View Full Version : Why are you going to play Planetside 2?

2012-02-29, 05:22 PM
I think it is time to tell our developers why we have come to Planetside 2 in the first place.

Why does this interest you so much?

How do you hope to see this expanded on?

I'm interested to hear what reasons you have for being here.

2012-02-29, 05:24 PM
Planetside was quite possibly the greatest gaming moments I've ever had.

Sure it had its problems, it wasn't perfect. I'm the first to admit it.

But it was the MOST fun and enjoyable experience I've ever had in a video game.

When they announced the sequel I damn near peed my pants while cheering. When I told everyone on Ventrilo at the time about it, they had similar reactions.

Planetside has introduced me to people I consider close friends, having gamed with them across a dozen games over the course of a decade, and I can't wait to be reunited on the fields of Auraxis.

TR for life.
tE for life.

2012-02-29, 05:26 PM
that´s easy!

ps1 spoiled me for all other shooters!
artificial intelligence is still too predictable. only human opponents do the trick! and not just 4 or 16 of them...

2012-02-29, 05:26 PM
Planetside was quite possibly the greatest gaming moments I've ever had.

Sure it had its problems, it wasn't perfect. I'm the first to admit it.

But it was the MOST fun and enjoyable experience I've ever had in a video game.

When they announced the sequel I damn near peed my pants while cheering. When I told everyone on Ventrilo at the time about it, they had similar reactions.

Planetside has introduced me to people I consider close friends, having gamed with them across a dozen games over the course of a decade, and I can't wait to be reunited again.

Do you mind going into more detail? I mean, what brought you to Planetside in the first place?

2012-02-29, 05:27 PM
Giant battles give me lots of people to snipe/mow/shoot/kill in all sorts of fantastically fun ways.

I enjoy adapting to the battle that's happening, finding my own space to have an impact on.

Sometimes, I just love the chaos. Hauling out the MCG and jumping into the meat grinder.

The pain train is coming. WOO WOOOOO.

2012-02-29, 05:28 PM
Do you mind going into more detail? I mean, what brought you to Planetside in the first place?

I was 14 and saw a preview talking about it in an issue of Gamepro, that's about it really.

Happened to be randomly recruited into my outfit in the Sanctuary one day, and I've been with them ever since.

2012-02-29, 05:32 PM
Since i played PS i wasnt satisfied with any other online shooters. They all seem to be only fragfest without any other meaning and zero cooperation.
So im following ps2 due nostalgia for ps1, as there are too much changes (to worse from my view), that it will need to prove be worthy of that name.
So im sitting back, watch their every move, and dream that i could have as much fun in ps2 as i had in ps1.

2012-02-29, 05:32 PM
I'm not.

2012-02-29, 05:35 PM
Since i played PS i wasnt satisfied with any other online shooters. They all seem to be only fragfest without any other meaning and zero cooperation.
So im following ps2 due nostalgia for ps1, as there are too much changes (to worse from my view), that it will need to prove be worthy of that name.
So im sitting back, watch their every move, and dream that i could have as much fun in ps2 as i had in ps1.

I can dig this.

MMO's ruined my interest in regular games.
Planetside has ruined non-mmo shooters.

2012-02-29, 05:37 PM
Planetside was quite possibly the greatest gaming moments I've ever had.

Sure it had its problems, it wasn't perfect. I'm the first to admit it.

But it was the MOST fun and enjoyable experience I've ever had in a video game.

When they announced the sequel I damn near peed my pants while cheering. When I told everyone on Ventrilo at the time about it, they had similar reactions.

Planetside has introduced me to people I consider close friends, having gamed with them across a dozen games over the course of a decade, and I can't wait to be reunited on the fields of Auraxis.

TR for life.
tE for life.

