View Full Version : Will Specialization of Outfits Reduce Adaptability on the Battlefield?

2012-02-12, 03:32 PM
The title says it all. We know that outfits will be able to pick trees just like vehicles and weapons.

So, If this is true, then my theory is that outfits will specialize. However, if the mission system isn't responsive enough, and on the field commanders can not quickly call "Flyer Outfit A" to support the battle for Base Isis, then outfits won't be able to do it on their own. I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, as it removes the 'one man army' - or in this case the 'one outfit army' mentality.

With outfits being more specialized, they will be less likely to adapt themselves on the battlefield. For example, because even though Flyer outfit A has 'researched' that last tier, 30% speed boost in their reavers, and it doesnt benefit them in a fight against a bunch of AA tank, they will STILL be less likely to switch to EST to combat the threat, because of the "we aren't a tank outfit, stay in those reavers" thought process.

What do you all think?

1.) Will specialization of outfits help or hinder the overall battlefield scene?
2.) Will gameplay and game communication adapt to fit the need, resulting in a winning formula for empires in real-time?

2012-02-12, 03:39 PM
I'm not worried; in PS outfits often focused on one or two things; or had different divisions that did so. The devs have also hinted that outfits will be able to have specialised divisions in game through the specialisations.

I had not considered "Air support" missions, instead more "Capture/Destroy/Defend" territories, bunkers, outposts, facilities and facility components or perhaps calling for reinforcements. But calling in specific types of role would certainly be worthwhile.

2012-02-12, 03:41 PM
Outfit bonus will be a small benefit, and shouldnt penalize outfit in out of specialization type of battle that much.
I expect that adaptability will be far greater than in ps1. There you had to create your soldier with compromises so you could be viable in all situations. In ps2 you will be expert in everything (after some time), and change on the whim at nearest terminal to adapt to current situation. There will be everyone "one man army" capable of everything, just not all at same time.

2012-02-12, 03:42 PM
I'm not worried; in PS outfits often focused on one or two things; or had different divisions that did so. The devs have also hinted that outfits will be able to have specialised divisions in game through the specialisations.

If this is correct then all will be well.

Honestly, just because you're not specialised in something doesn't mean you CAN'T do it.

If your outfit is specialised in Air. Cav, you can still all load up in a Galaxy and drop on something. You won't be as effective relatively, but you will still be effective.

General M
2012-02-12, 04:17 PM
Let's be honest, if you're organised enough to consider turning down a role because of your specialised outfit, then your organisation is probably going to outweigh any minor penalties you have versus an un-specialized zerg

2012-02-12, 04:46 PM
The game isn't out yet.

2012-02-12, 04:57 PM
Outfit specialization is a added bonus. It doesn't create negatives in other areas I beleive. If there was no outfit specialization's then all outfits would be equally suited for any task (ignoring individual specs here). But a Outfit with specialization simply performs better in one aspect. Ya a flying outfit wont be the best for a tank v. tank battle, but they won't do horrible ethier. I highly doubt outfits with specialization will only perform in one category of roles. I guarantee there will be outfits who play lots of roles while kicking ass in one specific.

2012-02-12, 05:03 PM
The game isn't out yet.

You really want this forum barren, without any thought until game is out?

2012-02-12, 05:05 PM
This is one of those things that can't really be discussed until we have any idea how this will work, but okay.

2012-02-12, 05:08 PM
Outfits usually specialized at something. But when they got huge they would often break into groups, an outfit with an armor, infantry, spec ops, and air division.

2012-02-12, 05:15 PM
What exactly we dont know about this? We know about classes and certs. we know that there will be outfit certs that will provide bonus to classes/vehicles or their particular certs. So only thing we dont know are actual numbers, ie how great that bonus will be.
And that what we can discus about, and provide feedback.
This in particular, that outfit bonuses shouldnt have decisive effect, so outfit doesnt feel locked in their specialization and can do effectively other things.

2012-02-12, 05:23 PM
I think you might see a lot of outfits trying to put a MAX rush into a tank rush hole just because they are leveled in MAX armor. I doubt it will be a huge problem though.

2012-02-13, 07:11 AM
No, it won't. There is always something to do on the battlefield. Regardless of how they specialize in the outfit tree. There is always somewhere they will be able to contribute to the cause be it Air support/ground/ w/e. Especially this time around with the lattice out of the game. It makes spec ops and the such all that much more valuable this go around.

So short answer NO. If anything its going to make them a lot more versatile and deadly.

2012-02-13, 03:27 PM
Or what if we can unlock many different specializations but we can only have a few of them active at any given time?

2012-02-13, 03:43 PM
Not sure if the did this in PS1, but since there are specializations, do any of you guys think there will be multiple outfits of an outfit. So you have the main outfit that all the members have to have joined, and if they want to join the tanks or air cav. outfit divisions, they leave the main outfit and join the side outfit.

2012-02-13, 03:53 PM
Well, one thing that we saw happen in PS1 was several outfits banding together into alliances. So, perhaps the devs can make coordinating between outfits easier so you can still have extremely specialized outfits but be a part of a larger organised alliance.

2012-02-13, 10:34 PM
The outfit specialization is something I'm really looking forward to actually, with specialized outfits I'm hoping that it will help force teamwork between multiple outfits. If one outfit is spec'd for close range/foot soldiers then obviously they will do better when inside of a base but might rely on another outfit to help get them inside of it in the first place.

2012-02-13, 11:56 PM
Not sure if the did this in PS1, but since there are specializations, do any of you guys think there will be multiple outfits of an outfit. So you have the main outfit that all the members have to have joined, and if they want to join the tanks or air cav. outfit divisions, they leave the main outfit and join the side outfit.

This being the obvious workaround for forcing a clan to prevent optimization, I think the best thing they can do is just cap the ability to "specialize" based upon member size. Divisions, more or less, have the same effect. I'm fairly confident they'll choose one of these two routes.

If there's an advantage to be gained, people will generally do whatever it takes to acquire it. Might as well make it hassle free so everyone can play on even ground and avoid quasi-mechanic abuses.