View Full Version : This would be great for planetside 2

2012-02-19, 02:19 PM
My friend just got one played ps1 with it :)

The Virtual Laser Keyboard (VKB - Magic Cube)
laser keyboard - YouTube

2012-02-19, 03:05 PM
You personally played PS1 with it? Everything I've heard about that keyboard says it's a novelty that's worse than anything that has tactility.

2012-02-19, 03:08 PM
That looks horrible. No thanks. I prefer to feel what I'm pressing. (inb4)

2012-02-20, 05:39 AM
I can feel my fingertips bleeding already.

2012-02-20, 06:32 AM
there is no dot for F and J, it's useless ><

besides, the desk would lose color

2012-02-20, 10:30 AM
Looks like a nice toy for smartphone owners to keep in their other pocket. It seems like it would be useful for taking notes (read them later on your desktop).

But for gaming? No thanks.

2012-02-20, 10:37 AM
You personally played PS1 with it? Everything I've heard about that keyboard says it's a novelty that's worse than anything that has tactility.

Hey, novelties are cool. :p

But seriously, without the tactile feel of a true keyboard, your at a severe disadvantage in any FPS.

2012-02-20, 12:23 PM
my nails would start to turn inwards,cutting my skin.My flesh would start bleeding,spreading blood all over the place,than after 2 hours my finger bones would be exposed and starting to get infected. after 5 hours of tapping my table would be like a butcher table.

but i like it.

2012-02-20, 12:44 PM
Maybe you should stop punching your table and actually tap :p

2012-02-20, 03:57 PM
talk about way too easy to fatfinger keys. Plus you'd have to constantly look down to align your hands since you cant feel a thing. Sounds cool and virtual kb's have great potential with customization and what not but sadly without the tactical feel they end up not functioning very well in real world applications.

2012-02-20, 04:28 PM
What is the point of this and whyy would it be great for ps2

2012-02-20, 04:51 PM
What is the point of this and whyy would it be great for ps2


I could see it would be handy for a smart phone, but nothing beats that tactile sensation so you know what buttons your typing. besides, its not like it wont work, just a keyboard.....

2012-02-20, 06:39 PM
That is retarded.

2012-02-20, 06:42 PM
Thats very cool.

And i'm fairly sure the OP was joking.

2012-02-21, 03:46 AM
I have now come to the conclusion:

Topic started by Magpie = retarded

2012-02-21, 04:06 AM
I have now come to the conclusion:

Topic started by Magpie = retarded

Well I love you too, i think it's very cool, me and my friend played planetside 1 with it, it's bit hard to get used to but it's future. Im sure you vs fans like it.

2012-02-21, 04:22 AM
no tactile feedback at all

i dont know about anyone else but i rest my fingers on the keys when im playing - with this you will have to keep your fingers in the air all the time
looks horrible to use

2012-02-21, 04:25 AM

well fuck

2012-02-21, 04:36 AM
aperture science
we do what we must
because we can!

it´s just a gimmick to show that we can build things from scifi movies ;-)
but it´s not remotely a gaming hardware.

if you don´t have enough space for a real keyboard and mouse, buy a g13 from logitech as kexboard substitute. for most fps games even a aimon mouse with wand would be enough, but planetside 2 will need more buttons.

only negative thing about using a g13: you cannot type in chat with it, but that´s what voicechat is for.

oh and i would love to see, how this laserkeyboard performs with the nice multipress test, cycles showed us. if someone has such a keyboard, please try this:
1. Open up a basic text editor
2. Hold down BOTH shift keys

2012-02-21, 04:37 AM
Well I love you too, i think it's very cool, me and my friend played planetside 1 with it, it's bit hard to get used to but it's future. Im sure you vs fans like it.

The human hand was designed/evolved/whatever for tactile response. How is this the future?

I don't have to look at my hands to effectively type on a regular keyboard. The same cannot be said for laser generated keyboard or the one on my Ipad. The Star Trek glass console buttons that go boop boop boop aren't the future because you get no physical feedback telling you were your are and that you've done something...and because they always blew up whenever an enemy starship looked at them crosswise.

It's a neat gimmicky device and I love neat gimmicky devices and the minds that come up with them...but this ain't the future because your body demands feedback.

2012-02-21, 04:47 AM
lol... didn´t realise it´s just another magtroll post.

oh god, i haven´t seen a single sane post from him and i feel so ashamed that he uses the nc logo... please magpie go to the vs where you belong ;-)

2012-02-21, 05:23 AM
lol... didn´t realise it´s just another magtroll post.

oh god, i haven´t seen a single sane post from him and i feel so ashamed that he uses the nc logo... please magpie go to the vs where you belong ;-)

We don't want him either

2012-02-21, 11:49 AM
Lets give him to the TR, they will find some use for him.