View Full Version : something to remember

2012-03-05, 02:16 AM
As Planetside 2 moves forward I'd like to propose something to everyone that a lot of you might already be doing and have already realized.

A lot of people are already following the development of PS2 with great attention but countless more are not simply because they do not even know what Planetside is.

One of the most powerful marketing tools available is the word of mouth. If something is good enough and it is being talked about and passed on from person to person conversation to conversation it only takes a little time before you've achieved something for free that big companies spend millions per year making TV commercials for.

SOE as you know is making PS2 for PS1 fans but are just as dedicated to tapping new markets of players whom in 2003 were too young to understand games but are now 16-20 years old.

Many people are fans of MMO's and FPS games, but fewer might know about PS2. I suggest that you, the loyal PS1 fans and newcomers talk about PS2 as much as you can to those who are even remotely interested in FPS` or MMOs.

Everywhere you go and you meet new people who are into these games, don't be afraid to drop PS2 into there somehow or at least point them in the right direction.

There are few MMOFPS` out there and it's relatively new in the genre so if we are able to help PS2 become very successful, it can only benefit us in the end as SOE and other developers alike see the potential of MMOFPS`.

I am sure there are untold millions out there who have never heard of PS2. I'm sure SOE will probably do a lot of marketing near release but it never hurts to have an army of people marketing for free on your behalf.


2012-03-05, 02:43 AM
I try, but often skip cos it's so hard to describe Planetside to someone who has no idea. You dont want to give them an image of Halo, WoW or EVE :D

2012-03-05, 02:54 AM
I show people my sticky, the small amount of gameplay we have, the larger screenshots, and screens / videos from the glory days of PS1. I've got about 20 people willing to try it, half of which are trying to buy mags to get into the beta.

2012-03-05, 03:04 AM
SOE has to prove to me that this game is going to be worth a shit before I'll say word one about PS2. As piss poorly as they did PS, the community, the development, Chinaside, ect ect ect ect ect ect ect I wont mention jack shit for them. And, while we're on the subject, WHERE the FUCK is any update on EU/US servers? Yeah, exactly, swept under the rug like all the other shit they do. Some blanket statement of "yeah, we're looking into some magic fairy dust and beans. We'll get back to you real soon. pfft....

6 months after release, all is well in the world, things are going well and we've had a nice large post-release patch that fixes all the little things and some of the larger things, get back to me.

2012-03-05, 03:19 AM
I am constantly talking about Planetside 2 to my gaming friends or people I meet that game. I was in a random ass D2 game last night with a bunch of 20 year olds that wanted to make fresh characters. The subject of upcoming games came up and I more certainly thew out Planetside 2's name with some minor details on what we have seen and know about it.

Rest assured, I will be doing my part to spread the word of SOE's Planetside 2 =)

2012-03-05, 03:21 AM
SOE has to prove to me that this game is going to be worth a shit before I'll say word one about PS2. As piss poorly as they did PS, the community, the development, Chinaside, ect ect ect ect ect ect ect I wont mention jack shit for them. And, while we're on the subject, WHERE the FUCK is any update on EU/US servers? Yeah, exactly, swept under the rug like all the other shit they do. Some blanket statement of "yeah, we're looking into some magic fairy dust and beans. We'll get back to you real soon. pfft....

6 months after release, all is well in the world, things are going well and we've had a nice large post-release patch that fixes all the little things and some of the larger things, get back to me.

You sound so hateful man. Peace is a great thing. As for your points about the EU servers, that stuff takes time to work out. Have some Patience.

2012-03-05, 03:21 AM
SOE has to prove to me that this game is going to be worth a shit before I'll say word one about PS2. As piss poorly as they did PS, the community, the development, Chinaside, ect ect ect ect ect ect ect I wont mention jack shit for them. And, while we're on the subject, WHERE the FUCK is any update on EU/US servers? Yeah, exactly, swept under the rug like all the other shit they do. Some blanket statement of "yeah, we're looking into some magic fairy dust and beans. We'll get back to you real soon. pfft....

