View Full Version : [ PLANETSIDE 2 FORUM PORTAL ]

2012-03-01, 12:05 AM
* All the Buttons below are clickable. *
Probably a good idea to bookmark this.


http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/trrules3readb4-1.png (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37350) http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/trrules1generalrules-1.png (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/faq.php?faq=forum_rules#faq_general_forum_rules) http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/trrules2offtopic-1.png (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=15)


http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/ncinformed1wiki.png (http://wiki.planetside-universe.com/ps/Portal:Main) http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/ncinformed2twitter.png (https://twitter.com/#!/psucom) http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/ncinformed3topic.png (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39449)


http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/vsintouch2cosmic.png (https://twitter.com/#!/Shit_Pete/status/175329930572345344/photo/1) http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/vsintouch1irc.png (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/girchat.php) http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj203/Whalen207/vsintouch3mems.png (http://planetsidestories.me/)


2012-03-01, 12:09 AM
[ Reserved ]

2012-03-01, 12:21 AM
sooo... VS is fitting.. They will want to remember PS1 When the TR humiliate them in PS2

2012-03-01, 12:26 AM
sooo... VS is fitting.. They will want to remember PS1 When the TR humiliate them in PS2

And of course you fascist TR buttfaces shove RULES RULES RULES down our throats.

2012-03-01, 12:28 AM
Hate to butt in here guys but I'd love if this topic, of which no replies need be given, did not turn into a factionismfest.

NC ftw though. Seriously Prowlers are a joke.

2012-03-01, 12:31 AM
The just seems unnecessary...

2012-03-01, 01:16 AM
The just seems unnecessary...

And a bit... I don't know what to call it exactly, but... "Hamma sticky this already?" Really dude?

2012-03-01, 02:04 AM
The just seems unnecessary...
And a bit... I don't know what to call it exactly, but... "Hamma sticky this already?" Really dude?
Yeah, I feel a lil bad bumping it. But this is the kind of stuff you make for a fan site you start up, not for someone else's site that all ready has a new site layout about to pop.

2012-03-01, 02:32 AM
What is this i don't even....

2012-03-01, 02:53 AM
This is confusing :) But well intentioned.

Talek Krell
2012-03-01, 03:40 AM
This is confusing :) But well intentioned.
The road to Hell, as they say. >.>

2012-03-01, 06:43 AM
I'm not begging him to sticky it.
We talked about this in IRC a week ago. I slapped up some graphics and some watermarks and made something that would prevent the clutter.

Although we never talked about locking it
which is probably necessary >.<

2012-03-01, 09:02 AM
Honestly all - this isn't a bad idea for new folks to see a topic of this nature it just needs some tweakage is all. :)

Thanks Whalenator for putting it together. I'll leave this topic open for a bit longer as discussion of the idea then we will close it out and make a new sticky topic.

2012-03-01, 11:54 AM
My $0.02....I like this very much.

2012-03-01, 12:31 PM
Its very nice, but lol you just had to give the VS the one with the double meaning!

Nah, j/k its v cool. :groovy:

2012-03-01, 05:10 PM
The buttons were hastily done, but I wanted to get this finished in a hurry.
Any real graphics artists that feel like working for free will receive credit :D

[EDIT]: Also linked to new cosmic comic and first "topic of the now"

Talek Krell
2012-03-01, 05:41 PM
It's intended to sit at the top of the PS2 thread list then?

Having skipped straight into this sub-forum and never really left, I suppose I can see the sense.

2012-03-01, 06:11 PM
Having skipped straight into this sub-forum and never really left, I suppose I can see the sense.

This is why I made the topic.

2012-03-04, 10:16 PM
Whalenator Shameless bump on the portal topic? I'm debating it.
22:14 Bossmonkey do it
22:14 Bossmonkey DO.IT.
22:14 Bossmonkey its not shameless now
22:14 Bossmonkey its peer pressure


2012-03-05, 01:52 AM
It serves a purpose and a good one at that.

Its easy to navigate and easy on the eyes rather than having a ton of text and links mixed together.

I vote for a sticky!

2012-03-07, 05:59 PM
It serves a purpose and a good one at that.

Its easy to navigate and easy on the eyes rather than having a ton of text and links mixed together.

I agree.