View Full Version : Flamethower

2012-02-18, 10:07 PM

I'm on fire.

2012-02-18, 10:11 PM
Neat. I hope they can implement it properly.

Flamethrowers are always notorious in games to either be incredibly OP or absolutely terrible.

Also, can't say that the design is too stunning. I think the Dragon looked way better.

2012-02-18, 10:12 PM
Meh :chill:

Used the Dragon a few times. I don't think it will operate like it but I could care less about a flamethrower. It feels like a gimmicky weapon to me.

2012-02-18, 10:16 PM
I don't see or understand where you hold it.

2012-02-18, 10:28 PM
Maybe it gets bolted to a MAX?

2012-02-18, 10:28 PM
Looks like a gun to be fit on a MAX or vehicle honestly

2012-02-18, 10:32 PM
I don't see or understand where you hold it.

For classic moments in PS like this:


2012-02-18, 10:37 PM
Ya it has to be a MAX flame thrower and then it should be powerful and actually work just like a real armored one, anything else will be disappointing. Flame throwers are suppose to be POWERFUL weapons feared by the enemy much like the Jackhammer:)
M132 Armored Flamethrower - YouTube
Churchill Crocodile flame thrower tank - YouTube

2012-02-18, 10:42 PM



2012-02-18, 11:02 PM
Watching all three of those videos genuinely makes me not want to use this.

That is a fucking horrific way of killing people.

Just a game i know, and i'm sure i'll do it while cackling maniacally in PS2. :P

But looking at those videos makes me feel uneasy.

2012-02-18, 11:05 PM

Flamethrowers do not belong in any shooter.

2012-02-18, 11:11 PM

Flamethrowers do not belong in any shooter.

whaaaaaa??? How can you say that? Blasfemia, they just need to atually work and kill shit and you will learn to like them:cool:

2012-02-18, 11:16 PM
Watching all three of those videos genuinely makes me not want to use this.

That is a fucking horrific way of killing people.

Just a game i know, and i'm sure i'll do it while cackling maniacally in PS2. :P

But looking at those videos makes me feel uneasy.

I think putting a bag over someone's head is the worst. But I think it's an experience that needs to be shared for appreciation.

Is that too creepy for me to say?

2012-02-18, 11:16 PM
He just hinted to me that it could go on a Reaver.

He could be screwing with us, because that's crazy. Sounds fun though.

2012-02-18, 11:17 PM
Watching all three of those videos genuinely makes me not want to use this.

That is a fucking horrific way of killing people.

Just a game i know, and i'm sure i'll do it while cackling maniacally in PS2. :P

But looking at those videos makes me feel uneasy.

I dream that one day all the weapons of war are not used on any one for real and we only in joy them in games and at shooting ranges. That what games are for so lets make them fucking brutally realistic, action packed and fun as hell!!!!!!

2012-02-18, 11:30 PM
The "what we know" thread has mention that MAXs would get flamethrowers.

2012-02-18, 11:35 PM
Flame thrower in TF2 works just fine.

2012-02-18, 11:46 PM
Flame thrower with physics based volumetric flames capable of filling a room would be both amazingly powerful and wonderfully made. Plus they have a system that seems able to handle it based on other things they have mentioned. How they balance it will be something else all together. I am thinking flame throwers should involve tanks that make great sniper bait.

2012-02-18, 11:56 PM
So the TR get Firebats. Awesome!

The Desert Fox
2012-02-19, 01:09 AM

Flamethrowers do not belong in any shooter.

I think its a great idea, while there shooting flames 6 feet in front of them I will just shoot them from 20ft away :D

Marth Koopa
2012-02-19, 01:13 AM
The back end looks a lot like a Decimator.

2012-02-19, 01:17 AM
So the TR get Firebats. Awesome!

Medics and Firebats in this game.....lol

(and the Scythe looks like it's made by Protoss) ;)

2012-02-19, 01:20 AM
Scythe is a cylon raider that had babies with a Covenant thing.

