View Full Version : Twitter QnA Question list

2011-09-15, 09:14 AM
Simple deal: You guys post your questions you want to ask or get asked during the Twitter QnA on friday, i short them all into a nice list, Hamma ask them (as he is the man), results end up here as well.

Benefit: We dont spam the devs, we dont ask questions twice, and we can adjust the questions to only ask stuff we dont know yet/dont understand completly. Its efficeny, boys, german efficeny, as i am a german, hoohaa.

Lets go, get your questions here. Remember, 140 is the symbol limit for Twitter, so please make sure your questions have only 125 Symbols (need some extra for @planetside2 and stuff)

Napalm, feel free to dumb all questions you couldnt ask during your Higby lunch, we get the during the twitter session then. :)

66 Questions:

20 Questions

Will the game support DX9 or is it DX10/DX11 only? (Win XP Support yes/no?)

Potential System requirments?

How many players will a continent support? Is it really 2000?

Can every player in one continent converge on a single area without breaking the game?

Is there any system in place to spread the battles out around the maps?

Hows it looking for Vehicle enter and exit animations? Any updates? Yes/No/After Release?

Based on the latest screens, will default uniforms use different color (camouflage) schemes, based on the continent?

Will the game support TrackIR/headtracking? What about proper HOTAS sticks like the X52 Pro?

Will Will SOE make iPhone and Andriod apps that let us slot and train certs even while we're not at a computer?

Will there be some kind of friend-or-foe highlighting? Just try to tell apart all the grey soldiers from 200m above

How far will customization go? A ban on wings and wizard hats aside, will there be a limited color palette? Purple TR = fail.

Will there be different voices for voice macros? This was cool in PS1, but modern games do survive with just one voice...

Will swimming be implemented in the game like other FPS i.e Battlefield?

is the enviroment totally static like in ps1, or can a tank roll over bushes, deforming them?

Q: What type of COF is going to be there? PS1 style? CStrike style? Quake (no-cof) syle?

Will the mission system (sometimes?) send faction A to defend location X, BEFORE sending faction B to attack that location?

Will aircraft engine failure and crashing return? Please say yes

Will it be possible to dodge missiles this time? Chaff/flares/ECM?

How is the flight ceiling handeled? Different than PS1?

What are some of the physics properties that vehicles can have (ground & air)? How do they play into the feel of the vehicle?

29 Questions

What Continents make a return? Old Oshur anyone? What are the names of all continents?

Can we please get some details on the empire specific aircraft? What is their role (Mossy/reaver/lib/Gunship?)

What role will field artillery play in PS2? Do we even have any artillery, now that the flail is gone?

"The weapon" or "a weapon"? Will all weapons be one-per-class or there will be a certain amount of variety for each?

will engineers still have the great diversity of CE deployables they had in ps1? Are spitfires still there?

Is CE available only to an engineer class, or useable by other classes as well?

Can infiltrators be medics at the same time?

How will MAX reviving work? Will a MAX be fully operational (armored) once it's revived (oh, exploitable!)?

Q: Do the infantry shields absorb all damage, or just mitigate some of it? Will damage "leak" through shields?

Will EMP grenades disable infantary shields?

Will vehicles have shields too? (Amp Station?)

Will there be other one-shot buff items like medkits? Stamina boost maybe? Do we still have stamina at all

From which vehicles will players be able to respawn?

Will small arms (say, bullets from a cycler) fire do any damage to tanks and other vehicles?

What's the current take on friendly fire? Off? Reduced friendly damage? FF on, but no AoE spam weapons?

So, a Magrider driver is also its gunner? Can i still let a mate take the main gun and i just drive?

Will the Phoenix's be coming back? Please say no.

You once mentioned different melee weapons. Did you mean the three empire-specific knives, or swords for cloakers and stuff?

Endgame: What keeps max BR players in fight, besides the obvious never ending war?

Can you explain how you win a piece of land or resource? Base or CP?

Towers, at least, look a lot larger. Will taking facilites boil still down to hacking one console, or will there be more objectives?

Beyond the "front line" hexes, immediately adjacent to enemy ones, will it make sense to attack hexes behind enemy lines?

