View Full Version : Will you be using your orginal Planetside name or a new one?

2012-02-19, 08:36 PM
Just wondering what people where going to do with their nicknames in Planetside 2. If you considered starting a new identity or sticking with what you got.

2012-02-19, 08:38 PM
Changed my name to McLovin.

2012-02-19, 08:48 PM
Unless my friends insist on an empire switch, I'll likely use the one I always used (Also my PSU name)

2012-02-19, 09:10 PM
Considered changing, but I decided to go with my old one despite the fact that I made it when I was twelve and doesn't make much sense.

2012-02-19, 09:23 PM
Definitely change mine. Hawkeye73 is a remnant of my awkward childhood. For now and forever, you can call me *puts on glasses* Geist.

2012-02-19, 09:25 PM
One of the biggest considerations when choosing an online handle is figuring out how people will shorten it.

In Planetside my name was Samnite, so... I was Sam. I am not Sam. That is a mistake I won't be repeating.

I've been using Aurmanite for 7 years now in various games, so maybe it's time for a change up. Or maybe not.

2012-02-19, 09:34 PM

2012-02-19, 10:20 PM
I will be using the same name I had for PS1 and all my other games.


2012-02-19, 11:14 PM
I've used a few new aliases in other games but with PS2 I have to go back to my original. Reconnecting with old battle buddies I haven't talked to in years is something I very much look forward too.

2012-02-19, 11:20 PM
Same. Had it for about 16 years from my good old C&C days.

Just wish I could keep my -K.

2012-02-19, 11:21 PM
Yup my screen name will probably be remaining the same considering I only have two different screen names that I've been using across every game I've played for years now. In this case its lolroflroflcakes as you've no doubt guessed, although I may remove one of the rofls to make it easier to pronounce lolroflcakes just sounds better.

2012-02-19, 11:53 PM
everyone shall once again be griefed by Infektion

2012-02-20, 07:35 AM
Considering my old name was Thedeathwishtr and is extra tacky because I was a kid. My name from mw2 and LoL and current games is...

HoneyBakedPipi. Yes people call me honey.

2012-02-20, 08:40 AM
I'll stick with Effect.

2012-02-20, 08:49 AM
Sticking with my current name. Hope beta testers can lock names in!

2012-02-20, 10:14 AM
I think this is pretty clear for me...

2012-02-20, 10:21 AM
ill be keeping mine, ive had it since the first time i took the family microwave apart and saw a "Magnatron" for the first time. don't even remember how old i was but i sure was young, and i never did figure out how to put the microwave back together.

2012-02-20, 10:39 AM
Funny, it was on this exact day a year ago when I broke the news to my outfit that I joined the VS and we are now mortal enemies. Along with my colors I also left behind my username that I had been using everywhere for a decade.

Let's see if I will get to use this one for at least a decade of PS2

2012-02-20, 10:56 AM
I've had the tag of "TheGuvNuh" for a long time over a wide number of systems. I've got a couple backup tags in case i don't get mine, but i've been the GuvNuh for so long it would suck to have to find meself a new identity. I originally got the title when me and a bunch of my friends were drunk on a little spit of land sticking out of the water the locals call an island. It was just a local spot to drink and picnic for the nicer days in summer. It also sits right on the American/Canadian border, so nobody really owns it. Well, me and my friends, after some heavy drinking, decided somebody aught to be named King of this little international island. 8 People fighting fer the title to this little spit and i'm the one that was still standing at the end of it. Afterwards, i told them i'd make an awful king and to call me GuvNuh. I would too, for some reason all my decisions are governed by self-interest and greed. I'm sure it's just coincidence.

2012-02-20, 11:09 AM
Sticking with my current name. Hope beta testers can lock names in!

This thread is a trick to steal names!

2012-02-20, 11:11 AM
One of the biggest considerations when choosing an online handle is figuring out how people will shorten it.

In Planetside my name was Samnite, so... I was Sam. I am not Sam. That is a mistake I won't be repeating.

good job you didn't chose Cocknite

2012-02-20, 11:13 AM
Sticking with my current name. Hope beta testers can lock names in!
They mentioned something about this (basically said don't worry), your old names associated with your station account, i assume they'll reserve the names based on that.

2012-02-20, 11:20 AM
I don't even know what my PS1 name was... probably SkywalkerX, which I haven't used in forever. Nowadays my name is Zhane wherever it's possible to get it.

2012-02-20, 11:29 AM
I got in Planetside so late that the shortened version I use of this name was already taken, so I just used this (Coreldan). That said, with PS2 in mind I probably have the chance to snatch the shorter name.

Like many others, I've been using this name for well over a decade now. I have no intention on giving it up :D

2012-02-20, 11:35 AM
I've been Xaine (pronounced Zane) for a while now.

