View Full Version : A little early to tell, but CE release?

2012-03-04, 03:29 PM
I wonder if we will see a collectors edition for Planetside 2. I know its a little early but I am very curious.

I honestly have never bought a collectors edition of any game before, but I would in a HEART BEAT for Planetside 2. Especially if there were say theme'd box sets for the 3 factions.

What would you guys like to see boxed inside the CE if we were to get one?

Here is my list:

Considering we get Themed box sets: In the NC box I want to see perhaps a small NC logo statue or a figurine of one of the vehicles like the Vanny or Reaver (and the same for the Vanu/TR box sets)

Development concept art book

Behind the scenes making of footage from around the office at SOE.

In game CE cosmetic upgrades.

Soundtrack, considering we have one this time around.

Perhaps a keyboard keybind cardboard layout.

A NC Poster. (maybe some of the fan art being posted in the thread?!)

A cloth map of one or more of the continents.

Have some fun coming up with what you guys want to see. Try to keep it troll free though guys =) This thread is for fun.

2012-03-04, 03:31 PM
Well as this game is free to play. I seriously doubt there will be any physical boxed copy, let alone a CE one. As we'll just download it and fire it up.

However, if i ignore that, all of what you said sounds sexy. :)

2012-03-04, 03:32 PM
Well as this game is free to play. I seriously doubt there will be any physical boxed copy, let alone a CE one.

Oh BALLS your right, I totally forgot about the F2P model and it not being boxed.

Hamma or other said moderator, feel free to delete this. So much for my cool idea.

How did I forget about the F2P thing... Man I still wish I could get my hands on some cool PS2 accessories.

2012-03-04, 03:33 PM
Haha its all good bro. Happens to everyone once in a while.

I'd still like all that stuff you mentioned though. I'd pay for it :P

2012-03-04, 03:36 PM
They could have a digital CE, which would come with the soundtrack, concept art, dev diaries and unique in-game bonuses etc.

As it is, I hate how the physical CEs have turned into having one huge thing that lets them inflate the price to ridiculous levels. No more statues, please (I seem to remember Catherine's CE was rather awesome).

2012-03-04, 03:37 PM
It's not even uncommon for a F2P game to have a boxed version. I think a CE of a F2P is unheard of, but having a ~20-30€ boxed version that has the client on a DVD and some small physical crap like perhaps some poster and a manual and then for most of the money you get some cash shop goodies. In PS2 case it would likely to include perhaps some exclusive/unique customization, station cash and something like this.

2012-03-04, 03:41 PM
I would pay thousands of dollars for a CE replica Lancer, life sized.

2012-03-04, 03:44 PM
I would pay thousands of dollars for a CE replica Lancer, life sized.

Higby wants the TR knife replica made out of plastic... they said it WOULD cost him thousands of dollars.

2012-03-04, 03:46 PM
Put the install file on a USB flash drive that's sticking out of the arm of a Starfire MAX action figure.

2012-03-04, 03:56 PM
Im sure we would all buy one if they decided too make one.

2012-03-04, 04:06 PM
If they ever made CE of this I think they should have a usb in it instead of a disk. It would have all the files in it ready to use, and you could carry the game around with you. I'm thinking something like this (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00306FPOW/?tag=047-20) except planetside themed. The CE could also come with faction posters, and a couple other goodies.

2012-03-04, 04:09 PM
Free to play games have boxed copies sometimes.

Like World of Tanks.

There could be a collector's edition that comes with swag, additional in game items(that you can get later if you want) and several additional CERTs right out of the gate.

2012-03-04, 04:24 PM
I hope PS2 isn't totally free, there needs to be a $30-50 retail purchase for the game itself. SOE can't underestimate how many people still buy games off shelves or at least find out about them at stores.

As far as a CE goes, it would be awesone to see empire specific boxes with propaganda goodies inside like a mouse pad, wall poster or whatever. I'd be happy with anything in red, give me a TR sippie cup and I will fill it with the blood of my enemies!

2012-03-04, 04:31 PM
I hope PS2 isn't totally free, there needs to be a $30-50 retail purchase for the game itself. SOE can't underestimate how many people still buy games off shelves or at least find out about them at stores.