How will resources really work? How useful will they be? Who will actually "earn" them - each player, or the faction too?

Will we spawn in PJs or "class" gear? Will we be able to change classbound equipment or class without respawning?

We've seen Agile and ReXO-like armors. Will the Standard armor (PJs) make an appearance in PS2, like for a "pilot class"?

Will there be any location, like a Sanc, where we can just go meet up with people? Is outfit housing a serious prospect?

How will taking enemy weapons work? Battlefield, full class swap? CoD drop on ground?

Spawning in a Gal, any restrictions like Gal must be hovering or moving slow? Worried about spawning in a gal flying away.

Will shields be class-specific? Light Shields for Agile, Heavy for Max Units?

2 Questions

Will the game require you to buy a key (1 time pay), or is it completly F2P?

Will there be an optional subscription?

15 Questions

What is a "biosphere"? It was mentioned by you on at least one occasion.

Will there be different hair styles for our characters? Can we have "The Higby"? ;)

Did you guys take any ideas from the PSU Idea Vault and implemented them into the game? Could you tell us what ideas?

What is each staff members favorite role in Planetside ex. MAX, Tank Driver, light assult?

How much did the lore change? Are all the vehicles still assembled by nanites?

Since there is no longer a sanctuary, what happens upon logging into the game?

modules have been mentioned as possible drops, can you give any info on those implants?

What's the longest span of time the dev team has played ps2 in one session?

Will europe get the same access to beta as the USA?

Will you share a list of voice macros with us, before you start recording? Afterwards it might be late to add stuff we need.

Q: When are we likely to see the official Planetside 2 Forums?

Will PS2 have scriptable plugin UI a la WoW?

What are some example unlocks that can be purchased with resources? Cert tree stuff, cosmetics, gear upgrades/add-ons?

Will there be any pure-combat ground vehicles heavier than the empire-specific tanks? Common pool 5 man mega-tanks as an outfit unlock on 2 hour timer?

Does the game have support for Dual Monitors, so the map is showed on the players 2nd monitor? (Like Supreme Commander)





ps: Extra thread to make sure people notice soon enough, its only a bit more than a day left...

2011-09-15, 09:26 AM
(All questions are equal to or under 120 chars)

Can you clarify how many conts there will be at launch? With just one cont, population peaks would be painful.

How will health work? HP? Shields+HP? BLOODY SCREEN? Regenerating HP, with the total HP reduced until healed by a medic?

What's the current take on friendly fire? Off? Reduced friendly damage? FF on, but no AoE spam weapons?

Can you give us some details on basic classes? Will there be a specific tank-buster infantry class, for instance?

How will healing work? Close-range injectors like in PS1, or cheesy, exploitable healing rays like in TF2/Global Agenda?

Will there be armor points for infantry?

How will MAX reviving work? Will a MAX be fully operational (armored) once it's revived (oh, exploitable!)?

How will hacking work in PS2? Will there be a Hacker class, or will it be open for anyone with the right certs?

Post-launch, do you plan on adding empire-specific models for all vehicle types, especially for those funky VS wackos?

What is a "biosphere"? It was mentioned by you on at least one occasion.

Based on the latest screens, will default uniforms use different color (camouflage) schemes, based on continent type?

2011-09-15, 09:31 AM
Fire, can you shorten the last one by like 15 symbols? I need space for the @planetside 2 or something :(

edit: nvm! :P

2011-09-15, 09:36 AM
From which vehicles will players be able to respawn?
Will small arms (say, bullets from a cycler) fire do any damage to armor?

2011-09-15, 09:38 AM
draep, you mean tanks and stuff with armor, right?

2011-09-15, 09:42 AM
Yea the questions will be 140 chars minus @planetside2 plus the space, so all questions must be 127 characters or less or they cannot be included.

2011-09-15, 09:47 AM
Will the game support TrackIR/headtracking?

Will there be some kind of friend-or-foe highlighting? Just try to tell apart all the grey soldiers from 200m above

2011-09-15, 09:50 AM
No offense, but asking about the continent names is a waste of a question, IMO. The Q about hair styles too.

Like the rest, though.