This but replace the TR/te for life with


Really though, he nailed it. I saw Planetside 1 through an advert on some other website (the little side ones) and was bored while looking for a new game... It just so happened that the game had literally just released the day previous. And boy did I have a blast (even with my 10 fps). It created some of the BEST memories I have in gaming. I still remember some of the fights I had those many many years ago. Thats just not something that happens in games much anymore. And I think most of us want to see this happen again in PS2, with new technology and all helping lead the way there.

2012-02-29, 05:47 PM
Planetside was quite possibly the greatest gaming moments I've ever had.

Sure it had its problems, it wasn't perfect. I'm the first to admit it.

But it was the MOST fun and enjoyable experience I've ever had in a video game.

When they announced the sequel I damn near peed my pants while cheering. When I told everyone on Ventrilo at the time about it, they had similar reactions.

Planetside has introduced me to people I consider close friends, having gamed with them across a dozen games over the course of a decade, and I can't wait to be reunited on the fields of Auraxis.

TR for life.
tE for life.

+1 I loved PS1
I dont know that i will play PS2 .I was hoping for PS2 to be more like PS1
I dont want to play Call Of duty 5 The battle for Auraxis.
I'll give it a try, I hope i love it like i did PS1 .PS2 is starting to look like every FPS game, other then PS1.

2012-02-29, 06:01 PM
The scale of battles and the random / weird situations that happen when so many interrests collide.

Played PS1 on a friends account for a while, back when it came out.

2012-02-29, 06:02 PM
I'm a military man. This is the closest I can get to work without it feeling like "work" if you know what I mean. Military guys will get it. You train for years and never "get to the grand final"

The main selling points for me are there's no stupid restriction on having only 32 or 64 players in the battle. Why would the US army commit only 32 marines to capturing a village and then give them 3 or 4 tanks/heavy vehicles and a couple of helicopters and a couple of jets? (Battlefield/COD, I'm looking at you!) That level of vehicle support would normally be attached to a lot more troopers.

In PS1, everynoob couldn't just get into a tank or plane and drive it away - just like IRL. I can drive a tank around IRL because I've been trained, but put me in an F18 cockpit and I got nothing. So I liked the cert system in PS1

In PS2 I'm a little bit worried that everyone will have access to the basic vehicles. Have to see how that works out later.

Back on topic, proper sized battles where everything is player controlled, proper strategy and tactics will be more important than twitch skillz0rz and what I do today has an effect on the game tomorrow. Not like COD where the timer runs out and the map changes and everything I've done vanishes in a cloud of electrons shifting out of server memory.

2012-02-29, 06:03 PM
+1 I loved PS1
I dont know that i will play PS2 .I was hoping for PS2 to be more like PS1
I dont want to play Call Of duty 5 The battle for Auraxis.
I'll give it a try, I hope i love it like i did PS1 .PS2 is starting to look like every FPS game, other then PS1.

All that made PS1 what it was, was the scale.

That's it. It was a pretty shitty FPS when you get down to the nuts and bolts.

But the scale and teamwork and all that, that emerged because of the scale, should still be there, only several times larger.

2012-02-29, 06:07 PM
I ran upon PS while browsing the Internet. I was bored sitting at home wondering if anybody had ever made a MMOFPS. Because, TBH I was bored of all the other shooters that where out at the time. So I Yahoo'd MMOFPS and up popped PS. As soon as I saw it I knew it was the game for me.

I joined the game back in may when it first came out as I was following it religiously at the time. I participated in my first major battle within the first couple of days of it coming out and was hooked. Even though I lagged through the entire battle...56k eek :(. I still had a absolute blast. The chaos/scale of it was awesome as I had never experienced anything like it. I knew my days of 12vs12 or smaller where over.That pretty much sealed the deal and well, here I am today. If PS2 can capture the heart and soul that was PS1. I'll be around for another 8+ or however many years. That one of the reasons I'm playing PS2.

A side note: As a result of PS. I can't even look at the Battlefield series or games similar to it. It just doesn't capture the size and scope that is PS. Its just not as fun imo.

2012-02-29, 06:10 PM
All that made PS1 what it was, was the scale.

