View Full Version : What makes planetside unique?

2011-09-09, 12:12 PM
-Massive fights, for the fights sake
-versatility in loadouts
-deep customisation. you can be whatever the hell you want to be at any one time. you're not stuck doing one thing and one thing only.
-combined arms fights on huge scales
-empire specific weapon systems

three of the five things that make planetside unique are being removed in PS2 because people can't learn to adapt to powerful setups used by smart people that work together on levels people can't comprehend in typical shooters.

this is bad and is dumbing planetside down to the same level bf2/cod/moh have.

2011-09-09, 12:14 PM
While I do not wish to lose the current cert system in PS the class system does offer certain advantages. With how Higby is talking there will be far more customization in specific classes that PS at the moment could never touch due the cert system. That is really what has me interested in the new system. With that it will at least out do CoD/BF in the respect. At least we can still level up multiple classes and not stuck with only one. If it was only one that I would be raging hard.

2011-09-09, 12:28 PM
The sky is falling now eh? :lol:

The game must evolve. You can't make PlanetSide 2 the exact same as PlanetSide 1 in a new engine. To be competitive in the FPS market today it must evolve.

2011-09-09, 12:35 PM
The sky is falling now eh? :lol:

The game must evolve. You can't make PlanetSide 2 the exact same as PlanetSide 1 in a new engine. To be competitive in the FPS market today it must evolve.

butthurt over my speculation as to why they're doing this much?

Edit: I would say, 'umadbro?' but the NAACP considers this racist apparently.

2011-09-09, 12:48 PM
Irony.. :lol:

2011-09-09, 01:18 PM
I'm really liking what I'm hearing about how the new cert/skill tree will work. Much more customization in what you can/can't do with it than PS1 imo.

2011-09-09, 01:22 PM
-Massive fights, for the fights sake
-versatility in loadouts
-deep customisation. you can be whatever the hell you want to be at any one time. you're not stuck doing one thing and one thing only.
-combined arms fights on huge scales
-empire specific weapon systems

4 of the 5 are still there.

versatility in load outs appears to be harmed, but the rest are alive and kicking. And its certainly not a unique feature; almost every RPG does it.

2011-09-09, 01:23 PM
Sounds to me like PS2 will be unique and have those features.

2011-09-09, 01:29 PM
4 of the 5 are still there.

versatility in load outs appears to be harmed, but the rest are alive and kicking. And its certainly not a unique feature; almost every RPG does it.


2011-09-09, 02:24 PM
p0intman, I respect you, but this is my perception of your issue. You want to be able to carry a great weapon loadout like HA/AV, while still having the ability to self repair. Just like you do in Ps1. Since it seems that particular loadout won't be available in PS2 it has you concerned. I don't want to sound like a prick, but you're just going to have to deal with that.

Dviddleff is right, the things you mentioned are still going to be in the game.

2011-09-09, 09:17 PM
-Massive fights, for the fights sake
-versatility in loadouts
-deep customisation. you can be whatever the hell you want to be at any one time. you're not stuck doing one thing and one thing only.
-combined arms fights on huge scales
-empire specific weapon systems

1. Mostly unique
2. Not unique at all
3. Not unique at all
4. Mostly unique
5. Not unique at all

You have just as much customization, if not more. What you lose is the ability to perform every single major infantry role with one loadout. Plus there will be additional things to alter, with new implants(Perhaps more than half of them will be useful!), equipment slots. Maxes get more customization. Vehicles get more customization.

Talek Krell
2011-09-09, 11:52 PM
people can't learn to adapt to powerful setups used by smart people that work together on levels people can't comprehend in typical shooters.

I lol'd :lol:

2011-09-10, 03:42 AM
Wow.. Just, WOW...

Hate to break this to you, PlanetSide's system wasn't unique (Ultima Online would be a close match), nor was it complex. Especially if you eventually had so many Battle Ranks, you didn't have to make any choices.

For the common PS1 player, these "powerful setups used by smart people that work together on levels people can't comprehend in typical shooters" basically boil down to "shove in every cert that I can use for my own benefit, then see how many points are left". Wow, this is so difficult, it's almost like math, or reading!

