View Full Version : News: Tempest (mini Gauss)

2012-02-10, 01:11 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/405832_331473093563975_209775182400434_1013145_982 933655_n.jpg

The lightweight Tempest is the favored submachine gun of the New Conglomerate. Though inaccurate from afar, the Genudine produced Tempest provides substantial stopping power at close ranges, even while on the move. [RadarX]

2012-02-10, 01:13 PM
Looks like a toy :D

2012-02-10, 01:13 PM
The new NC AWP?

2012-02-10, 01:15 PM
The NC weapons (Gauss, Bolt Driver, and Tempest) still look like customized adaptations of each other, but I do believe that there will be so many customization options for each one, they will start appearing different once we tweak with them (for instance, Higby said that there would probably be a bolt-action version of the Bolt Driver, sacrificing rate-of-fire for increased stopping power and accuracy, or something).

I'm thrilled that they're giving us so much info so regularly, now :-)


2012-02-10, 01:17 PM
That's cute.

2012-02-10, 01:20 PM
I like it!

2012-02-10, 01:21 PM
I'm just stoked the game is getting SMGs. It looks really cool. I wonder what classes will get to use this?

2012-02-10, 01:24 PM
TwoThreeSix said that Engineers get SMG's (and Carbine-variants of their Empire's primary assault rifle). It's quite possible that Medics (who seem parallel to Engineers) might get SMGs as well. Basically, they're "formidable weapons, but less formidable than assault rifles." Now, there might be an unlock or sidegrade that allows Medics/Engineers to slot superior firepower at (perhaps) the cost of some higher-level Medic/Engineer abilities (ie- pushing for a more hybrid-class rather than a 100% healer-class, etc).

Cool stuff :D


2012-02-10, 01:24 PM
So the Tempest is apparently the NC's 'favoured submachine gun' but we've been given no direct equivalent for the TR. Why? This description seems to imply the same division of weapon classes as, say, CoD, which is fine, but we've no idea how this works across all the empires. I wish they'd be a little more systematic with these releases, to be honest, if only to save confusion.

2012-02-10, 01:25 PM
So every empire gets there MA weapon from the first game as their main mid-long range weapon. Then they all have a sniper version, obviously for long range, and 2 short range options, a high damage low accuracy LMG and a lower damage high accuracy SMG. Then they all get a shotgun and their HA weapon(s).

2012-02-10, 01:26 PM
I think that we haven't seen all of the ES weapons for any faction yet. For instance, we haven't seen the TR Striker, or any anti-vehicular weapon yet. Therefore, there is probably a TR submachinegun, as well.

2012-02-10, 01:27 PM
That is definitely going to sound like 'pew pew'.

2012-02-10, 01:28 PM
So the Tempest is apparently the NC's 'favoured submachine gun' but we've been given no direct equivalent for the TR. Why? This description seems to imply the same division of weapon classes as, say, CoD, which is fine, but we've no idea how this works across all the empires. I wish they'd be a little more systematic with these releases, to be honest, if only to save confusion.

I think every is going to get their classic assault rifle but each faction will have and SMG, LMG and sniper variant of it. Whether you get one gun and can customise it to any of these (REALLY cool) or separate version that customise in their own way (sort of "meh" but easier to balance probably) I'm not sure.

2012-02-10, 01:30 PM
I think every is going to get their classic assault rifle but each faction will have and SMG, LMG and sniper variant of it. Whether you get one gun and can customise it to any of these (REALLY cool) or separate version that customise in their own way (sort of "meh" but easier to balance probably) I'm not sure.

Since they all have different names, I think its safe to assume you choose 1 to start with (gauss, tempest, bolt driver, etc) then customize from there. You wont have to build everything from a standard guass.

2012-02-10, 01:56 PM
I like the look of the NC weapons. I wonder if they are going to remake weapons like the Thumper or other SA varients or just stick with the grenade launcher attachments.

2012-02-10, 02:02 PM
Damn, that's quite a pistol caliber, looking at the mags.. Or maybe it's quadruple staggered lol.

I love the look of Gauss, so this looks fairly good too, although it does look too fat for an SMG that short, would be sorta inconvenient, but let's put it on them making all their weapons from the same Gauss components :D

2012-02-10, 02:22 PM
Glad to see SMG's in the game, I can't wait to see what the VS equivalent is like!

2012-02-10, 02:31 PM
PS2 needs dual wielding...

