View Full Version : Before you all blowout this forum..

2012-02-24, 07:15 PM
Planetside 2 is a different game with different mechanics. Wait for Beta and feel how things interact before you panic or start whining about something you haven't played. That's the point of the Test. Things can and will evolved based on applied feedback.

2012-02-24, 07:17 PM
Very true. Wisdom from T-Ray. :D

2012-02-24, 07:17 PM
Planetside 2 is a different game with different mechanics. Wait for Beta and feel how things interact before you panic or start whining about something you haven't played. That's the point of the Test. Things can and will evolved based on applied feedback.

I completely agree.

However, that not gonna stop the bulk majority of the people on here form freaking out about something they are testing out. Example the shotgun for cloakers thread is up already.

2012-02-24, 07:17 PM
Exactly it's pointless to whine and moan over something you have not tested yet, You heard the dev's they are leaving a lot of stuff open for change so if it don't work they will change it. Pointless biting their heads off at this stage it's ok to speculate but dont bitch and whine.

2012-02-24, 07:17 PM
No, they are break zee geim, stopdeveloping neeaaow!

2012-02-24, 07:19 PM
Planetside 2 is a different game with different mechanics. Wait for Beta and feel how things interact before you panic or start whining about something you haven't played. That's the point of the Test. Things can and will evolved based on applied feedback.

More people need to keep this in mind in the time before beta starts. No one knows how any of the mechanics in the game will work. Wait to complain and whine until you try it.

2012-02-24, 07:20 PM
If we just sit and wait the devs will wonder why we didn't respond to news releases when the whine-storm hits after we start playing.

At least now we can say "See, we tried to tell you!"

2012-02-24, 07:23 PM
Absolutely. But the fun about where we are now in the dev cycle is the guessing, assumptions and the wildly inaccurate theories and accusations.

Let people have their fun. It will all wash out in the rinse.

2012-02-24, 07:24 PM
They all blame it on faster gameplay, that we cannot take new mechanics and imagine them in ps1 to yell its broken. I only fear that they dont overdo it, so it doesnt lose that feel, off thoughtful battle, and dont turn it into reflex instakill masacre, to to satisfy that weird (for us used to ps1) stuff.

2012-02-24, 07:25 PM
If we just sit and wait the devs will wonder why we didn't respond to news releases when the whine-storm hits after we start playing.

At least now we can say "See, we tried to tell you!"

Oh no, you can discuss things. It's the "OMG WTF I'M QUITTING BEFORE IT EVEN HITS BETA THEYZ ALREADY BROKEZ IT" threads. Discuss what you believe will be pros and cons (as you don't really know yet), but keep it mature and civil.

2012-02-24, 07:26 PM
There are many ways they could balance this. Hold tight guys :) Though to be very honest.. I like the sound of the occasional heal AoE grenade but I'm a little skeptical of the revive grenade.

2012-02-24, 07:29 PM
And besides what we can do actually? There is nothing to do about ps2, than speculating, imagining how it will work (when they dont give enough information so we know for sure), praising new stuff, whining about anything we feel its broken.

Thats what fansites and fans do. Without it you can close this forum, most of the hype will be gone etc. They want us to speculate, whine etc. If they didnt they wouldnt give us partial information to make our own (wrong) assumptions about it.

2012-02-24, 07:29 PM
Most things talked about here is speculation. The devs do read these forums though. And it's good to voice opinions on what we think about what they are doing with the game. But also before you post keep this in mind. In a recent article Higby explained how they had built all the automatic mechanic for base turrets and such. And as they play tested he felt that it wasn't in the spirit of Planetside to have automated anything. So they ripped those mechanics out. I have faith that they are making sure the mechanics of the game are going to be fun.

Also, wanted to say that there are classes in PS2. Some with long cert skill trees. Not everyone is going to have these abilities like you think. It was like that in PS1, but not PS2.

2012-02-24, 07:39 PM
You can discuss things, the reason there is a lot of things being discussed in this game is quite frankly many of us would play it if it was a planetside 1 re-modelling, we actually liked all its features because it was different, they just said it was a flop after 0 advertising (that's like saying you can't swim and providing no water)

and we CAN accept changes, hell I even like a few such squad spawning (if done through a drop pod) and less downtime etc. but there are some things being discussed that are just being added because current fps's have them with the thoughts of creating lots more money by appealing to a dumber/casual audience

A lot of people have dreamed about planetside 2, and I think a lot of them didn't imagine it a lot different to planetside 1 at all.