You imagine complexity where there is none, only to put yourself (one of these "smart people") above the "people" that presumably wouldn't understand this oh-so-complex system. Your posts scream "me>others" so much, it's just sad. :)

On the other hand, it is you, one of the supposedly "smart people", who seems unable to comprehend the benefits of a different system, and quite possibly shitting your pants at the prospect of not being able to do every single thing at any time, without anyone's help. If you've got any skill as a gamer, you will probably manage without every single mechanic at your disposal.

PS2's classes seem to be very broad, and loadouts will probably work similar to BFBC2, so you'll have a selection of alternative weapons and equipment to choose from. So it won't have the Tetris mini-game. I love Tetris, but I see no point in adding a clunky, pointless RPG-like inventory system to my FPS.
This won't be TF2, with a few extremely narrow classes, and seems to add the benefit of making room for functionalities that would be very exploitable in the more "open" system of PS1 - jump packs being the one such functionality we know of.

Just curious here, is the third person camera also a good thing? In the hands of "smart people", of course. :)

2011-09-10, 09:02 AM
To answer your question..angry tells from players when certain bases are captured :lol:

2011-09-10, 09:23 AM
To answer your question..angry tells from players when certain bases are captured :lol:

Fuck DT and your fetish for Andvari/Dagda/Jarl/Zal/


2011-09-10, 09:25 AM
Fuck DT and your fetish for Andvari/Dagda/Jarl/Zal/



2011-09-10, 09:55 AM
While I do not wish to lose the current cert system in PS the class system does offer certain advantages. With how Higby is talking there will be far more customization in specific classes that PS at the moment could never touch due the cert system.

The PS 1 system has more customization. you make your own class with whatever you want to use as long as it will fit in your inventory. The PS2 system you pick a class and they say this is what you get.

If you're referring to the skill training as customization, that can be added to the cert system of the first. You spend cert points like PS 1, and use the inventory system. Then at the same time can you can train things like they plan to do with PS2. Say you train to get a bunch of attachments and upgrades for your MA rifle, while you have MA certed you can add all those attachments and benefits. Then say one night you decide to run a tank but have to drop MA to recert for it, you don't lose your MA trained skills, you just cant use them till you recert MA.

Limit the cert points and the PS 1 system balances itself out like it was at BR20. I'd rather people specialize than have access to everything.

2011-09-10, 11:12 AM
^^^ It depends what you consider customization. I believe the PS1 customization you speak is about being more diverse in every certification, without a skill tree to train further into (a very linear training system). Whereas in PS2 customization we are talking about being more focus into a specific certification but also with the ability to train further into that certification making you more diverse in a trilinear fashion.

2011-09-10, 12:37 PM
Did you only read my first sentence and not the second paragraph about combining the 2?

2011-09-10, 01:32 PM
No, I read the whole thing. Is there an issue with me sharing my own ideas?

2011-09-10, 04:34 PM
No, I read the whole thing. Is there an issue with me sharing my own ideas?

I asked if you read the second paragraph because you explained it like I didn't understand, but just said what I said.

However I also suggested adding the skill trees on top of PS1 cert system instead of classes. So you still get your skills, and you still get to build your own class. Again limiting cert points like how BR 20 was. The old system didn't become a problem until they added more cert points.

2011-09-10, 04:46 PM
I'm not suggesting it, it is how the cert system will be in PS2 according to the devs.

2011-09-10, 06:45 PM
So I say
This is how PS 1 does it
This is how PS 2 does it
This is my suggestion to combine them

you reply
This is how PS 2 does it

You could have said NC wear blue... whats the point of your reply?

Your guys main complaint to PS 1 system is that "you can do everything", but at BR 20 you couldn't. Now in PS 2 you will be able to do everything, yet this time its not a problem? I think it was Tigersmith in another thread tried making a rexo loadout with a sniper rifle, deci, HA, I think a thumper, with a bank, rek, and med app. With all that you cant carry enough ammo to do anything with all those guns, also at BR 20 you couldn't get all those certs anyway. PS 2 class system is the same as BR40. You have access to everything, you just cant do it all at once, just like BR40. The cert system at BR 20 forced you to specialize at 1 or 2 thing, or try to be a jack of all trades and have no adv certs.

