View Full Version : AI in 5 Year Plan

2012-03-06, 06:21 PM
Via Twitter:

Ok so the 5 year plan is to eventually add AI, but not at launch. #planetside2

Discuss - please keep discussion on this topic in one thread.


We have LONG term plans to add AI in the form of a fourth faction, we'll see if that pans out, but it should be pretty cool. Auto-turrets are something we could do right now but we just aren't - we want defense to be player-active, not passive. Might change in the future if necessary.

2012-03-06, 06:22 PM
Very interesting. Did they say what sort of AI they are discussing? I noticed they said something about an AI squad running with another live squad? Wonder if that's what they mean?

2012-03-06, 06:22 PM
I don't understand what. I. Uh. Why?

2012-03-06, 06:22 PM
Depends completely on how they implement it.

I think a Squad of AI soldiers for Station Cash would be hilarious. I mean it's a bad thing, but it would be funny as hell!

Selling AI puppets, real good! They do things for money, real resourceful! Sex slavery included, real experienced!

2012-03-06, 06:23 PM
Depends completely on how they implement it.

Yea. What would be the point though? If the player pops are massive, why would we need bots?

2012-03-06, 06:24 PM
i donĀ“t understand the reason why

they took away my beloved spitfires to enforce pure pvp and then they plan to add bots?
makes no sense to me

2012-03-06, 06:25 PM
Who is to say they mean soldiers?

2012-03-06, 06:26 PM
Yeah, they could just mean janitors for the bases.

2012-03-06, 06:26 PM
My prediction is that they don't expect pops to remain that high for a full 5 years. Once pops begin to fall, they are likely counter-acting that with the ability to have AI. They learned their lesson from PS1 that a dead server is a dead game. For better or for worse, AI solves that problem.

2012-03-06, 06:26 PM
But why? Why ruin Planetside2 with unecessary AI...

2012-03-06, 06:28 PM
My prediction is that they don't expect pops to remain that high for a full 5 years. Once pops begin to fall, they are likely counter-acting that with the ability to have AI. They learned their lesson from PS1 that a dead server is a dead game. For better or for worse, AI solves that problem.

That's a pretty shitty way to deal with a population problem.

It's an especially depressing 5 year plan...What they expect the game to completely dead in 5 years and AI having to be a necessity to keep populations up?

2012-03-06, 06:29 PM
maybe after capturing continent u gained AI guards at bases, to reinforce what u just captured so u could move forward n capture more....just a guess...these AI would be limited amount of npcs...few to no respawns....i think it would be cool.

2012-03-06, 06:29 PM
That's a pretty shitty way to deal with a population problem.

It's an especially depressing 5 year plan...What they expect the game to completely dead in 5 years and AI having to be a necessity to keep populations up?

In short:

Plans tend to change from time to time. Don't overreact.

2012-03-06, 06:31 PM

2012-03-06, 06:31 PM
That's a pretty shitty way to deal with a population problem.

It's an especially depressing 5 year plan...What they expect the game to completely dead in 5 years and AI having to be a necessity to keep populations up?

For one I'm sure its not the only aspect of solving it. It is likely a simple stop gap to ensure that platoons of 27 can still fill those last three spots. I agree, it's a bit sad, but I don't think its a completely illegitimate PART of the solution.

2012-03-06, 06:31 PM
In short:

Plans tend to change from time to time. Don't overreact.

I'm just saying, having to add AI to your games because you expect your game to be dead in 5 years sounds a little depressing :p

2012-03-06, 06:32 PM
Didn't they mention that they were thinking of adding AI attackers, where the empires would have to fight off AI together, like some massive game of Left4Dead? Occasional attacks by wave after wave of aliens/monsters etc.

I certainly wouldn't want to see AI players for a long, long time.

2012-03-06, 06:33 PM
Planetside2, zombie mode. Awesome!

I'd absolutely love some nightmarish netherworld in which AI zombies roam looking for Vanu blood - as an zingy garnish to the PVP meat in the sandwich, of course.

2012-03-06, 06:33 PM
My prediction is that they don't expect pops to remain that high for a full 5 years. Once pops begin to fall, they are likely counter-acting that with the ability to have AI. They learned their lesson from PS1 that a dead server is a dead game. For better or for worse, AI solves that problem.

Yes because adding AI will keep the pops up. :rolleyes:

2012-03-06, 06:36 PM
Planetside2, zombie mode. Awesome!

I'd absolutely love some nightmarish netherworld in which AI zombies roam looking for Vanu blood - as an zingy garnish to the PVP meat in the sandwich, of course.

How can you possibly have so much gore in one post?

Though I do not support AI events. I mean, I want them, but for the sake of the game they should not be included.

2012-03-06, 06:36 PM
I smell alien invasions. Perhaps they are thinking about this for short term live events. So they wouldn't always be happening, just on occasion to shake up the play field a bit.

2012-03-06, 06:38 PM
the second they implement AI im out....sorry but i want pvp only

2012-03-06, 06:38 PM
Hopefully they don't mean humanoid AI, but anyway I'd have to see how it turns out. In 5 years computers will be faster and their servers will be faster. Anything is possible.

2012-03-06, 06:39 PM
Yes because adding AI will keep the pops up. :rolleyes:

The AI would BE the pop. I know there have been times in recent years where I have longed for AI soldiers just to get the feel of the massive battles of the good old days.

I've said it in other threads, I'd actually like to see AI in special events like a Starship Troopers bug swarm, or massive roaming giants, etc. etc. But I'd be real skeptical of full time AI soldiers in a game that prides itself on being 100% PvP

2012-03-06, 06:40 PM

2012-03-06, 06:40 PM
-snip- :(

2012-03-06, 06:40 PM
AI...? Interesting... I guess I'll withhold comment until I see implimentation plans. It may or may not (based on exploitation potential) fix some of the Planetside deterioration...

On the other hand it may hasten it.