2012-02-24, 07:45 PM
You can discuss things, the reason there is a lot of things being discussed in this game is quite frankly many of us would play it if it was a planetside 1 re-modelling, we actually liked all its features because it was different, they just said it was a flop after 0 advertising (that's like saying you can't swim and providing no water)

and we CAN accept changes, hell I even like a few such squad spawning (if done through a drop pod) and less downtime etc. but there are some things being discussed that are just being added because current fps's have them with the thoughts of creating lots more money by appealing to a dumber/casual audience

A lot of people have dreamed about planetside 2, and I think a lot of them didn't imagine it a lot different to planetside 1 at all.


The reason why there are so many diehard fans for PlanetSide 1, was because it was so unique and interesting to play. The only downside was the lack of direction, content and support in the long run. Sure, now-a-days many would gawk at even playing a game with such dated graphics--but when it comes to gameplay mechanic, modifying it into a modern shooter is just not going to appeal because it ends up killing the reason why we loved the first one. Why would I play PlanetSide 2, if it were designed to be drastically different than PlanetSide 1? Why not call it something else?

I'm not against adding in a lot of cool features. I like new weapons, customization, vehicles, etc. I like cooler bases, better technology and everything that comes with that. However, I think it prudent that if PlanetSide 2 is to come to fruition, the primary goal for launch to be modeling itself after the first--to really pull all of that unique gameplay into this decade.

Edit: I don't like squad spawn. Rawr!

2012-02-24, 08:01 PM
I agree, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of speculation. It's no different than us all huddled round trying guess what's going to happen on a popular TV show, its excitement, curiosity and concern that it wont live up to out expectations.

Infact I would say we have more right to go off on tangents, because the developers actively look here. And they’re not idiots who will look at a flame post from one person and go crying home to mommy, they’re professionals who will get criticism and react accordingly. But generally its just really rewarding to listen to and hear the developers have decent feedback with community.

My only complaint is people insulting art asset designs. Saying things like "That’s fucking ugly, what are they thinking". I can’t help but think if the artist was sat in front of you, you wouldn’t be quite so vocal with your harsh criticism? Think of the hard working person who is putting their work out there, only to have you react with a pointless offensive comment about something they worked hard on for hours, if not days.

Personally I don’t care how the game looks; I come from a generation of sprites pixels and bleeps. I care how it plays and if this game can deliver the war stories and versatility the first game did, I’m optimistic. But I still don’t want a Battlefield 3 clone with shields.

2012-02-24, 08:06 PM
Planetside 2 is a different game with different mechanics. Wait for Beta and feel how things interact before you panic or start whining about something you haven't played. That's the point of the Test. Things can and will evolved based on applied feedback.
No, its fun.

2012-02-24, 08:08 PM
I have notice you all explode about everything. Everything. It's kind of funny because I don't have any experience with PS1 and can't understand why things are blowing up most of the time.

2012-02-24, 08:16 PM
I have notice you all explode about everything. Everything. It's kind of funny because I don't have any experience with PS1 and can't understand why things are blowing up most of the time.

Its because ps1 was unique (but now old and barren). We want new shiny game, but with that same feel and uniqueness. So there is very strong resistance (its like reflex now) to any weird change that (in our eyes) endangers it.

2012-02-24, 08:23 PM
Its because ps1 was unique (but now old and barren). We want new shiny game, but with that same feel and uniqueness. So there is very strong resistance (its like reflex now) to any weird change that (in our eyes) endangers it.

Ya I understand where the dissonance comes from. It's just funny (ha ha funny) to see it in action. Like when they announced the changes to vehicles. I thought OK that's normal about how most vehicles work. Then I get to the forums and find out that it's an act akin to murder.

2012-02-24, 08:39 PM
Ya I understand where the dissonance comes from. It's just funny (ha ha funny) to see it in action. Like when they announced the changes to vehicles. I thought OK that's normal about how most vehicles work. Then I get to the forums and find out that it's an act akin to murder.

Pretty much.

When you play (for me at least,) one of the best games in your lifetime, and you're given the opportunity to play a sequel of that, you kind of expect it to live up to the history (and deviation from that ends up being viewed as tragic.)

2012-02-24, 09:39 PM
It's important to discuss things but we need to be aware that anything could potentially happen. No one needs to get angry or frustrated (attacking individuals is definatly not needed).

We're all basically just speculating.

2012-02-24, 09:46 PM
So psyched for PS2... I would enjoy a PS1.5 with just remodeled skins and such but there have been so many advances in FPS games since 2003 that PS2 will be so much better and more fun than PS1.5 could ever be.

2012-02-24, 09:51 PM
beta these days pretty much is the game you are playing -10%. That's what they out there expect it to be, at least.. Beta sucks, game sucks.