2012-02-19, 01:41 AM
I know it's sci-fi, but Why do flamethrowers always need to have cooling vents machined into the barrel shroud when ignition and combustion of the flammable fuel happens at the tip of the weapon? Because that's how Aliens did it?

2012-02-19, 01:45 AM
Counterpoint: Aliens was pretty cool.

2012-02-19, 01:48 AM
Counterpoint: Aliens was pretty cool.

can't argue, I own several copies of the movie. :)

2012-02-19, 02:32 AM
I think its a great idea, while there shooting flames 6 feet in front of them I will just shoot them from 20ft away :D

No no no no a real flame thrower which is what they better make it like shoots jelly, watch the you tube videos on the first page I post they shoot over 100 meters not 6 feet, thats noob arcade cartoonish shit, we don't need any of that crap in PS2!

2012-02-19, 02:34 AM
I know it's sci-fi, but Why do flamethrowers always need to have cooling vents machined into the barrel shroud when ignition and combustion of the flammable fuel happens at the tip of the weapon? Because that's how Aliens did it?

Because it looks cool, are saying it doesn't? In the end all that matters is that it performs realistically and does not suck.

2012-02-19, 03:46 AM
i love it and i suspect its for a max

2012-02-19, 03:47 AM
Didn't everyone hate plasma?

2012-02-19, 04:14 AM
If this thing could be planted on a MAX, I would be able to live a life long dream of playing a Firebat

2012-02-19, 04:22 AM
If this thing could be planted on a MAX, I would be able to live a life long dream of playing a Firebat

I share your dream:love:

2012-02-19, 05:26 AM
Didn't everyone hate plasma?

Quoting in case you missed a valid post.

2012-02-19, 07:01 AM
<--- Loved Plasma

I often went for the quick one two punch of a plasma nade out of a Punisher followed by a quick 3 bullets. IIRC took down a rexo if you actually hit him with the nade. Took out an agile without a direct hit.

Loved lobbing plasma nades around corners with a thumper too.

2012-02-19, 08:04 AM
Interesting that the flamethrower is making a return this go around in PS2. TBH, I figured it was going to be cut. It never seemed like it was really used in PS1. I guess will have to wait and see this bad boy in action. Hopefully you can nail the tank and blow the dam thing up. That would make for some interesting game play. :rofl:

2012-02-19, 08:30 AM
Does anybody else the Terranish design of the thing? I mean it's NS but the design looks clearly TR.

2012-02-19, 08:36 AM
I think it's absolutely awesome, and it's true, it does look like it could be made for a MAX. In fact, I remember that in one Q&A, someone said that MAX's get flamethrowers. However, that would make THIS the first case of NS weapons for a MAX; there were never any common-pool MAX weapons! Very interesting development!

I'm not a Heavy Weapons guy, but I do think that this is awesome.

However, no Heavy Weapon has a more precious place in my heart than the Lancer <3


2012-02-19, 08:48 AM
Not sure how i feel about this, the dragon was just another annoying spam weapon in PS1

2012-02-19, 09:26 AM
Setting fire everything and anything? I'm down with that.

2012-02-19, 10:28 AM
One of my favourite weapons :evil: really nice job on this one, fully approve of the look!

2012-02-19, 10:45 AM
I want it to be used to clear units out of cover; short range but it spreads around cover to flush enemies out into the open.

2012-02-19, 11:02 AM
I think putting a bag over someone's head is the worst. But I think it's an experience that needs to be shared for appreciation.

Is that too creepy for me to say?

Not if she's butt-ugly, man... do whatchya gotta do :D

2012-02-19, 11:05 AM
i only used the dragon because it was a free veteran cert in ps1 and i hadn´t certed in any other weapons due to being fulltime supporter. it looked cool but felt very bad and ineffective.

i hope the new flamethrower is a max only weapon and extremely powerful like the saving private ryan version.
it may seem overpowered at first, but remember the other scenes with it in the movie?
one unlucky hit to the tank on your back and you do the popcorn thing and blow up all friendlys around you, too.
make it a high damage but high risk weapon like the real one was! so it will be primary target as soon as it is spotted. and it will have a hard time getting support because running close to one of those bears the risk of being killed along when it blows up.

this way it will not end up as first choice weapon for randoms and would require a high amount of teamwork to protect it´s back and guide it to a good position.