So why not combine the 2 systems? You get to fully customize your characters loadout with what you want to use, AND can train in a skill tree to get your attachments to customize your gun/vehicle/whatever.

If 2 things combine to make an OP class, make it so you cant use them together. The example they used is a sniper with the jumpjet. They want that to be light assault only. Make the jumpjet a variant on the agile suit, and make the rifle slot the size of MA guns so you can't equip a sniper rifle or HA.

Make a new toon in PS1 and look at the premade loadouts they give you... unless they recently updated them they are very bad. Now in PS2 with a class system you get stuck with those bad loadouts (yes I'm aware we havn't seen the loadouts yet). Why cant I drop the stacks of plasma they give me for a bank, or more medkits, or more ammo, etc.?

2011-09-10, 07:07 PM
I dunno. Can't really say but sounds good to me. Perhaps you will be able to do that.

2011-09-11, 12:49 AM
What I love?

The AMS. Knowing that I have reduced the spawn/run to battle/kill more enemies time to the minimum I could manage for possibly tens or hundreds of allies is gratifying in the extreme.

CE. So I can protect my AMS passively while I help people with repairs and such near my AMS.

AA. So OUR side can swagger the ground without fear of being camped by flying mechs known as Mosquitoes and Reavers. PS to me is a ground war, but I'm a hardcore bodybuilder at 260+ pounds, and trudging the ground carrying heavy weapons and armor appeals to me more than prancing around the skies in an invisible plane a la Wonder Woman. I have nothing against planes, OUR planes. I despise enemy air with a cold, calculated passion.

2011-09-11, 07:26 AM
Yes, I too loved the AMS. Was a bit sad to hear it won't be in PS2. They are going to have the GAL be the AMS now so time to become a pilot I guess :P

2011-09-11, 09:18 AM
Even if you had BR20 you still could get loadouts that would be considered OP on PS2. Sniper with jetpack? But again you could also limit weapon/armor combinations.

Ethier way their doing what their doing and we haven't even tried it yet to see if we like it or not.

Talek Krell
2011-09-11, 12:44 PM
I'm hoping that ground transports also function as spawning points. Assuming they still exist anyway.

2011-09-11, 12:53 PM
Perhaps ground transports or giving engineers a deployable.

2011-09-12, 03:33 PM
There's 5 other things I could argue about, but I won't because you still can't prove PS2 won't have any of those things lol.

2011-09-12, 04:15 PM
What Makes PS Unique: SCALE. Everything else we've seen elsewhere. Combined arms, grid-style inventory, all of it.

No, you won't be able to create a Kitchen Sink loadout in PS2. PS2 will have classes with roles. That's kind of the point of an MMO, isn't it? Lots of players, working together, to achieve something.

Classes are a little more "RPG-ish", but there have been quite a few successful FPS's with classes, I really don't see it as the problem you do. Tribes(backpacks = classes), TF, BF, CoD, etc, etc.

Forgive me, this won't sound very flattering: It seems to me that you're losing your pet loadout, don't like it, and have blown that into "PS2 Is Doomed". You've done quite a bit of rationalizing (coming up with reasons why This Is Bad after your knee-jerk emotional reaction) to a point where you have convinced yourself that you're logically right.

You're not convincing anyone else.

You cry out against the loss of the tetris-style inventory. If the proposed class system were in place WITH that inventory style, the contents of which were still restricted based on the class you chose, would you still feel the same way? I think you would.

You seem to resent classes. The inventory style is irrelevant... you just want to be An Army Of One.

ACCEPT that PS2 will make that impossible. All your objections to a foundational Design Principle of PS2 is making you sound more and more like the crazy ol coot with one of those "The End Is Nigh" signs.

Don't be a crazy ol' coot.

2011-09-12, 06:39 PM
I got annoyed that in PS1, even way before BR 40 was introduced, the build-optimizers found a cert-build that served as an all-in-one one-man army.

