View Full Version : Noo! Reloading pet peeve

2012-03-06, 09:21 PM
Ok this is a pet peeve of mine. In the GDC video you can clearly see that the reload animation is the same whether you have bullets left over or are completely empty (ie have a bullet still in the chamber or have nothing). This is something that COD/BF is good about, where you don't need to "cock" the gun if you reloaded with a bullet still in the chamber. After all, cocking the gun merely ejects anything still in the chamber and manually adds in a bullet from the new magazine. If you still have a bullet left, you can use the energy firing that bullet to automatically cock the gun for you. That's how automatic guns work! Why oh why does PS2 have you cocking the gun all the time? It would reward you if you think tactically: do I fire all my bullets to kill this guy, or should I save a couple to reload faster?

2012-03-06, 09:23 PM
That's about the most meaningless nitpicky thing I've ever seen. It does not matter at all, in any way.

2012-03-06, 09:24 PM
Actually the guns in Planetside have a built in Nano-Recycler Unit (NRU) manufactured by Nanite Systems Inc. which automatically disassembles and rounds in the spout when a new magazine is inserted into the weapon. The NRU then interfaces with the magazines Nano-Construction Unit (NCU), reassembling the round from its base components as the cocking handle is pulled back to chamber a round from the fresh magazine.

Seriously, who gives a fuck.

2012-03-06, 09:25 PM
Hover tanks - cool.
Reload animation cocks the gun - unrealistic and annoying.

Also, you are not a penthouse pet. You don't get to have pet peeves!

2012-03-06, 09:26 PM
That's about the most meaningless nitpicky thing I've ever seen. It does not matter at all, in any way.

If you read what he said, having 1 bullet chambered when you reload could save reload time. This is far from meaningless. I think APB also uses this system.

2012-03-06, 09:27 PM
I think his point is more about the .02 seconds you'd save if you didn't have to recock the gun; which is a somewhat valid point, however considering all the other things we have to worry about, this is very very low on the list...

2012-03-06, 09:27 PM
It might be nitpicky, but it's the small details that take a great games and make them phenomenal. There's no need to attack the guy for it, it's something everyone familiar with weapons notices.

Small details increase immersion, I'm all about immersion. Hopefully this makes it in at some point.

2012-03-06, 09:31 PM
Even more worryingly I've noticed that it doesn't actually hurt when I get shot! I would expect to lose mobility at the very least even if the shock did dull the pain...

2012-03-06, 09:33 PM
sci fi

2012-03-06, 09:39 PM
omg this is possibly the biggest oversight I've ever seen. They need to fix this immediately. However, it would allow the +1 bullet system that happens in some games when you reload with a bullet already in the chamber.

2012-03-06, 10:01 PM
Actually the guns in Planetside have a built in Nano-Recycler Unit (NRU) manufactured by Nanite Systems Inc. which automatically disassembles and rounds in the spout when a new magazine is inserted into the weapon. The NRU then interfaces with the magazines Nano-Construction Unit (NCU), reassembling the round from its base components as the cocking handle is pulled back to chamber a round from the fresh magazine.

Seriously, who gives a fuck.


2012-03-06, 10:17 PM
Wow of all the things that could be complained about. Still you are right. Some one tell them to go fix it.

2012-03-06, 10:19 PM
i dont care how reloading works - its the most minor thing to complain about imo

2012-03-06, 11:00 PM
...some people actually expected these videos would fully satisfy their each and every fantasies? Really?

2012-03-06, 11:17 PM
The Planetside Community, assholes 'till the end.

Seriously, its not like he said it was the end of the world. He noted it as a failing and something which could be improved upon.

Sure, the game doesn't need it. But then again, the game doesn't need animations for you getting into vehicles (which it doesn't, but I want it). Its that feel of immersion.

I for one would love if they added it. Not the end of the world if they don't though either.

Seriously people, don't be such dicks.

2012-03-06, 11:18 PM
Seriously people, don't be such dicks.

