View Full Version : "Spawn on squad leader" questions

2012-03-03, 12:18 PM
A few people have been talking about players spawning on squad leaders via drop pod in another thread. I doubt anyone can answer these, so I guess this is an open question to Matthew Higgenbottom and co. should they read it.

Is this going to be a cert, or will every SL have this? Is there any way to stop the constant reinforcement if you can't see the SL? Maybe some kind of signal jammer that throws the drop coordinates off, or making the drop pods susceptible to AA fire?

2012-03-03, 12:26 PM
What we know is this:

Squad leader will have to specialise to get it as an option for his squad.
It will only work outdoors.

How often it will be able to be used I imagine is going to be adjusted in beta, but I would hope that there is another way of spawning near the front lines besides this and bringing in an entire Galaxy with the squad; perhaps a deployable beacon, or the bunkers we have heard about which may be in each territory could act as a spawn point.

2012-03-03, 12:32 PM
It's going to be a cert quite high up the leadership tree. It my be on a cool down but I really don't know about that.

Completely agree that it should be susceptible to AA.

2012-03-03, 12:58 PM
What we know is this:

Squad leader will have to specialise to get it as an option for his squad.
It will only work outdoors.

How often it will be able to be used I imagine is going to be adjusted in beta, but I would hope that there is another way of spawning near the front lines besides this and bringing in an entire Galaxy with the squad; perhaps a deployable beacon, or the bunkers we have heard about which may be in each territory could act as a spawn point.

I think it was said it will not work within bases, but I don't know whether that means not indoors or not within the courtyards area too.

I further believe that it also has a cooldown.

2012-03-03, 02:19 PM
Yes there are all sorts of leadership skills rolled into it, I'm sure things like spawn frequency and distance.. stuff like that.

2012-03-03, 02:47 PM
Everything should be a bit rough during Beta, its to be expected. I think the spawn drops should be as a "capture spot", yes I made that term up just now, meaning that if the squad leader has been in a position fighting for a while then the area, in sq feet, should be open for squad drops. Now, if your team is close to a base wall or BD, then I don't think there should be a drop location on site. Just like how you couldn't drop in the SOI of a base in PS1.

Two key points im hoping for:
1) Less time to get back into the main battle/front line.
2) Invulnerable and gun lock for a few seconds after landing to prevent easy kills for either side.

2012-03-03, 04:45 PM
1)2) Invulnerable and gun lock for a few seconds after landing to prevent easy kills for either side.

What? FORGET that noise!!! Look if your SL was stupid enough to have you drop in a hot LZ thats your problem and his, not some peep that was watching your sorry ass drop from the sky. The second your pod opens your ass is mine, forget your little "invulnerability" moment to collect your thoughts and offer prayers while pulling out your AV or rifle depending on what Im using to wax your ass. :rolleyes:

Talek Krell
2012-03-03, 06:04 PM
I think I actually agree with skittles. Squad spawning isnt supposed to be the primary respawn method, so I'd say any disadvantage you're at is the trade off for dropping from the sky. Of course that's all discussion.

I think all that we have confirmed is:
1. There is squad spawning. It's a cert in the leadership tree.
2. It won't be useable indoors and involves deploying by drop pod.

2012-03-03, 06:15 PM
Has the drop pod thing actually been confirmed?
If its just people popping into existence BF3 style, no thanks.

Talek Krell
2012-03-03, 06:28 PM
Has the drop pod thing actually been confirmed?
If its just people popping into existence BF3 style, no thanks.I feel certain that it came straight from the devs, but I don't know where to find the quote. It's old though, one of the earlier things we found out I think.

2012-03-03, 07:08 PM
Is this going to be a cert, or will every SL have this? Is there any way to stop the constant reinforcement if you can't see the SL?

I would seriously give my right nut to get a look at the skill trees for the classes and the training times involved.

As others have said in this thread, I think you should be killable all the way down, but maybe you could have a little bit of directional control as you're falling?

2012-03-04, 04:53 PM
Has the drop pod thing actually been confirmed?
If its just people popping into existence BF3 style, no thanks.

My thoughts exactly.

Drop pods would be fantastic. Pop in would ruin immersion to some extent.

2012-03-04, 05:13 PM
Drop pods have been confirmed why is that a discussion topic?

2012-03-04, 05:14 PM
Is the squad leader spawn cooldown on a squad member basis or a squad leader basis?

Meaning, if a player doesn't die for a while, does that mean that, provided the squad leader is alive, he will always have that second chance and then after that the player himself will have to wait.

Or does the squad leader have a limited number of spawns on him at once?

2012-03-04, 10:50 PM
What? FORGET that noise!!! Look if your SL was stupid enough to have you drop in a hot LZ thats your problem and his, not some peep that was watching your sorry ass drop from the sky. The second your pod opens your ass is mine, forget your little "invulnerability" moment to collect your thoughts and offer prayers while pulling out your AV or rifle depending on what Im using to wax your ass. :rolleyes:

Nah, I agree, make people safe for a few seconds after drop.

This game is already rolling-eyes-back-in-head-OD'ing with scum who only pick on those less armed, armored, or aware than they are. We don't need to add yet ANOTHER barrel to shoot fish in.

2012-03-05, 12:39 AM
Drop pod immunity sounds terrible

2012-03-05, 02:00 AM
Nah, I agree, make people safe for a few seconds after drop.

This game is already rolling-eyes-back-in-head-OD'ing with scum who only pick on those less armed, armored, or aware than they are. We don't need to add yet ANOTHER barrel to shoot fish in.
Nah they already had a birds eye view of the battlefield coming down. They will know whats going on around them before the pod opens.

2012-03-05, 04:19 AM
Nah they already had a birds eye view of the battlefield coming down. They will know whats going on around them before the pod opens.

Also they shouldn't really be dropping straight into enemy fire. If the squad leader is stupid enough to let that happen then maybe they shouldn't be a squad leader.

2012-03-05, 08:32 AM
I'm not against drop pods being blown out of the sky if they are dropping into a hot LZ with lots of AA going up. I personally would love to see that. Also there should be no 3 or 4 second invulnerability for players when they land. I agree they saw the whole area as they where coming down. Next time choose your spawn location better.

With that said, as long as there is a decent amount of time on CD for it. Say like 5 to 10 minutes or better and a limit on where you can drop. I fine with it. When I mean limit on where you can drop, I mean not inside the enemy SOI if your in a base. 10 minutes may seem like a long time. But lets be honest it seems like 2 minutes when your playing.

2012-03-05, 08:44 AM
Drop pod immunity sounds terrible


That is a horrible idea. Just what I want to be running around outside and have a pod drop down and kill 3 people because he is invulnerable.

If someone drops they should be immediately exposed and vulnerable to attack.

Tom Peters
2012-03-05, 08:48 AM
Squad spawning is a pretty frequent thing in a game like Battlefield. It seems that here, it's more of a simple luxury. But either way, you're going to have quite a few people popping up on squad leaders, I'm not sure if we really want all those drop pods randomly falling behind one guy... it might get a bit tiresome or spammy.

I think there would be a better way of doing this.

2012-03-05, 09:28 AM
Completely agree that it should be susceptible to AA.

I would echo that, only due to drop pod size and speed, it should in no way be easy for AA to counter drop pods. IMO, drop pods designed for combat would likely also be designed to take some punishment. Something requiring coordinated effort like volley-fire against a single drop pod would be reasonable.