View Full Version : Resources(normal/specific/rare) and random locations.

2012-02-27, 11:43 PM
(weird letters keep appearing again and again before contractions in sentences. Sorry about that)

I know there already were many threads regarding these topics, but was there any in-depth clarification from the devs, up to this point?

(about randomization, the ratio between fixed/mobile resource types...etc)

And I\\\'m sorry if these details were already touched on many times by the devs, or webcasts ;)

few more Qs this time:

1) Will there be certain set of weapons or add-ons that need specific resource types to make or buy? Or resource types only differ in terms of value( I mean, price)?

2) Will there be specfic grids, bases, or locations that give speed boost when it comes to resource gain per hour/minute? If true, then, will these locations also be randomized periodically?

3) Will there be any kind of \\\'Resource detectors\\\' within bases or structures? Portable resource sensors, maybe?

Or we will have to figure out ourselves just looking enemy soldiers\\\' weaponry?
(of course this won\\\'t be an issue if when all resource types can be used on all types of weapons, sidegrades, and vehicles)

4) Talking about the post-launch sandbox element. Will there be any deployable structures in the future, to boost the speed of resource gain? Like futuristic....drills maybe? =)

again, these are just several things I\\\'ve been wondering for several weeks and by no means suggestions or ideas I\\\'d like to see. What\\\'s your take on this?

2012-02-27, 11:57 PM
Again, we don\'t know. SOE, mHigby, and everyone else kind of keep their hands off the resource system. Most of the questions they answer are about really little stuff, like \"what does this gun look like?\". Just wait until the Beta starts and find out.

2012-02-28, 12:00 AM
Again, we don\\'t know. SOE, mHigby, and everyone else kind of keep their hands off the resource system. Most of the questions they answer are about really little stuff, like \"what does this gun look like?\". Just wait until the Beta starts and find out.

Ah, so it seems we\'ve got almost nothing about these topics yet, I guess. Should be interesting when we eventually find these out in Beta...