2012-02-25, 01:29 PM

The reason why there are so many diehard fans for PlanetSide 1, was because it was so unique and interesting to play. The only downside was the lack of direction, content and support in the long run. Sure, now-a-days many would gawk at even playing a game with such dated graphics--but when it comes to gameplay mechanic, modifying it into a modern shooter is just not going to appeal because it ends up killing the reason why we loved the first one. Why would I play PlanetSide 2, if it were designed to be drastically different than PlanetSide 1? Why not call it something else?

I'm not against adding in a lot of cool features. I like new weapons, customization, vehicles, etc. I like cooler bases, better technology and everything that comes with that. However, I think it prudent that if PlanetSide 2 is to come to fruition, the primary goal for launch to be modeling itself after the first--to really pull all of that unique gameplay into this decade.

Edit: I don't like squad spawn. Rawr!


2012-02-25, 01:50 PM
in most other games nowadays beta equals full game mostly.
but planetside beta is as unique as the game. most balancing has to be done in beta, and the devs already stated that they want to work on everything that seems to be broken during beta.

but this doesn´t mean we should stop all discussions about things we imagine to be bad. i am sure that our discussions (and even the whining as long as it has something constructive) plant a lot of ideas into devbrains that they might never have had on their own. this forum is a massive brainpool! there is a lot of stupidity and whining included, but the huge load of great ideas and views makes up for this. and the devs are able to filter out the important stuff.

2012-03-08, 01:06 PM
I just wanted to bring this up again since we have seen a firestorm of panic over some things that were seen at GDC. Keep in mind that this is no where near a finished product and many things will change. What we saw at GDC was just somethings to show off what is being worked on. The GDC demo was mostly about the scale of the engine. Things like killcam and respawn rates were completely inaccurate for demo purposes only.

Beta will be the real place for feedback (or panic).

2012-03-08, 01:10 PM
I just wanted to bring this up again since we have seen a firestorm of panic over some things that were seen at GDC. Keep in mind that this is no where near a finished product and many things will change. What we saw at GDC was just somethings to show off what is being worked on. The GDC demo was mostly about the scale of the engine. Things like killcam and respawn rates were completely inaccurate for demo purposes only.

Beta will be the real place for feedback (or panic).

I think our bitching is perfectly fine actually.

Our constant crying and whining over killcams got them removed, or at least altered. If we just blindy liked everything the devs were dishing out we could end up with a very, very bad version of PS2. It's perfectly fine to let our thoughts and opinions on subjects be known, before it's too late for them to change them as they could wind up to be integral parts of the game's structure.

I will continue to bitch and whine over everything to no avail :cry:

2012-03-08, 01:14 PM
I have notice you all explode about everything. Everything. It's kind of funny because I don't have any experience with PS1 and can't understand why things are blowing up most of the time.

"You all explode about everything"?

No, not everyone about everything. A bit of an exageration surely.

There is only a couple of things I don't like the thought of. Some more that I wonder how it will work out in game and a great deal more that I think are great.

But it also works the other way round too.

"I have noticed that you all collapse into rhapsodies of omg that's wonderful" whenever a new feature is revealed.

There should be balance surely .. not everything is good and not everything is bad.

If we're here for anything it is to give to the DEVS our best opinion and let them take it from there. Although too much drama is tiring.

2012-03-08, 01:31 PM
I think our bitching is perfectly fine actually.

Our constant crying and whining over killcams got them removed, or at least altered. If we just blindy liked everything the devs were dishing out we could end up with a very, very bad version of PS2. It's perfectly fine to let our thoughts and opinions on subjects be known, before it's too late for them to change them as they could wind up to be integral parts of the game's structure.

I will continue to bitch and whine over everything to no avail :cry:

Yeah, but you know there is a difference between constructive criticism and the sky is falling panic we see on these forums all too frequently.

2012-03-08, 01:35 PM
People have every reason to express concerns about game features that their experience enables them to have a view about.

Personally, I live to bitch! :rofl:

2012-03-08, 02:14 PM
I think everyone just needs to stop being so damn mean, at least until the beta.

2012-03-08, 02:18 PM
People have the right to express concern, but keep in mind almost anything in PS2 that is measurable by a number, can be changed. So if someone is only concerned about a gun doing too much dmg, or something taking to long, can all be tweek'd.

Right now we're just figuring out what mechanics work best and have a slight idea where the numbers should be. Beta is about adjusting the numbers

2012-03-08, 02:51 PM
I think everyone just needs to stop being so damn mean, at least until the beta.

This is more my point. You can discuss thing in a civil fashion, but you don't have to buck wild on people just because they don't agree with you. You also shouldn't act like a current feature in the build is the end of the world.