2012-03-06, 06:41 PM

This was BEFORE the post I quoted.

2012-03-06, 06:41 PM

There're three tweets. The latest claims there will be.

2012-03-06, 06:42 PM
Though we don't know much about it, I don't like the idea of AI unless it's like, in the form of actual "drone" units that you deploy. But if it's like, AI soldiers, that seems like a worrisome idea to me.

Just my first impression; the game is going to be amazing regardless :-)


2012-03-06, 06:42 PM
In the everquests you can hire mercenaries using in-game money to assist you.

Maybe they're thinking of a similar thing? Auto fire deployable turrets? Repair bots that follow your tank around? Base defences that pop out of the roof in the CC?

Not necessarily AI soldiers.

2012-03-06, 06:42 PM
Sounds like a plan.

The Alien invasion events would be an interesting twist. I'd be interested in seeing that

2012-03-06, 06:43 PM
The AI would BE the pop. I know there have been times in recent years where I have longed for AI soldiers just to get the feel of the massive battles of the good old days.

I've said it in other threads, I'd actually like to see AI in special events like a Starship Troopers bug swarm, or massive roaming giants, etc. etc. But I'd be real skeptical of full time AI soldiers in a game that prides itself on being 100% PvP

Raymac hit the nail on the head. It's not about keeping the pops up necessarily, rather, its about preserving the experience for the individuals who stick around. If you lose the massive part, you will lose people at increasing rates. Filling in with AI mitigates that loss, and allows for recuperation of REAL players through promotions and other incentives.

2012-03-06, 06:44 PM
Didn't Higby himself make a post a while back in one of our other AI threads saying that having an Alien Invasion could be kinda cool?

No reason to overreact either...it's in the VERY long term and not 100% confirmed. Don't understand why we'd need to go apeshit.

2012-03-06, 06:44 PM
I really don't understand the reasoning behind this.

AI? Do they perhaps mean the return of Spitfires or something analogous? Perhaps with some sort of player controlled rules of engagement capability, so that Spits don't give themselves away when a tank rolls by, but spam any foot with fire?

Hope thats what they mean otherwise the game will turn into WOW.

2012-03-06, 06:44 PM
The AI would BE the pop. I know there have been times in recent years where I have longed for AI soldiers just to get the feel of the massive battles of the good old days.

I've said it in other threads, I'd actually like to see AI in special events like a Starship Troopers bug swarm, or massive roaming giants, etc. etc. But I'd be real skeptical of full time AI soldiers in a game that prides itself on being 100% PvP

That's such a lame work around the actual problem though.

The point is, is that they should continuously be adding amazing content and properly balancing the game for 5 years so that players remain happy and the game retains high populations throughout it's life span.

Purposely adding AI into the game because populations are dwindling is not the solution.

Again, they haven't said at all how AI will be implemented so we're only left to speculate. I'm sure the real intention right out is not be a work around for low populations, but rather a new event or dynamic perhaps for players.

But still, I just want to get my point across that adding AI to a game with decreasing pops isn't going to help any.

2012-03-06, 06:44 PM

But I really hope they don't.....I wanna feel like players are in control.

I have a feeling tho that perhaps they will be guards to the outfit bases or whatever.

2012-03-06, 06:45 PM
In the everquests you can hire mercenaries using in-game money to assist you.

This is what I was talking about when I said exploitable... This kind of thing is why some games become not fun:

In a pvp environment automatic turrets are usually overpowered, this idea for mercenaries simply makes those turrets mobile and potentially able to take and follow orders...

Im 200% against any idea resembling this.

2012-03-06, 06:45 PM
Didn't Higby himself make a post a while back in one of our other AI threads saying that having an Alien Invasion could be kinda cool?

No reason to overreact either...it's in the VERY long term and not 100% confirmed. Don't understand why we'd need to go apeshit.

Agreed - 5 years leaves plenty of time for change.

2012-03-06, 06:46 PM
i dont like the idea of AI being in planetside at all
especially if its some kind of ai soldiers or something

if they are talking about base turrets or something being AI (like PS1) then thats ok but ai soldiers would be horrible

2012-03-06, 06:47 PM
Sounds as gay as the Black Ops idea tbh. Can just imagine, yet again when it's a really good fight - some ass-hat of a GM presses the "red" button and ruins it...

2012-03-06, 06:48 PM
We asssume too much. I mean the AI can be a damn Pole Dancer in a continental uncap's bar.

2012-03-06, 06:48 PM
But what if instead of Black Ops it is alien invasions and guess what, players can be a big bad-ass alien during the invasion events! BO revamp! :P

2012-03-06, 06:50 PM
But what if instead of Black Ops it is alien invasions and guess what, players can be a big bad-ass alien during the invasion events! BO revamp! :P

AI suicide bombers would be cooler.

2012-03-06, 06:50 PM
No AI, No Bots!

100% PvP or you become every other game out there in the world.

You will destroy the uniqueness for the majority

Even thinking of bots suggests you are doubting the players base being big.


2012-03-06, 06:51 PM
We asssume too much. I mean the AI can be a damn Pole Dancer in a continental uncap's bar.

Analyisis of this quote: "We assume to much"
Yea I agree, there is to much in the dark about this AI idea still. Many people here say 5 years is to long to debate.

2) "I mean the AI can be a damn Pole Dancer in a continental uncap's bar."

^ looking forward to this... could be a nice distraction when the fight gets bogged down by VS BD lasher spam, NC tower whoring, or TR lag hacking =P

2012-03-06, 06:52 PM
Resources are supposed to play a significant part in PS2. I can imagine special events intermittently popping up, where the goal is to defeat AI guarding a large chunk of bonus resources, before the other factions do so.

I don't expect AI would ever play a major role in PS2; nothing like a fourth faction or hired mercenaries.

2012-03-06, 06:52 PM
maybe they got it wrong


Correction! No AI. Sorry about that #planetside2

2012-03-06, 06:53 PM
No AI, No Bots!