6 months after release, all is well in the world, things are going well and we've had a nice large post-release patch that fixes all the little things and some of the larger things, get back to me.

is your glass ever anything but half empty?, yes SOE has made mistakes before, but they cant keep doing it, this one has to be a success, therefore it will be

2012-03-05, 04:04 AM
I scared off the mormens who came around to my house the other day trying to convert them to Planetside.

Therion I
2012-03-05, 04:05 AM
is your glass ever anything but half empty?, yes SOE has made mistakes before, but they cant keep doing it, this one has to be a success, therefore it will be

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

I too am worried about EU servers. Personally I don't want to be on an EU server. I'd much rather they have a UK server so I can have a decent ping and understand everyone. Fat chance I guess... Failing that I'd happily play on a Dutch server but find French and German servers laggy for some reason.

But, back to the point: I am recommending people sign up for the beta to see for themselves.

2012-03-05, 05:05 AM
is your glass ever anything but half empty?, yes SOE has made mistakes before, but they cant keep doing it, this one has to be a success, therefore it will be

You keep holding onto that dream. That and a bunch of cardboard boxes and you'll have some nice wonderful ocean front property for yourself. If theres one thing SOE CAN keep doing is fucking up. They've proven it countless times and did so just recently. Like I said, until proven otherwise, its the same shit with a new skin on it from SOE.

2012-03-05, 06:00 AM

That's the goal of this project. Support it and spread the word!

2012-03-05, 06:04 AM
i made a startrek online account when it went free to play, to bridge the time until ps2 beta starts.
in sto chat there are discussions about the need for a really good and new mmo on a daily basis! so i started to tell everybody about the one game that is close to beta and that finally a non-wow-clone mmo will arise.
most poeple didn´t know what planetside is and i had to explain. but then i could literally hear jaws hitting floors.
those guys who knew about planetside 1 but had no clue ps2 was in the works all went crazy and bombarded me with /tells to get more info.

this was great, but it has changed lately!
when i talk about planetside 2 now, i get very different reactions than some weeks ago...
now the reactions are not even aimed at planetside 2, but only at soe! there seems to be no more interest in anything soe does since they announced the fabulous pro7 deal.

i advertise ps2, and the answers i get are all like "oh, it´s a soe game! i just burned all my soe accounts because they sold us to a german company, sorry, no interest at all".

so i stopped to advertise because due to the lack of info from smed i cannot fight any concerns regarding this issue.

anyone made the same experience?
anyone highjacking other mmo game chats as well to bring out the word?

2012-03-05, 06:30 AM
When the beta begins and there's actually something concrete to say about the game beyond "it's Planetside 1's sequel" or "it looks pretty", word of mouth will happen naturally. And given that none of us have even played the game at this point it seems pretty disingenuous to start singing its praises.

2012-03-05, 06:55 AM
You keep holding onto that dream. That and a bunch of cardboard boxes and you'll have some nice wonderful ocean front property for yourself. If theres one thing SOE CAN keep doing is fucking up. They've proven it countless times and did so just recently. Like I said, until proven otherwise, its the same shit with a new skin on it from SOE.

You seem familiar.

2012-03-05, 07:11 AM
Put it on steam, advertising solved?

I've got 10 or so others just as excited as I am :)

2012-03-05, 07:34 AM
When ever i got a spare amount of time i put images on my facebook planetside 2 album which i then put of certain friends walls who then also share on to their friends that will want to try this.

Many of these are people that have seen me play planetside at LAN parties and have been unlucky enough to have missed out of the game.

I have other plans too to help promote the game.

