View Full Version : If you were SOE, what would your 3 year development be?

2012-02-25, 11:31 AM
The devs have talked about their plan for ps2 post launch to continue its development and have discussed a few things that are likely to be included (buggies, sandbox style gameplay) but what would be your three year development plan?

2012-02-25, 11:36 AM
Cool story bro, misread OPs post.

These are all assuming the games population will facilitate these additions

Year 1-
Merit System (If it isn't already in the game)
Add at least 1-2 Continents and throw 2-3 bases out in the ocean
Naval Warfare vehicles

Year 2-
Expand on Naval Warfare
Bring the HART back, except it takes you to different planets
Open up a second planet 1-2 continents on it at start, continents are a bit more out there (I was thinking something along the lines of Nagrand and Netherstorm from WoW) varying gravity etc (Whole bunch of possibilities)

Year 3-
Expand more on the second planet
Space Warfare (EVE-Esque but you actually control your ship as opposed to setting coordinates and it flies there automatically)

2012-02-25, 11:39 AM
Mine would go something like this:

Months Following Launch

More Customization Options for current stuff
Refine Balancing as players adapt/create strategies
Introduce 1-2 New Continents

By Year One:

An expansion allowing Orbital Stations to be fought over in a low gravity/6 axis enviroment. Similar to Caves.
Add Caves

Year Two:

Lay the foundation of an economic system, resource trade, maybe add some craftable items/upgrades to encourage use.

Year Three:

Space Warfare Expansion Pack:

Outfit Warships (See Thread)
Add additional Planets and a plethora of new continents. With this, begin to condense servers so that each "server" is it's own Planet.

2012-02-25, 11:54 AM
1 year, relentlessly rid auraxis of TR/NC... :fu:
2 year, furiously nail 1000 vanu women...:bananasex
3 year, happily recover with alcohol... :cheers:

2012-02-25, 12:02 PM
Come on its SOE.

Year one: Release big content patch that will break gameplay
Year two: Small balance patch. Huge merging of servers.
Year three: Only 1 US server left, devs nowhere to be found to fix bugs.

2012-02-25, 12:04 PM
Come on its SOE.

He's asking for YOUR three year plan if you were in charge of it. Are you SOE?

2012-02-25, 12:11 PM
Bah im blind. Sory.

Year one: Adding all weapons/vehicles/continents from ps1 that wont make it at release
Year two: New areas/continent including undeground cities
Year three: Sandbox - Crating outfit towers, bases etc.

2012-02-25, 12:24 PM
Naval Warfare vehicles

Fuck yes. But naval bases aren't probably going to get a lot of praise. Maybe isolated islands with one or two bases?

Space Warfare (EVE-Esque but you actually control your ship as opposed to setting coordinates and it flies there automatically)

Baby steps, Lynx. Baby steps.

2012-02-25, 12:29 PM
Year 1: Add a couple continents, fix bugs as they arise, release a patch adding content we were unable to release at launch.
Year 2: Balancing the patch after release, expand upon outfits. Naval Warfare
Year 3: 3 new aircraft for space combat, add a new class only usable in space, add space levels.


Naval Warfare

that's what I forgot. damn

2012-02-25, 12:37 PM
Baby steps, Lynx. Baby steps.

>< I know I know.... My post was basically "In a perfect world this would happen..."

I'd have to go rearrange some of those things in order for them all to be a little more accurate with development time.

2012-02-25, 03:00 PM
Since the game is launching with Indar, Esamir, and Amerish I'd probably go with something like the following which would keep me buying things and playing the game. It's hard to make a detailed 3 years plan without spending a lot of time so I left out smaller cash shop updates which are kind of assumed. The game will probably fueled by content so I included some weapon and vehicle updates I'd like to see, but there would probably need to be a lot more over the 3 years with dedicated people adding them. Having 30+ weapons, 20+ vehicles with specific roles and purposes, not just adding them to add them, would be nice over 3 years and going into the future.

Year 1: 2013

January: Cash shop update: Release specials for initial players
February: Vehicle Update: ES Buggies
March: Indar cave update merging caves into the continents suface with holes (for infantry and air combat), Earthquake animation for the week randomly on Indar before the update.
April: Creature (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36234) Pack 1 for Indar (Hostile desert creatures)
June: Weapon Update, Phoenix, Stryker, Lancer named weapons, not necessarily the same design
July: Vehicle Update: Squad remote artillery (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37108)
August: Creature Pack 2 for Esamir (Hostile tundra creatures), Creature Pack 3 for Amerish (Hostile forest creatures)
September: Vehicle Update: Vulture dive bomber (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showpost.php?p=595092&postcount=10).
October: Cash shop, winter theme skins and vehicle camo and decals
November: Continent Update, Ceryshen released (glacial world with bridges)
December, First non-beta Christmas, trees and lights in bases specials in the store for hats. Snowball gun added in cash shop