2012-02-10, 02:37 PM
I was going to jokingly ask how many kills I need for akimbo :rofl:

2012-02-10, 02:39 PM
It looks... bulky, like it weights 10 kilos to say the least.

2012-02-10, 02:48 PM
I love my Bolter! :D

Now we NC just need our Heavy Bolter LMG, and we'll be all set. I would also like a shoulder mounted krak missile launcher and a Meltagun.

Seriously, I'm loving this beefy NC aesthetic. Very reminiscent of WH40k to me, and I approve. :D

2012-02-10, 02:51 PM
Judging by the class selection screen we go the other day, there's also a Gauss Carbine? Or is that maybe just a placeholder and this is the carbine?

We're talking 5 variations on the rifle is there's SMG (infiltrators? Engineer/Medic?), Carbine(Engineer, Medic), Regular(Light Assault), Sniper(perhaps multiple) and LMG (Heavy assault).
Plus there's the Sweeper (Most Classes?), maybe the jackhammer (HA). an AV gun(HA and others?), the pistol, the knife.

Assuming each faction gets overlapping weapons that's 10 weapons a side + customization options.

Neato. It may be that a light assualt dude could go AV but end up stuck with the SMG, while the HA dude gets AV and the LMG or Sweeper, but not a Jackhammer?
All the potential permutations!

2012-02-10, 02:55 PM
Judging by the class selection screen we go the other day, there's also a Gauss Carbine? Or is that maybe just a placeholder and this is the carbine?

We're talking 5 variations on the rifle is there's SMG (infiltrators? Engineer/Medic?), Carbine(Engineer, Medic), Regular(Light Assault), Sniper(perhaps multiple) and LMG (Heavy assault).
Plus there's the Sweeper (Most Classes?), maybe the jackhammer (HA). an AV gun(HA and others?), the pistol, the knife.

Assuming each faction gets overlapping weapons that's 10 weapons a side + customization options.

Neato. It may be that a light assualt dude could go AV but end up stuck with the SMG, while the HA dude gets AV and the LMG or Sweeper, but not a Jackhammer?
All the potential permutations!

I'm thinking with the close proximity of the picture showing the Gauss Carbine and this SMG variant being released, that both are intended for the game. This is noticeably shorter than the Carbine on the picture, so I am reasonably comfortable that there is a large enough difference between the two for both to be included. Let's hope so, the more toys to play with the better!

2012-02-10, 04:44 PM
PS2 needs dual wielding...


2012-02-10, 04:47 PM
It's weird how similar to each other the NC weapons look.

The Tempest has the Sweeper's blocky metal welded together thing going on near the barrel, the same magazine as a Gauss, and the same trigger and grip as the Mag Shot.

2012-02-10, 04:50 PM
I had a terrible nightmare that the guns in PS2 sounded really lame and pew pewy like T1 aeon weapons in supcom

2012-02-10, 04:55 PM
It's weird how similar to each other the NC weapons look.

The Tempest has the Sweeper's blocky metal welded together thing going on near the barrel, the same magazine as a Gauss, and the same trigger and grip as the Mag Shot.

They do seem to be going for a very patched together rebel army look for the NC. Nice from an aesthetic point of view and fits into the lore rather nicely.

Talek Krell
2012-02-10, 05:36 PM
It's weird how similar to each other the NC weapons look.It's as though the weapons were all different versions of a highly modular base system like they said they were wait what?

2012-02-10, 05:45 PM
The only change I would make. (http://i.imgur.com/bCc3e.png)

Otherwise, I really like how the NC weapons look so far. All the black/steel has slightly more blue in it, which makes the lighter grey look slightly greenish by contrast. It reminds me of a certain style, but I can't quite place where I've seen it before.

2012-02-10, 06:45 PM
The only change I would make. (http://i.imgur.com/bCc3e.png)

Otherwise, I really like how the NC weapons look so far. All the black/steel has slightly more blue in it, which makes the lighter grey look slightly greenish by contrast. It reminds me of a certain style, but I can't quite place where I've seen it before.

Definitely agree, should have a bit more worn effect in on empire logos on weapons.

2012-02-10, 06:46 PM
PS2 needs dual wielding...
Here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37121) (Summary (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showpost.php?p=586896&postcount=85))
Yeah the last numbers were 10 people for it and 14 against. Ah the good 'ol days when the forum had only a few active members. :lol:

2012-02-10, 06:49 PM
Fuck, that thread again...