2012-02-19, 11:06 AM
Medics and Firebats in this game.....lol

(and the Scythe looks like it's made by Protoss) ;)

Vanu MAX with the charge ability... just give them some little laser daggers, and you have a zealot... :lol:

2012-02-19, 11:07 AM
No no no no a real flame thrower which is what they better make it like shoots jelly, watch the you tube videos on the first page I post they shoot over 100 meters not 6 feet, thats noob arcade cartoonish shit, we don't need any of that crap in PS2!

Soo, F'n agreed...

2012-02-19, 11:12 AM
Interesting that the flamethrower is making a return this go around in PS2. TBH, I figured it was going to be cut. It never seemed like it was really used in PS1. I guess will have to wait and see this bad boy in action. Hopefully you can nail the tank and blow the dam thing up. That would make for some interesting game play. :rofl:

Personally, I hope they are good for burning mine fields en masse, rather than just pew pewing each one for five shots apiece... plus taking out other deployables.

Most of all, however, supression... real supression, visual as well as damage... It also leads me to believe that smoke is likely in the game for more than just vehicles.

2012-02-19, 11:14 AM
highly depends on the balance.

an orbital strike was extremely overpowered and annoying, too.
a flamethrower could take the role of orbital strike for indoor use.
just give it little ammo and high risk of being blown up, killing friendlys as well.
could even make for suicide bombing tactics as well ;-)

hell. load up a galaxy with flamethrower maxes and drop them as napalm bomb equivalent on big groups of enemys ;-)

2012-02-19, 11:15 AM
Pyro's find the Spy's.

I dont want TF2 gameplay thanks.

People flailing flames in corridors = not remotely compelling.

2012-02-19, 11:20 AM
highly depends on the balance.

an orbital strike was extremely overpowered and annoying, too.
a flamethrower could take the role of orbital strike for indoor use.
just give it little ammo and high risk of being blown up, killing friendlys as well.
could even make for suicide bombing tactics as well ;-)

hell. load up a galaxy with flamethrower maxes and drop them as napalm bomb equivalent on big groups of enemys ;-)

You are a sick, SICK man, excellent... :evil:

2012-02-19, 11:31 AM
You are a sick, SICK man, excellent... :evil:

yes, i am ;-) thanks! :evil:

you know, if you play with fire, you may burn yourself.
weapons are dangerous, and extreme weapons are extreme dangerous.
not only on the recieving end.
i really hope this is taken into account for the flamethrower, to make it fun if you have the dedication to master it!
i would be disappointed if it´s just another weak short distance weapon, only created to show off the great effects in forgelight.

and i´d love to have more items in planetside that require you to develope crazy and sick team tactics to use them efficiently.

after all, this is a planetside game and i expect to see crazy and evil tactics i wouldn´t see in other games. the more diversity in possible tactics, the more it will feel like planetside and like you are really involved in a futuristic war.

2012-02-19, 11:39 AM
i would be disappointed if it´s just another weak short distance weapon, only created to show off the great effects in forgelight.

Very much agreed, I hope its a jelly launcher / minefield burner.

Definately will be happy to see tactics developed with this, cause if it gives off smoke, and lingers on the ground... it might serve as a perfectly angled smoke screen, too.

I can think of sooo damn many uses for it almost immediately, and most of them are not even for direct killing... ;)

MAX crashes will be a whole different ball-o-fire now... :evil:

2012-02-19, 12:38 PM
it r go be so AWESURRRME! :bouncy:

2012-02-19, 01:26 PM
People flailing flames in corridors = not remotely compelling.

That is what I thought too.