100% PvP or you become every other game out there in the world.

You will destroy the uniqueness for the majority

Even thinking of bots suggests you are doubting the players base being big.


Combining the scale of Planetside(2) while simultaneously trying to hold off an alien invasion. You're right that IS every other game out there!

Not trying to be an advocate for AI here but still, everyone is so focused on the AI being additional soldiers for each faction. I highly doubt that's the case here but then again that makes me just as bad as the rest of people jumping to conclusions.

We need a jump to conclusions mat for this thread.

2012-03-06, 06:54 PM
maybe they got it wrong


Correction! No AI. Sorry about that #planetside2

That tweet was before the one saying that AI is part of the 5 year plan.

2012-03-06, 06:54 PM
maybe they got it wrong


Correction! No AI. Sorry about that #planetside2

The plans to add in AI long term tweet was AFTER the one you linked. I doubt he's apologizing from the past for something he did in the future.

2012-03-06, 06:55 PM
That tweet was before the one saying that AI is part of the 5 year plan.

ahh darn sorry about that everyone
im a bit slow on the uptake ::redface::

2012-03-06, 06:56 PM
we always knew AI elements have been on the table, all hail our new deployable turret overlords!

2012-03-06, 06:57 PM
Since the only AI that's been a part of Planetside is turrets, and we know that feature won't be in at launch, I'm going to assume (and hope) that this is simply referring to things like spitfire turrets, maybe an upgrade for the mounted base turrets to make them automated. NPCs just don't seem like Planetside's style.

While agree some Cooperative zombie rush type gameplay is fun, that's not what I play Planetside for. Let Borderlands and Firefall compete over that, just work on the PvP (although I'm fine with adding auto turrets)

2012-03-06, 06:59 PM
Well it seem that ps2 longevity is now shortened to 5 years or till they add AI if its something more than turrets.

2012-03-06, 07:02 PM
They need to trial this stuff on PS1 before talking ideas without looking into it first with the 'community'

2012-03-06, 07:05 PM
Didn't they mention that they were thinking of adding AI attackers, where the empires would have to fight off AI together, like some massive game of Left4Dead? Occasional attacks by wave after wave of aliens/monsters etc.

Yes I believe they alluded to something like that during the 2011 Fan Faire.

I smell alien invasions. Perhaps they are thinking about this for short term live events. So they wouldn't always be happening, just on occasion to shake up the play field a bit.

That's what I was thinking too.

I'd be perfectly fine with all 3 empires having to join forces every once and a while to fend off the occasional invading alien horde or an ancient Vanu mothership or two returning to try and reclaim Auraxis. ;)

Well, so long as we send in the NC first, of course.... :p

2012-03-06, 07:07 PM
I want Proggrammable AI as a new skill in the infil hacking tree!!! Install viruses that control and change things in certain orders and at certain times.

We could create a virus to upload to an enemy base that switches off the lights in the restrooms and disbles the toilet paper dispensers exactly 1 minute after a soldier enters to use them.


2012-03-06, 07:08 PM
I want Proggrammable AI as a new skill in the infil hacking tree!!! Install viruses that control and change things in certain orders and at certain times.

We could create a virus to upload to an enemy base that switches off the lights in the restrooms and disbles the toilet paper dispensers exactly 1 minute after a soldier enters to use them.


You... YOU MONSTER!!!!!

2012-03-06, 07:10 PM
inorite? has to be against the geneva convention, or something tho...

2012-03-06, 07:11 PM
They need to trial this stuff on PS1 before talking ideas without looking into it first with the 'community'

while being an inventive idea, I doubt this would work.
Planetside's coding wouldnt and most likely couldnt support any intelligent AI other than pre-programed routes... very basic level AI.

on the other hand: testing something like this on a side server accessable from the main launcher to where you could import a character, similar to a test realm would be sufficient...

---side thought---
It would also be worth looking into making one server be AI free, period... while having another have them and see where people drift to, preference could be the determining factor here

2012-03-06, 07:21 PM
This thread is hilarious. The mere possibility of AI being added within five years and all of a sudden the game is dead before anyone has even played it. This, by the way, is why I said PS1 players shouldn't get any kind of priority beta access. This irrational, knee-jerk bullshit anytime something happens that didn't happen in PS1 is absurd. Everyone flips out without even thinking about it.

Adding AI is fine. They need to do stuff to keep gameplay diverse and appeal to a wide range of players. Adding in some coop gameplay would go a long way toward that. Players vs. AI in a limited sense (that is, in a way that doesn't interfere with PvP gameplay) lets them do things they can't do with pure PvP gameplay. As long as there are strong incentives for players to participate in PvP, there's no major downside.

2012-03-06, 07:37 PM
But why? Why ruin Planetside2 with unecessary AI...

My thoughts... You don't see AI running around in any other good shooter...

2012-03-06, 07:39 PM

2012-03-06, 07:39 PM
Look, I don't have a problem with AI as long as it doesn't interfere with 2 things.

1.) The PVP. The moment it starts interfering with PVP it needs to go away.
2.)The player count. the moment we have to drop the player count for the sake of AI. It needs to go away.

If they can incorporate it with out impacting those 2 things. I'm fine with it.

2012-03-06, 07:54 PM
AI, like a little robotic buddy for engineers? That would be cool. The VS could have a little floating eyeball that shoots laser beams at nearby targets for pathetic amounts of damage.

Hiring soldiers? NO NO NO NO NO

2012-03-06, 07:54 PM

Please stop linking this.. it was posted BEFORE what I posted.

2012-03-06, 08:52 PM
As long as it doesn't interfere with PvP.

2012-03-06, 09:34 PM
AI is one of the very few things I am completely and firmly AGAINST in Planetside. Even spitfire/auto turrets irked me. They have no place in a game that is meant to be pure PVP. I hate playing against AI in any game anyway so it gets even more hate for me in this game. I have the feeling it would ruin the immersion for most people and as for myself, I'd likely leave if AI soldiers filled in the spots for players not on cont.