2012-03-05, 08:52 AM
Most people that I mention this title to are curious about it but also very pessimistic over it, usually over the feature claims and scale of this MMO as well as its association with SOE (SOE does not have a great reputation for its MMO's). Other gamers are just generally pessimistic over any announced game -- let's face it, the gaming industry has really been abusing gamers hard these last few years with over-hyped, buggy games that seem to quickly lose the developer's continued support for patches and DLC/expansions.

2012-03-05, 10:10 AM
And, while we're on the subject, WHERE the FUCK is any update on EU/US servers? Yeah, exactly, swept under the rug like all the other shit they do. Some blanket statement of "yeah, we're looking into some magic fairy dust and beans. We'll get back to you real soon. pfft....

You sound so hateful man. Peace is a great thing. As for your points about the EU servers, that stuff takes time to work out. Have some Patience.

This is what Smed said...

We've come up with a plan to allow ALL players to play on any servers they want. More details to follow.

That was the 27th, in response to masses of people shedding any plans to play an SOE game. A week later and we still have no details of the plan that apparently already exists?

2012-03-05, 10:16 AM
I suggest that you, the loyal PS1 fans and newcomers talk about PS2 as much as you can to those who are even remotely interested in FPS` or MMOs.

I'm a little insulted that you're assuming the biggest, most excited, most filled with anticipation, Planetside community isn't all ready doing this, lol.

But it's always good to remind. Personally I'm out there recruiting for my outfit, telling people to look me up once it comes out. If they end up not fitting then oh well lol.

2012-03-05, 10:25 AM
That was the 27th, in response to masses of people shedding any plans to play an SOE game. A week later and we still have no details of the plan that apparently already exists?

Lawyers, board members, company CEO's and all sorts of management are involved in this I'm sure. We won't see official announcements on this until they all finalize what is going on.. this stuff moves at a snails pace. Smed tweeting was the quickest way to let us know unofficially that they have figured something out.

2012-03-05, 10:43 AM
If theres one thing SOE CAN keep doing is fucking up.

A little over the top but you have a point. SOE has a major image problem and I hope they are taking it seriously because it diminishes any current or future products, even if they are mind blowingly stupendous (PS2:thumbsup:). People are going to say. "Oh, SOE is doing it, PASS!" Which is the problem today. Makes all of us that are anticipating Planetside2's greatness and trying to get the word out, work that much harder to convince everyone, or it makes some of us just not say anything at all. Worst part is the devs have been great and it would be an atrocity to have all their efforts be overshadowed and nullified by corporate thrashing about. Any responsible company would address their shortcomings and take steps to rectify.

My rant on what they should do:

First is damage control. Usually involves some spin that no one really buys but it shows that they addressing the problem without further undermining their image. Commit to rectify the situation(s). Get out and talk their customers, other industry professionals, or even the general public. Good way to gather more info on areas of further improvement. Find out people's grievances let them know that they in fact do care.

Second is to act on those issues. Setup guide lines and revise protocol. Most importantly, make it their first priority to listen and act in order to make their current and future customers happy. Show the new direction of the company by expressing some transparency to your customers.

Third, they should make a lot of noise about whatever successes they accomplish. Get the word out "there has been some big changes" regain some integrity, change some minds and win people back.

Last and most important is behave in a consistent manner. At any point there is a serious potential for it to back fire. They have to stay vigilant.

I do believe they are trying. We've seen some evidence of it already. They could have ignored the backlash with the pro7 deal. Would have been EXTREMELY stupid but they could have. Its defiantly not enough but give them credit for the attempt. They do have a long way to go.

2012-03-05, 10:56 AM
That was the 27th, in response to masses of people shedding any plans to play an SOE game. A week later and we still have no details of the plan that apparently already exists?

Haven't you ever had an email that somebody working overtime has failed to reply to for a week? Like Hamma said, administration takes ages.

Mass hysteria aimed at this deal is what's putting a lot of potential new customers off the games they are releasing so put a sock in it.