Year 2 2014

January: Weapon Update: Common Pool MIRV AV (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37428)
February Creature Pack 4 for Ceryshen (Hostile tundra creatures)
March: Weather Update: Meteor Showers, Hold the Meteor Game Mode (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37160)
April: Vehicle Update: NTU Vehicles (Plane and Ground NTU variant) (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37285)
June: Vehicle Update: Mechs (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showpost.php?p=577663&postcount=1)
July: Weapon Update: Special Assault with Constraints (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37051)
August: Most weapons configured and balanced for dual Wielding (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37121)
September: Weapon Complexity Update, Complex fire modes, Ammo Types (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36593), Ammo Pool Switched to Magazines (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=38611)
October: Fantasy Implants (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37211) including off hand implants (2 added to skill tree per class)
November: Continent Update, Searhus released
December: Christmas special hats offered again, snowmen creatures added for the month on Esamir and Ceryshen

Year 3 2015

January: Creature Pack 5 Searhus (Hostile volcanic creatures)
February: Skill-Tree Update: Implants Ability Unlocks (4 per class)
March: Vehicle Update: Phantasm (Cloaked light transport)
April: Continent Update: Floating Islands Added to Indar (Large land masses in the sky connected with bridges)
June: Weapon Update: ???
July: Continent Update: Hossin released
August: Creature Pack 6 Hossin (Hostile swamp creatures)
September: Weapon Update: ???
October: Floating Islands added over Searhus
November: Graphics Update: Vehicle Entering/Exiting Animations (GPUs have upgraded)
December: Graphics Update: Overall graphics and texture updates to keep the game modern.

So 3 new continents added to a guessed 3 released ones and some new weapons. Also assuming that technology and people's computers will get better slightly over 3 years has to be taken into account near the 3rd year as I listed.

2012-02-25, 05:35 PM
*Edited for stupidity*

I'm really worried about only 3 continents at launch, if we don't have the same amount of territory as we did for PS1 launch, then I'd make more land top priority.

Talking about the next 3 years is hard since I don't know everything that will be in at launch lol.

I would put in some Class oriented perks/research in vehicles though

2012-02-25, 06:42 PM
Come on its SOE.

Year one: Release big content patch that will break gameplay
Year two: Small balance patch. Huge merging of servers.
Year three: Only 1 US server left, devs nowhere to be found to fix bugs.

Hehe yeah if were making troll lists I think that might be too optimistic.

Year one: Desperately try to stem the tide of free account hackers.
Year two: Realize its time to start selling power, armor colors ain't paying the bills, and damn we didn't even sell a box so were still paying for development.
Year three: Forget PS2 exists.

But assuming SOE has gotten better:

Year one: Focus mostly on game balance. Add more continents. Possibly add indoor areas like caverns again but not all focused on crazy alien crystals. Mineshafts, Subways, etc. Get those Urban terrain continents in there. Implementation of new weapons/vehicles slowly over time but only if balance is stable.

Year two: Focus on expanding the sandbox. New Planets and with them a revamp of the game rules. Removing footholds to allow for more long term victories over territory. Possibility of conquering a whole Planet for your Empire. Space Stations as the new Sanctuary/Foothold type area. Ability for an outfit to run their own Station instance.

Year three: Possibly add space combat elements as a major expansion pack. Consider adding NPC elements to the game if the idea is popular. Begin running regular events that might change things up. Like the bending just without making the game worse.

2012-02-25, 07:26 PM
Year 1: Fire everyone involved with the game currently because it doesn't make $20 million a month.
Year 2: Augment the staff of one guy who develops content, QAs content, moderates forums, and bans hackers with a small cactus plant. The cactus will be Planetside 2 Lead Succulent Creative Director and will be responsible for generating new ideas for the game.
Year 3: Conclude the game is a lost cause, fire the cactus, sell weapon power increasing items for $80/ea., and watch as the same suckers who still pay for Planetside 1 pay for that.

2012-02-25, 08:53 PM
no one has played this game and we have thread asking ppl what their three year plan is?

you are a friggin idiot if you have a three year plan for PS2 at this point,I would wait until beta before I started creating any grandiose long term plans.

2012-02-25, 09:33 PM
no one has played this game and we have thread asking ppl what their three year plan is?

you are a friggin idiot if you have a three year plan for PS2 at this point,I would wait until beta before I started creating any grandiose long term plans.

aaww, you didnt like my three year plan? :lol:

2012-02-25, 09:36 PM
aaww, you didnt like my three year plan? :lol:
I'm actually surprised you posted without reading the original post. I always figured people did that, but it happens with a surprising frequency on this forum.
The devs have talked about their plan for ps2 post launch to continue its development and have discussed a few things that are likely to be included (buggies, sandbox style gameplay) but what would be your three year development plan?
He's asking "If you were SOE, what 3 year plan would you create for progressing the content and game?" referring to the developer's previous statement that at launch they are going to show us their 3 year plan for the game after release.