I like the name, i thought it up so it holds personal attachment to me. By thought it up, i mean i didn't get it from anywhere. I'm sure someone else is using it somewhere :P

2012-02-20, 11:36 AM
I don't even know what my PS1 name was... probably SkywalkerX, which I haven't used in forever. Nowadays my name is Zhane wherever it's possible to get it.

I'm not sure i like you...

Lets hope we're not in the same Outfit, shit could get confusing :P

2012-02-20, 11:37 AM
Anyone going to be HoneyBadger? Because honey badger doesn't give a shit.


2012-02-20, 11:42 AM
If I don't use my PS-U name how is anyone going to know it's me griefing them!

(by "griefing" them I mean whooping their ass)

(by "them" I mean YOU)


2012-02-20, 12:07 PM
I think, however, that we will have to choose the same name once the game launches,if they discard all the beta profiles...
so,considering it will be F2P, a lot of common names will be used...

ehy this gave me an idea..i could take note of all your names and register them as soon as the game goes live :D.
than profit! :lol:

2012-02-20, 12:14 PM
A change from RingNRide/RingNRideTR (most used names in PS1) seems appropriate, lol.

Will undoubtedly be using either of the variants I use for things at the moment being Duddy or theonetrueduddy.

2012-02-20, 12:22 PM
I'll use both probably, dragonbeast being my old PS 1 name which is pretty bad but at the end of the day it's still just a name, i've used variations such as db/deebee etc throughout different games but Sighpolice i've stuck with solidly for about 5 years now

2012-02-20, 12:37 PM
I'm going to be ChinchyVS on NC ChinchyTR on VS and ChinchyNC on TR. :)

2012-02-20, 02:50 PM
Shortened mine to splits because im off the chain! Lol. No. Apparently SpLITNuTz was offensive. So Splits it is :)

2012-02-20, 03:47 PM
Im SomeGuy in every forum and game that I use/play. Its simple, unoffensive, and theres allmost no way someone can shorten it to make it embarrasing. Im planing on useing SomeGuy for the rest of my time as a gamer.

2012-02-20, 03:54 PM
Ill of course have Borisblade in there, but been making alot of female toons in games lately and will prob go with Natashablade for atleast one character. I do plan on atleast playin two empires some, if not all three atleast a little bit, so ill need atleast 3 names in the end and i have a few names i use that could fill that last slot.

2012-02-20, 04:22 PM
Sticking with my current name. Hope beta testers can lock names in!

This brings up a good question indeed. Although some have speculated that a wipe between live and beta would most likely accrue. Does that possibility go for names as well?

I would like a dev response to this.

2012-02-20, 04:28 PM
Same. hopefully.

2012-02-20, 04:47 PM
I've used the same thing since about forever. Though I sometimes put an 'o' in it.

2012-02-20, 04:49 PM
I'm taking notes so I can reserve all your names.

2012-02-20, 04:54 PM
I always thought the name Twoeyedhuman was pretty clever, i'll use it again

2012-02-20, 04:57 PM
Tatwi is my female toon name, which I actually made in SWG back when they gave us the second character slot per server. Originally she was just a crafting alt, but over the years she ended up being the toon I played the most and my "main", a male named Aerium was the alt. When I played Planetside last year, the female models looked WAY better than the male ones, so I went with Tatwi on NC and Vanwi on VS. However, there are other names than these that I have used in other games that I like better, so I dunno yet.

One of my WoW character names that I like is Excusezmoi (Troll female Hunter), but with the floating names over the heads being such a lame way to see people, I might just go with a short name like Two or Bun. :)

2012-02-20, 05:02 PM
I've been Furret since I was 8 and first played Pokemon Silver (It was my favorite pokemon). Not planning on changing that.

2012-02-20, 05:05 PM
In all seriousness, I'll probably try to shorten it to Jak. People never know how to pronounce jakaul correctly and I'm not much help because I don't quite know either.

2012-02-20, 05:37 PM
I'm taking notes so I can reserve all your names.

haha i was waiting for a comment like this

2012-02-20, 11:03 PM
I\ People never know how to pronounce jakaul correctly

Jah kool

2012-02-20, 11:05 PM
Jah kool

It's Jack-Cawl

2012-02-21, 04:41 PM
I think I'm now going to go with ShitwitSmedley when I eventually get to play on my german language server in 2013. I dunno why, just seems appropriate somehow.

2012-02-21, 05:33 PM
I'm being all secret on a new name at the moment.

Though if someone uses my old handle I'm going to feel massively violated. :)

2012-02-21, 05:48 PM
Probably a new one in all likelihood, Spinky was a name I used because I couldn't be bothered to think up a new one when moving from DAoC. If it's free I'll use it but there's not really any importance attached to that particular name.