2012-03-05, 11:10 AM
I can't really promote it, as I do not know at this point if this is a true Planetside sequential, so much is changing. Too much is unknown.

It may very well at this point be Plantside in name and visuals only.

I just don't know.

2012-03-05, 11:24 AM
I scared off the mormens who came around to my house the other day trying to convert them to Planetside.

Offtopic, but mormons are actually a big gamer community. Believe it or not. I live in Utah, and basically every missionary ive met really enjoys gaming.

2012-03-05, 11:28 AM
Offtopic, but mormons are actually a big gamer community. Believe it or not. I live in Utah, any basically every missionary ive met really enjoys gaming.

Maybe he is thinking of the Amish? :lol:

2012-03-05, 11:33 AM
Lawyers, board members, company CEO's and all sorts of management are involved in this I'm sure. We won't see official announcements on this until they all finalize what is going on.. this stuff moves at a snails pace. Smed tweeting was the quickest way to let us know unofficially that they have figured something out.
If that's so (and I don't doubt that it is), then "more details to follow" doesn't seem...correct. "Follow" implies a relatively close proximity. By this point any details we get won't have followed the tweet so much as been lapped by it repeatedly. It's become an entirely separate thing.

Mass hysteria aimed at this deal is what's putting a lot of potential new customers off the games they are releasing so put a sock in it.
See, Hamma showed how it's done. He shoved me further back to reality with some straight talking. You've only managed to piss all over your own legs.

The mass "hysteria" aimed at this deal is the only thing that's stopped us being region locked. I assure you a couple of comments from me, Skittles and whoever else isn't going to put off anywhere near the amount of new customers as SOE deserves to lose for their utter stupidity...So no, I won't "put a sock in it", as it'd be the epitome of foolishness to get off SOE's case until we know the details.

2012-03-05, 11:35 AM
You keep holding onto that dream. That and a bunch of cardboard boxes and you'll have some nice wonderful ocean front property for yourself. If theres one thing SOE CAN keep doing is fucking up. They've proven it countless times and did so just recently. Like I said, until proven otherwise, its the same shit with a new skin on it from SOE.

If that is how you really feel, I honestly wonder what you are even doing here other than to just troll. If you are already convinced that PS2 will be a crappy game, then why follow its development? Just check back in after it's been up and running after a few months, and since it will be f2p you can check it out for yourself then. That way you don't need to waste your time following and hating on something that you are sure will fail.

Adios amigo. See you in about a year.

2012-03-05, 12:56 PM
See, Hamma showed how it's done. He shoved me further back to reality with some straight talking. You've only managed to piss all over your own legs.

The mass "hysteria" aimed at this deal is the only thing that's stopped us being region locked. I assure you a couple of comments from me, Skittles and whoever else isn't going to put off anywhere near the amount of new customers as SOE deserves to lose for their utter stupidity...So no, I won't "put a sock in it", as it'd be the epitome of foolishness to get off SOE's case until we know the details.

All I can say is that there are a lot of new people finding this forum daily and when they come looking for some input on how the game's shaping up and how the developers are doing and they find some (a lot) of the community flat-out bitching about the studio it would make me think twice about the game. Looking from their perspective.

If you don't like what SOE is doing I suggest going to the station forum to bitch about it.

2012-03-05, 01:13 PM
All I can say is that there are a lot of new people finding this forum daily and when they come looking for some input on how the game's shaping up and how the developers are doing and they find some (a lot) of the community flat-out bitching about the studio it would make me think twice about the game. Looking from their perspective.
And? Do you think that's wrong? I imagine the kinds of people who'd come onto a forum like this for information would already be aware of SOE's reputation, so do you think we should hide it from those people that SOE is still making the same kinds of mistakes (hell, worse mistakes than ever, imo)? Do you think we should deceive them into thinking SOE has learnt from it's past mistakes when it clearly hasn't and will probably make such mistakes again?

