View Full Version : Outfit Mercenary Bribes

2012-02-21, 10:05 AM
Not sure if this has ever been suggested before, and maybe it isn’t needed with the games automatically generated mission system, suggesting to you where to go and for what reward.

But I was possibly thinking, seeing as the game is resource based now. And that clear outstanding Outfits will appear, as is the usual way with MMO’s, where the biggest gets more players (not always the case, just shush).

That perhaps there should be a system where an outfit can pay for the services of another outfit, for example. Your ground based infantry Outfit is finding itself being harassed by an organised air squadron. You check your Outfit list and see that there is a small Mercenary platoon of 6 guys who all play Jets, and are specialised accordingly. You hire them for 2 hours, granting their lesser Outfit huge resource rewards they otherwise wouldn’t get on their own. And they get a payout every time they achieve an objective with you or follow your orders.

Once again I’m sure these things will arrive naturally, with outfits communicating for the greater goal of their faction. But I used to run a similar thing on another game, where I would get paid for escorting people into battle, and it made me feel like a badass mercenary.

Even poses the question, could high skill level players become like star athletes who you bribe to join your outfit with resources? Or run a contract with them for two weeks, because they’re the Michael Jordan of headshots?

*Lights cigar* “If your willing to part with 30 Auraxium and give me a wheelman who can get me inside the walls of that base. I’ll drop the generator quicker than you can spit, and lay down the damn red carpet for your panty wastes to march inside.”

*Guitar Riff*

“Let’s Roll!”

2012-02-21, 10:16 AM

General M
2012-02-21, 10:20 AM
That seems good, although I'm sure someone more clued up than me will point something out ;)

2012-02-21, 10:32 AM
this could be cool.

2012-02-21, 10:35 AM
Nice idea.

2012-02-21, 10:43 AM
As long as it isn't some set amount and it is something that both outfit leaders can agree upon then I don't see an issue. However I would think a level of co-operation will already be developed as outfits can specialize now and that if they end up taking a base together that will, in the end, secure more resources for both outfits and mutually benefit those that work together rather than necessarily need a transaction system like you proposed. It would still be a good idea, don't get me wrong, but I just wonder as to the uses in it.

Not to mention that if an outfit already has a good standing with another outfit they would simply be able to ask them for help rather than having to pay another group to do it for them.

2012-02-21, 10:45 AM
You are all on the same side. There should not be need for bribing friendlies, and they could create their own mission there so they get some rewards for it. On the other hand if VS could bribe some TR mossie squad to get rid of that pesky NC reavers, that could be interesting (danger being shot by VS included in price)

2012-02-21, 11:22 AM
Simply the trading of any resources is pretty huge to me. It adds whole other aspects to the game. The traditional MMO currency "Farmer" can't really exist in PS2 because it's all PvP. But I'm sure there will be some people who want to sell most of their resources, and there will be plenty of more people willing to buy it.

But I like your Outfit Merc ideas. In a way it could be like paying for an Outfit specialization. Maybe one outfit can create a mission specifically for another outfit (So it's like a contract), if completed the employer must reward.

But, being more friendly and simply making an alliance with said outfit seems like the easiest way to accomplish the same goal. But then again, what if the only outfit on the server able to spawn towers are greedy assholes? You're gonna have to pay them

2012-02-21, 11:27 AM
we would make so much money if this was in the game lol. Stupid Idea IMO though.

2012-02-21, 11:29 AM
On the other hand if VS could bribe some TR mossie squad to get rid of that pesky NC reavers, that could be interesting (danger being shot by VS included in price)

Or imagine if a faction could dump some resources onto a map sector, to draw the enemy away. Or to lure them into a trap.

I Just think that with the resource economy that huge outfits will have an abundence of supplies. And anything they can do to sweeten the deal, and enforce the help of people they value who may not be as big can only be a good thing.

And would make smaller outfits not feel so useless, if they were classed as freelance agents under the emply of the big Outfits. Without trying to make players all conform to a specific play type. "GET IN DOORS AND TAKE DOWN THE GENERATOR!" ....No i want to be a sniper. And i would only be hired when someone needs a sniper.

Also imagine checking the world leader board for the top players, and offering them a contract. The ammount of amazing Lone Gunners i used to see in Planetside who i was honestly scared of. Would be amazing to just drop them a pay packet and keep them at your side. hehe

Adeon Hawkwood
2012-02-21, 11:34 AM
Simply the trading of any resources is pretty huge to me. It adds whole other aspects to the game. The traditional MMO currency "Farmer" can't really exist in PS2 because it's all PvP. But I'm sure there will be some people who want to sell most of their resources, and there will be plenty of more people willing to buy it.
If resources can be traded it's going to be interesting to see how it plays out. Assuming that resources can not be traded cross-faction capturing or losing areas is going to impact the relative supply of different resources.