It will be really interesting to see how they implement this. My guess is that it will oscillate between being too overpowered and too gimmicky. It is also a weapon that is system-intensive to use. (I would assume both netcode and client-side rendering). Can't say I am totally in favor of it, but throw it in the beta and let's see what happens. I'm doubtful that it will make it to launch.

2012-02-19, 01:51 PM
New Lasher m i rite?

2012-02-19, 02:10 PM
You want to put a fucking FLAMETHROWER on a MAX?

Are you out of your goddamn minds?

2012-02-19, 02:21 PM
That is what I thought too.

It will be really interesting to see how they implement this. My guess is that it will oscillate between being too overpowered and too gimmicky. It is also a weapon that is system-intensive to use. (I would assume both netcode and client-side rendering). Can't say I am totally in favor of it, but throw it in the beta and let's see what happens. I'm doubtful that it will make it to launch.


>Get everyone on your team to use a flame thrower in a base fight
>rape everyone's FPS

2012-02-19, 07:01 PM

>Get everyone on your team to use a flame thrower in a base fight
>rape everyone's FPS

this tactic was no problem for 9 years now with the lasher... this time the fps breaker will at least be common pool

2012-02-19, 07:07 PM
The Pyro in TF2 is a pretty good implementation of a flame thrower in a video game.

Doesn't hurt the framerates and is pretty damn well balanced.

2012-02-19, 08:23 PM
I think its a great idea, while there shooting flames 6 feet in front of them I will just shoot them from 20ft away :D

Yeah, but you won't have scorched your initials into the dirt before napping in it. So there. :P

2012-02-19, 08:33 PM
I hope they do not implement flamethrower's. They always seem out of fashion with any game that has them. Plus as someone mentioned before, they are ether over powered or under powered in most cases. It is one of those gems that people want but can never get it right to justify its existences. Not to mention, flamethrowers just do not(to me that is) fit the style and game play of Planetside.

2012-02-19, 09:22 PM
If this is remotely like TF2, I won't play it....

Then I will play it off and on for 8 years bitching the WHOLE time.

This is a silly thing to say. The game won't be like TF2.

Even if it borrowed some of the best parts of TF2, which isn't a bad idea, we can already tell it's not going to be like TF2.

What is with this whole line of thinking where good ideas and lessons learned from other games should be ignored and avoided?

2012-02-19, 10:32 PM
This is a silly thing to say. The game won't be like TF2.

Even if it borrowed some of the best parts of TF2, which isn't a bad idea, we can already tell it's not going to be like TF2.

What is with this whole line of thinking where good ideas and lessons learned from other games should be ignored and avoided?

Totally agree...It seems like a lot of PS1 players just want the old PS with no changes. I am not happy with all the changes they are making but a lot are good and needed to happen including a WORKING flame thrower.

2012-02-19, 10:41 PM
Most unethical real world weapon ever created, even compared to nerve agents and bio weapons..

As long as we are going for unethical real-world weapons... perhaps we can have unexploded ordinance and old, forgotten landmines scattered around the battlefields?! perhaps even in the social areas of the game? :)

Personally i think this flamethrower will be much better than the dragon, simply becasue it is being brought into the game from the start, and will go through the same beta testing and balancing as every other weapon ;p

2012-02-19, 10:49 PM
If they borrow any part from team fortress 2, this game will be a smash fest with 1900 people instead of 16, borrowing ONE idea from a game is okay, implementing it with the balancing of that game is suicide. If this is anything like TF2 no one will play it.

Edit: any tiny bit at all.

We should pray that Planetside 2 is as popular as TF2.

But really I wasn't talking about TF2, I was talking about a flamethrower and how other games have found ways to successfully implement them. I merely used TF2 as an example.

As a community we need to deal with this fear of discussing other games. Every time someone mentions another game the immediate response is "SOE better not make PS2 like that game!" and that suddenly becomes the talking point.

It's unhealthy. Other games exist. It's alright if we mention them.