Seriously - this man speaks the truth. Tone it down a bit guys don't become a stereotypical gaming community. ;)

2012-03-06, 11:26 PM
Wow. I leave this thread for a few hours and come back to flames. What is the matter with you people? The whole point of the GDC reveal was to show exactly where they are in development. If there's something off, you say it! That's the whole point of feedback. I think Bravix put it best:

TBut then again, the game doesn't need animations for you getting into vehicles (which it doesn't, but I want it). Its that feel of immersion.

The same community lamenting the omission of entrance/exit vehicle animations is flaming me for lamenting the incorrectness of weapon reloading mechanics, something which is so small that the developers could fix it very quickly. Come on people, just because GDC came out a few hours ago doesn't mean everything was super amazing and anybody criticizing parts of it is the devil.

Hell, I've seen this when new episodes of shows come out. People who like the episode but criticize some small parts are utterly flamed by the fanboys riding the bandwagon. But later, those same small parts irritate even the most hardcore of supporters. Same here. You might think the reload animation doesn't matter at this point, but you know later on that the game would be better with this.

2012-03-06, 11:29 PM
Tacticool Reloading is important.

Seriously, it is. Having a bonus for not holding down the button is good design. Something to add in beta.

2012-06-07, 03:15 PM
Yeah I just wanted to bump this instead of making a new thread.

I was going to say that if BF3 can do it right than planetside can.

Its like OCD whenever I see them pull the slide back needlessly, I've been in situations in BF3 where the split second that reloading with a round in the chamber saves my ass and gets me a multi kill.

2012-06-07, 03:19 PM
But you know what? This only applies to TR and NC. It's impossible to leave one in the chamber when your gun runs on energy cells.

2012-06-07, 03:21 PM
Seriously - this man speaks the truth. Tone it down a bit guys don't become a stereotypical gaming community. ;)

Since all forum threads come with the same "importance" the only way people have to say "this is way way way down on my list of importance (even if it is an issue) is to be a vocal non-supporter. People don't like what they see as small things getting equal airtime with what they think are major game design issues.

IMO it just comes with forums. Thats how forums are.

2012-06-07, 03:22 PM
Could this decision have been made to balance TR and NC weapons with VS ones?

I don't really know how it would balance things but its just and idea.

2012-06-07, 03:25 PM
But you know what? This only applies to TR and NC. It's impossible to leave one in the chamber when your gun runs on energy cells.

woahhhh, my mind has just been blown. Chanic makes a really good point, it winds up being a balance issue more complex than it is in games like BF3

2012-06-07, 03:36 PM
woahhhh, my mind has just been blown. Chanic makes a really good point, it winds up being a balance issue more complex than it is in games like BF3

Woa talk about old thread lol

Meh, reloading 0.5 seconds faster rather than firing the last bullet doesn't make that much difference in the long run I'm sure, at least not as much as say the accuracy/damage of the gun in the first place, and the skill of the user.

At this point I'm blown away by what I've seen so far, so I can forgive them for this, but still would be nice to have this in :)

2012-06-07, 03:50 PM
Actually the guns in Planetside have a built in Nano-Recycler Unit (NRU) manufactured by Nanite Systems Inc. which automatically disassembles and rounds in the spout when a new magazine is inserted into the weapon. The NRU then interfaces with the magazines Nano-Construction Unit (NCU), reassembling the round from its base components as the cocking handle is pulled back to chamber a round from the fresh magazine.

OP obviously didn't rtfm.

2012-06-07, 03:53 PM
Woa talk about old thread lol

Pfft. Doesn't even compare to the decade old bump that happened a few months ago in the PS1 section of these forums.

2012-06-07, 03:53 PM
That's about the most meaningless nitpicky thing I've ever seen. It does not matter at all, in any way.


2012-06-07, 04:31 PM
I think the OP makes a valid point. For those of you saying that it wouldn't affect gameplay, are you also saying that the drum magazines which increase capacity but slow down reload times don't affect gameplay?

If they were to include this, I would hope they would also make it so that reloading causes you to lose the rounds you just threw out, but that is a rather unpopular design.

As for it putting the VS at a disadvantage, maybe they could balance it by letting the VS use one ammo type for all of their weapons as discussed here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=42257).

2012-06-07, 05:06 PM
It might be nitpicky, but it's the small details that take a great games and make them phenomenal. There's no need to attack the guy for it, it's something everyone familiar with weapons notices.