That's it. It was a pretty shitty FPS when you get down to the nuts and bolts.
But the scale and teamwork and all that, that emerged because of the scale, should still be there, only several times larger.

Not true, i thought Planetside was fantastic as an FPS and wish more games played like it. Its Clientside Hit-Detection is what threw off the gameplay imo. Though its scale is definately a big part of what makes it fun too. I'm sad to see much of the old game being taken out and replaced with things i dont find very fun.

Im playing Planetside 2 simply because it is a sequal to the most awesome game i have ever played in hopes that all the "Modern features" dont ruin the experiance for me.

2012-02-29, 06:12 PM
Planetside was the greatest, most magnificent game that ever existed (next to Hide The Salami :brow: ). The camaraderie that was spawned from that game is beyond compare. My outfit has since morfed into something incredible. Because of Planetside.

The second iteration is shaping up to be even more amazing.

2012-02-29, 06:17 PM
Because I can.


2012-02-29, 06:25 PM
I think it is time to tell our developers why we have come to Planetside 2 in the first place..

agreed. considering how much time we have spent complaining about a game that hasn't come out yet.

Why does this interest you so much?.

Because it was my first MMO and spoiled my experences with other MMOs ever since. In PS, it wasn't the graphics that drew me in, it was the scale of combat and it's longitivity. some games boost 30 players or even 100. PS boosted 300+ in it's prime and everyone was on the same battlefield. this means fights long into the night (and early the next day). no other game (with the exception of EVE) does that and allows for the flexability of playstyle as PS1 one did.

and because of that, i am going to play PS2.

2012-02-29, 06:27 PM
Planetside was that ex that got you into a lot of kinky stuff that will forever color your experiences in bed. No matter what new fling comes your way, you always use that ex as your benchmark.

Now they're back after all those years, and you're falling for the same moves they used before. Of course you're going to hook up again.

2012-02-29, 06:40 PM
The epic scale, being able to team up with 10+ friends and run an EPIC cloaker mission with 2-3 phantasms, everyone with CE; flying into an enemy facility at 10kmh, landing and planting 20 boomers on the flail that is sitting RIGHT THERE with NO SUPPORT that is somehow POUNDING our spawn, blowing it to Pisces and other shenanigans :D.

I think that the real question is what do we miss about PS1, that we don't see in other shooters/games?

For me it is two things:
1) The freedom to team, of not being restricted to an arbitrary matchmaker thingy that always separated my friends and I, or 4 people per squad, or 6 players per mission, and such. ANY game can be ridiculously fun with my friends next to me; and the more I can team with, the more fun it becomes.
2) The pure PVP nature of it, this provided challenge, unique battles, blah blah blah... What this really did, was it made the shenanigans above fun, being that you cannot troll a NPC; but running up behind someone V-V-W and unloading my amp into their back is only fun because I know that on the other side there is a sniper raging at me.:rofl: (it was espesailly funny if i knew that the other guy did not have darklight.. V-V-W and watch him panic :twisted:)

2012-02-29, 06:52 PM
When I was ~13/14ish my dad and I would go to one of those now extinct lan party computer places. Pay some money, use their computers and internet for a few hours. It was pretty cool albeit expensive and useless as everyone has computers.

But anyways, I was playing other games there and noticed Planetside in their selection or MMOs. Did a little research and asked some people, it caught my interest. After some time I purchased it and logged in. Immediatley became part of dark skyes, was active on the forums and played when I could.

Eventually got a computer that could run Planetside and played it all the time, I dissapeared from other games for weeks at a time.

The endless conquest really attracts me. Some of the things that were pulled off on a large and organized scale really wow'd me.

In other games you have a few stories of how you had a killstreak or won a match. In Planetside I have memories of squading up with people regularly, of fighting a war against other recognizable people alongside some I would call friends.

There's no other game where I can actually recall other outfits and players the way I do.

Like Firefly said earlier, there's an unrivaled comraderie that you develop in this game.