General M
2012-02-21, 11:39 AM
One massive problem could be people not doing as their paid though. This could work both ways, "1337hedshotz" could just be a massive douchebag and just piss off as soon as he gets hired. There could be a solution in "pay as you go" but this could have the counter effect of having a player who might have a great record on the leaderboards but has an offday so an gets annoyed and don't pay him or just don't pay him anyway.

2012-02-21, 11:39 AM
Or it could even be something as small as an outfit putting out a Bounty on an area, saying the first sniper to get 10 kills in this area gets a big payout.

I know the mission system is going to be things like "defend this area" probably for an exp bonus, or something. But once again, anything that makes me feel valued within my own specific skill set is win win.

Base is being harrassed by Cloakers, but a 500 resource reward on everyone killed. Suddenly youve got every player in the base keeping an eye out.

These maybe things that the mission system includes. But i think it could really keep the economy flowing in the way of people playing, rather than the outfits sitting back and watching the resources rolling in.

2012-02-21, 11:46 AM
One massive problem could be people not doing as their paid though. This could work both ways, "1337hedshotz" could just be a massive douchebag and just piss off as soon as he gets hired.

Sounds silly to say, but maybe outfits would be happy for him to do that if their Outfit name is next to his on the top of the leader board.

Also you hire a lone wolf you know what your gonna get. Hes not there to win the battle on his own. Just so you know your paying a top notch player to stick around.

But if your thinking enforcing, he could only get a sizable recourse reward for every objective he completes. Say he gets 500, he could get an extra 25% of that the outfit pays. Keeps him happy keeps him paid, makes him valued. Gets the Outfits name out there if there is a spam system like "1337hedshotz" of the "bigwangoutfit" captured a tower.

Fame fortune victory....everyones a winner.

2012-02-21, 11:52 AM
lol it could end up on a agreement: empire XXX pays empire YYY for a cont occupation.

Whoo guys! no more war! peace!

lets go mine some auraxium!

2012-02-21, 11:58 AM
lol it could end up on a agreement: empire XXX pays empire YYY for a cont occupation.

Whoo guys! no more war! peace!

lets go mine some auraxium!


2012-02-21, 12:44 PM
Being able to request help seems like a fine command ability, but tying it to some kind of payment system seems odd. Would people not be able to request help after they spend their last buck that way? Would people develop accustomed to only helping for money? I dunno. Monetizing it for other outfits seems like it could be problematic.

2012-02-21, 01:06 PM
I want the ability to force outfits from the opposing faction to pay protection money in order to stop us leet kidz from wrecking their shit up. The extortionist skill branch would add a lot of depth and immersion to my game, because that kind of stuff happens IRL and Auraxis is meant to be living and breathing world full of immersion.

2012-02-21, 01:09 PM
I want the ability to force outfits from the opposing faction to pay protection money in order to stop us leet kidz from wrecking their shit up. The extortionist skill branch would add a lot of depth and immersion to my game, because that kind of stuff happens IRL and Auraxis is meant to be living and breathing world full of immersion.

You used Immersion twice.. nice.

2012-02-21, 01:15 PM
Not sure if this has ever been suggested before, and maybe it isn’t needed with ..........

It's not really needed tbh, If your outfit can't speak to another outfit without needing some kind of brinde then unfortunatly your empire is just going to get its arse kicked.

Generally the decent outfits just chat and work out what they're doing. The command missions may help move the zerg, but then it's the outfits that get stuff done rather than the zerg anyway.

2012-02-21, 02:04 PM
What Redshifts and Warborn said is spot on.

I haven't seen anything to imply that resources will be tradable goods. I'm almost positive Missions generate bonus experience, not extra/shifting resources. Why? Because you're supposed to be working together anyways. Missions just give Commanders the opportunity to manipulate the friendly zerg.

2012-02-21, 06:11 PM
I just think your missing the possibilities of the system, yes i know there are mission objectives that will focus the zergs motivations. But say there is a saught after and highly skilled medic, who ups the survival rate of all squads he plays with.

He decides he wants to go off and take another continent. But you offer him a resource payout for every memeber of your squad he revives, and he sticks around and you take a base.

Maybe another guy with a really highly specced MAX whos amazing at pushing and tanking. Maybe a squad of infiltrators that are good at dropping Gens. I think anything that makes players take notice and reward other players is an interesting concept.

