View Full Version : Your projects for Planetside 2?

2012-02-20, 05:32 PM
Hi all,

I was just wondering what projects are going on on the forums/web that I might of missed? I would love to know what you folks have planned outside of the game but regarding it?

The reason for asking is this, we have all seen what can be done within a game. Look at Total Biscuit and Day 9. They are both massive and all because of 2 games. StarCraft2 and WOW, but all they ever done was help the community.

If we are looking at a 2013 game release, then this will give us all plenty of time to get our projects of the ground. This includes the PSU wiki etc. Once we have access then we have rock solid info. Make the most of the beta in both ways, help it make the game better and also help it make the community better.

Now is the perfect time to be starting an outfit and getting websites updated. Start putting plans down, remember 95% of us know about PS1, so we know what's coming, whats needed, and most important whats fun.

Make the most of this game, as gaming is changing and it is becoming more entertaining to watch and take part in than ever before. And I feel Planetside 2 is only about to strengthen that across the world.

You never know, one day other companies might be looking at PS2 and thinking that was a success we need to make our game like that!!

And to top it off we all might be playing Planetside 3 with our kids/grand kids if it is a massive success haha!


2012-02-20, 05:47 PM
Well, once Beta is there, and the game is holding up and got enough ppl in it, the video project is gonna come along (if SOE allows, given NDA and stuff).

Other than that, nothing yet. Time is limited, and good ideas are rare. ;)

2012-02-20, 06:15 PM
Currently working on assembling a book of Planetside 1 War Stories in book format. I've no real direction as to what will become of it beyond making it publicly available to any and all, whether as a nostalgia tool or a recruitment tool for Planetside 2.

Homebase for the project is found here, with instructions on how to submit your story in the first blog-post.


I have plans to continue the process once Beta and release happens, only changing it from recollections into a more current - 'newspaper' almost - recording. If people have an epic story of their experience that day, then It might make it into the Annals of Auraxis - a day by day account of the war from the soldiers eyes.

Would love any direct help, linking, or submissions people can provide! :groovy:

Additionally, it's sounding like there might be some initial interest in starting up an NC twitter outfit... Id be more than willing to step into an officer position for that if there's enough interest, and some web-side support - like website and forums (I'm not terribly well versed with that kind of logistics, nor do I have the financial means to support anything more than the blog at this point.)

2012-02-20, 06:19 PM
Currently working on assembling a book of Planetside 1 War Stories in book format. I've no real direction as to what will become of it beyond making it publicly available to any and all, whether as a nostalgia tool or a recruitment tool for Planetside 2.

Homebase for the project is found here, with instructions on how to submit your story in the first blog-post.


I have plans to continue the process once Beta and release happens, only changing it from recollections into a more current 'newspaper' almost recording. If people have an epic story of their experience that day, then It might make it into the Annals of Auraxis - a day by day account of the war from the soldiers eyes.

Would love any direct help, linking, or submissions people can provide! :groovy:

Get me a picture to promote it, and ill link it on our websites home page here = www.TeamStarz.net. Would be great if you could do the same? :)

2012-02-20, 06:25 PM
Get me a picture to promote it, and ill link it on our websites home page here = www.TeamStarz.net. Would be great if you could do the same? :)

Would love to, and If had a picture, I would ABSOLUTELY love the linkage favors, but as stated before, I have absolutely NO skill in graphic design or webdesign... I'm half amazed I got the blog working at all! I'd need a goodly charity volunteer to make a website graphic. I'm certainly not picky, but I think 50x50 is the size requirement for the header on the site.

2012-02-20, 06:28 PM
Once I get in the game I plan on showing the different weapons, how they work, etc. Do something newbfriendly, kinda like Day9.

I also plan on streaming and maybe some other videos. Nothing too solid other than what I've already done.

2012-02-20, 06:43 PM
I plan on making a website called ps2head.com - it will inform you all about the PvE content in game.

2012-02-20, 06:45 PM
I plan on making a website called ps2head.com - it will inform you all about the PvE content in game.

hehe trollololol

2012-02-20, 07:07 PM
My PS2 project: I plan on finding and killing multiple times those responsible for the retarded forum posts on PSU. I'm expecting a 100% success rate.

2012-02-21, 01:56 AM
As there is almost 0% coverage of PS2 in Hungary, and even less know that PS1 even exists I started a blog to share major landmarks of development, translate articles, link videos, screenshots etc.

It is hard to explain the game to those that never heard of it, but they may take their time an browse on the blog a bit. I know that there is a russian blog with the similar purpose (and that looks way better than mine, and they are more up to date too).