2011-09-15, 09:57 AM
Yeah, I think I'm done with my questions. ;) I did my best to make them short and relevant. I previously went a bit wild in NapalmEnima's thread. If I think of any more, I'll just make a new post.

Also, this is pretty useful for counting characters:

2011-09-15, 09:57 AM
Will the Phoenix's be coming back? Please say no.

Resource usefulness specifics( someone help? )

Endgame: What keeps capped players in fight?

PSU's Idea Vault --> Planetside 2 implementation possibilities?

Cosmetics&aesthetic customization(character creation)

Chillaxin locations?

Usefullness of terrain beyond adjacent hexes.



Any retcons in Lore? Guru fanfic count?

--edit-- Higby hairstyle is a good question, keep it, weed out through mine, I just went through stream of concsious.

2011-09-15, 10:00 AM
What is each staff members favorite role in Planetside ex. MAX, Tank Driver, light assult?

2011-09-15, 10:01 AM
Bags, ive been around games for way to long. I know that those devs need some entertainment as well. Make them understand that you arent the mob that yells at them for whatever reason, as it makes it so much easier to get good information.

Fire, mind if you stop editing all the time? damn, i have a hard time remembering what i added to the list already, and what not. :>

2011-09-15, 10:05 AM
Resource usefulness specifics( someone help? )

Cosmetics&aesthetic customization(character creation)

Chillaxin locations?

Usefullness of terrain beyond adjacent hexes.



Any retcons in Lore? Guru fanfic count?

Mind if someone takes this stuff and get some actual questions out of it? :P

2011-09-15, 10:09 AM
Mind if someone takes this stuff and get some actual questions out of it? :P

Go for it, I'm kinda all over the place, prepping for camping and stuff so just do whatever you want with anything I've ever posted anywhere.

2011-09-15, 10:12 AM
How far will customization go? A ban on wings and wizard hats aside, will there be a limited color palette? Purple TR = fail.

You once mentioned different melee weapons. Did you mean the three empire-specific knives, or swords for cloakers and stuff?

Will there be different voices for voice macros? This was cool in PS1, but modern games do survive with just one voice...

2011-09-15, 10:16 AM
Fire, mind if you stop editing all the time? damn, i have a hard time remembering what i added to the list already, and what not. :>

Hehe, sorry about that. ;) I mentioned in my second post that the list is final and there will be no more editing, only more spamtastic replies. :)

2011-09-15, 10:17 AM
Can every player in one continent converge on a single area without breaking the game?

Is there any system in place to spread the battles out around the maps?

Can you explain how you win a piece of land or resource? Base or CP?

2011-09-15, 10:23 AM
Mind if someone takes this stuff and get some actual questions out of it? :P

How much will we be able to customize the appearances of our characters at creation? Something like PS1?

Resource usefulness specifics

Chillaxin locations?

Usefullness of terrain beyond adjacent hexes.

Will we spawn in PJs or "class" gear? Will we be able to change classbound equipment or class without respawning?

Will there be other one-shot buff items like medkits? Stamina boost maybe? Do we still have stamina at all

How much did the lore change? Are all the vehicles still assembled by nanites?

(Asking how canon fanfic is sounds pointless to me)

2011-09-15, 10:32 AM
draep, you mean tanks and stuff with armor, right?

Yes. Thanks for posting my questions on the OP.

2011-09-15, 10:34 AM
Now it looks like Im a few minutes late, but I took the liberty of interpreting Greywolves' post as well, sometimes with different results. ;)

Resource usefulness specifics( someone help? )
How will resources really work? How useful will they be? Who will actually "earn" them - each player, or the faction too?

Cosmetics&aesthetic customization(character creation)
How much will we be able to customize our characters upon creation? How much will be locked for the cash shop's sake?

Chillaxin locations?
Will there be any location, like a Sanc, where we can just go meet up with people? Is outfit housing a serious prospect?

Usefullness of terrain beyond adjacent hexes.
I don't know if I'm getting this right, but I think I've got the right idea here.
Beyond the "front line" hexes, immediately adjacent to enemy ones, will it make sense to attack hexes behind enemy lines?

We've seen Agile and ReXO-like armors. Will the Standard armor (PJs) make an appearance in PS2, like for a "pilot class"?