That said, that might not even be how they are planning to implement it. A once a year event of an AI invasion that lasted for 15 minutes would be acceptable, I guess.

2012-03-06, 09:36 PM
Perhaps in a supporting role. Let's say for example, air extraction to base being called in by infantry on the ground. Or, if these new constructable outfit bases work anything like the FOBs in Project Reality then AI could airdrop supplies from base when called.

If the AI acting purely in a supporting role then it adds more strategic play to the map, want to take out that base? Get some anti air up along their supply line and strangle their supplies stopping them from being able to use various vehicles and things at that base, or cutting automated defences, things like that.

In that kind of role I could see them being an interesting part of the game. In a combat role I really would not be comfortable with though.

2012-03-06, 09:49 PM
Please stop linking this.. it was posted BEFORE what I posted.

Can't wait to see how many more people post this. :D

2012-03-06, 09:52 PM
Just hire some people in some low-income zone of the world to play instead.

2012-03-06, 10:22 PM
Hey look guys. SOE is at it again ruining another of the awesome games they make. This time by adding AI because we already shot down the BFR idea.

2012-03-06, 10:36 PM
Wouldn't worry guys. AI is a pretty loose term, could mean 100 different things in game terms.

From bunny rabbits running about, to turret AI. To even an aware weather system that moves to hinder the over populated dominating faction.

Also as far as the 5 year plan goes, part of their 3 year plan was to take the battle into space. So who knows.

Lets focus on keeping the game alive for the 1 year, then we can panic about year 2. haha

2012-03-06, 10:39 PM
I dunno.
Well-implemented AI (http://www.arma2.com/) is fine with me.

2012-03-06, 10:43 PM
Hey look guys. SOE is at it again ruining another of the awesome games they make. This time by adding AI because we already shot down the BFR idea.

This is why I hate forums.

2012-03-06, 10:49 PM
This is why I hate forums.

Because these sort of comments aren't posted anywhere else on the internet. :lol:

Hey look guys. SOE is at it again ruining another of the awesome games they make. This time by adding AI because we already shot down the BFR idea.

But seriously.. troll fail.

2012-03-06, 10:49 PM
Hmmm.. really depends on how they add it in.. but I've always been against AI. I'm always for more game economy though - resource control, base building, etc.

2012-03-06, 10:51 PM
But seriously.. troll fail.

It's actually just one of [321]'s 2000 troll accounts, all simultaneously trolling 24/7. It's true, ask him.

2012-03-06, 10:56 PM
Urgggh.... they already talked about it last year. Why acting like you're surprised? ;)

2012-03-06, 11:08 PM
Hey look guys. SOE is at it again ruining another of the awesome games they make. This time by adding AI because we already shot down the BFR idea.

I wouldnt mind the BFR making a reapearance ACTUALLY as some kindof command vehicle. High level command rank players can deploy it, and it gives them a huge area of assessment of the battlefield.

No weapons. High armour. And a skilled commander could use it to direct the battle, while at the same time being a sitting duck.


2012-03-06, 11:22 PM
Hey look guys. SOE is at it again ruining another of the awesome games they make. This time by adding AI because we already shot down the BFR idea.

Introduction of AI and unbalanced, half-tested, teamwork-affecting BFR have same magnitude, you say?

2012-03-06, 11:36 PM
Because these sort of comments aren't posted anywhere else on the internet. :lol:

But seriously.. troll fail.

They're in far fewer quantity over on reddit at least, as well as downvoted to oblivion so nobody has to look at them.

I always find myself wishing I could downvote on forums.:lol:

2012-03-06, 11:40 PM

Per the GDC Q&A:

AI in 5 years is just an option, we'll see when we get there

2012-03-07, 01:48 AM
If PS2 survives to year 5 it won't need AI. Unless nobody is playing it.

I try to keep an open mind on ideas since the PS devs have shown themselves to be competent and have good designs, but PS isn't a game that needs AI. Players are the content. Having AI implies that players aren't enough content, and I simply don't agree with that notion. I believe AI would detract from the game.

2012-03-07, 11:12 AM
My thoughts... You don't see AI running around in any other good shooter...

Not a L4D fan, huh?

2012-03-07, 11:14 AM
I've nothing much to add, except to say +1 to the no to AI vote ..... excepting engy deployables such as spits.....

2012-03-07, 11:16 AM
If PS2 survives to year 5 it won't need AI. Unless nobody is playing it.

I try to keep an open mind on ideas since the PS devs have shown themselves to be competent and have good designs, but PS isn't a game that needs AI. Players are the content. Having AI implies that players aren't enough content, and I simply don't agree with that notion. I believe AI would detract from the game.

/sarcasmon Ya, cause we all know from previous experience with PS1 that it worked this way. /sarcasmoff

2012-03-07, 11:18 AM
If the F2P model remains the same way throughout those 5 years and unless SOE severely screw up PS2 - I don't foresee any population problems at all...

2012-03-07, 11:25 AM
sounds like some VS plot to me, AI in their 5 year plan...... sinister, they're going to scoop out peoples brains and replace them with cyber hamsters! :o

Well I won't really worry about bombing this idea till I hear more about it beside a "AI in our 5 year plan" which tbh means nothing to me.

2012-03-07, 11:26 AM
If you need AI in 5 years, something is wrong with the live development, and upkeep of the game play.

2012-03-07, 12:12 PM
Before we know what the AI is used for and what exactly they intend to implement, this discussion is pretty pointless, or not?

Only thing that I can say at this point is, that I see no use for AI in this game that actually makes sense, so I am having a very negative feeling about this.

2012-03-07, 01:01 PM
The whole AI Mercenary thing is only community speculation. The sky is NOT falling kids. They're probably just talking about something spitfire-esque or drones of some kind. It could be as simple as a laser targeting recon drone.