I made a wikipedia entry (it's just the translation of the english one) for PS. Wikipedia entries are high ranked in google searches, I expect that lots of people will hit that. I don't think I'll make more wiki entries though, that language that you use to edit your article is killing me. :(

It's disappointing to see that there is so small coverage of the game in hungarian gaming press. There is almost no hungarian content.

2012-02-21, 02:07 AM
Bringing WASP over to PS2 is my project. Havn't really started it yet, cos we havn't decided which faction we go for yet due to the lack of heavy/MAX units.

2012-02-21, 02:10 AM
projects? PFF! i will be playing PS2 24/7

2012-02-21, 04:27 AM
Waiting eagerly to hear a more detailed run down of the list of API hooks/stats we will get into the game.

Then idea's come to me in the shower. That's the plan!

2012-02-21, 04:40 AM
I have plans for a certification planner for magrider and sunderer (VS variant). Depending on how well this is covered by the official site, I may or may not create it.

If I get the initiative, I will expand it for other vehicles and classes.

2012-02-21, 04:57 AM
As there is almost 0% coverage of PS2 in Hungary, and even less know that PS1 even exists I started a blog to share major landmarks of development, translate articles, link videos, screenshots etc.

It is hard to explain the game to those that never heard of it, but they may take their time an browse on the blog a bit. I know that there is a russian blog with the similar purpose (and that looks way better than mine, and they are more up to date too).

I made a wikipedia entry (it's just the translation of the english one) for PS. Wikipedia entries are high ranked in google searches, I expect that lots of people will hit that. I don't think I'll make more wiki entries though, that language that you use to edit your article is killing me. :(

It's disappointing to see that there is so small coverage of the game in hungarian gaming press. There is almost no hungarian content.

Hajrá :cheers:

2012-02-21, 05:04 AM
please somebody do a devtracker! ;)

a website that shows which dev is online on which server,faction and continent ;)

2012-02-21, 11:34 AM
The chances of the Devs playing as themselves in game are pretty limited. I'm sure in beta they will but once release comes their names will probably be top secret.

We do have a forum tracker though :p

2012-02-21, 11:44 PM
I'll make the paper mache tanks.

2012-02-22, 10:32 AM
Working on a trailer project for PS2, hoping to make it look like a commercial trailer. I am currently composing a theme song for the trailer and have done some prototypes for intro, outro footage. Everything is at an early stage though, looking to start filming when Beta begins.

2012-02-22, 10:53 AM
I'd like to have a go at producing a digestible form of the Data SOE said they'd make available to us via API, but it'd be nothing on the scale of sites of old such as PSstats.

2012-02-22, 01:22 PM
I'd love to write some good old fashion propaganda for the glory of the Terran Republic. Make it an ongoing war reporter and such, following mostly my own outfit as well as any friendly outfits I find myself working with.

Even better- if we have propaganda wars against each others factions that devolves into witty mudslinging and talespinning banter.

2012-02-22, 02:29 PM
I'd love to write some good old fashion propaganda for the glory of the Terran Republic. Make it an ongoing war reporter and such, following mostly my own outfit as well as any friendly outfits I find myself working with.

Even better- if we have propaganda wars against each others factions that devolves into witty mudslinging and talespinning banter.

I would gladly take your submissions - This is exactly the type of thing I'm looking for... If you know any NC or VS that would be interested, PLEASE let them and me know :groovy:.

Bring on the Muckraking! [NC4LIFE!]

2012-02-22, 09:10 PM
Also, Thank you Duke for the wonderful image! Would you like me to credit you in some way? It's currently up on the site!

2012-02-22, 10:32 PM
Pssh. Terran Propaganda?
I'll write New Conglemerate war stories.
Fact or fiction your preference?

2012-02-22, 10:36 PM
Pssh. Terran Propaganda?
I'll write New Conglemerate war stories.
Fact or fiction your preference?

Writing history is just another spoil of the victor.

2012-02-22, 10:39 PM
terran = victor


Funny joke!

2012-02-22, 10:57 PM
As of right now I think I'm going to have two sections --- fan fiction and real war-stories. Either or for now is fine.

Once Planetside 2 starts up, then I will likely limit it to real stories, with Fan Fiction being a regular feature on the side.

2012-02-23, 02:25 PM
My main one for PS2 is my tactics site which details tactics for recon, infantry, armour and air squads, as well as strategies for offence and defence as well as organised platoon structure.


I also have my Planetside upgrade project which is pretty defunct now that PS2 is being made, but I am sure I will update it for PS2 once its released.