2012-02-10, 07:25 PM
I was going to say, "the only dual-wielders should be TR MAXs", but then I remembered the Sisters of Battle Seraphims, from Dawn of War: Soulstorm.

Dual wield for jetpack users. May it be.

2012-02-10, 10:15 PM
Little late but.. reposted ;)


2012-02-10, 11:44 PM
I wonder if you will be able to utilise all three rails of if they are just cosmetic?

2012-02-11, 01:03 AM
Now just make it so I can put self-propelled rockets (rockllet: SA, PS1) in as ammunition, make the bore of the barrel a little wider, and we have a weapon that id be very happy to use. We can even give it a fancy NC name that goes well with the overal feeling.... how about a.....Bolter?

As mentioned by a orievious poster this is very reminiscent, in terms of style, of the Bolter a la WH40K, which I quite like personally. Hmmm I wonder what the chances are on many different types of ammunition?

And continuing in the vein of WH40K lets get us a wider selection of melee weapons, really flesh out the feeling of getting close and dirty. Heck we have a knife that is encased in a magnetic (power) field! were NC former Miners and what not! Give us hammers, that have electrical currents in the head for helping smash rock faces. You can even call it a cool name ....like a Thunder-hammer! Or a gauntlet with extended claws encased in a power field that helped us scale sheer rock surfaces to get to out of reach veins....Maybe call it something like Lightning-Claws Maybe a power field encased fist! on the Terminators...errr.. MAX units? I actually do recall somewhere higs mentioning that the MAX units will have a melee function this time around.

And it looks like the TR will get the equivalent of an reaper-autocannon with the MCG being belt fed and all, oh and a chain-sword-knife. I knew they were all Chaos worshipers anyway. And the VS are just a bunch of Xenos lovers.

SMG = Space Marines Gun


Has their been any mention at all on different types of ammunition? I dont remember anyhting but I may have missed something along the way.

2012-02-11, 04:48 AM
Here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37121) (Summary (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showpost.php?p=586896&postcount=85))
Yeah the last numbers were 10 people for it and 14 against. Ah the good 'ol days when the forum had only a few active members. :lol:

TBH, I would vote against it myself. Akimbo doesn't bring anything into a game except for cowboy looks.

2012-02-11, 05:01 AM
As long as you couldn't dual wield shotguns and run around 1 shotting everyone, I wouldn't care if it was in game or not.

2012-02-11, 08:44 AM
The NC SMG looks good. Looks just like the bolter off 40k :) I have to say I approve :D. They have been doing a great job on the NC weapons. I can't wait to get in game and try them out. :thumbsup:

2012-02-11, 09:00 AM
Anybody else notice "even while on the move"? incoming cod style gameplay

2012-02-11, 09:12 AM
Anybody else notice "even while on the move"? incoming cod style gameplay

Moving and shooting isn't "CoD" style.

To be moving and shooting you just need to be on a battlefield where you don't want to stop because of the chance that you will be blown apart by a tank.

2012-02-11, 09:17 AM
Anybody else notice "even while on the move"? incoming cod style gameplay

Shooters existed before COD.

2012-02-11, 09:17 AM
Anybody else notice "even while on the move"? incoming cod style gameplay
In what universe does shooting on the move constitute CoD-style gameplay? By that logic, the original Planetside was choc full of CoD-style gameplay.

2012-02-11, 09:18 AM
I think SMGs and shotguns SHOULD be totally mobile when it comes to accuracy.

Anything bigger than and then no.

But that's a prime example of really bad weapon design to force shotties and SMGs into ADSing while still :D

2012-02-11, 11:12 AM
I retract my previous statement, I should really have put something along the lines that it shouldn't be accurate whilst moving..

2012-02-11, 11:16 AM
This game's going to have iron sights for weapons, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that all weapons will be accurate while moving, to some extent. They just won't be accurate while moving quickly.

2012-02-11, 11:21 AM
I'm all for SMG and shotty being the two weapons than retain a relatively normal CoF during movement. Gives you a good reason to use one with a class that could otherwise use a Carbine version under different circumstances.

2012-02-11, 11:35 AM
Shooters existed before COD.

I never understood the people who say this. What's the point?

Reminds me of the people who couldn't admit that SWTOR was made in WoW's image(Even the developers themselves said so) so they kept saying "WoW wasn't the first MMORPG." Yeah...so? It was still made in WoW's image to cash in on their huge success.