No need to start cutting ourselves yet.

2012-03-07, 02:58 PM

ROBOT dragons. It's the future.

2012-03-07, 03:08 PM
For those who mention AI could offset a population decrease, I'd think it would rather increase its pace: PS gameplay is not a solo bots hunt.

I think that by AI, they may be taking the idea from Line of Defense from Derek Smart... You know, the one where you can buy a bot to be your sidekick instead of having a real partner.

2012-03-07, 03:20 PM
I'm presuming they mean Vanu invasions, perhaps lead by a GM. However, I'd prefer it if they just meant Far Cry 2 type animal life AI.

2012-03-10, 07:47 PM
Someone recently brought up in-game on Planetside the issue that there was going to A.I. characters in Planetside 2. :huh:

I don't know who started up that rumor but I pray to the Gaming Gods that it is a false rumor and it was intended to cause mass panic.

We all know that Planetside is a Player-based MMO FPS minus the NPCs that you see in other games. I can only imagine how bad the response will be if it is confirmed that there will be NPCs in Planetside 2. :scared:

2012-03-10, 07:58 PM
Honestly, folks please tell me what you think about this issue?

2012-03-10, 07:59 PM
I don't believe there's going to be any AI in the game, but honestly I wouldn't be that surprised if I was wrong.

2012-03-10, 08:00 PM
There is a whole thread about it where people shared opinions, it's not too old. Take a look at it.

2012-03-10, 08:01 PM
There is a whole thread about it where people shared opinions, it's not too old. Take a look at it.

Thanks for the Advice. :)

2012-03-10, 08:06 PM
Here is a link to it:

I'm off to bed. Gnight !
(no need to reply btw, this thread should die)

Tom Peters
2012-03-10, 08:20 PM
This is a multiplayer game. I wouldn't be worried.

There definitely won't be any A.I. at launch. They said something about possibly adding it later but god only knows why anyone would want that.

2012-03-10, 09:53 PM
Merged :)

2012-03-10, 09:58 PM
A.I. What does the A stand for?

I wouldn't mind having some animals. Humans? no

2012-03-10, 10:00 PM
They need to reveal more than just "its in the 5 year plan", specifically why it is in the 5 year plan and what they want to do with it.

Just stating it by itself isn't helpful.

Especially considering Higby's been toting the "players are the content" line lately, this tweet seems particularly confusing.

2012-03-10, 10:13 PM
I wouldn't mind an ancient VANU invasion in the next five years

2012-03-10, 10:31 PM
Awesome, I can't wait.

I hope it's some sort of indigenous life I can kill, like those blue hippies from Avatar.

2012-03-11, 06:01 AM
maybe some AI cows , that way we could get a catapult and launch some cows over the enemy's walls!:evil:

2012-03-11, 06:09 AM
Only AI acceptable to me would be Event's and maybe base Drones that are shot down quick as heck, and there main function is to alart the base of enemys

Event's such as The real vanu race returning in there mothership and you have to destroy there smaller vehicles and mothership before they can Absorb all the Nantes in auraxis.

Drones would be just the same as engineering turrets but can hover and travel a pre-designated path, the pathing must be short and the engineer has to set it before the drone becomes active

2012-03-11, 08:47 AM
I can't believe so many people are taking SOE's word about a game addition that is YEARS away lol.

Not specifically bashing SOE, can't believe anyone would do that for any company lol. Luckily we have
"AI in 5 years is just an option, we'll see when we get there" on file now to calm us down.

AI beyond auto turrets, I can see for a special event but still don't really want it as a constant feature

2012-03-11, 12:24 PM
No thanks.

2012-03-11, 08:01 PM
i think we need more information that just "we're going to add AI" i think it could be a good addition to the game, it could certainly attract more players to the game. people need to open their minds alittle, even slightly.

"removing people from pvp" arguments aside.

i think stuff like:
Survival mode

instanced PVE, see global agenda or really any FPS, they could even have a ranking system like aion or a score/leaderboard system. base on clear time and efficiency.

they could have raid type scenarios

rewards would be XP(much less than pvp)
cosmetic items

however i would stay way from anything that combines pvp and pve in some mythic pvpve clusterfuck of aids filled abortions.

2012-03-22, 05:34 PM
We have LONG term plans to add AI in the form of a fourth faction, we'll see if that pans out, but it should be pretty cool. Auto-turrets are something we could do right now but we just aren't - we want defense to be player-active, not passive. Might change in the future if necessary.

That's an interesting idea and I think it warrants it's own thread. I'm pro AI in this kind of format, sounds like it would make for a very interesting mechanic. Bearing in mind AI was originally mentioned as a part of their long term plan.

Thoughts on what said fourth faction might be? Their influence on gameplay, how it should/would be implemented.

2012-03-22, 05:37 PM
Wow i almost wish they forget about PS2 after release and dont make any content patches, so they dont ruin good game with stupid AI faction.

2012-03-22, 05:38 PM

2012-03-22, 05:43 PM
Wow i almost wish they forget about PS2 after release and dont make any content patches, so they dont ruin good game with stupid AI faction.

This, hahah.

What a dumb idea. I'm speechless they're even considering this down the line.

2012-03-22, 05:43 PM
My thoughts? Don't implement AI into Planetside.

2012-03-22, 05:46 PM
Hoho let's add AI to a game we market as "Player-Driven"
Also guys hasn't this been talked about before?

2012-03-22, 05:49 PM
I've merged this since we have had the discussion before and no read to rehash the entire thing from square one again ;)

2012-03-22, 06:02 PM
4th faction as AI seems completely ridiculous to me. If it isn't needed on day 0, why would it be needed several years later?

It's also inconsistent with their statements that "players are the content"

I really, really don't like the idea of an AI faction. I hope they elaborate a lot more on why they are even considering this.

2012-03-22, 06:07 PM
Wow i almost wish they forget about PS2 after release and dont make any content patches, so they dont ruin good game with stupid AI faction.

