View Full Version : My dreams have been nothing but PlanetSide 2 lately.

Marth Koopa
2012-02-16, 01:46 PM
Last night I was running around in a prototype Vanu MAX equipped with dual gravity guns. I was picking up Vanguards and launching them back at their team. Then once I picked up a Vanguard by hand and repeatedly smashed it into the hood of another vanguard.

Do you guys have crazy PlanetSide dreams?

2012-02-16, 01:48 PM
Wasn't Valentines Day just a few days ago?

2012-02-16, 01:51 PM
As a matter of fact I did have one last night lol.

I don't recall too much about it but I do recall the interface having really small text and it being very blue, I also recall purple flying vehicles that you would consider to be the scythe but they looked more like the ships on Battle Los Angeles except with a purple paint job lol.

I also remember it being REALLY buggy, I hope that's not the case in the actual game, but more than likely the beta haha.

2012-02-16, 02:08 PM
I constantly dream this one dream.

Me, alone in the desert, seeing a whole army of Vanguards and Prowlers engaging each other in the distance. As i sit there and see the tanks exploding, i hear a sound behind me. I turn around and a lone magrider comes along. It stops besides me, the gun starts spinning, and with a giant blast of light torwards the Vanguards and Prowlers, the fighting stops, and just a bunch of burning wrecks remain.

Not sure why i dream this, but i think my mind just wants to confirm that the VS are indeed superior. :>

2012-02-16, 02:11 PM
I constantly dream this one dream.

Me, alone in the desert, seeing a whole army of Vanguards and Prowlers engaging each other in the distance. As i sit there and see the tanks exploding, i hear a sound behind me. I turn around and a lone magrider comes along. It stops besides me, the gun starts spinning, and with a giant blast of light torwards the Vanguards and Prowlers, the fighting stops, and just a bunch of burning wrecks remain.

That's... beautiful :nod:

2012-02-16, 02:13 PM
Not sure why i dream this, but i think my mind just wants to confirm that the VS are indeed superior. :>

Or it's alredy rationalizing the inevitable VS nerf that will happen after the first week

2012-02-16, 02:58 PM
You sure that wasn't a day dream Basti? After all, we don't want to win too fast...

Haven't had one in a while but the few I did have involved untextured vehicles. Take that as you will.

2012-02-16, 03:01 PM
Take that as you will.

(In his best Freud voice) Ah, it seems that you have daddy issues.

2012-02-16, 03:30 PM
I had a dream that Planetside was 'personified' and was fighting against DUST 514, and Planetside picked it up, looked at it, laughed, called it cute, and then SMASHED it into a little cube, which it then cracked like an egg into a frying pan and cooked it up. It then proceeded to force feed it down the throats of the ignorant COD and BF fanboys and girls, screaming all the time, "HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR PUNY LITTLE GAMES NOW?!?!!"..........

I'm not crazy I swear...:groovy:

2012-02-16, 03:40 PM
I had a dream I was shooting people with beem0r and it sounded like those really fucking lame sounding T1 Aeon weapons from supreme commander. And I was like FUCK did they hire an infant for the sound design!?!? IMOUT.

Then I woke up and was like "pff, beta isn't out till 2015"

2012-02-16, 03:46 PM
I had a dream where someone was making fun of me on these forums. Saying my Avatar was lame because I got it from google search and that I needed a super awesome graphics designed signature to be taken seriously.

It was a scary dream.

2012-02-16, 03:49 PM
I had a dream where someone was making fun of me on these forums. Saying my Avatar was lame because I got it from google search and that I needed a super awesome graphics designed signature to be taken seriously.

It was a scary dream.

Oh? I thought that wolf was CGI all along!

2012-02-16, 03:54 PM
Oh? I thought that wolf was CGI all along!

It's actually a picture my dad took of me a while back.

2012-02-16, 04:02 PM
I was a DC max some nights ago, NC were swarming into a VS base, I was standing above them locked down (on a bridge, or a wall or something), kept shooting at them but nothing really happened. The hits registered, some sparkles (or blood?), but no real damage...

..."shit happens, it's just beta, they will buff it" - I thought in the dream.

2012-02-17, 08:43 AM
Last night I dreamt that i had opened up my email and the first email in my inbox was... A beta invite for planetside 2!


Then I woke up a second later and was really more like...


My day is off to a good start!

2012-02-17, 09:39 AM
Had one about the NC guerrilla ambushing my mechanized infantry and tank column in a mountain pass the other night. Smoke, blazing wrecks, screaming and gunfire...... not sure which I was more, thrilled or terrified but my first thought when I woke up was, that would have made one hell of a good movie lol.

2012-02-17, 10:06 AM
(This is true) I had a dream that I got a Beta code in my E-Mail. A few hours after I woke up they announced Beta Codes were going out Febuary 28th. :huh:

Now I just have to have a dream about the release date. :p

Another dream I've had: I was a real TR soldier and another soldier and I were sitting in the lounge next to the Spawn Room and eating some kind of nutrient paste. I asked why we never saw any civilians anywhere. He proceeded to point at the paste we were eating and I ran outside, grabbed the nearest person and said, "IT'S PEOPLE!!!!".