If you don't like what SOE is doing I suggest going to the station forum to bitch about it.
Been there, done that. I did so when this fiasco first started, but what do you think I'd achieve by doing it now?

2012-03-05, 02:21 PM

Well most of you will know what ive been up to, so now ill give you some stats.

TwitchTV channels = 10,638 views + each video view and leanth of time watched.

YouTube channels = 21,042 views over 4 channels. My main has had 22,00 since I started posting PS2 content.

Website has had 215,592 hits on PlanetsideTV.com this year alone.

Total = 247,272 hits:

On either PS1 or PS2 content. Then we half and half again, as most will be same people = 61,818 hits.

Not bad considering we been going 2 months and PS2 isn't out yet. Looking for more when SOE say we can start streaming PS2. Also we have started getting the message out there, we recently had about 5-10 folks on the stream, I was personally taking them all through the virtual reality training showing them PS1 vehicles and units/guns etc. And they didn't know how good it was, even after all these years they where still impressed.

Hope to do so much more this year and when the game is released. I would like to see me running a full 24 hour Planetside TV channel, and having regular wars in game between the outfits.

Also im trying to help all the other project I can, including PSU. I know it doesn't need it but its allways nice to keep the community together and help each as much as we can, as others have done for PTV.

Stick together help each other. Things brings me onto another point. Hamma and PSU have been fantastic with letting me post about PTV. So many sites would have delted them as I was advertising what could be competition, even though Im not many would of seen it like that. So thanks for that Hamma.

Anyway, still early days and so much I want to do.



2012-03-05, 02:28 PM
You seem familiar.

Where did you get that picture of me? loooooooooool!! So true! :)

2012-03-05, 04:35 PM
I talk about it all the time

2012-03-05, 04:36 PM
If that is how you really feel, I honestly wonder what you are even doing here other than to just troll. If you are already convinced that PS2 will be a crappy game, then why follow its development? Just check back in after it's been up and running after a few months, and since it will be f2p you can check it out for yourself then. That way you don't need to waste your time following and hating on something that you are sure will fail.

Adios amigo. See you in about a year.

*Loud buzzer noise*

Wrong answer not going anywhere there fanboi. Ive read enough of your posts and all the other nitwits running rampant around here to grasp the fact that more of you then should be allowed have "Beaten Spouse Syndrome" with SOE. You just keep getting abused, used, lied to, and keep coming back for more and more with the belief that "SOE really cares about me, I can just tell:love:" I've got the sneaky suspicion that an unhealthy amount of you still pay-to-play PS1. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=image+%22sucker%22&hl=en&sa=X&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&biw=1360&bih=533&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=Pq43uM-mtDBzgM:&imgrefurl=http://buzzfactory.net/buzzfactory-blog/why-i-can-be-a-sucker-for-a-good-social-media-campaign/&docid=eRx51yBxMnITyM&imgurl=http://buzzfactory.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/sucker.jpg&w=700&h=525&ei=RT5VT9ONF9OmsALKzZHwBQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=31&sig=102247704524981551049&page=1&tbnh=161&tbnw=213&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=133&ty=94

All I can say is that there are a lot of new people finding this forum daily and when they come looking for some input on how the game's shaping up and how the developers are doing and they find some (a lot) of the community flat-out bitching about the studio it would make me think twice about the game. Looking from their perspective.

If you don't like what SOE is doing I suggest going to the station forum to bitch about it.

Vancha said it much nicer then I would have but his point is still valid. Offering the counter-point to the MASS amount of obvious fans around here is actually healthier then the mass amount hanging off SOE's jock.

Like I said in my 1st post in this thread. SOE doesnt deserve my compliments nor word of mouth advertising until they can prove they've changed. So far this is all just fantasy, hopes and dreams from the masses here that this is going to be everything you hope for and more. I hope you're right. I thoroughly enjoyed PS upto BFRs, caves, ect ect, and stayed much longer then I should have probably even after that. But they dont get a get out of jail free card simply because they're making PS2, posting pics and tweeting 1-liners.