Beyond WERE ALL ON THE SAME SIDE ANYWAY!! Yes i understand that, but there is room for this game to grow. And Smed has said that he loves the way Eve works, its just an easy to implment concept that could keep resources moving away from the super powerful popular outfits.

2012-02-21, 06:45 PM

If that "highly skilled medic" decides to go and zerg and it costs you the fight thats just your empire sucking.
If the medic doesn't want to do it because he's too lazy then i'd argue he's a shit medic anyway.

2012-02-21, 07:16 PM
Anyone wants to hire me? Special offer: 2 weeks for the price of 3!

2012-02-21, 08:38 PM
Anyone wants to hire me? Special offer: 2 weeks for the price of 3!

Economic downturn, special offers?

2012-02-21, 08:50 PM
I just think your missing the possibilities of the system, yes i know there are mission objectives that will focus the zergs motivations. But say there is a saught after and highly skilled medic, who ups the survival rate of all squads he plays with.

He decides he wants to go off and take another continent. But you offer him a resource payout for every memeber of your squad he revives, and he sticks around and you take a base.

I think this is predicated on a false assumption, that a small number of unguilded people will ever be liable to be a deciding factor in a fight. It's much more likely that the movers and shakers will be coordinated, specialized outfits who know how to get the job done and have a lot of experience playing together. Those kinds of players don't require you to pay them to save the day. Swaying the actions of some random zerglings won't accomplish much, even if they are apparently better than any of the medics or whatever your own outfit has.

2012-02-21, 09:26 PM
Give medics five times the armor of others, add in minus scores for shooting them, and you might see more medics.

Forsaken One
2012-02-22, 12:55 PM
I think this is a bad idea purely because it opens up the path to the "gold farmers"

I'd rather have no way to give, trade, or buy from another player useing resources as a whole.

2012-06-10, 12:36 PM
Nice idea - I like the way you're advocating bringing some of Eve's complexity into Planetside.

Yes, big organised outfits won't need this, they'll probably be friendly with each other already. But this could be an easier way to bring smaller organised groups into the plan - especially if it's an untargeted offer - available on the missions screen to all groups who fit the criteria checkboxes you've selected.

And with as many players as may be playing PS, it might be a great way to establish those friendly outfit relations in the first place - eg. "Hey, that outfit has accepted our last couple of missions and done outstanding work - let's get to know them!"

2012-06-10, 12:37 PM
1.) this isn't a bribe, this is paying for a job
2.) mission system should do this

2012-06-10, 12:42 PM
The only valuable resource in this case is Auraxium IMO which is going to be quite rare I take it...

But then again, me and my sniper rifle is always up for assasinations to assasinate more, with more unlocks to get more unlocks to assasinate more..

2012-06-10, 12:48 PM
1.) this isn't a bribe, this is paying for a job
2.) mission system should do this

I hate to agree with anything any NC said but I'm really hoping for a robust mission system that will cover things like this.
I don't expect that you'd be able to set up a mission for a specific med/engy player (Just get 'em in your outfit/platoon!) but a general 'Medic and Engineer support to Hvar Cap C [time sensitive]' mission with an accompanied 'Fire support to Hvar Cap C [time sensitive]' mission should get some Greenies your way if you're a smaller outfit.

2012-06-10, 12:49 PM
Dealings within your own faction I could be onboard with.. but paying the NC or TR for services? That would imply they can do something better than us... no. nononono... I wouldn't spit on them as payment ;)

2012-06-10, 01:00 PM
So, the idea is to allow other outfits (within faction), to be paid to follow your objectives? I like the idea, but why not just "rent" outfits to work as a sort of vassal outfit for a set time, days to weeks. Hours is just a bit odd. Though if this sort of mechanic WAS implemented, a lot of lesser outfits would specialize to get into a lot of the crazy fun.

2012-06-10, 01:02 PM
SOE/higby, etc have clearly stated that resources will NOT be tradable, they are purely for PERSONAL USE. My bet is that alts will have their own resource pool also (i.e. not account based resources as in diablo 3).

2012-06-10, 01:07 PM
How about something a long the lines of a robust contract system? Hire outfits or individuals for escort services, guard services. Perhaps set up a contract to kill "X" player, or a contract to kill members of "X" empire. Just sounds like a lot of possibilities that exist for such a system that would give the game even more immersion. If all of this is just included in the mission system that would be perfectly awesome as well.

2012-06-10, 02:52 PM
I read the title and immediately thought of the mercenaries they have in eq2 and just thought I'd step in and say to any devs that may be reading this to get any idea of #that# out of their head before acorns grow into oak trees.

For any that dont play eq2, you basically hire a merc and you have a healbot / tank/ dps npc dude running around with you you pay for every 30 mins.