2012-02-19, 10:55 PM
i hope the new flamethrower is a max only weapon and extremely powerful like the saving private ryan version.
it may seem overpowered at first, but remember the other scenes with it in the movie?
one unlucky hit to the tank on your back and you do the popcorn thing and blow up all friendlys around you, too.
make it a high damage but high risk weapon like the real one was! so it will be primary target as soon as it is spotted. and it will have a hard time getting support because running close to one of those bears the risk of being killed along when it blows up.

Oh, btw... Best zerg weapon ever... who the fuck cares if all your teamates get blown up?

Oh and duke... sif you wouldn't find some way to post drunk, even if you were banned from it ;)

2012-02-19, 11:11 PM
You quoted me on something I said about TF2 regarding the gameplay and balance regarding Planetside 2. This is not possible in any shape form or fashion.

I think I'm about 10 shots of rum behind you so this post doesn't make any sense to me.

The original post I quoted was about other games having bad flamethrowers. I mentioned one game that did it well. And now we're talking about how Planetside will be ruined if it's like that one game.

The flamethrower in TF2 works great. If Planetside 2 can do something similar it will have a great new weapon.

You shouldn't read that sentence and see "Planetside should be like TF2". If you did, it's called selective distortion.

Let.. them.. do what they are PAID to do........

SOE hasn't let us down really... we let them down by being wrong.

Fuck yes! So true.

2012-02-19, 11:19 PM
Look what fucking happened.

Let.. them.. do what they are PAID to do........

SOE hasn't let us down really... we let them down by being wrong.


Complaints by players about weapon balancing shouldn't even be addressed. Every time it just gets worse and further from the developers intents.

That said, the Flamethrower looks far more normal than the one they put in PS, and seems to fit in more with the equipment, though I agree, sure doesn't look very ergonomic... I also miss the pinchy claw,

Don't other people miss the pinchy claw? :(

2012-02-19, 11:33 PM
Since we're talking about how fans can potentially make the game they're salivating for worse, perhaps Mr. Yahtzee can enlighten us more.

Watch starting from about 4:15


Replace Silent Hill with Planetside ;)

2012-02-19, 11:43 PM
If you guys think SOE can balance a flamethrower wielding max, I invite you to actually play the first Planetside and walk into an NC tower.

2012-02-20, 12:34 AM
If your only solution is "get more ppl lol", you have a balance problem.

2012-02-20, 12:39 AM
Have you been drinking?

2012-02-20, 01:35 AM
If your only solution is "get more ppl lol", you have a balance problem.

Or good base design and sensible defensive tactics.

Should it not be easier to defend a fortress than to assault one?

2012-02-20, 02:21 AM
Yeah, because the best part about Planetside is its perpetual stalemates.

2012-02-20, 02:35 AM
The TR seem to think so with the way they all suddenly show up to defend a contested Interlink.

And the NC love to camp some towers.

VS command throws a tantrum when someone breaks a stalemate by blowing the gen.

I guess it's a matter of perspective.

2012-02-20, 10:05 AM
I'm excited about the flamethrower, I think they should name it "The Jawa." Anybody else here get that old joke? You'd have to have been hanging around the old PS1 forums back before it was even in beta.

2012-02-20, 10:46 AM
I know I'm a bit late, but I have to say:

Apocalypse Now - I love the smell of Napalm in the morning - YouTube

Seriously, SOE loves making my decisions difficult. Infiltrator, Sniper, Pilot, Jumpjet Trooper, Firebat? Which to choose, which to choose...

2012-02-20, 01:47 PM
If your only solution is "get more ppl lol", you have a balance problem.

If your forces are required to funnel into an entrance where the enemy has ~5-10 people shooting at anything that comes in; A higher number of people of people are needed to take it.

Across all factions there's stories of single people holding a tower because enemies come in 1 or 2 at a time.

2012-02-20, 02:22 PM
Now imagine that entrance, but with flamethrower maxes.

Yeah, sounds real fun doesn't it?

2012-02-20, 02:29 PM
Flamethrower in PS1 is one of my least favorite guns to go against.

I can't imagine how unfun it's going to be with a more "Realistic" take on it.