Now, I'm not saying that it is being made in CoD's image. If it is being made any game's image, it'd be Battlefield but even that's a stretch.

2012-02-11, 11:43 AM
I never understood the people who say this. What's the point?

Reminds me of the people who couldn't admit that SWTOR was made in WoW's image(Even the developers themselves said so) so they kept saying "WoW wasn't the first MMORPG." Yeah...so. It was still made in WoW's image to cash in on their huge success.

WoW was made in EQ's image.

2012-02-11, 11:44 AM
WoW was made in EQ's image.

And that matters to SWTOR...how?

2012-02-11, 11:47 AM
And that matters to SWTOR...how?

SWTOR matters to Planetside 2...how?

2012-02-11, 11:50 AM
SWTOR matters to Planetside 2...how?

It was just an example.

I still don't know why you pointed out that CoD wasn't the first FPS.

Would you mind not dodging the question?

2012-02-11, 11:52 AM
I never understood the people who say this. What's the point?

Reminds me of the people who couldn't admit that SWTOR was made in WoW's image(Even the developers themselves said so) so they kept saying "WoW wasn't the first MMORPG." Yeah...so. It was still made in WoW's image to cash in on their huge success.

Exactly what part of WoW was TOR copying? You mean the MMORPG part? I won't deny WoW was successful, and spiked an MMO boom as Everquest did, but I'm missing your point. Unless that WAS your point. I can't speak for the motivations of the developers who made ToR, only that all my friends who've played it love it to death in comparison with WoW. And that Star Wars Galaxies sucked after the combat update. But enough about auto-attack RPGs!

I think the point that Aurmanite was trying to make was that there were successful shooters that had mobility before CoD - so labeling "mobile shooting" as "CoD-style" is incorrect.

In fact, let's just not use CoD anymore on these forums. Ever. I'd rather see intelligible arguments instead of the usual "Too much like Call of Duty" or "We need this otherwise we'll be like Call of Duty." I understand the fear that PS2 will be completely derivative, but if it's just PS1 with better graphics, it's still derivative, and the player base is going to feel just as cheated. The only ones who wouldn't would be the remaining PS1 community, among whom there will still be a few that were expecting more substantial change.

...Man, hopefully the beta will settle all of this directionless bickering and point it toward some more focused, useful bickering.

2012-02-11, 11:53 AM
It was just an example.

I still don't know why you pointed out that CoD wasn't the first FPS.

Would you mind not dodging the question?

What was the question exactly? That I can't admit Planetside 2 is being developed as a CoD clone? That isn't really a question.

Or how WoW relates to SWTOR? Who gives two fucks about SWTOR and WoW?

Exactly what part of WoW was TOR copying? You mean the MMORPG part? I won't deny WoW was successful, and spiked an MMO boom as Everquest did, but I'm missing your point. Unless that WAS your point. I can't speak for the motivations of the developers who made ToR, only that all my friends who've played it love it to death in comparison with WoW. And that Star Wars Galaxies sucked after the combat update. But enough about auto-attack RPGs!

I think the point that Aurmanite was trying to make was that there were successful shooters that had mobility before CoD - so labeling "mobile shooting" as "CoD-style" is incorrect.

In fact, let's just not use CoD anymore on these forums. Ever. I'd rather see intelligible arguments instead of the usual "Too much like Call of Duty" or "We need this otherwise we'll be like Call of Duty." I understand the fear that PS2 will be completely derivative, but if it's just PS1 with better graphics, it's still derivative, and the player base is going to feel just as cheated. The only ones who wouldn't would be the remaining PS1 community, among whom there will still be a few that were expecting more substantial change.

...Man, hopefully the beta will settle all of this directionless bickering and point it toward some more focused, useful bickering.

This is a fantastic post.

2012-02-11, 12:00 PM
Exactly what part of WoW was TOR copying? You mean the MMORPG part? I won't deny WoW was successful, and spiked an MMO boom as Everquest did, but I'm missing your point. Unless that WAS your point. I can't speak for the motivations of the developers who made ToR, only that all my friends who've played it love it to death in comparison with WoW. And that Star Wars Galaxies sucked after the combat update. But enough about auto-attack RPGs!

I think the point that Aurmanite was trying to make was that there were successful shooters that had mobility before CoD - so labeling "mobile shooting" as "CoD-style" is incorrect.