...Dreams are better than movies. ;)

2012-02-17, 12:14 PM
(This is true) I had a dream that I got a Beta code in my E-Mail. A few hours after I woke up they announced Beta Codes were going out Febuary 28th. :huh:

Now I just have to have a dream about the release date. :p

Another dream I've had: I was a real TR soldier and another soldier and I were sitting in the lounge next to the Spawn Room and eating some kind of nutrient paste. I asked why we never saw any civilians anywhere. He proceeded to point at the paste we were eating and I ran outside, grabbed the nearest person and said, "IT'S PEOPLE!!!!".

...Dreams are better than movies. ;)


Mmmmmmmmmmm, Soylent Terran.....

2012-02-17, 12:39 PM
you guys spend way too much time thinking about this game.

2012-02-17, 03:43 PM
yes, planetside dreams every night. god damn that feel man.

2012-02-17, 09:03 PM
I just woke up from a dream of piloting a Reaver that was equipped with a solid beam laser like the Fury from UT3. Also, there may have been zombies and a haunted house filled with chocolate.

A bunch of NC were running around in a lush, verdant valley, so I dove to check it out, found their AMS, and camped it for a while.

There was no way those dang NC, ghosts, or zombies were gonna eat my chocolate. Luckily a dream-Reaver's laser cuts through nanite bodies as easily as putrid undead flesh. Unfortunately that NC AMS was somehow preventing the exorcism from being performed and there were too many targets in the area to hover long enough to destroy it.

Eventually I got some backup, a 2nd Reaver, and we blew up the AMS and then landed in a nearby clearing to perform the exorcism ritual (which involved pouring a pint of freshly spilled blood into a particular pond).

Chocolate secured against all 3 sides of the fight, I woke up soon after.

2012-02-18, 02:10 AM
I had my first PS2 dream last night. I was killing people with a sweeper, but every time I killed someone I got anywhere up to 1/5th of my health back. Maybe that could actually work as an implant or something.

2012-02-18, 05:31 AM
Uh, say that you haven't had any Planetside dreams in a while then BAM! Planetside dream. Quick warning, not all of this is going to be pure Planetside or make sense so I'll leave a lot of the meat and potatoes of the dream out, for example I won't explain why a gynoid rammed a rose, stem first, into the roof of her mouth. (It was a good reason... in a sad way)

-Skipping a bit-
So I'm in a field now with clusters of trees where a fight is going on between VS and NC. I have the comforting weight of my lancer on might right shoulder as I'm looking out down through my built in zoom. I'm not too worried about the few Vanguards that are out there as they're busy with the friendlies out in the wood. What does interest me are the NC Rexos moving around out there. Welp, that's why I have a bolt driver. I take a few shots, saving a friendly who's fighting a jackhammer by plugging the user in the back. However, my brain says: "Hey! They're all busy in this fight. We should go capture those towers." I agree with my brain. So using minecraft's flying mechanics I go to some oddly blocky towers and capture the first.
Now these twin towers are about 4 tanks apart distance wise but between the two is a bridge over water. So it's very much an infantry centric fight. My brain goes "Sweet! More sniping time! TO THE ROOF!" and so we fly up to the roof. Most of the TR defending from of the roof of the other building aren't using sniper rifles but normal AI and some AV. Of course the first thing you should do when sniping is finding the enemy snipers so I begin looking through windows in the tower and along the edge of the tower for snipers. I find a few and start putting them down. I take a round in turn but that's what a med app and glue stick are for. I get cocky and decide to taunt my targets before shooting them. The way this works is that I have a very reflective knife. I try to shine the sun on them while holding the bolt driver one handed. This doesn't work because I can't hold the thing steady. So I pull down a tiny bi-pod from the end of the rifle and set it on a ledge then get back to trying to read a guy's shirt through the bolt driver's scope and lighting the words with the reflected light.

And that's where the Planetside bits ended. It went on to have bits involving a witch, land mines, and an army of automatons. But those are unrelated.

2012-02-18, 06:24 AM
no ps2 dreams yet. but i know i will be haunted every night after i have been ingame for the first time.
when i came back to ps1 for the sony hack free 45 days and played ps1 again, for a 10 hour session, the session didnĀ“t end when i went to bed. and it happened a lot. sometimes totally freaked out dreams, but sometimes i would stay true to reality and even develope new tactics in my sleep ;-)
only a few actually worked in the real game, but it was fun, testing out dreamtactics ;-)

That one noob
2012-02-20, 10:37 PM
Got ran over by a Magrider going 10 mph.
Cause hey my subconscious says "Fuck logic."
I swear I woke up saying "This shit doesn't make any sense."

2012-02-21, 12:15 AM
Got ran over by a Magrider going 10 mph.
Cause hey my subconscious says "Fuck logic."

When PS1 was first released, the devs said the same thing.
That was actually a thing that could happen - the magmower was no joke.