good idea, I highly doubt that they will let the sequel slip through the cracks like the original did.

They can't afford it

2011-08-25, 10:53 AM
Seeing the original PS in Game Informer and on X-play is the reason I bought my first gaming computer. Unfortunately all my friends were happy with their consoles and didn't want to join me. I don't know anyone else IRL that has a computer, everyone just has a 360 for CoD and Madden :(

2011-08-25, 11:02 AM
Seeing the original PS in Game Informer and on X-play is the reason I bought my first gaming computer. Unfortunately all my friends were happy with their consoles and didn't want to join me. I don't know anyone else IRL that has a computer, everyone just has a 360 for CoD and Madden :(

Sounds like you have poor friends. Don't worry we will be friends with you until the others learn the error of their ways.

2011-08-25, 11:16 AM
Guerilla marketing hopefully won't be needed again...

2011-08-25, 11:20 AM
Guerilla marketing hopefully won't be needed again...

Can we really afford to take that chance and let what may be the greatest game ever slip away? I think not. Also recruit them to Vanu. :vsrocks:

2011-08-25, 11:55 AM
I've got four or five vets who weren't aware they were making a sequel interested, two friends who have never heard of it interested, and some guy completely dying to play it.

2011-08-25, 12:00 PM
I've got four or five vets who weren't aware they were making a sequel interested, two friends who have never heard of it interested, and some guy completely dying to play it.

Good job Bagsy old buddy old pal. Go have a cookie.

2011-08-25, 03:51 PM
and some guy completely dying to play it.

You went up to a random person and advertised PS2?

2011-08-25, 05:35 PM
You went up to a random person and advertised PS2?

He added me to steam out of the blue. Long story.

2011-08-25, 05:41 PM
Maybe SOE will have a Recruit-a-Friend(RAF) supported in the game in some form.

Like, I got ten accounts with me as a reference so I get wolf shoulder armor. Then I recruit 99 more and on a new contineant I get a base named after me or something.

2011-08-30, 01:06 PM
He added me to steam out of the blue. Long story.

Bags that must be either one embarrassing story or one awesome one.

2011-08-30, 01:12 PM
My bro, myself and my nephew are going to be playing. When I used to play Planetside I had about 4 other mates that played so no doubt they will be playing too. Deffo right about people not knowing about the game but as soon as they know about it they love it!