Personally, I think there was only one real thing that make Planetside truly unique: Epic Scale

Planetside has a massive, persistent world, fielding more units over a given land area than a comparably-sized battlefield in most RTS games. Even if the gameplay and character mechanics were nearly identical to Battlefield, Halo: Reach, or Call of Duty, Planetside would stand out unique because of the strategic nature of the battles. I can't even begin to elaborate on what that means.

Unlike games with battlefields that reset every couple minutes, have no effect on each other, and shuffle teams around, the battles you win today will influence the battles of tomorrow.

An offensive blitz can be brought to a grinding halt if the defenders hold just one base or tower longer than intended. Likewise, a virtually impenetrable stronghold can suddenly fall if the attackers take down the bases supporting it. A mass offensive can be thwarted by a covert squad suddenly capturing a tower deep behind enemy lines, drawing those players who want to "Make a difference" away from the battlefront. Conversely, a small, enemy-owned tower that gets overlooked in an offensive wave to capture all the bases on a continent, a quietly deployed Respawn station or control tower (I probably overemphasize the strategic value of towers way too much) that is ignored can screw up an empire's strategy when "Suddenly, ScatMAX! Thousands of them!" appear deep in enemy territory.

And then, there's the logistics in the battlefields themselves. The static respawn points and open battlefields ensure many loadouts are viable, instead of a few "All-around-decent" loadouts that give consistently high K/D ratios. It's hard to accuse me of being a Scrub when all your base are belong to us.

And "Massive Fights for the Fight's Sake" (Meaningless battles) was a tripping point of the first game... Eventually, people started getting bored of the static "Forever War", where the events of the day ended up meaningless, because the populations and conquest areas would be switched by the next day.

Talek Krell
2011-09-12, 10:51 PM
I agree with the above posts. Planetside's scale and combined arms nature are it's defining features. The ability to log into a term and play tetris was little more than an amusing metagame. I always felt like the supposed "freedom" of the inventory mostly just led to a handful of cookie cutter "optimum" builds anyway, so I'm looking forward to the diversity that should accompany classes.

2011-09-13, 02:19 AM
When in a gen hold the only means of resupply are either looting the enemy dead or someone leaving and coming in and dropping a bunch of ammo/med juice/glue. Sharing ammo is also important in these situations as those also carrying AV use up their AI ammo faster that others. If I can't get resupplied from allies or enemies then hold outs of any kind are going to be far less fun and much shorter.

Another example: You are cloaking with a friend. You have a rek, he doesn't. But he does have ADV hack and wants to hack a term so both of you can get new gear. No inventories means no hacked term.

I'm fine with classes. I'm not fine with an inability to carry and drop gear for other classes. I know maxes often carry reks and juice in their inventories despite being unable to use them. A loss of an inventory system is a loss of creative gameplay.

PS has always been to me about the freedom to do stuff with as little limitation as possible. Locking us into spawned with gear runs counter to that feeling and detract from immersion.

2011-09-13, 10:52 AM
I'm not fine with an inability to carry and drop gear for other classes. I know maxes often carry reks and juice in their inventories despite being unable to use them. A loss of an inventory system is a loss of creative gameplay.

Someone has already pointed this out to the devs here on PSU, and IIRC their reaction was something along the lines of "Oh yeah! We need to put something like that in".

EDIT: I just went through all Higby's posts, and can't find anything to back that up, but I'm still pretty sure a conversation to that effect has happened.

Talek Krell
2011-09-13, 05:29 PM
I believe it occurred on reddit. I don't think his reaction was so much instantaneous approval, but I think he said he'd bring it up during the next dev discussion.

2011-09-14, 01:21 AM
I agree with Hamma. The sky is clearly falling.

But in seriousness.... I can't take this seriously. I was never a huge fan of the inventory, and I NEVER thought it was unique, or a defining characteristic. It was neither. I think we may still see an inventory-like function in the game, in that we customize some of what we carry, but within limitations. I don't think it's good that I would be able to carry a rocket launcher with my sniper rifle, or my sniper rifle with my shotgun, etc. etc. But if I could opt out of medkits for more ammo, I'd be happy with that.