2012-02-25, 09:39 PM
I'm actually surprised you posted without reading the original post. I always figured people did that, but it happens with a surprising frequency on this forum.

Taking an unnecessary shot at me aside, humor is not that offensive... ;)

2012-02-25, 09:46 PM
Update 1.

New warpgate emerges, leading to one of Auraxises moon. Includes addition of the buggies(now hover vehicles for all empires. Vanu using magic tech, the other two using thrusters). Unique continent conditions: Low gravity.

Update 2.

Another new warpgate leads to a 'continent' consisting of a large number of tiny islands, and a handful of large ones. Several naval vehicles and submarines added. Includes underwater infantry combat and bases.

Update 3.

New warpgate emerges. Leads to a Venusian planet with extreme weather conditions outdoors. New vehicles added, the heavy tanks. Unique planetary conditions: Low visibility and highly inclement weather prohibit flight operations. Extreme surface conditions prohibit surface use of light infantry armors outdoors. REXO/MAX units modified to fill all infantry roles for the surface.

Update 4:

New warpgate emerges to a gas giant planet. Consists of wide swathes of bottomless sky(warning! There is a crush depth!), and lots of hovering fortresses/gas harvesters. Clouds(some caustic) provide cover and terrain. Introduction of flight packs for infantry and heavy air cruisers.

Update 5:

New warpgate emerges, leading to the shattered remains of a planet. Consists of lots of wide open space filled with debris/asteroids. Cruisers used again. Addition of plenty of space vehicle styles.

Update 6:

Introduce mana pools, special abilities, questing system, auction house, randomized loot drops, and raid instances. Establish PVE only servers.


Note: Not all new vehicles/units will be available on every continent, so as not to disrupt established gameplay too much.

2012-02-26, 07:28 AM
Here is my brief list of what I would like to see, in no particular order:

Deployable defences
Deployable outpost towers
Additional continents (perhaps without the footholds).
Space combat added above each continent, fighting for control of orbital stations that control orbital strikes and drop pod spawning on the continent. Includes a variety of different spacecraft sizes, from gunships up to cruisers. Some of the craft can enter the ground war zone.
Outfits able to claim bases and orbital stations to upgrade and customise.
Heavy tanks

2012-02-26, 08:10 AM
I think this thread is a great idea :-)

Obviously, given all my posts here, I'm thrilled with what's being set up for launch. I'm thrilled that we'll at least have three major biospheres in the form of Indar (desert), Amerish (forest and geodes), Esamir (arctic and urban).

In terms of my plan, I'd love to see naval battles; the things that SOE could do with Foreglight concerning endless skies and crashing waves could be absolutely breathtaking. I would also love skybases- gigantic suspended fortresses with internal courtyards and flat expanses of land (not an airborne continent, but more of a very large airborne base, enough room for a huge battle to take place without it feeling too crowded).

Beyond that, I would love more weapons and equipment for each class. New guns, new unlocks, new gadgets. I presume that balancing will always be happening and doesn't specifically need to be added to a 3-year plan.


2012-02-26, 10:19 AM
First Year: Resource Incentives-

have outfits use resources they gather to buy prototype support vehicles to their own mobile flying fortress or built structured base to reinforce territory control and change the tactical environment of the battlefield

Second Year: Orbital Combat -

Introduce Space combat ranging from Space stations to capture and common pool support carriers to move from one sector of space to another.

Third Year: Planetary conquest-

Expand space combat to connect between three extra planets (each planet is sandbox driven-no structures of any kind), as well as introduce more tools to build outfit created bases and structures with the choices to range from military style, city/urban, or religious/temple type buildings on the new planets. pushes the envelope for players to shape their own worlds and to encounter different battles.

2012-02-26, 12:39 PM
Every time I hear 'Three year plan' i just think of Stalin's Russia. Sorry.

EDIT: I really want some Sandbox features, the sooner/more the better.

2012-02-26, 12:50 PM
Revised :p
Year 1: More continents. 192km^2 is a lot of space but more environments will be a must.
Year 2: More sandbox features. I'm talking about the ability for outfits to deploy bases where ever there is space. At the very least it should be an ability available to commanders.
Year 3: Seriously, by this point I really hope they have added in animations again. It's something that really stuck out for me in PS even though it seems so minor. It's a feature that adds so much to the immersion. I'm all about the immersion.

2012-02-26, 04:30 PM

Please contribute to this thread in a constructive manner. The OP has a valid question based on the fact that we KNOW SOE is building a 3 year plan for PlanetSide 2. If you have nothing to contribute please do not bother posting.