2012-03-05, 05:09 PM
*Loud buzzer noise*

Wrong answer not going anywhere there fanboi. Ive read enough of your posts and all the other nitwits running rampant around here to grasp the fact that more of you then should be allowed have "Beaten Spouse Syndrome" with SOE. You just keep getting abused, used, lied to, and keep coming back for more and more with the belief that "SOE really cares about me, I can just tell:love:" I've got the sneaky suspicion that an unhealthy amount of you still pay-to-play PS1.

I'm not trying to kick you out or anything. I am just genuinely curious why you would follow something you believe will suck? There's tons of games being made that I don't give 2 seconds of my time because I honestly don't care for them.

Now, am I a PS fanboi? Clearly. So sue me. I really don't care about SOE though. The only other game of theirs I've really played was Everquest and that was in the before time, the long long ago.

So I don't think SOE cares about me at all. However I do believe that the developers, you know the human beings actually making the game, do value our opinion and hope for our approval. They do seem to care, not about me personally, but about the community as a group.

I am serisouly curious though why you would spend your valuable time just hating on SOE. If it is to be a troll and act out on a long time grudge against a company you feel has wronged you, I can understand that, although I find grudges to be a bit childish and silly. But if you are here for another reason, I'm very interested to hear.

2012-03-05, 05:17 PM
*Loud buzzer noise*

Wrong answer not going anywhere there fanboi. Ive read enough of your posts and all the other nitwits running rampant around here to grasp the fact that more of you then should be allowed have "Beaten Spouse Syndrome" with SOE. You just keep getting abused, used, lied to, and keep coming back for more and more with the belief that "SOE really cares about me, I can just tell:love:" I've got the sneaky suspicion that an unhealthy amount of you still pay-to-play PS1. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=image+%22sucker%22&hl=en&sa=X&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&biw=1360&bih=533&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=Pq43uM-mtDBzgM:&imgrefurl=http://buzzfactory.net/buzzfactory-blog/why-i-can-be-a-sucker-for-a-good-social-media-campaign/&docid=eRx51yBxMnITyM&imgurl=http://buzzfactory.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/sucker.jpg&w=700&h=525&ei=RT5VT9ONF9OmsALKzZHwBQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=31&sig=102247704524981551049&page=1&tbnh=161&tbnw=213&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=133&ty=94

Vancha said it much nicer then I would have but his point is still valid. Offering the counter-point to the MASS amount of obvious fans around here is actually healthier then the mass amount hanging off SOE's jock.

Like I said in my 1st post in this thread. SOE doesnt deserve my compliments nor word of mouth advertising until they can prove they've changed. So far this is all just fantasy, hopes and dreams from the masses here that this is going to be everything you hope for and more. I hope you're right. I thoroughly enjoyed PS upto BFRs, caves, ect ect, and stayed much longer then I should have probably even after that. But they dont get a get out of jail free card simply because they're making PS2, posting pics and tweeting 1-liners.

You sound deeply hurt and jaded towards SOE. I have not had much experience with SOE besides brief moments with Star Wars Galaxies (We all know how that turned out) and PS1.

Imagine that I know nothing of SOE and please explain in detail using references how they have screwed the gamer over?

2012-03-05, 05:22 PM
*Loud buzzer noise*

Wrong answer not going anywhere there fanboi. Ive read enough of your posts and all the other nitwits running rampant around here to grasp the fact that more of you then should be allowed have "Beaten Spouse Syndrome" with SOE. You just keep getting abused, used, lied to, and keep coming back for more and more with the belief that "SOE really cares about me, I can just tell:love:" I've got the sneaky suspicion that an unhealthy amount of you still pay-to-play PS1. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=image+%22sucker%22&hl=en&sa=X&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&biw=1360&bih=533&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=Pq43uM-mtDBzgM:&imgrefurl=http://buzzfactory.net/buzzfactory-blog/why-i-can-be-a-sucker-for-a-good-social-media-campaign/&docid=eRx51yBxMnITyM&imgurl=http://buzzfactory.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/sucker.jpg&w=700&h=525&ei=RT5VT9ONF9OmsALKzZHwBQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=31&sig=102247704524981551049&page=1&tbnh=161&tbnw=213&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0&tx=133&ty=94