In fact, let's just not use CoD anymore on these forums. Ever. I'd rather see intelligible arguments instead of the usual "Too much like Call of Duty" or "We need this otherwise we'll be like Call of Duty." I understand the fear that PS2 will be completely derivative, but if it's just PS1 with better graphics, it's still derivative, and the player base is going to feel just as cheated. The only ones who wouldn't would be the remaining PS1 community, among whom there will still be a few that were expecting more substantial change.

...Man, hopefully the beta will settle all of this directionless bickering and point it toward some more focused, useful bickering.

I agree that SWTOR is better than WoW. But the only reason for that is just because of better design. Better quest design, better context, better classes, etc. But that doesn't change the fact that everything from the structure to the little class design choices were ripped straight from WoW.

But that's another thread.

First of all, I agree. "Being like CoD" is not an argument. Call of Duty was a great series before it was milked to death. And it had a lot of great ideas and great implementation. Then Modern Warfare 2 happened.

I think the point that Aurmanite was trying to make was that there were successful shooters that had mobility before CoD - so labeling "mobile shooting" as "CoD-style" is incorrect.

What the original poster was implying is that being able to shoot while on the move is a special feature of the weapon. Meaning it will be slowed down ironsighting gameplay. Which I personally like because it emphasizes the tact based nature of the game while still being easy to pick up and play.

2012-02-11, 12:09 PM
As an addition seeing what few other people wrote.

I agree on MAXes, dual wielding on those I don't mind (naturally as long as it's balanced), but for your usual LA/HA, no way.

2012-02-12, 08:37 AM
im in love!!!! all it needs is a silencer and a red dot. im very happy SMG are in ps2, add a cloaker suit and sounds like a great Spec Ops :) 10 stars!!!


2012-02-12, 09:54 AM
WAR 40K Stormbolt - anyone else see the similarities?

2012-02-12, 12:39 PM
WAR 40K Stormbolt - anyone else see the similarities?

I thought the Stormbolt was the double barreled bolt pistol.

2012-02-12, 12:45 PM
I thought the Stormbolt was the double barreled bolt pistol.

Indeed it was.

It looks like a regular bolter, the Storm Bolter was the double barrelled variant that the Terminators used in one hand.

Nerd level increased by +1.

2012-02-12, 01:08 PM
Indeed it was.

It looks like a regular bolter, the Storm Bolter was the double barrelled variant that the Terminators used in one hand.

Nerd level increased by +1.

The Storm Bolter also is used by veteran Astartes, the Sororitas, and even the Inqusition to an extent.

Nerd level +10.

2012-02-12, 01:40 PM
The Storm Bolter also is used by veteran Astartes, the Sororitas, and even the Inqusition to an extent.

Nerd level +10.

But "normal" humans use a smaller size than the Astartes so it's a variation of two guns.

Nerd level +100

2012-02-12, 01:48 PM
Shameless bump
You realize this is only going to end badly for you?

2012-02-12, 03:51 PM
But "normal" humans use a smaller size than the Astartes so it's a variation of two guns.

Nerd level +100

Nerd bait successful. Initiate follow up question for maximum damage:

If MAX = terminator armor, but PS players = Imperial guard, how can they use them?

2012-02-12, 06:16 PM
WoW was made in EQ's image.

And it incorporated user generated 3rd party apps from Asheron's Call.

2012-02-12, 08:46 PM
Do we have any info on its RPM?

If I knew that then it would be a good indicator of how it plays.

2012-02-12, 10:19 PM
Nerd bait successful. Initiate follow up question for maximum damage:

If MAX = terminator armor, but PS players = Imperial guard, how can they use them?

by using the Mars-pattern storm bolter made really for humans including the Locke-pattern bolter and the Ceres-pattern bolt pistol. :D

BAM! lol

2012-02-12, 11:21 PM
I think someone should tell the art people that not all the guns need to have their empire logo on them. Most of them look like nerf guns with the logo's on them.

2012-02-12, 11:47 PM
by using the Mars-pattern storm bolter made really for humans including the Locke-pattern bolter and the Ceres-pattern bolt pistol. :D

BAM! lol

What the fuck have i started.

2012-02-13, 01:50 AM
I think someone should tell the art people that not all the guns need to have their empire logo on them. Most of them look like nerf guns with the logo's on them.

The only change I would make. (http://i.imgur.com/bCc3e.png)
How 'bout that?