View Full Version : PS2 site combo with PSU forums

2012-02-26, 08:48 AM
Hey planetsiders

I think psu as done a great job keeping us upto date on all things planetside for the last 10 years. I have always used PSU forums over the main sites.

And I think PS2 team should reward psu team in some way
by Maybe using psu forums for planetside 2 website.

Or Hamma is a admin ;)

So I would like to say thank you PSU team for keeping us updated and well done 

2012-02-26, 08:52 AM
There would be so many legal hoops to jump through...

Kran De Loy
2012-02-26, 09:06 AM
True I agree that the PSU mods and owner(s?) should be rewarded for all they've done and I don't mean that as a way to suck up, but the idea of using PSU for the official PS2 forums is a terrible idea.

Not counting the legal problems, it would ruin a lot of the free speech that gets used up in copious amount here. I mean I could go tell someone to go slobber all over my chode on these forums and I'd may get an infraction, maybe even a short ban and the offending post deleted.

Man, I'd get ban hammered off official forums faster than a HALO teenie ragequiting over a little teabag'd trolling.

2012-02-26, 09:09 AM
And I think PS2 team should reward psu team by using psu forums for planetside 2 website. 

Official forums are always moderated, so it would psu forum have to be too.
Mention on ps2 site would be nice, but i rather like that psu forums is without strict moderation.

2012-02-26, 09:26 AM
While I guess Hamma would probably be very proud to be offered such, but I honestly doubt if he would take up on the offer :D

2012-02-26, 09:29 AM
Official game forums are a tricky bit. Using a fansite as the official forum has loads of legal issues, and would propably kill the site easily ;)

Besides, i like it here. dont want PSU to become Forumside 2 ;)

2012-02-26, 09:33 AM
No, I like PSU for what it provides which is reliable information and fun theorycraft BUT what I love is spreading propaganda, zerging threads and antagonizing enemy guilds (or whole factions) and I need official forums for that.

2012-02-26, 10:04 AM
No, I like PSU for what it provides which is reliable information and fun theorycraft BUT what I love is spreading propaganda, zerging threads and antagonizing enemy guilds (or whole factions) and I need official forums for that.

Ah, so you're the kind that has to bash on WASP on APB forums "just cause" :D

2012-02-26, 10:17 AM
While I guess Hamma would probably be very proud to be offered such, but I honestly doubt if he would take up on the offer :D

You are probably right here ;)

I like remaining outside of SOE being able to support the community and provide an outlet that is free of moderation (mostly) and corporate rules that dictate what happens on official forums. We would like to stay in the business of community forums and features as opposed to being official in any way.

Though I wouldn't argue with more exposure on the official site than we are getting right now (none) :)

2012-02-26, 10:23 AM
I think PSU is in a nice position that way. Theres no major "official forum like" moderation, but for example I think it was the right thing to do to forbid people sharing the scanned version of the PCGamer mag. Probably same will go in beta. Some other forum would allow NDA breaches to go like that cos people want to know, but Im fairly sure those will be moderated here, cos the dev interaction is a two way road and by honoring their wishes to a point, we are likely to get some goodies/interaction in teh future as well :D

2012-02-26, 10:36 AM
Thats right. Best we could get is mutual respect. If PSU will honor serious rules like NDA, we can still count on that devs will respect us and visit us often. There is no need to become official forum, and be held back with all that tiny rules official forums must have.

2012-02-26, 11:27 AM
I like psu as it is, Free from moderation.

You think the shit storm we have created about the pro7 stuff would have survived intact on official forums.

PSU is a comfy home for the old tired vets and the new guy.

2012-02-26, 11:55 AM
Stay unofficial, Hamma-dude!

No legal problems if PSU is just a "fansite" forum, so long as it remains reasonably clear that PSU is not owned or controlled by SOE at all.

It'd be great if people could link straight here from PS2's website.

2012-02-26, 12:13 PM
... I could go tell someone to go slobber all over my chode...

My vocabulary has been expanded ! :p

2012-02-26, 12:18 PM
most games have a fansites link section... if planetside 2 sets up one, they will put psu in the first most prominent space. at least i think they have to ;-)

that would be all i want. just imagine how many posts will have to be deleted from psu if soe moderating rules would apply here? would sweep half of the forums away ;-)

what i would love to see is some good hidden easteregg somewhere in the game that mentions psu ;-) like a screen in a basement of a very far off bunker that still shows the psu mainsite ;-)

2012-02-26, 04:51 PM
Anybody that is anybody knows about this site.Anybody that is looking for PS2 info on the web will find this site.

Thanks Hamma, and crew for all the work you have done over the years

2012-02-26, 05:14 PM
We get PS2 staff coming by to read/respond to threads fairly often here. That's reward enough, I'd think. Besides, maybe Hamma likes being his own boss here. If he were providing forums for SOE in an official capacity, he'd have to play by their rules.

2012-02-26, 05:26 PM
Would be good to see a link on the official form/website to PSU as an "official" fansite.