Ya I kinda feel this way too.

AI Faction = PS2's BFRs

2012-03-22, 06:08 PM
The point is, is that they should continuously be adding amazing content and properly balancing the game for 5 years so that players remain happy and the game retains high populations throughout it's life span.


2012-03-22, 06:10 PM

5 years from now is ( like he said ) a LONG time.
when i read it i smirked, and moved on.

2012-03-23, 01:59 AM
http://cdn.overclock.net/8/80/484x484px-LL-80365842_aliens_meme_Few_Random_Facts_For_All_You_ Sharetastic_People-s484x484-293784-580.jpeg

2012-03-23, 03:21 AM
Do not want, does not have a place in Planetside.

I seriously hope they will take this thread seriously. No, just no!

We'll trade the AI faction for one more playable continent :D At least you dont have to bother coding AI then and can keep on doing them beautiful continents! :D

2012-03-23, 03:24 AM
maybe it will be a continent with an AI dinosaur faction

maybe want?

2012-03-23, 03:25 AM
Do not want, does not have a place in Planetside.

I seriously hope they will take this thread seriously. No, just no!

We'll trade the AI faction for one more playable continent :D At least you dont have to bother coding AI then and can keep on doing them beautiful continents! :D

Given that the VS are using alien tech and fighting on Auraxis to collect that tech I have to disagree. Aliens play a very key role in the entire lore of one of the factions.

2012-03-23, 03:27 AM
Given that the VS are using alien tech and fighting on Auraxis to collect that tech I have to disagree. Aliens play a very key role in the entire lore of one of the factions.

I was referring to the AI in general, that doesnt have a place. I got no problems with alien techs and whatnot.

2012-03-23, 03:31 AM
I was referring to the AI in general, that doesnt have a place. I got no problems with alien techs and whatnot.

Ah I see. I dunno, I think it could be fun for special events type things as I said, not necessarily as a permanent thing that's always around though.

2012-03-23, 03:33 AM
I sometimes question if PS2 devs ever played the original...

Anyone who played PS1 (okay maybe not anyone because there's a few people in this thread for it...but MOST) would be/are against the idea of AI as a fourth faction.

It just totally undermines the entire point of the game. I don't get it sometime. They've announced and introduced some of the most brilliant concepts and ideas, then they every now and again announce one of the worst ideas possible for the game.

2012-03-23, 03:45 AM
Hoping he meant as an invasion... like, a rare event would be okay... but a permanent 4th faction? WTF?

2012-03-23, 04:35 AM
but the 4th "faction" could be anything, it does not mean that it will be a new empire.
animals roaming the continent would also constitute as an AI "faction"
so would an alien invasion.

maybe they want to have a certain situation where the 3 empires will need to band together to fight a larger threat ( like the aliens the story is built around )

2012-03-23, 04:46 AM
What about having some wildlife like some sort of alien bears that live in the mountains, or some kind of giant man-eating Venus fly trap, kind of things living in the swamps.

2012-03-23, 04:47 AM
Somehow, I doubt they'll introduce the 4th official faction to the game.

For several reasons :

1) Simply because they will have a harder time balancing it. So they probably won't want to do that(I think they also know it's extra unnecessary work and burden for dev team).

2) Possibility of mis-typing

3) They've said they will make many changes even in Beta if some aspects of the game is proven bad or wrong. And plans are a lot easier to modify because they're just not implemented yet [whether it be short-term or long-term](possibly, many things in the 5-year plan document are, technically, not even in the designing phase yet), because they're just 'plans' for now. So if the '4th players faction' thingy is clarified to be right, then we just have to strongly voice our concerns as fast as we can, so that we make them alter or remove their specific plan.

4) Smedly doesn't seem to be that cold-blooded man as we think he is, from what I know. :D
(he recently left the EQMac servers alive, so there's at least a glimmer of hope)

2012-03-23, 05:06 AM
Somehow, I doubt they'll introduce the 4th official faction to the game.

For several reasons :

1) Simply because they will have a harder time balancing it. So they probably won't want to do that(I think they also know it's extra unnecessary work and burden for dev team).

2) Possibility of mis-typing

3) They've said they will make many changes even in Beta if some aspects of the game is proven bad or wrong. And plans are a lot easier to modify because they're just not implemented yet [whether it be short-term or long-term](possibly, many things in the 5-year plan document are, technically, not even in the designing phase yet), because they're just 'plans' for now. So if the '4th players faction' thingy is clarified to be right, then we just have to strongly voice our concerns as fast as we can, so that we make them alter or remove their specific plan.

4) Smedly doesn't seem to be that cold-blooded man as we think he is, from what I know. :D
(he recently left the EQMac servers alive, so there's at least a glimmer of hope)

wait, you understand that the 4th faction is "planned" to be fully AI right?

2012-03-23, 05:31 AM
wait, you understand that the 4th faction is "planned" to be fully AI right?

Ouch, haha. I actually thought about both(new player faction and new AI faction), silly me. :(

(but again, my main point is : It's just a long-term plan right now and relatively easy to modify or remove because they haven't probably started working on it yet.

However, I know that what they currently have in mind about the AI faction might be a lot different from what we're thinking right now, so I think they need to clarify more on whether it will be for invasion & special events only or permanent one. )

2012-03-23, 06:08 AM
I think people shouldn't overreact. Something this vague will change in 5 years and so will our own perception. At the moment I don't even care about that - I'm more interested in 1-2 year plan (what we are getting at launch and what might/will get added).

I think it's more of a measure to deal with potential decrease of players. So in theory - 5 years later, PS2 player number is lower than what it was in the first 4 years. How do we still keep the battles massive? Add AI into the mix. While it's purely a speculation, it makes some sense (doesn't mean I agree/disagree on this matter).

So as I mentioned - we shouldn't pay too much attention on things 5 years later, but focus on the things to come on launch and shortly after and after a year or so come back to this idea and see if it still fits or not.