As far as a CE goes, it would be awesone to see empire specific boxes with propaganda goodies inside like a mouse pad, wall poster or whatever. I'd be happy with anything in red, give me a TR sippie cup and I will fill it with the blood of my enemies!

That actually brings up a good question... Does F2P mean that its totally free, or is there still going to be an original purchase on the game similar to how Guild wars worked. I personally would be happy to pay them 60 bucks for the game or more for a CE, and just have a cash shop in game for items. That seems ok with me.

Personally im trying to figure out how a game that's totally F2P from the get go can even make it. Cash shop items are not THAT expensive in most of these MMO's out there, so how are they going to get all there money back from development? I know it costs millions to make an MMO...

2012-03-04, 04:33 PM
That actually brings up a good question... Does F2P mean that its totally free, or is there still going to be an original purchase on the game similar to how Guild wars worked. I personally would be happy to pay them 60 bucks for the game or more for a CE, and just have a cash shop in game for items. That seems ok with me.

Personally im trying to figure out how a game that's totally F2P from the get go can even make it. Cash shop items are not THAT expensive in most of these MMO's out there, so how are they going to get all there money back from development? I know it costs millions to make an MMO...

You'd be surprised. A lot of free to play titles make oodles of cash.

2012-03-04, 04:40 PM
Personally im trying to figure out how a game that's totally F2P from the get go can even make it. Cash shop items are not THAT expensive in most of these MMO's out there, so how are they going to get all there money back from development? I know it costs millions to make an MMO...
You'd be surprised how much people end up paying on cash shops. They typically bring in more money than a pure subscription model.

2012-03-04, 04:44 PM
Though, I am not convinced a Buy to Play model wouldn't work better for Planetside 2.

A lot of what makes planetside 2 so good and interesting is how every player contributes and makes a big difference in the grand scheme of things.

A cash shop based model can easily screw everything up. Even if they don't go for pay to win.

Which is why it might be a good idea to go for buy to play.

Because then your cash shop can be incredibly light and really just for cosmetic stuff.

2012-03-04, 04:47 PM
There's already been lengthy discussions about the cash shop. They say that what will be available wont be game breaking. But SOE track record says differently. They will most likely merchandise the living hell out of it, to make most of their money back.

2012-03-04, 05:58 PM
they could make a leaderboard showing how much money people have spent on the game. Plenty of people are very competitive, and I'm sure some people will want to be #1.

2012-03-04, 06:27 PM
I want a TR logo bust.

2012-03-04, 06:31 PM
I'm hoping they'll announce some vague sort of monetization plans at GDC. At least whether or not there will be a retail product with a box price up front or not. But I'm not holding my breath.

2012-03-04, 06:38 PM
Personally im trying to figure out how a game that's totally F2P from the get go can even make it. Cash shop items are not THAT expensive in most of these MMO's out there, so how are they going to get all there money back from development? I know it costs millions to make an MMO...

For every cheap bastard that pays nothing there's someone who pays two or three times a monthly sub.

making it free to play gets you more players, you therefor don't need them to spend as much each to make money.

Take TF2 for example, you buy anything and your account goes premium, so you have a bigger inventory, things cost 59p. I doubt anyone that's played more than a few games hasn't payed 59p to get a decent sized inventory, it's pocket change

2012-03-04, 06:47 PM
Anyone ever play the game World of Tanks? I know people who buy hundreds of dollars worth of gold(in game currency) just to buy premium ammo when it goes on sale. Sad sad people...

Another thing about that game is they did release a boxed copy of WoT a few months after they released the full game as F2P that basically had a few extras, gold, and a premium account, so it would make sense if PS2 did the same thing.

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2012-03-04, 07:03 PM
yes I have played World of Tanks, and I will be extremely dismayed if PS2 followed a similar cash shop methodology. World of Tanks is a "pay to win" game... all the best tanks, ammo and consumables are available only to those who spend money - you can't buy them with credits earned in-game.

PS2 should follow the model set by Tribes: Ascend, where every single thing you can buy with money, you can also earn in the game without spending anything. (Though cash-only customization options wouldn't bother me. Cash only weapons/weapon mods/etc? I'm out.)

2012-03-04, 10:44 PM
I would pay thousands of dollars for a CE replica Lancer, life sized.

If you send a deposit to my PayPal account, I could start working on that.

Does $3500 sound like a good place to start?