View Full Version : PS2 F2P article [Ology]

2011-09-12, 09:42 AM

Look like they quoted things the team said on PSU heavily to write this short article. Old news to most but publicity is publicity...

2011-09-12, 09:51 AM
And they did not give credit. Some websites have no respect.

But in other news. Its nice to see people even noticing the game this time around.

2011-09-12, 10:19 AM
Interesting article other sites actually got the same quote from Smed but the site didn't credit anyone. :\ Heck even someone in the comments is asking them to cite a source. :lol:

News is news for sure, good to get it out there.

2011-09-12, 10:39 AM
This site is advertising PS2 on Facebook. I saw an ad there on "ology.com" that said "Planetside 2 will be free".

So even if they're stealing quotes at least they're putting up Facebook ads?


2011-09-12, 10:46 AM
hah, that is even stranger

I guess that is win? :lol:

2011-09-12, 10:47 AM
Yeah, one of my friends who is interested in PS2, but not following the news about it (he has me for that) asked me if PS2 would be F2P because he saw an add for it on Facebook. Weird.

2011-09-13, 07:52 PM
Yeah, I saw that and pointed it out in another thread about ology.com.

Yay advertisement.


Forsaken One
2011-09-13, 07:54 PM
needs more beta date, less talking about warhammer. lol.

2011-09-13, 08:19 PM
Um. Need I point out that's not a Planetside 2 ad? That's a Geekology ad pointing to a Geekology article on PS2.

In other words, we still need a campaign, Sony... :)

Preferably with some alpha 50 v 50 footage. ;)

2011-09-13, 08:23 PM
It's still an ad for PS2.

2011-09-13, 08:24 PM
I don't like facebook and try not to use it. The fact that i logged on like once a fortnight, on someone else laptop to find that i've been advertised to directly about something that there is no browsing history of on that PC makes me a bit uneasy.

Glad the marketting is out there now, hopefully they are preaching to the unconverted too :)

2011-09-13, 10:37 PM
Its not directly for Planetside 2. Basically, Facebook scanned your page, saw you liked PS2, and then Geekology has an ad to lure you to their website because its related to PS2.

Not from Sony. Not really an ad for PS2.

2011-09-14, 08:37 AM
Its not directly for Planetside 2. Basically, Facebook scanned your page, saw you liked PS2, and then Geekology has an ad to lure you to their website because its related to PS2.

Not from Sony. Not really an ad for PS2.

And an article where they cited a variety of news and never linked to the sources (ie, PSU, Massively..) classic.. :lol:

2011-09-14, 03:59 PM
People that are writing about PS2 should know a bit about the game before posting things on websites because this guy has clearly not highlighted the main points of why PS2 is free to play.


Stupid if you ask me.

2011-09-14, 04:15 PM
Perhaps that's because he doesn't have any more info about the F2P options because SOE hasn't told anyone yet? That being said, perhaps he shouldn't have written the article that highlights F2P because he doesn't know much about it?

2011-09-14, 04:34 PM
I was aiming more towards the people that were posting. and the point of there been an in game shop where you buy things, as people have been posting about they would rather pay a monthly sub instead of it been F2P cuz people would buy better weapons. if they had actually researched the game they would see that they are not selling power!

2011-09-14, 04:39 PM
I totally agree with you on that point :)

2011-09-14, 04:52 PM
I was aiming more towards the people that were posting. and the point of there been an in game shop where you buy things, as people have been posting about they would rather pay a monthly sub instead of it been F2P cuz people would buy better weapons. if they had actually researched the game they would see that they are not selling power!

I really don't want to get started on this again, because I think I almost probably got banned along with p0int because of the last discussion I had.

From my understanding, those that were complaining about "selling power" have a pretty wide definition of what "power" is. In fact, if you look at p0int's post about the "Definition of Selling Power" you'll see that it even includes things that are commonly found in most game expansions. (i.e. unlocking maps, etc)

The reason I stopped discussing it is because it seems that there is a portion of the population that is already convinced that f2p is terrible. No matter what. So, it was more like a religious or political debate where no amount of logic matters, rather than an actual discussion.

2011-09-14, 07:24 PM
Indeed, F2P can work for this and it will in the long run will stimulate better profits overall.

Case and point the Arena net model of business..