2012-03-23, 06:23 AM
I think people shouldn't overreact. Something this vague will change in 5 years and so will our own perception. At the moment I don't even care about that - I'm more interested in 1-2 year plan (what we are getting at launch and what might/will get added).

I think it's more of a measure to deal with potential decrease of players. So in theory - 5 years later, PS2 player number is lower than what it was in the first 4 years. How do we still keep the battles massive? Add AI into the mix. While it's purely a speculation, it makes some sense (doesn't mean I agree/disagree on this matter).

So as I mentioned - we shouldn't pay too much attention on things 5 years later, but focus on the things to come on launch and shortly after and after a year or so come back to this idea and see if it still fits or not.

I guess many just dont see the game die to a "master plan" of SOE similar to BFRs and caves.

I rather have them kill the idea before it even leaves the masterminds head :D

2012-03-23, 08:14 AM
I love the idea of hostile fauna that exists as simply a natural hazard that must be contended with.

Less enthused about a 4th empire of AI. For one, just because it would be dull to fight against, being AI. And for two.. doesn't really fit PS at all.

2012-03-23, 09:01 AM
Cool words

That actually sounds pretty cool so long as it doesn't take away from the PvP through the creation of dedicated PvE environments, events are fine because they are temporary; But a dedicated continent for it means that players will start to join for only the PvE and nothing else.

2012-03-23, 09:19 AM
Hohoho, how ludicrous. To think that we would stop killing each other even for a second...

The alien invaders are our opponents. Our enemy is the TR and NC! :D

2012-03-23, 09:44 AM
Non-combatant AI would be cool. Namely, herds of animals that roam the map. A variety of large and small dinosaurs would be neat. To me, this would make the maps feel much more organic and alive.

I guess they could be considered "hazards", like if your driving around and hit the equivalent of a super large cow, or accidentally shoot one and provoke it. Give them some attack modes in the event they get shot or hit by a vehicle. Make them tough as nails and powerful so people won't mess with them solo unless they want an ass-kicking. Not really fond of AI that attacks unprovoked though, it should really be the players fault when they get attacked.

An interesting idea: If you shoot one within a certain radius it will attack you, but if you are farther away it attacks the nearest player, friendly or enemy. I would make the radius pretty large, 300m or larger. Snipers could have a blast with this. Counter them with a fast-acting tranquilizer dart sidegrade (then run like hell).

2012-03-23, 10:20 AM
A 4th faction that is AI based could lead to some interesting gameplay that players couldn't do.

Imagine like a race of bugs like the Zerg or bugs in Starship troopers. They are hostile to everybody and play completely different than the factions. They mob entire continents with hundreds or thousands units and attack everybody.

Or an alien race not unlike the Covenant from Halo where they have all sorts of different races and tech. Stuff that wouldn't translate very well into player controlled units. Unique gameplay opportunities there.

Could be interesting. The worst would be just a 4th faction that is very similar to the current factions. That would be pointless.

I can see AI being added in when the populations really start to dwindle. They could launch attacks when server pops are low giving people something to do. I can see their uses, but only in the right scenarios. The focus should be on the PvP first.

2012-03-23, 10:29 AM
Trying hard to keep my knee from jerking so hard it breaks the desk.

AI is bad....that is all.

2012-03-23, 11:44 AM
I heard they were adding AI to the Lasher.

2012-03-23, 04:35 PM
Non-combatant AI would be cool.


2012-03-23, 06:56 PM
How about this...how about they (being SOE) not divert developer time and resources to trying to implement a ludicrous idea in a game such as this? Planetside is already a vastly complex game and I would much rather have them focus on trying to perfect what could be an incredibly fun experience, instead of what is, basically a gimmick.

2012-03-23, 07:26 PM
How about this...how about they (being SOE) not divert developer time and resources to trying to implement a ludicrous idea in a game such as this? Planetside is already a vastly complex game and I would much rather have them focus on trying to perfect what could be an incredibly fun experience, instead of what is, basically a gimmick.

how can you call it a gimmick for the game is its in the rear end of the 5 year plan ?
i dont think a feature added 5 years after release qualify's as a gimmick

and if the game is still kicking in 5 years time i'm sure it will be pretty different to the ps2 we are gonna play "soon"
so by then ai might not seem so useless.

2012-03-23, 07:50 PM
how can you call it a gimmick for the game is its in the rear end of the 5 year plan ?
i dont think a feature added 5 years after release qualify's as a gimmick

and if the game is still kicking in 5 years time i'm sure it will be pretty different to the ps2 we are gonna play "soon"
so by then ai might not seem so useless.
Time frame has nothing to do with it. Things that were added to PS1 late in it's life were nothing more than gimmicks. They contributed nothing towards improving the game and, arguably, took something away.

The core concept of Planetside has always been one that the environment is shaped and driven by only the players. If you're talking about adding some sort of AI faction that can potentially have an effect on the game, you're turning the foundation of the game on its head. If you're talking about adding giant fucking bears or some shit, then we're just a step away from missions that require collecting 10 bear pelts.

2012-03-23, 07:59 PM
i see where you are coming from, i dont see a role in the current game for AI either.
but then again, an mmo that has stood strong for 5 years will need to do something to keep the player base high and happy.

the simple "go there, capture X, shoot dudes" with nothing added will get stale ( for 99% of the people ).
so adding nothing is setting yourself up for failure, but trying to add something might do some good if done right.
if i were to die i'd rather go fighting then just sitting on my ass

but i geuss in lots of cases its a damned if you do, damned if you dont situation.

2012-03-23, 08:26 PM
Or instead of AI they can add new continents, new capture mechanics, new vehicles, new weapons, maybe new classes, new options to existing classes, additional customization to existing vehicles.

The core gameplay we love and will play planetside 2 for will be there on day 0.

AI makes zero sense. Time wasted on that crap is time not spent improving the gameplay we actually want in Planetside 2.