Small details increase immersion, I'm all about immersion. Hopefully this makes it in at some point.

Well, if you want to get nitpicky and don't believe in sci-fi smarts on reloading, even more immersion would be had if guns could have stoppages.

What fun that would be! Just about to kill and enemy and get a jam/hang-fire, then have to re-cock. Now that is immersion.

2012-06-07, 05:17 PM
That's about the most meaningless nitpicky thing I've ever seen. It does not matter at all, in any way.


I know some things annoy, but you'll get over it. :P There are bigger fish to fry.

Also, Zhane your name is depressingly similar to mine.

I'd forgive you if you were a VS, but no. No forgiving for you.

2012-06-07, 05:38 PM
I think the OP makes a valid point. For those of you saying that it wouldn't affect gameplay, are you also saying that the drum magazines which increase capacity but slow down reload times don't affect gameplay?

It balances class of weapon. Moar ammo/harder hitter but longer recharge timer. It got nothing to do with this thread since every weapon would be affected aka smg, sniper, ar and lmg and very player can negate it.

As for it putting the VS at a disadvantage, maybe they could balance it by letting the VS use one ammo type for all of their weapons as discussed here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=42257).

I really don't understand. Why complicated balance so much when a soo much simpler solution is already in place? This doesn't effect gameplay that much because any player with 2 brains cells know to reload before spenting the last 2-3 shot remaining making it a standard reload time and not a "reward" reload time. This is not even a "make it realistic" excuse because we don't even know how exactly those weapon work since they are in a "special future universe".

Don't compare this to the "enter vehicule animation". That mechanic completly negate the "bailing out a vehicule at the last sec to save your soul" or the opposite if the opportunity shows up. Big difference since you can't negate these in any way.

2012-06-07, 05:43 PM
Stupid. Sorry. That's just annoying.

I would like to see a clip system opposed to the bullet number system though.

2012-06-07, 06:10 PM
they are future guns!

2012-06-07, 06:16 PM
Seriously people, don't be such dicks.

I think my ignore list has doubled in the last couple days :lol:

2012-06-07, 06:25 PM
Stupid. Sorry. That's just annoying.

I would like to see a clip system opposed to the bullet number system though.

That's what I and a few others proposed a while ago but everyone thinks it's way too complicated.

2012-06-07, 06:35 PM

No, not that. That's just Warborn being an asshole as usual.

It may not be massively important, but it's a perfectly valid piece of feedback none the less. Why have you all set upon him?

2012-06-07, 07:41 PM
Guys guys. I know the PERFECT way to solve this entire thing. We could put in a quick time event! It'd be PERFECT! :D

2012-06-07, 08:05 PM
No, not that. That's just Warborn being an asshole as usual.

It may not be massively important, but it's a perfectly valid piece of feedback none the less. Why have you all set upon him?

You're right.

It is a big part of attention to detail in game aesthetics and it would add a minor bit of competitive knowledge depth that encourages players to keep track of their ammunition and make a decision to empty their magazine for quickest damage or reload before firing last few bullets so you can start filling your opponent with rounds quicker.

Mr DeCastellac
2012-06-07, 08:19 PM
This doesn't effect gameplay that much because any player with 2 brains cells know to reload before spenting the last 2-3 shot remaining making it a standard reload time and not a "reward" reload time. This is not even a "make it realistic" excuse because we don't even know how exactly those weapon work since they are in a "special future universe".

Don't compare this to the "enter vehicule animation". That mechanic completly negate the "bailing out a vehicule at the last sec to save your soul" or the opposite if the opportunity shows up.

You keep using those quotation marks. I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

2012-06-07, 08:29 PM
I want them to be called magazines (sounds cooler, rather than realism) and they totaly should behave like they were designed by an advanced weapons production company so fast 'tacticool' reloads I support.

2012-06-07, 08:34 PM
That's about the most meaningless nitpicky thing I've ever seen. It does not matter at all, in any way.

No it isn't, it is opposite of meannignless and many people like to have such details because they matter and add up.