What kinds of consumables will there be in PS2? Medkits were mentioned on at least one occasion - how will they work?

Any retcons in Lore? Guru fanfic count?
Yeah, I have no idea what Greywolves meant here, exactly. ;)

2011-09-15, 10:35 AM
Will PS1 and PS2 run concurrently? Please say no.

Will PS2 charge for a client AND subscription? Please say no.

Will there be a reserves like program to keep pops high enough to keep subscribers playing? (it takes a crowd to draw a crowd)

Will there be something like Stratics or an API to talk to the database?

2011-09-15, 10:45 AM
Will PS2 charge for a client AND subscription? Please say no.
They already confirmed it will be free-to-play, so no subscription. So I think we should go for:
Will the PS2 client be free, or will it be sold through retail and digital distribution, like Guild Wars?

Will there be a reserves like program to keep pops high enough to keep subscribers playing? (it takes a crowd to draw a crowd)
Again, free, non-paying players pretty much boil down to being the Reserves crowd. ;)

Will there be something like Stratics or an API to talk to the database?
Already confirmed - there will be an API with tons of fetchable data.

2011-09-15, 10:51 AM
CTRL-F on page 1 and 2 (ie as of my post) shows no results for "marketing". I don't know about anyone else, but I sure as hell want to know what type of plan they have for marketing the game. We're all aware of how miserably SOE failed at marketing Planetside. So my question is:

@planetside2 what are your plans for PR and marketing?

54 characters, counting spaces and including @planetside2 space.

2011-09-15, 11:24 AM
how does territory control work?hack and hold/llu like in ps1, battlefield like territory control points, or entire new system?

2011-09-15, 11:27 AM
Where are the Vanu?! Are you encountering issues with the art, ideas, etc?

2011-09-15, 11:42 AM
Will healing infantry require a medic & engineer, or will a medic repair armor as well?

2011-09-15, 11:45 AM
will ps1 be cancelled, once ps2 is online? or will it shift to a free to play model and be kept alive for those who may not like the changes in ps2?

2011-09-15, 11:49 AM
Will healing infantry require a medic & engineer, or will a medic repair armor as well?


2011-09-15, 12:00 PM
Will healing infantry require a medic & engineer, or will a medic repair armor as well?

If there is armor for infantry in PS2. :)

Another question comes into mind (not necessarily conflicting with Shogun's question):
Towers, at least, look a lot larger. Will taking facilites boil still down to hacking one console, or will there be more objectives?

2011-09-15, 12:31 PM
Since there is no longer a sanctuary, what happens upon logging into the game? Are you randomly sent to a foothold on a random continent or what?

2011-09-15, 12:36 PM
I think "Can you clarify your statements on Friendly Fire?" is more than enough for the FF question. We know it's been stated that it is off.

2011-09-15, 12:38 PM
Q: Will the Chinese get their own server?

2011-09-15, 12:55 PM
Q: Will the Chinese get their own server?

lol. Im sure they will. Considering Th9 is working on it over there in china

2011-09-15, 01:01 PM
will engineers still have the great diversity of CE deployables they had in ps1?

2011-09-15, 01:25 PM
Are there going to be empire specific aircraft?

2011-09-15, 01:37 PM
Are there going to be empire specific aircraft?

They alredy mentioned "empire specific fighters"

2011-09-15, 01:37 PM
Will swimming be implemented in the game like other FPS i.e Battlefield?

Will the game be F2p such as downloading it for free or B2P as of going to a store paying for the game and that's it?

2011-09-15, 01:46 PM
can you tell us how terminals work? can we still pull weapons and ammo, or just classes?

is the enviroment totally static like in ps1, or can a tank roll over bushes, deforming them?

modules have been mentioned as possible drops, can you give any info on those implants?

2011-09-15, 01:49 PM
What role will field artillery play in PS2?

Can infiltrators be medics at the same time?

2011-09-15, 01:51 PM
Duplicating some of the questions in the PSU interview thread, in Twit-friendly format. (Resisting the urge 2 typ liek ths) If Napalm gets a chance to post what he asks and is answered (or declined to answer), please cull duplicates from the following.

Is there any way to reward players for setting up a pre-emptive defense to weigh against the risk of a fight not showing up?