And what if someone does continue to play PS1? You know what I hate more then shitty trolls? Nosy people- mind your own damn business. Yes SOE is a piece of shit, there's no denying that but unlike last time they are communicating with us and actually showing they appreciate our feedback but only time will tell if will it was facade or not. Oh just in case you didn't notice you are posting in a website dedicated to the discussion of planetside, calling someone a "fanboi" here is blatantly retarded. I notice alot of you man-children starting coming on this site the closer PS2 is being released they better up moderation before this place becomes the Diablo 3 forums.

But I am curious to why you are here if the only thing you are bitching about is how bad SOE is and telling us things we already know.

2012-03-05, 05:38 PM
I'm not trying to kick you out or anything. I am just genuinely curious why you would follow something you believe will suck? .

See heres one of my issues with todays society. Lack of conviction. You're just as bad as all the athletes and other dumbasses out posting shit, tweeting stuff, and facebooking things and then when called on something they back off, back-peddle and look around for some hole to crawl into and hide. You said the shit now OWN up to it. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with what you said and it was what you believed. Fuck, just stand by it.

Adios amigo. See you in about a year.

As to the rest of your post, you're right, and I mentioned this fact in one of my very 1st posts on these forums; the dev team is open, clearly interested in our input and a breath of fresh air from what occured in PS1, and I wish them nothing but the best going forward for their sakes and for the game/ours as a gaming group. However, I also stated that SOE will manage to screw this up once execs get their grubby paws on shit like they're already done with the EU/US thing.

As to why Im here, its in my post you wished to skim over I thoroughly enjoyed PS upto BFRs and beyond much longer then I should have. Because my outfit and many people I like to fuck around with on each empire via /tells or just messing around with and messing up their grand scheme of things game wise are going to be here.

And, the fact that I like being a voice of reason, in a world full of lollipops, carebears and general nitwits that think quick knives, invulnerability after drops pods open is the way to enlightment. :evil:

2012-03-05, 05:52 PM
See heres one of my issues with todays society. Lack of conviction. You're just as bad as all the athletes and other dumbasses out posting shit, tweeting stuff, and facebooking things and then when called on something they back off, back-peddle and look around for some hole to crawl into and hide. You said the shit now OWN up to it. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with what you said and it was what you believed. Fuck, just stand by it.

I don't back off of what I say unless I make a mistake in which case I'll man up and apologize. I did that with Hydra recently, actually.

I wasn't trying to kick you out, do you know why? Because I'm not a freakin mod, so I have absolutely zero say on the matter. However, I was saying "Adios" because 1 of 2 different outcomes was inevitable. 1) You said your 2 cents and won't be wasting your time on a fansite for Planetside for the near future, or 2) You are a douchebag troll and I'll just ignore your bitter condescension.

Considering your affinity for calling me a nitwit for simply being excited about Planetside 2, I'm leaning towards the latter. So adios muchacho.

2012-03-05, 06:05 PM
You sound deeply hurt and jaded towards SOE. I have not had much experience with SOE besides brief moments with Star Wars Galaxies (We all know how that turned out) and PS1.

Imagine that I know nothing of SOE and please explain in detail using references how they have screwed the gamer over?