2012-06-07, 08:42 PM
It would definitely be a cool idea, but just think of the nightmare that it would be to:

1. Research each weapon and tweak them individually (animations too)

2. BALANCE each of them. It's going to be a nightmare to figure out what is fair for each of the guns, perks, implants, and all combos in between. One shot in a MCG won't be the same as one shot in a JH, and the TTKs would be all sorts of messed up.

2012-06-07, 08:43 PM
Gotta admit, would be nice if they added that.

Vanu could get it to, I mean this shit IS half past the future, so they can easily explain it with some techno-babble about how VS weapons use "energybullets" were the gun inputs energy into the firing camber like a normal gun chambers a bullet, so if you switch mags the "energycharge" stays in the chamber like a normal bullet would, problem solved.

2012-06-07, 08:46 PM
You keep using those quotation marks. I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

They are actually used correctly though maybe too often. But if that was your point, that Princess Bride movie quote is wrongly used so I guess not.

Better chance next time.

2012-06-07, 08:49 PM
You keep using those quotation marks. I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

They are actually used correctly though maybe too often. But if that was your point, that Princess Bride movie quote is wrongly used so I guess not.

Better chance next time.


Fight in Death Match to see which one of you is victor.

2012-06-07, 09:12 PM
Animations are still in the works at this point, which makes posts like this a bit funny (relevant, but still funny). Currently even the animations of MAX units have been very twitchy up till E3, and animations for chainguns have not even been finished yet. It's safe to assume knowledge of the necessity to have animations differ for an empty or non empty magazine are still in the air at this time. Wait till things are balanced out, then see if there's plans to change it or not.

2012-06-07, 09:23 PM
How owuld "one in the chamber" work for Vanu? They shot lazars. Unless you go by them not ACTUALLY having lazers and instead having plasma slinging weapons. (Wouldn't account for the "no drop off" thing, though.

2012-06-07, 09:25 PM
After being under the influence of friends who like far too much realism in their games I too now notice these sorts of things. I have a friend who hated the thumper because its magazines were huge and would be stupid to carry around individually. So yeah, these things matter. If you're worried about reload times I don't see why they can't speed up or slow down the animation in order for it to take the amount of time you've certed for.

2012-06-07, 09:31 PM
Believe it or not, Planetside isn't realistic.

Shocking, I know.

2012-06-07, 09:44 PM
I think the OP makes a valid point. For those of you saying that it wouldn't affect gameplay, are you also saying that the drum magazines which increase capacity but slow down reload times don't affect gameplay?

If they were to include this, I would hope they would also make it so that reloading causes you to lose the rounds you just threw out, but that is a rather unpopular design.

As for it putting the VS at a disadvantage, maybe they could balance it by letting the VS use one ammo type for all of their weapons as discussed here (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=42257).

Actually PS1 had VS using the same energy pack for all of their infantry weapons (except the AV weapon). This gave them the ability to switch between normal and AP rounds for gunning down MAX suits and vehicles. Tr and NC had to manually change out their magazine to switch from standard to AP rounds.

As for .05, it would add up more in the long run rather then making an immediate difference actually. It's not a major issue bit I agree it could be fixed very quickly and, why not?

How owuld "one in the chamber" work for Vanu? They shot lazars. Unless you go by them not ACTUALLY having lazers and instead having plasma slinging weapons. (Wouldn't account for the "no drop off" thing, though.

Misspelling the word laser is a pet peeve of mine. Normally I don't really care about spelling, but laser was originally an acronym (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). So it does make a difference.

Just saying, seen it a few times just in this thread alone.

2012-06-07, 09:47 PM
Believe it or not, Planetside isn't realistic.

Shocking, I know.

This is only partly about realism, but it's also about gameplay. Reload speed is very important in an fps. Otherwise, they wouldn't include mods that affect reload speed.

In Gears Of War, does it make sense that firing more bullets before reloading causes you to have more "super bullets" in your next magazine even though you just threw your remaining bullets away? Hell no! But it adds depth to the game.

Whether it's realistic or not, an idea should be considered on how it affects gameplay. Maybe players should be rewarded for paying attention to their ammo. On the other hand, maybe they should be punished for reloading after firing only a few shots (I'm guilty of this one). Maybe weapon mods and certs should be the only things that affects reload speed.