2012-02-29, 07:06 PM
Friend referred me to open beta of PS1. Didn't know much about it and just downloaded the game and logged in. Hadn't been really into FPS games before then either. But man, I loved it. Massive deployments happening in the sanctuary. Deploying to a base with massive fights around it! Was took much fun and got addicted pretty fast.

2012-02-29, 07:12 PM
Where do I begin?

I must have been twelve years old when I first started playing it back in '03. I was a noob, with no real idea what the heck I was doing. But then I saw the battles and the convoys, and even flew my first galaxy into an enemy base, taking a few TR with me in the resulting explosion.

But I'll never forget those moments as time progressed, the first time I could cert ReXo, getting my lasher and killing the annoying NC with a noobhammer with it. There was nothing like the feeling you got when you took a base away from an enemy that had fought like hell to keep it from your empire. The battles would last days, a week. Once I was fighting at the same base for two weeks on old Oshur. The Vanu would make a push, take the courtyard and then the other empire would counter attack, get reinforcements, etc and retake the courtyard. The base must have flipped dozens of times before one side eventually won it and moved on to the next base.

One of the worst decisions ever made was replacing Oshur with the battle islands, but I kept playing. The servers began to lose players, but then the first server merge happened and Konried and Emerald merged. I got the chance to join up with Azure Twilight for awhile, both good and bad times with them. They had good shock and awe tactics, but lacked flexibility. A galaxy drop or a max crash repeatedly isn't going to always work. Sometimes that mine field at the backdoor is just too much for a max crash, and then the TR pounders anchored in the hallway just beyond those doors turned it into a slaughterhouse.

Then Battle Frame Robotics rolled around, everyone was excited about them. Despite what people say now days, they were awesome machines of war when they were first revealed. And they should have stayed uber deathbots with a 24 hour cooldown timer. The nerf just made them into a joke to be laughed at while people fired decis at them.

Besides all of this, I met many good friends in Planetside. I hope to see them again in Planetside 2.

Technology Equals Might
The Vanu shall be the ones to make the world purple once more.
(And if you didn't know, the Vanu were the only ones to have ever succeeded in turning all conts purple. Don't believe me? Vanu Sovereignty world domination - YouTube

Vanu Sovereignty celebrates world domination - YouTube )

Vanu Sovereignty shall rule again!


2012-02-29, 07:30 PM
I personally want to play PS2 to throw flash bangs at teammates as they spawn in through the Gal.

2012-02-29, 07:31 PM
Massive global warfare
Maps aren't tiny with a few vehicle spawns that people will TK for
Vanu Sovereignty

2012-02-29, 08:00 PM
I actually picked up planetside in WH Smiths (yeah, i know right?) I thought it was an RTS game, I was 13 and had no idea about online gaming, I had only been playing stuff like warzone 2100, maybe some halo on the xbox (if that came out then.. I can't remember)

I practically begged my parents to subscribe for 1 month, and was instantly hooked, I was recruited into an outfit and I've been to LANs with them since and still play with a few of them in every game I play.

The reason I loved planetside is the HUGE and EPIC battles that went on for days, and (back in the day) you wanted to help your team mates around you, and they wanted to help you, everyone repairs/meds others and co-ordinates attacks, yea there was some kill stealing but nothing like it is now.. I also loved the silly traditions you sort of ran into like your first CR5 OS must be on your outfit and as many other empire members as possilbe - crazily enough i know people who would surge into them for celebration :)

2012-02-29, 08:06 PM
I feel like all I need to say is "Because it's Planetside"

Vanu were the only ones to have ever succeeded in turning all conts purple
Well who else would want to turn it purple? lol If you meant only ones to lock the whole world, you are mistaken.

But really,
Because there is no equivalent to what Planetside offers
Because I get to reunite with the same crew of buds that started my gaming life, and the ones I've gamed with the past 9 years are all going back.