What are some examples of mission objectives? How granular can they be? How does the system decide what to auto-generate?

Sunderers were awesome but ignored since tanks and mossies were better to get around in. What's your fix for ground transport?

Who earns resources? If they're not at the empire level only, are they tradeable? How are they spent (per-spawn, and on what)?

How large are your current test battles? Are they big enough to decide if you're happy with how the hexmap creates a front?

When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? (okay, kidding on this one)

2011-09-15, 01:54 PM
What's the longest span of time the dev team has played ps2 in one session?

As of today, what is the most amount of players that has been in game at the same time?

2011-09-15, 02:13 PM
Duplicating some of the questions in the PSU interview thread, in Twit-friendly format. (Resisting the urge 2 typ liek ths) If Napalm gets a chance to post what he asks and is answered (or declined to answer), please cull duplicates from the following.

Is there any way to reward players for setting up a pre-emptive defense to weigh against the risk of a fight not showing up?

What are some examples of mission objectives? How granular can they be? How does the system decide what to auto-generate?

Sunderers were awesome but ignored since tanks and mossies were better to get around in. What's your fix for ground transport?

Who earns resources? If they're not at the empire level only, are they tradeable? How are they spent (per-spawn, and on what)?

How large are your current test battles? Are they big enough to decide if you're happy with how the hexmap creates a front?

When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? When's beta? (okay, kidding on this one)

Thanks for that, i get them on a seperate list in case napalm gets back to use with his results before the tweeting.

But now, im starting to short those questions, make them more clear, get rid of similar stuff and combine them if possible. Wish me luck. :>

2011-09-15, 02:18 PM
good luck basti! ;-)

and thanks for the work! i hope we get answers to some of these excellent questions! will be very interesting!

2011-09-15, 03:01 PM
I think "Can you clarify your statements on Friendly Fire?" is more than enough for the FF question. We know it's been stated that it is off.
I was pretty sure they only stated that they're undecided but considering turning it off. :confused:

Will swimming be implemented in the game like other FPS i.e Battlefield?
They confirmed that you will float (instead of 3D swimming like in WoW), which to me sounds like "we copied that off Battlefield too". ;)

What role will field artillery play in PS2?
They pretty much confirmed that there will be no artillery in PS2.

2011-09-15, 03:07 PM
They pretty much confirmed that there will be no artillery in PS2.

didn´t they say, ground artillery is out, but the galaxy may take this role?

2011-09-15, 03:10 PM
didn´t they say, ground artillery is out, but the galaxy may take this role?


2011-09-15, 03:13 PM
If FF is off, I'm certing a quadruple-Thumper max.

Edit: I'm certing a sextuple-Thumper max.

2011-09-15, 03:13 PM
didn´t they say, ground artillery is out, but the galaxy may take this role?

IIRC they mentioned that we'll have the Liberator bomber and "a gunship", but I'm pretty sure that that means the Reaver (which would turn into PS2's equivalent of an Apache gunship, which is also evident in its design), not a new Galaxy Gunship.

2011-09-15, 03:19 PM
IIRC they mentioned that we'll have the Liberator bomber and "a gunship", but I'm pretty sure that that means the Reaver (which would turn into PS2's equivalent of an Apache gunship, which is also evident in its design), not a new Galaxy Gunship.

I actually thought he meant the Galaxy Gunship because I thought I heard/ read somewhere that the Reaver is single seat. And of course "gunship' in PS1 means the Gal Gunship. I hope it does make a return, maybe with a modified design so it looks different from the regular Gal.

2011-09-15, 03:27 PM
I actually thought he meant the Galaxy Gunship because I thought I heard/ read somewhere that the Reaver is single seat. And of course "gunship' in PS1 means the Gal Gunship. I hope it does make a return, maybe with a modified design so it looks different from the regular Gal.

Ideally it should resemble the Spectra gunship, with multiple different weapons platforms on one side only. Ideally slow and with absolutely no anti-air-capable weapons, to eliminate OP. ;)

2011-09-15, 03:33 PM
Will europe get the same access to beta as the USA?

2011-09-15, 03:34 PM
Q: What type of COF is going to be there? PS1 style? CStrike style? Quake (no-cof) style?