2012-02-20, 02:30 PM
Oh, while we're making defense as easy as technologically possible, let's make sure there is only one entrance and let players deploy those stupid field turrets inside of the base.

Double edit because I have so many ideas: The moment the enemy comes through a door, let's have a plasma grenade magically drop on their head.

2012-02-20, 02:32 PM
The Bases (that we have seen) are at least 4 times bigger than the bases in PS1. I would hope that there are 4 times as many choke points to attack and defend.

Variety of cover in and out doors will determine when and where weapons will be effective. I imagine we won't be fighting, exclusively, indoors, in 8x10 tunnels.

i.e. sniper rifles, flame throwers, shot guns... VS-pew-pew-laser-beam-orbs-of-death, etc...

2012-02-20, 02:42 PM
Here's hoping. But given SOE's track record, they should not be allowed near anything with a DoT component. At all.

2012-02-20, 03:06 PM
Personally, game play and morality aside, I find the flame thrower visually appealing. I really enjoyed the one in Star Wars Galaxies.

Morally, it's reprehensible, but so is the rest of it when applied to reality (Peons killing peons, because the elite say it's a good idea, etc.). However, in a game it's like laser tag, in that it doesn't actually hurt anyone, so it's just some tactical fun.

As far as game play goes, it would be interesting to have a flame thrower that has two modes.

1. Normal Fire. Modest range. Modest AoE damage. Applies a DoT that can spread to anyone standing immediately near the person or vehicle that is on fire. Firing duration is 4 to 6 seconds with a 5 second recharge. DoT duration is 12 seconds, diminishing by 2 seconds with every application, down to a min of 4 seconds.

2. Burst Fire. Extreme range (like in the video). Modest AoE damage along the path to the main target. Applies a fire AoE DoT at the end point of the stream, which lasts for 10 seconds. The fire AoE DoT can spread to any object that passes through the fire and any object that is on fire can spread that fire to objects it touches. Firing duration is 1 to 2 seconds with a 20 second recharge. DoT duration is 12 seconds, diminishing by 2 seconds with every application, down to a min of 4 seconds.

The recharge "cooldown" is shared between firing modes, so person has to choose which mode is the best for the job.

Tactically, the long range firing mode would be good for spraying on defensive positions, such as turrets, as it would prevent it from being repaired or being used for cover. The normal firing mode would most likely be used a hall clearer, discouraging the enemy from bunching up on the inside of a doorway/stairwell and mowing down anything that came through, given how the DoT would continually spread from person to person until they stepped away from each other long enough for the DoT to roll off.

2012-02-20, 03:12 PM
Instead of a flamethrower, we should have a microwave gun.

2012-02-20, 03:16 PM
Instead of a flamethrower, we should have a microwave gun...

...that fires hot pockets.

2012-02-20, 03:18 PM
...that fires hot pockets.

I think we should patton this idea.

2012-02-20, 03:55 PM

2012-02-20, 03:55 PM
As others have mentioned, it would be nice to see the flamethrower work like a napalm hose instead of an over sized acetylene torch with badly gimped range. I'm thinking of how CSGO implements the Molotov cocktail as a suppression tool rather than a direct fire weapon. It's main uses would be to flush out campers, set up defensive barriers, and the psychological impact that flamethrowers seem to have.

One of the reasons I loved the Dragon so much was how people seemed to lose their shit when they started burning. I remember taking out entire hallways full of NC rexos after the flame overlays on their screen caused them to panic and start flailing about wildly.

2012-02-20, 04:35 PM
if the flamethrower is anything like a real flamethrower then it will be OP on a max. Tanks or other armor would be acceptable. There would be a big friendly fire issue I'm sure. Better make it hard to get.

2012-02-20, 04:52 PM
Better make it hard to get.

difficulty in obtaining is not a way of balancing

2012-02-20, 04:56 PM
I have done it many fucking times and succeeded leading the rush from an AMS....No one wanted to go in as a group until that "one guy" was willing to die over and over after many voice macros screaming " FOLLOW ME " happened..