2012-02-29, 08:57 PM
PS1 was shit that succeeded because it was fun to play with people, even if virtually everything in the game was done poorly. I think the idea of a MMOFPS is a good one and hope it will become one of the prongs of the MMO industry going forward, so both out of a desire to play a good game and because I'm intensely curious to see what 9 years or whatever has taught MMO developers, I am very interested in playing this game.

2012-02-29, 09:16 PM
that´s easy!

ps1 spoiled me for all other shooters!
artificial intelligence is still too predictable. only human opponents do the trick! and not just 4 or 16 of them...

I know right. I haven't really enjoyed an FPS since I left the original. The scope of planetside is just amazing.

2012-02-29, 09:24 PM
My brother had been looking for a game that we could play together, as I lived in a different city at the time. We played only together at first and I was quickly hooked. I couldn't stop thinking about it during school. I couldn't wait to get back. I found myself rushing home and playing for hours. It was Epic! Hearing the pilot say "drop now!" and dropping from Galaxies on to the beautiful chaos below. Finding myself somehow still alive and that adrenaline fueled mad dash for cover. Tense sniper battles in the middle of a war. Coming across a lone enemy MAX in the middle of no where as an agile, fighting for my life and at the end being completely out of ammo, clutching my knife, shaking uncontrollably but still alive. Planetside was one of two games that I actually have stories about years after playing. All completely organic player created. The classic "war stories" that so many have. It just stuck with me.

I knew that planetside was still active, but for some reason i just didn't want to go back to it. I left about the time BFRs (man i knew they were a bad idea when i heard about them) was implemented and didn't have the extra cash to sub after. I spent many years trying to find that feeling from a game again then life happened and about two years ago or so, i began to seriously wonder: Tech is better. No more dsl or dail up, the fps market for games was THE thing now. WHY THE HELL HAS NO ONE ELSE MADE A GAME LIKE PLANETSIDE?

I did some searching and the first time found nothing but some ill received attempts by other games. But nothing that had the scope that Planetside did, NOTHING. Then the letter from SOE was released asking players about a new Planetside. I have been following ever since. Eagerly awaiting the opportunity to play the game that HAD to be made. A new planetside with todays graphics/mechanics/connection and the spirit and scale of the ps1. Whats better than that?

2012-02-29, 10:11 PM
1. Sci-fi + Planetside visual style + good fps combat.
2. Huge, fantastically beautiful open world - that I can barrel roll over all day!
3. An mmo that is 100% community based - that's ballsy and awesome!

2012-02-29, 10:26 PM
huge open world battles
1000's of players at once
no npc's all real people
infantry and vehicle warfare
sci-fi FPS

all these things are why i play PS1 and will play PS2

i have wondered this myself

i have been playing battlefield for the last few years its just sad its only 32/64 players - why isnt there more games with 100's or even 1000's of players - it makes it much much more fun than just 32 v 32

2012-02-29, 10:29 PM
It all started when I was visiting my cousin, who was working for SOE at the time, told me that I needed to play this game. So he booted up his rig, fired up the game hit create character, said good luck and left for work. I made my character hit instant action and ended up in a tower. I then ran outside in my pj's, not knowing that I could use an equip term to get better stuff, only to find a massive field before me with a base in the backround. Half a second later I was destroyed by what seemed to be thousands of shells, bullets and various missiles. It was from that moment on that I knew I was home. Two days later I discovered the certification terminals.

I want this feeling again, the feeling of the unknown, the scale, the adventrue. This is why I will play planetside 2.

Oh yeah and because its free, what do I have to lose?

2012-02-29, 10:37 PM
Ever hear of the term "The more the merrier"? I'm that kind of guy.

I also love video games, and sci-fi futuristic elements. When my friend checked out the beta and told me about it, I had my doubts as always, but when I played the game, I felt the scope, the atmosphere, the unique feel, be it from the UI, the music, the sound of the gauss, or the afterburner of a reaver.