Q: Which Classes (aka Roles) are present as of the moment?

Q: "The weapon" or "a weapon"? Will all weapons be one-per-class or there will be a certain amount of variety for each?

Will europe get the same access to beta as the USA?

Good point.

2011-09-15, 03:49 PM
If FF is off, I'm certing a quadruple-Thumper max.

Edit: I'm certing a sextuple-Thumper max.

Wasn't Grief still suggested to be in game?

2011-09-15, 03:51 PM
I think we hit the critical mass now. We got quite a lot of questions, 55 to be specific.

If you still have something to add, feel free. But keep in mind that their time is limited, and we wont be the only ones spamming them on twitter. ;)

Just a reminder: If you have any question, post it here. If you happen to just get it 2 late, look throu the list if it is already on it in a similar form. Hamma, someone else from PSU, or me myself will get those questions to the devs to answer us, and the answers will end up in the list as well, hopefully almost real time (depens how fast they type :P).
So, if you have a question, make sure its not on the list already, and dont just take one of the questions from the list and ask it yourself, that would make stuff harder than nessesary.

I guess in case we dont get everything during the session, hamma could just cast some magic and forward the remaining questions to the devs for them to answere. :)

2011-09-15, 03:53 PM
Q: What type of COF is going to be there? PS1 style? CStrike style? Quake (no-cof) style?
Ooh. Yesyesyesyes. I've been dying to know, "will bloom management be critical like in PS1?" and can't believe I forgot to include it.

2011-09-15, 05:21 PM
Basti, thank you SO much for setting up this excellent system. If the Devs answer even a THIRD of these questions, it will be a marvelous windfall of information for us. Most of my questions have already been covered (and many I didn't think of!) in what you've already recorded, but here is one I haven't yet seen:

Question: Will SOE make iPhone and Andriod apps that let us slot and train certs even while we're not at a computer?

2011-09-15, 05:24 PM
I heard there was going to be an NC only Velociraptor gun, can someone explain how that fits with the overall game balance?

2011-09-15, 05:26 PM
Zach: German effiency at its finest

Higby: Added to the list of questions. (the secret list ofc, :P )

2011-09-15, 05:58 PM
I heard there was going to be an NC only Velociraptor gun, can someone explain how that fits with the overall game balance?


Well that's easy! The TR have a gun that shoots T-Rex's.. or so I've heard.

2011-09-15, 05:59 PM
I heard there was going to be an NC only Velociraptor gun, can someone explain how that fits with the overall game balance?
Hey, look! Matt's trying to steal the test questions so he can cheat and look up the answers!

By all means, please! The more you can clear topics to talk about ahead of time, the better, right?

2011-09-15, 05:59 PM
Aye. And VS have a gun that simulates T-Rays glaze. I think we won. :P

2011-09-15, 06:07 PM
Aye. And VS have a gun that simulates T-Rays glaze. I think we won. :P

Veloceraptor Gun vs T-Ray Gaze Cannon? Even with the supposed Forgelight awesomeness, that will still result in a server crash.

(T-Rays "glaze" is something totally different and will change the ESRB rating of the game)

2011-09-15, 06:09 PM
Veloceraptor Gun vs T-Ray Gaze Cannon? Even with the supposed Forgelight awesomeness, that will still result in a server crash.

(T-Rays glaze is something totally different and will change the ESRB rating of the game)

Rated "B" for Battle-Hardened...

2011-09-15, 06:25 PM
And so now we know the Twitter thing will only last 30 minutes. Gotta make those questions count. ;)

2011-09-15, 06:46 PM
Just 30?

Matt, can we send you the unanswered questions after the QnA to get some extra answers? ;)

2011-09-15, 06:54 PM
Aye. And VS have a gun that simulates T-Rays glaze. I think we won. :P


2011-09-15, 06:58 PM

lol, All other empires should just give up at this point

2011-09-15, 07:00 PM
In the end Black Ops vanquish all...