2011-09-14, 08:21 PM
lol, but they are totally going to "sell power" though, aren't they...

2011-09-14, 09:14 PM
Depends on how the impliment it, they will probably sell shortcuts, which i guess means they will sell power, but if its the same as what people can earn, so what?

provided they unlock the buyables after people have ernt it, i dont see a problem.

People need to realise, F2P isnot the future, its the now, blizzard and bioware are behind the times. Why would you want to cap your income to $12 a month from each player when the income from F2P is unlimited.

I play world of tanks, i think iv spent about $30.00 a month on average since iv played, my of my guild has spent near the same, one guy spent $200 his first day "Comrade Bomber" as he is now known.

2011-09-14, 09:31 PM
I'll admit that i was pretty scared of F2P a few years ago... when no-one had got it right yet.

I don't even care if a game is selling power, i just don't think it goes down very well with the free players if the amount of energy they must put in to earn these purchasable in-game items is unrealistic.

I still don't believe they are going to make their money back off inconsequential shit that most people do not value.

2011-09-14, 09:38 PM
I don't even care if a game is selling power, i just don't think it goes down very well with the free players if the amount of energy they must put in to earn these purchasable in-game items is unrealistic.

Good point. Often enough you just would need to spend massive amounts of time to get something you could also buy. And that is quite annoying.

2011-09-14, 09:49 PM
Definitely ruins any sense of achievement, lol!

2011-09-14, 09:52 PM
I really don't want to get started on this again, because I think I almost probably got banned along with p0int because of the last discussion I had.

Negative, 3 strikes and you haven't even had one ;)

2011-09-14, 09:58 PM
Good point. Often enough you just would need to spend massive amounts of time to get something you could also buy. And that is quite annoying.

That's kind of the reason I'm against buying items. It just doesn't feel right having players buy it before you can earn it.

I admit it, I will probably end up buying something like a custom skin from the shop. But I would never buy weapons. It is so much more fun and rewarding to earn everything yourself. It kind of... breaks the immersion... if that's the right term.

Not sure how to explain it, but it's like fast travel in Oblivion. I know I can walk to different cities, but it totally bummed me out when I could just travel to them instantly at the push of a button with no effort at all. Kind of demotivated me to continue playing.

If any of that made any sense at all.

2011-09-14, 10:03 PM
That's kind of the reason I'm against buying items. It just doesn't feel right having players buy it before you can earn it.

I admit it, I will probably end up buying something like a custom skin from the shop. But I would never buy weapons. It is so much more fun and rewarding to earn everything yourself. It kind of... breaks the immersion... if that's the right term.

Not sure how to explain it, but it's like fast travel in Oblivion. I know I can walk to different cities, but it totally bummed me out when I could just travel to them instantly at the push of a button with no effort at all. Kind of demotivated me to continue playing.

If any of that made any sense at all.

It does, but it comes down to personal opinion really. I didnt have a problem with oblivions fast travel, simply because it saved me hours of annoying travel just for getting something from a different city quick.

That being said, im completly fine with saving some time throu the shop. But its important that you can still play for free without any issues. It shouldnt end like Wold of Tanks where you HAVE to buy that XP and Money boost or you just cant go forward.

Talek Krell
2011-09-14, 10:44 PM
That's kind of the reason I'm against buying items. It just doesn't feel right having players buy it before you can earn it.

I admit it, I will probably end up buying something like a custom skin from the shop. But I would never buy weapons. It is so much more fun and rewarding to earn everything yourself. It kind of... breaks the immersion... if that's the right term.

Not sure how to explain it, but it's like fast travel in Oblivion. I know I can walk to different cities, but it totally bummed me out when I could just travel to them instantly at the push of a button with no effort at all. Kind of demotivated me to continue playing.

If any of that made any sense at all.
I do know what you mean. I always find it a lot more satisfying to earn something than to buy it (and I tend to ignore fast travel systems ;)).

They have to sell something though, and it's been demonstrated that a game attracts a larger player base when the entry fee is low. PS2 desperately needs a large player base so it's an evil I'm prepared to accept. I still think they can make it work. Even if it's a bit WoTish where it's hard to run the most powerful tanks without a premium sub, that's better than being PSish where no sub means you run nothing.

The Barn Cat
2011-09-15, 02:23 AM
i bet bags has a legit farmville