Planetside 2 is a chance to once again join the ranks of friends, brethren, brothers-in-arms; and to expand on those connections. The population density of Planetside determined when I quit that game. I expect the populations of Planetside 2 to be fully rejuvenated.

2012-02-29, 10:46 PM
I first heard about Planetside 1 while I was browsing the net one day. I was reading a webcomic, Dominic-Deegan, and there was a random link up. So I clicked it and it was for a video featuring Evilpig and the 666th. The were showcasing all the stuff you could do with planetside and just how big the numbers got. I instantly went ought purchased the game and joined up for the fight. And that has been now 8 years of gaming.

What really got me in the end, what truly hooked were 2 things.

1. The level of co-ordination that people can truly achieve here. I mean the possibilities for teamplay and tactics were limitless. It all depened on what you are willing to try to do.

2. My seminal moment in PS1 was when I was in a CC hold with my fellow NC buddies. I was in my splattermax at a tech plant, gjaller I think. We had 1 squad in there, and a literal horde of VS descended on us. I was watching my buddies laying in to it with an intense amount of firepower. 1 by 1 I watched them fall, then they started to poor in and I was roaring at the top of my voice as I activated p-shield and layed into them with the scattergun, I mowed down 5 guys in the tight confines of the CC. And eventually all that laser spam downed me. I can still remember the VS just flooding that CC. Eventually we won the fight. But that last stand is something that has always been really special to me, cause I could really feel the adrenaline pumping threw me. Heh, I was really twitchy for awhile as I came off the adrenaline high.
No other game has ever even come close to giving me that same feeling.

2012-02-29, 11:01 PM
I was playing C&C Renegade with a clan called -PAW- and enjoyed that, but the game was dying, actually wasn't really all that successful to begin with. Everyone from that game was talking about going to this other game when it came out called Planetside, so I figured why not go with them and signed up for beta. It seemed like a cool concept.

I remember the first day I logged into beta not knowing what to do. One of the guys in -PAW- was with me and we left the sanctuary together. I was driving a wraith and he was following behind in a harraser. We went to Ceryshen and landed right in the middle of a dark snowstorm. We started off down the road in the middle of nowhere with no one else to be seen. I forget what happened but somehow I lost the wraith and had to hop in with him. We had still gone for a while without seeing anyone when all of a sudden a TR goes by on a basilisk. He stops, we stop....both turn around and we go at it. We took him out and that was that.

You just really can't describe it unless you've played it. Just so much area to cover and places you can go. So many people as well, like during a hack back in the day there'd be at least 50-60 people just in the basement waiting on the hack to go through. You couldn't get that many in a server on other games, let alone in the basement of one of ten bases on one of ten continents, on one server.

The teamwork was a big key too. NC Emerald had the first CR5's and most all of the outfits worked well together. We organized what had to have been the first massive scale assault from one empire on another when we came about a base or two from sanc'ing the TR just a month into the game. That was unheard of otherwise as no empire had really had less than two continents, let alone two bases. It was planned and executed. It was player driven, no devs telling us what to do or missions to complete or anything like that. Some guy even set up forums for NC Emerald outfit leaders and CR5s where we planned all of this stuff.

Its just hard to duplicate all of that stuff in another game, and heck, will be hard to duplicate in PS2 I'm sure. It certainly won't have that brand new genre feel to it, but I do believe SOE is putting everything into this one and if it gets the populations that Planetside had originally(hopefully more), then it has the chance to succeed. Ultimately its player driven though, gotta have the right people behind the wheel.

2012-02-29, 11:31 PM
Technology Equals Might
The Vanu shall be the ones to make the world purple once more.
(And if you didn't know, the Vanu were the only ones to have ever succeeded in turning all conts purple. Don't believe me?

Vanu Sovereignty shall rule again!