If you are at an NC tower full of maxs' you need to get a group together larger than them and move in together......

this applies to every single fucking faction of the game, flame throwers or not.

I like this guy. I think Fortress needs to do a job shadow so he can learn how to properly attack enemy positions.

2012-02-21, 02:44 AM
difficulty in obtaining is not a way of balancing

Truth. It just makes it so the k/d stat padders and 24/7 gamers are the only ones with it. Hence in CS the best weapons are only used by the best players because they're the only ones with the money. Rich getting richer isn't a recipe for balance.

The best way to balance a very powerful weapon is to give it actual negatives in gameplay value. Low ammo count, high reload time, low rounds per minute count (I'm looking at you Vanguard 150mm) high recoil (which doesn't make sense for a flamethrower but you get the gist) and the best for an AOE weapon....Grief Machine! ...and that's what we saw in PS1. AOE weapons or just weapons like the with AOE as a secondary effect (150mm, reaver rocket, mortar, lasher for the short period it lashed friendlies). Dragons and Thumpers could be great when used effectively in PS1 and they were a liability when people used them at the wrong time.

2012-02-21, 05:28 AM
Truth. It just makes it so the k/d stat padders and 24/7 gamers are the only ones with it. Hence in CS the best weapons are only used by the best players because they're the only ones with the money. Rich getting richer isn't a recipe for balance.

The best way to balance a very powerful weapon is to give it actual negatives in gameplay value. Low ammo count, high reload time, low rounds per minute count (I'm looking at you Vanguard 150mm) high recoil (which doesn't make sense for a flamethrower but you get the gist) and the best for an AOE weapon....Grief Machine! ...and that's what we saw in PS1. AOE weapons or just weapons like the with AOE as a secondary effect (150mm, reaver rocket, mortar, lasher for the short period it lashed friendlies). Dragons and Thumpers could be great when used effectively in PS1 and they were a liability when people used them at the wrong time.

exactly this!
someone said, the zerg wouldn´t care about friendly casualtys when wielding a flamethrower... but this is the easiest part of balancing a flamethrower...
if you get blown up while surrounded by friendlys, you will get hell of a grief!
make it so much, that every stupid zergling gets weaponlocked after the second time! so stupid zerglings will not use this weapon at all. but in the right hands and with an experienced dedicated support-team it would be a devestating weapon. it just needs full mean griefpoint application!

2012-02-21, 09:25 AM
higby did say maxes will be using flamethrowers.

i think a melee spec max with a flame thrower could be pure evil lol......

2012-02-21, 09:36 PM
Real flamethrowers don't look like the propane torch used on the set of Saving Private Ryan.

2012-02-22, 01:51 AM
Real flamethrowers don't look like the propane torch used on the set of Saving Private Ryan.

this is also a videogame

2012-02-23, 03:20 AM
I think putting a bag over someone's head is the worst. But I think it's an experience that needs to be shared for appreciation.

Is that too creepy for me to say?

Actually having a bag over your head is about the easiest way of dying to escape known to man. You just suck in good, get the bag in your teeth, and bite through it.

You actually think you wouldn't think of that if you were in that situation?

In case you wouldn't, now you would.

They show stupid and ineffective ways to kill people like that on TV and the movies so they don't show wackos EFFECTIVE means of killing people, which nobody needs them to know.

2012-02-23, 08:23 AM
Actually having a bag over your head is about the easiest way of dying to escape known to man. You just suck in good, get the bag in your teeth, and bite through it.

You actually think you wouldn't think of that if you were in that situation?

In case you wouldn't, now you would.

They show stupid and ineffective ways to kill people like that on TV and the movies so they don't show wackos EFFECTIVE means of killing people, which nobody needs them to know.

I don't think you've had a bag over your head. You should test it.

2012-02-23, 12:21 PM
I'd love a flamethrower since I suck at targeting unless I'm in a tank. heh

2012-02-23, 06:40 PM
I don't think you've had a bag over your head. You should test it.

:rofl: :D