View Full Version : Will we get friend invites?

Marth Koopa
2012-02-15, 10:52 PM
Or am I going to have to avoid talking about my epic experiences in PS2 beta to avoid making my friends really jealous and angry and possibly not want to hang out with me anymore?

2012-02-15, 11:01 PM
I would hope so, given the size of the game...

Though half my friends who haven't played PS1 seem hellbent on rushing out and grabbing a magazine when it comes out, so I dunno if I'll need 'em.

2012-02-16, 12:45 AM
They're giving out beta keys through lots of very easy to access methods. I doubt they will have a dearth of testers for their beta. Probably they will either proceed right on to open public beta or release after they've gone through the closed public beta.

2012-02-16, 01:49 AM
only the first people to get in are limited, it will go over to open beta in about a week after "closed" beta I assume.