I made an account just to disagree with this. It wasn't the Vanu. I remember vividly that the NC were the first to undergo complete world domination back in 2003-ish. After that one time, I'm pretty sure the devs introduced things like opposing factions could hack literally anywhere or Hart anywhere if completely locked out everywhere to prevent that from happening again. I stopped playing soon after, so I guess it didn't quite prevent another world lock.

Anybody else remember? This was when I played NC so I was happy. But now, TR for life! (and beyond!)

2012-02-29, 11:59 PM
It gives you the freedom of gaming playing in a open space, u have time to do random things

You cnt do this with lobby's and game modes. I fould planetside 1 on a gaming website back in 2006 and I tryed it out and fell in love with it I remeber messing about in VR trainning for hours, love getting in and out of stuff was pretty cool.

I remeber the first time I got out on the battlefield I was a light troop NC and fell into a massive battle and I sat there on my sofa with laptop looking at the dead screen thinking

WOW what the hell just happen !?!??! With a cheeky smile

Even since then no other game as topped the massive battles, Although bf games gave me the wow faction but only in looks And random crazy stuff

That one noob
2012-03-01, 12:09 AM
Last one was the only game not to make me rage as far I could remember, and hell, I was 8 when I played Planetside, and it doesn't take much to piss off an 8 year old. Nothing but good memories, like when I took time from assualting a tower to knife kill an afk MAX.

2012-03-01, 12:52 AM
Ah, lots of stories and feelings in this thread that I agree wholeheartedly with. PS has ruined other FPSs for me as well, I too remember the magic of the unknown when I first logged in, I've made friends, and I've gotten more stories from PS than from any other game I've played.

It's also given me the one good adrenaline rush that I've ever had in a game. TR hacked Vidar and were taking the LLU to Helheim. I was frustrated at my allies for not being able to retake the CC so in an effort to buy them more time I jumped into a mossie and chased after the LLU. It was in a Marauder with 2 gunners so I could only annoy it. So instead I beat it to the base and drop on top. There's a guy at the air term who I knife to death and then move to the top of the stairs and realize that I'm in a cloak suit and am going to have to fight at least 3 guys 2 of which will probably be rexo and that I should have let the guy get his bird as now he'll be respawning and coming up with them. Crap. The LLU is now on my radar, I plan a boomer at the base of the stairs just around the turn and pray. I hear doors opening and see them on my radar moving up the stairs. I catch 2 with the boomer and kill the third by jumping over his head and gunning him down with my AMP. The LLU is now at the bottom of the final set of stairs from the CC. I now have at least 4 angry TR who know I'm here. A quick search through their gear nets me another boomer. Hiding the boomer behind the LLU I catch the TR from the air term. Two more come with a Cycle and MCG. Using the stairs to jump over them and circle strafe I manage to walk away with red HP. Med stick to the rescue. No boomers this time. I'm physically shaking. The yellow blinking of the LLU is palpable as I pray that my allies have broken into the CC and that they're rehacking at this very instant. Another TR rounds the corner. I leap over him and promptly run out of stamina. Turns out I had left sensor shield on the whole time. I die. They cap. I'm shaking from tension that had built up as I was making my Final Stand.

Love this game. Nothing like it.

2012-03-01, 04:18 AM
1. Persistant world
2. Long term skill building
3. Massive Battles

Best game i have ever played.


2012-03-01, 12:31 PM
Saw a preview in either Gamepro or Gameinformer, and nearly crapped myself in excitement. Read the review in a future issue, and knew it was going to be incredible. Before I bought the game, I checked out the website and was so amazed that I could watch the fights progress in real-time through their web interface. I spent hours looking at all the stuff on the site and reading articles, until I finally managed to get to a store.

Then I logged on, went to the training area to play with some weapons, and met up with a huge group in the NC sanctuary to go to my first battle. Hooked ever since.

I do share the concern with so many things being changed from PS1. I really loved how you could see players loadouts on their back, vehicle entering/exiting animations, and the inventory system. I have faith that PS2 will be a great game, but I'm hoping it will feel just as awesome as PS1 did back in the day.