2012-06-07, 09:48 PM
I would LOVE it if PS2's biggest issue was this nonsense. There are seriously far more important things to be worried about than how my cock cocks.

2012-06-07, 10:11 PM
Pointless to fix. The reload time is balanced to be whatever it is. If they removed the cocking, they'd just have to lengthen the rest of the animation to compensate.

And did vanu cock anything? I can't recall. One would hope not. :lol:

Mr DeCastellac
2012-06-08, 01:51 AM
Vanu could get it to, I mean this shit IS half past the future, so they can easily explain it with some techno-babble about how VS weapons use "energybullets" were the gun inputs energy into the firing camber like a normal gun chambers a bullet, so if you switch mags the "energycharge" stays in the chamber like a normal bullet would, problem solved.

Explain why several thousand years in the future, we use a less efficient system than we already have the technology for.

Assuming we made laser guns now (Some are already in R&D), the 'magazine' would just be a battery, in which you wouldn't have to eject anything after each use, but only when the battery is depleted.

2012-06-08, 01:54 AM
That's about the most meaningless nitpicky thing I've ever seen. It does not matter at all, in any way.

As pointed out by others, it is far from meaningless, as the shorter reload can often make the difference between life and death.

I gave feedback on this same thing on the first gameplay video we saw and I still think the same, they really need to implement this.

2012-06-08, 05:22 AM
I see no 'pizza' button on the ui , this game will fail

2012-06-08, 05:32 AM
I also share this pet peeve...


The other thing that drives me nuts..is having to rack the charging handle on a weapon that has a bolt catch. Unless you are loading it for the first time, or for some reason are switching ammo types on the fly.... The M16, SCAR, and pretty much every other modern repeating rifle has a bolt catch for a reason. As long as guns fire prepacked cartridges from magazines I cannot imagine any rational sense in requiring additional steps to ready a weapon in a combat situation.

Plus slamming the bolt home on a fresh mag is 1000 times more satisfying then racking back on the charging handle. A nice solid metallic "THWACK." Locked n loaded. Quick and simple.

2012-06-08, 06:17 AM
I also share this pet peeve...


The other thing that drives me nuts..is having to rack the charging handle on a weapon that has a bolt catch. Unless you are loading it for the first time, or for some reason are switching ammo types on the fly.... The M16, SCAR, and pretty much every other modern repeating rifle has a bolt catch for a reason. As long as guns fire prepacked cartridges from magazines I cannot imagine any rational sense in requiring additional steps to ready a weapon in a combat situation.

Plus slamming the bolt home on a fresh mag is 1000 times more satisfying then racking back on the charging handle. A nice solid metallic "THWACK." Locked n loaded. Quick and simple.

THIS. A million more times this. It bothered me the whole time XD


2012-06-08, 06:35 AM
Well most of your reasoning is pointless, and falls under the "who gives a fuck" catagory.

It would reward you if you think tactically: do I fire all my bullets to kill this guy, or should I save a couple to reload faster?

However this part is actually a very good idea.

2012-06-08, 07:25 AM
I want the ability to reload my ammo PS style, not BF of CoD. The feature the OP mentions belongs in Arma (probably already is) and not PS. The game is Alpha too and will change significantly over the next few months.

2012-06-08, 07:27 AM
In CoD you reloaded without cocking. In BF2 and 2142 (the last true battlefield games in my opinion). you always cocked the rifle.

Personally i think they should make ammo in this game Magazine based and not bullet based. each time you reload you lose a magazine. Bullet-based ammo doesn't even make sense.

2012-06-08, 07:34 AM
That's about the most meaningless nitpicky thing I've ever seen. It does not matter at all, in any way.

This is where this thread should have ended.

2012-06-08, 07:45 AM
Personally i think they should make ammo in this game Magazine based and not bullet based. each time you reload you lose a magazine. Bullet-based ammo doesn't even make sense.

I prefer magazine based too but some people get confused at this idea and reload too much and end up with a bunch of half full mags.

As long as ammo needs resupply now and then, logistics should be okay.