Sorry, Im actually not familiar w/SWG nor how their community were treated. If its anything like PS1 then it would be something along the lines of and these are just broadstroke examples;

Implimenting weapons, skill changes not needed or overpowered-nerfed, lack of development in major ways, addition of BFRs despite MASSIVE (and that BOLD is severely lacking in size to emphasis how MASSIVE community protest was about them) being implimented into the game, and then lying about feedback as to how well it was received to the community. When populations were a clear indication (well over half the subs were commonly believed to have died about this time). Chinaside, blantant hacking by iiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllllll hackers, lack of /reporting ability, black ops, on and on and on and on.

If you played PS the 1st couple of years though.. Let me tell ya, it was FUN. Major fun. With the exception of playing VS and the lasher didnt work so everyone used suppressors. And, there were good times after all that, but not because of dev-SOE, because it was unique, because the outfits that made things fun to do generally speaking.

2012-03-05, 06:22 PM
And what if someone does continue to play PS1? You know what I hate more then shitty trolls? Nosy people- mind your own damn business. Yes SOE is a piece of shit, there's no denying that but unlike last time they are communicating with us and actually showing they appreciate our feedback but only time will tell if will it was facade or not. Oh just in case you didn't notice you are posting in a website dedicated to the discussion of planetside, calling someone a "fanboi" here is blatantly retarded. I notice alot of you man-children starting coming on this site the closer PS2 is being released they better up moderation before this place becomes the Diablo 3 forums.

But I am curious to why you are here if the only thing you are bitching about is how bad SOE is and telling us things we already know.

Gawd, seriously? Read what you wrote. Read what I wrote. You are a classic definition of a beaten spouse. :rolleyes::doh:

"Yes officer but when he's nice he's really nice, but when he's mean he just does these things."

As I mentioned to Hamma and as I will pass on to you. Using the reverse fanboi website argument is comical. Of course Im posting here, www.epicurious.com just doesnt seem to gather the same kind of responses to my postings as here.

2012-03-05, 06:38 PM
Gawd, seriously? Read what you wrote. Read what I wrote. You are a classic definition of a beaten spouse. :rolleyes::doh:

"Yes officer but when he's nice he's really nice, but when he's mean he just does these things."

As I mentioned to Hamma and as I will pass on to you. Using the reverse fanboi website argument is comical. Of course Im posting here, www.epicurious.com just doesnt seem to gather the same kind of responses to my postings as here.


2012-03-05, 06:40 PM

Please begin to contribute constructively to posts rather than spending most of your time attacking other peoples opinions.

2012-03-05, 08:17 PM

Please begin to contribute constructively to posts rather than spending most of your time attacking other peoples opinions.

As opposed to them attacking mine correct? :thumbsup:

One way street of debate here? Your opinion is highly valued as long as it coinsides with mine? :rolleyes:

2012-03-05, 09:06 PM
Gawd, seriously? Read what you wrote. Read what I wrote. You are a classic definition of a beaten spouse. :rolleyes::doh:

"Yes officer but when he's nice he's really nice, but when he's mean he just does these things."

As I mentioned to Hamma and as I will pass on to you. Using the reverse fanboi website argument is comical. Of course Im posting here, www.epicurious.com just doesnt seem to gather the same kind of responses to my postings as here.

This. Please Try harder.:lol:
It obvious you came in here so people can hear you bitch and whine. Heres a protip:

We aren't interested and no-one cares. Please take your pseudo-logic and take it to place where people will care.

2012-03-05, 09:20 PM
I am sure there are untold millions out there who have never heard of PS2. I'm sure SOE will probably do a lot of marketing near release but it never hurts to have an army of people marketing for free on your behalf.





2012-03-06, 07:42 AM
Back on topic: I've done my bit, even managed to get a few friends to sub to PS1 for a bit with me so they can see the legacy and understand what PS2 is bringing to the table (don't worry I've showed them the game in it's peak back in 2003-5 as well).

I'm doing all this, not for soe, but for the gaming market which is stale and milking the poor gamers for every generic sequel they can push out within a few months. We need new games! Bring down the CoD generation! :cool: