View Full Version : Cockpit Views

2011-09-17, 11:53 AM
Was anything ever said about this? A detailed cockpit view for drivers would be a very nice feature.

Do you prefer PS1 style, just a crosshair, or would you want a HUD/cockpit type of view?

Talek Krell
2011-09-17, 11:58 AM
I would be all for detailed vehicle cockpits. Probably my favorite representation of vehicles, at least visually, is the Red Orchestra series where they actually model the interior and you look at the world through viewports and periscopes.


2011-09-17, 12:19 PM
They aren't including vehicle entrance animations so don't count on it.

2011-09-17, 12:37 PM
Rewatch the trailer, they have a first person view from a magrider and it is the same as the old tank first person views, just a camera with a HUD on it.

Maybe the buggies will have cockpits like they did in PS 1

2011-09-17, 01:52 PM
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of interior cockpit views. Sure, it adds alot of realism and immersion, but for me all that stuff is just in the way.

2011-09-17, 03:04 PM
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of interior cockpit views. Sure, it adds alot of realism and immersion, but for me all that stuff is just in the way.
Which I view as a positive, if the cockpit is enforced. I like things like "visibility" and "blind spots" to be balancing factors.

2011-09-17, 03:18 PM
They said in the Twitter Q/A session that every vehicle will have a unique HUD, I presume they will be overlays like that VS vehicle (magrider?) in the teaser had, don't expect a DCS-quality cockpit >_>

2011-09-17, 03:34 PM
I don't care at all. Detailed cockpits obstruct my vision more.

A first person view maybe the gun you're using in the screen would suffice for me.

2011-09-17, 03:53 PM
Which I view as a positive, if the cockpit is enforced. I like things like "visibility" and "blind spots" to be balancing factors.

I see what you are saying, but everything-outside-of-my-monitor is enough of a blind spot for me.

Talek Krell
2011-09-17, 05:36 PM
I love the cockpits for the immersion bit, but I'd settle for having the viewpoint of like a periscope camera on top maybe. I hate having to turn the whole vehicle to look in a direction is what it is.

That's why RO was especially nice. It wasn't just "here's a bunch of shit so it looks like you're in a vehicle", you could turn your head and look out different viewports without having to shift the front armor of your tank.

2011-09-17, 05:42 PM
I love the cockpits for the immersion bit, but I'd settle for having the viewpoint of like a periscope camera on top maybe. I hate having to turn the whole vehicle to look in a direction is what it is.

That's why RO was especially nice. It wasn't just "here's a bunch of shit so it looks like you're in a vehicle", you could turn your head and look out different viewports without having to shift the front armor of your tank.

Yeah, I'm sort of thinking of a system like BF2 where you would hold control and could turn your head in any direction.

2011-09-17, 06:16 PM
Maybe they could do something like in BF:BC2 for example:


2011-09-17, 06:28 PM
If they run out of things to do before the game is released sure... this would be a great addition to the immersion level.

I'd love to be able to look around in a reavers cockpit or maybe over my shoulder during a dogfight.

But I can live without it.

2011-09-17, 06:29 PM
Maybe they could do something like in BF:BC2 for example:


I'm 200% sure that they will. :)

2011-09-17, 07:15 PM
I'd love to be able to look around in a reavers cockpit or maybe over my shoulder during a dogfight.

This. I want to be able to look around from my reaver without turning, it would bee invaluable

2011-09-17, 07:17 PM
Am the only one who is against cockpit views? I guess all you guys love the cock..........................pitview.

Really wanted to use that one

2011-09-17, 07:29 PM
Maybe they could do something like in BF:BC2 for example:


Hopefully without an annoying shader though.

2011-09-18, 06:00 AM
Yeah, i was more talking about the borders of the screen. So it feels like you are in a actual tank, but that way the dev team doesn't have to recreate an entire cockpit. And yeah they dont have to put those shaders in. I especially hated those in the russian T-80 tank in BFBC2.

However a cockpit view for airplanes would be awesome.