2011-09-15, 07:01 PM
lol, All other empires should just give up at this point

Nah. Where would be the fun in that? Lets keep your glaze as our secret super weapon, and just pull it out in the right moment when all our enemys are right in front of us. Just to see them die. Some of them just explode, other may die slow and painfully, and their screams will be our enjoyment. At the very end, we just drive over their bodys with our mags and treshers, and maybe drop a gal or two into them. :P

2011-09-15, 07:21 PM
Can you describe the team's vision for the role of vehicles in PS2 gameplay and their dynamics with infantry play ?

French question: how will bailing from vehicles work ? Second life like PS1 or last resort choice ?

Talek Krell
2011-09-15, 07:44 PM
Q: Do the infantry shields absorb all damage, or just mitigate some of it?

Q: Is CE available only to an engineer class, or useable by other classes as well?

^-Should probably bundle with the question about hacking.

2011-09-15, 09:30 PM
Oh hey I got another one:

Q: Will gunners need skills to use custom vehicle weapons/equipment? Will their skills contribute? Gunner/crew skill tree?

2011-09-16, 12:15 AM
Q: Can explosives be mounted on vehicles or maxes?

This wasn't clarified. Napalm only asked if there are boomers. Make questions very specific!

Q: Can you akimbo guns or items?

2011-09-16, 12:19 AM
Q: Will we be seeing any sort of dynamic pvp events in PS2?

2011-09-16, 12:22 AM
Q: Will we be seeing any sort of dynamic in-game events in PS2?
Smedley said AI invasions were one.
Q: Smedley said AI invasions were possible. Any other in-game events?

2011-09-16, 02:37 AM
Since Sunderers were mentionned (<3):

Q: Will PS2 vehicle interface to manage passengers be improved in PS2 ? (ex: "drop all passengers" key))

Q:Will sunderers finally get ejectable seats to aim & propel passengers above walls ? (ie. be the ground Galaxy)

I'm really interested in that mounting explosive on vehicles part (and also about getting more details on vehicles hitboxes). I never played the recent BF games but from what I remember in BF2142, vehicles never had an important role like in PS.

I know all of you guys live for the intense large-scale infantry fights (I <3 <3 <3 them too) but my heart is one of vehicles crew ! I'm really curious to learn how vehicles will fit in a fight and how they can be balanced.

Vehicle wise, I found PS1 really fun; BF2142 not so much. I enjoyed both but PS definitely would be the winner for me if I had to choose.

2011-09-16, 03:16 AM
With F2P allowing you to train on multiple accounts, do you worry/care about people farming characters to be sold on Ebay?

2011-09-16, 03:34 AM
Will you share a list of voice macros with us, before you start recording? Afterwards it might be late to add stuff we need.

2011-09-16, 03:41 AM
Nah. Where would be the fun in that? Lets keep your glaze as our secret super weapon, and just pull it out in the right moment when all our enemys are right in front of us.

And thus the entire VS army was unexpectedly wiped out by a single cloaker... with a handheld mirror

2011-09-16, 04:37 AM
Hey Basti,

Can you add these to the list if possible?

Q: When are we likely to see the official Planetside 2 Forums
Q: Will we be able to buy the game directly from SOE via a digital download


2011-09-16, 05:16 AM
Here's one: is it the case that the present JH does NO damage to anyone but whoever the aimpoint is on, even if the pellets theoretically are spreading out and hitting others beside him?

If so, can we have a JH that damages more than one person at a time? If I shoot my JH at a crowd, I want to see all pellets doing damage, not just fewer doing damage to the primary target and the others mysteriously vanishing.

2011-09-16, 05:59 AM
Keep em coming guys.
Im home in an hour, will then listen to the lunch thingy, and remove redundant questions.
From the few minutes I did listen yet, it seems like a good bunch of questions is now dealt with, but new ones are in the air. So listen to the rec. :-)

2011-09-16, 08:11 AM
Okay, done.

Go guys, need new input, only a few hours left! :P

2011-09-16, 08:22 AM
Keep em coming guys.
Im home in an hour, will then listen to the lunch thingy, and remove redundant questions.
From the few minutes I did listen yet, it seems like a good bunch of questions is now dealt with, but new ones are in the air. So listen to the rec. :-)

Bags prepared a summary of the recording. It's a bit rushed, especially towards the end, but it's pretty solid and I'm pretty sure everything's in there:

2011-09-16, 08:44 AM
Nice work removing the redundancy's basti - will make it easier to dish out the questions. :D

2011-09-16, 08:53 AM
Here's a good one, I think:
Will the mission system (sometimes?) send faction A to defend location X, BEFORE sending faction B to attack that location?