2012-03-23, 08:50 PM
The only AI I would want implemented would be wildlife.


Deer in the forest sees your platoon creeping through the woods at night to flank a base. Deer shits itself and starts running for an open field, effectively giving away your position. If your platoon doesn't have someone with a silenced weapon (if implemented) then they are forced to hope the enemy doesn't realize the deer running scared out of its mind from the woods, or engage immediately to maintain some element of surprise.

I don't see the point of adding combat AI at all. It has no place in an MMOFPS imo and it never will.

2012-03-23, 08:59 PM
Or instead of AI they can add new continents, new capture mechanics, new vehicles, new weapons, maybe new classes, new options to existing classes, additional customization to existing vehicles.

The core gameplay we love and will play planetside 2 for will be there on day 0.

AI makes zero sense. Time wasted on that crap is time not spent improving the gameplay we actually want in Planetside 2.

well yeah i get that, and i want them to add all that stuff, but there is a line somewhere right?

50 continents? 250 weapons? 100 vehicles?
at some point they will need to stop overinflating the game ( like WoW is doing right now with the pandas cause they cant think of anything else ) and rather spend some time experimenting and thinking about new things to do and try.
and yes, if what they decide to do is blindy follow some shitty idea then it will hurt the game. but if they do it right then we could still be playing ps2 10 years from now.
and hell we dont even know what they meant by "AI faction" maybe they have something completely different in mind. maybe it has its use in some other mechanics that might get added that we know nothing about.

those who dont innovate die, simple as that.

2012-03-23, 10:51 PM
AI faction = immediate game quit for me.

2012-03-23, 11:01 PM
well yeah i get that, and i want them to add all that stuff, but there is a line somewhere right?

50 continents? 250 weapons? 100 vehicles?
at some point they will need to stop overinflating the game ( like WoW is doing right now with the pandas cause they cant think of anything else ) and rather spend some time experimenting and thinking about new things to do and try.
and yes, if what they decide to do is blindy follow some shitty idea then it will hurt the game. but if they do it right then we could still be playing ps2 10 years from now.
and hell we dont even know what they meant by "AI faction" maybe they have something completely different in mind. maybe it has its use in some other mechanics that might get added that we know nothing about.

those who dont innovate die, simple as that.

So adding a distraction that pulls people away from fighting each other to kill some NPCs is an improvement to the gameplay model?

I have a hard time believing that.

2012-03-23, 11:32 PM
Any AI that isn't Spitfires is a disappointment.

Any AI that is shootable running about alien NPCs is total carp.

2012-03-24, 02:17 AM
Think of this:

What if the AI were in a limited space that just added extra danger. Nothing that lands on your base and caps it, but starts adding chaos into a battle.

For instance - Imagine if we got something like core combat, but the caves contained guerrilla style fighting insect-humanoids with slightly primitive weapons. You would be in the middle of combat, but somehow an AI squad of these insectoids traveled to far from their hive exit or whatever and engage your team. Now you and your enemy must be wary of this threat.

Point is - if they do add AI, even if the AI uses guns, it'd just be like wildlife with guns to give danger to certain areas that you may be using to flank an enemy. Imagine having to convoy through infested tunnels to emerge behind enemy lines. The risk, the reward, the action!

It can be done well, AI can be done in a million ways.

2012-03-24, 02:21 AM
The only AI I would be willing for them to add are in VERY RARE EVENTS. Other than that, nooooooo.

They keep saying the players are the content, keep it that way.

2012-03-24, 02:25 AM

2012-03-24, 02:29 AM
The only AI I would be willing for them to add are in VERY RARE EVENTS. Other than that, nooooooo.

They keep saying the players are the content, keep it that way.

Yeah, the risk of AI outside of tools and such is that it could draw away the players. If you restrict AI to a certain continent, then that's less PvP going on.

I guess only tools and mild weak base defenses (of certain bases), would be the only way it could work. Just minor expanding upon the turrets.

Though really, I have had EVERY complaint dashed into the rocks by the features these guys are planning. Only minor things that are no doubt already being changed exist. I say let's wait till we hear how Higby and the team have it planned. It could be way simpler or more complex than we know. Be interesting to see their ideas in any case.

2012-03-24, 05:20 AM
So adding a distraction that pulls people away from fighting each other to kill some NPCs is an improvement to the gameplay model?

I have a hard time believing that.

you are being excessively negative for no reason.
noone said the "new thing" would be distraction, you said yourself that you want them to keep adding mechanics, well AI is a mechanic that might tie in with other mechanics that we are not aware of.

for all we know in 5 years time we will have a main capitol filled with AI civilians that we need to protect from each other as some sort of endgame.
who knows? i sure dont and neither do you.
and i'm pretty sure the devs dont really know yet either since

5 years is a looooong time
i'm still not even sure the game wil live that long, ps1 died way faster then 5 years, so i would rather see them try to get to 5 years and then do what is neccesary for the life of the game.

2012-03-24, 05:27 AM
5 years is a looooong time
i'm still not even sure the game wil live that long, ps1 died way faster then 5 years, so i would rather see them try to get to 5 years and then do what is neccesary for the life of the game.

I wouldn't say died. It's alive even now, small, but alive. In comparison to APB where the servers were taken down full stop.

PS still creates enough revenue to be worth keeping up, that can't be dead :D

2012-03-24, 05:41 AM
well it isnt "dead" thats true, but since an mmofps requires a steady stream of players you could argue that its been on its deathbed for years, since the population of the servers since around 2005 till today has been to low to get the gameplay the game was designed for.

a game of ps1 today is more like a game of bf3 ( in player count).
to keep the game fully functional and fun like it was designed it needs more players and a constant stream of players.

actually i am amazed the game is still up after all these years. i'm geussing the main reason for that is that we only have 1 server left wich is not so expensive in terms of upkeep.

2012-03-24, 10:11 AM
Hey how about this...how about AI BFRs?