2011-09-16, 10:14 AM
Okay, done.

Go guys, need new input, only a few hours left! :P

Hasn't this also been answered in that latest interview?

Will there be armor points for infantry, or just Health?
Answer: health + self-regenerating shield

2011-09-16, 10:16 AM
Here's a good one, I think:
Will the mission system (sometimes?) send faction A to defend location X, BEFORE sending faction B to attack that location?
Yes! Ask this.

Also, I'd love to see some kind of reward mechanic that rewards defenders who are in place before attackers show up. My PS1 suggestion along these lines was bonus XP and CEP for kills made inside a friendly SOI for the first few minutes of an assault. I'm hoping missions can provide similar bonuses for people who take up pre-emptive defense missions that prove stategically valuable (i.e., an attack comes).

That way, it's not only automatically generated missions that can deliver this.

2011-09-16, 10:35 AM
Will aircraft engine failure and crashing return? Please say yes :D

Will it be possible to dodge missiles this time? Chaff/flares/ECM?

Flight ceiling?

2011-09-16, 10:43 AM
Flight ceiling?

I think this was already mentioned and they said that there will be no ceiling.

I believe it's going to be BF style where you die of pressure overload if you get too high.

2011-09-16, 11:03 AM
lotta good questions

can't wait

2011-09-16, 11:11 AM

Q: /tell or /whisper ????

2011-09-16, 11:52 AM
What are some of the physics properties that vehicles can have (ground & air)? How do they play into the feel of the vehicle?

2011-09-16, 12:06 PM
please add to the CE diversity question: are spitfires really out?

2011-09-16, 12:08 PM
Picking up resources from vehicles. Did you mean player vehicles or "landmark" vehicles (vehicles there for ambiance/cover)?

How will taking enemy weapons work? Battlefield, full class swap? CoD drop on ground?

Spawning in a Gal, any restrictions like Gal must be hovering or moving slow? Worried about spawning in a gal flying away.

P.S. 125 character limit blows, I sound like a retarded chimp with autism (no offense to to retarded people, chimps or people with autism)

2011-09-16, 12:20 PM
Will shields be class-specific?

Will PS2 have scriptable plugin UI a la WoW?

What are some example unlocks that can be purchased with resources? Cert tree stuff, cosmetics, gear upgrades/add-ons?

Will there be any pure-combat ground vehicles heavier than the empire-specific tanks? Common pool 5 man mega-tanks as an outfit unlock on 2 hour timer?

Will EMP grenades disable shields?

Will some damage 'leak' through shields that are still up?

Will vehicles have shields too? (Probably)

2011-09-16, 12:31 PM
Does the game have support for Dual Monitors, so the map is showed on the players 2nd monitor? (Like Supreme Commander)

Are there Empire Specific HUDs in the game? (example..Starcraft 2 Each Race has a unique HUD.)

2011-09-16, 03:44 PM
Are there Empire Specific HUDs in the game? (example..Starcraft 2 Each Race has a unique HUD.)

There will be some differences in HUDs between empires. Don't recall where this was revealed, but it was done recently.

2011-09-16, 04:03 PM
Updated. :)

Brb, i buyed a box of cigs a few hours ago, but i think i lost it somewhere, need new. :(


Anything after this line gets to a new list. The current one stays now.
Unless someone comes along and ask a awesome question. :P

2011-09-16, 04:12 PM

How is adjustment of global population,if bad pop balance?

Can we change voice macro keybinds ? (e.g. voice macro Help:VVV ->BBB)

2011-09-18, 04:51 AM
lol, All other empires should just give up at this point

Honestly, though, I think T Ray really prefers all Empire to look equally sexy. Can't be thinkin he all purple-minded now as an artist and stuff, can we? :P

2011-09-18, 07:56 AM
LOL, the NC/TR players on the dev team have to hold down T-Ray and make him work on their models in-game and make sure he's not gimping them :P