View Full Version : Likes, dislikes, and the middle ground from the GDC video's

2012-03-06, 11:11 PM
Thought I would share some of my thoughts on the in game play videos, as we finally get to see many of the concepts brought to life.


Stats - I cannot get enough of this, the whole progression and seeing your progress is Amazing!
Site with States - Finally a official Planetside stats website! Idea: Please include the top 24 hr: kills, base caps, support roles, and etc.. of players that day on each server(just like how the original Planetside stat website was setup (Thanks rev btw))
Vehicle handling - Even though I am disappointed with the main driver being the main gunner, the handling looks interesting and could really see some MASSIVE tank fights in the future
Squad menu - Love the fact that they want to make it simple and easy to join a group of players with little effort. It is one of those MMO things that are easily over looked and often times made more difficult then necessary.
Base Scaling - Finally.... a real representation of just how HUGE these facilities truly are! This got me really excited, as it was what I had wanted from day one.


Vehicle Enter/Exit Animation - You will here me say this till the day I die. I hate the idea of insta enter and exiting of a vehicle. Looks cheap....
Vehicle huds - I understand that is his a alpha preview, but I really hope that I can modify my vehicles hud. What was shown the the video was very distracting and was annoying to look at.
Ammo packs - Straight rip from battlefield. The idea of never running out of ammo, makes me sad as I foresee more spam then what is necessary when I finally get a chance to play.
Glitches - Had to be mentioned :D. Floating tanks and jaggy vech movement is not very appealing. Good thing they said it was alpha or I'd mistake it for PS1.
No Maxes - Damn them still being in development!

Middle Ground:

Night cycle - On a scale from 1 to 10; 10 being bright and sunny. I think they need to make the battlefield much darker and around a 3 to where they are at currently at a 5. Still seems too bright and maybe it is just the map and moon light but I would like to see much darker atmosphere over all.
Map size - I know, how could I complain about it! My main concern is that the dev's are going to pump so much time testing whether or not the island in the middle of no wear is play able, rather then spending time devising a new map. Lets face it, playing one or two maps (Cyssor anyone?) gets lame relatively quick.
Kill Cam - Everyone worries about sniper position give away from this thing. Honestly, if we are looking at this from a MMO prospective(population scale), this is a non-issue until the games population begins to dwindle. My problem with it, is that it looks awkward. Maybe I am so use to the rotating camera from PS1. But the face view (especially on TR) looks weird. Maybe make this a option for the player doing the killing. Let them decided if they want players to view them or not. It is best to have preventable measures already in place for when the game does begin its decline(thinking realistically).
Station Store - Higby said really clearly in the video that they where no going to go with a PAY TO WIN store. But from what I saw was the fact that someone could easily buy all there gear from day one. I will acknowledge the fact that he said and some-what showed the ability to unlock that very gear through rigorous playing. However it still escapes the fact that someone can have it all by dishing out the cash.

These are only a few things that came to mind. I am sure that I could come up with a few more, once people here in the community decide to break down the videos frame by frame :rolleyes:.

2012-03-06, 11:15 PM

- 2 guns cost the same amount of Station gold but one cost 10 000 more of the other currency
- kill messages on the side
- arrow & circle above heads (do we really need both why not just a arrow)
- player names visible all the time instead of only when around the center mark. Gonna get crowded in big battles


- everything else

2012-03-06, 11:20 PM
Some of these thing might need clarification from the devs. Like SC issue and visible player names. I just guess we can toggle on and off in game's option....

2012-03-06, 11:22 PM
eh, worrying whats over another players head like their name, is getting way to nit-picky IMO.

2012-03-06, 11:27 PM
I am think that the station store image may have just been place holder. As the NC guy had access to VS and TR weapons. I think we will see more clarification later on down the line.

2012-03-06, 11:29 PM

2012-03-06, 11:32 PM


2012-03-06, 11:33 PM
eh, worrying whats over another players head like their name, is getting way to nit-picky IMO.

Its not an issue in the videos shown but I can see it being an issue with the huge battles which they keep talking about. I've played many other games where stuff like that just clogs the screen up making it difficulty to aim or see whats going on.

2012-03-06, 11:41 PM
Night cycle - On a scale from 1 to 10; 10 being bright and sunny. I think they need to make the battlefield much darker and around a 3 to where they are at currently at a 5. Still seems too bright and maybe it is just the map and moon light but I would like to see much darker atmosphere over all.

Kill Cam - Everyone worries about sniper position give away from this thing. Honestly, if we are looking at this from a MMO prospective(population scale), this is a non-issue until the games population begins to dwindle. My problem with it, is that it looks awkward. Maybe I am so use to the rotating camera from PS1. But the face view (especially on TR) looks weird. Maybe make this a option for the player doing the killing. Let them decided if they want players to view them or not. It is best to have preventable measures already in place for when the game does begin its decline(thinking realistically).

I want dark so dark that it is literally 000000 000000 000000 on the RGB display, so no gamma tweaking can change it, and the ONLY thing that will illuminate it is flares, light sources, muzzle flash, etc.

And I don't want to find a good hiding place, have someone trip over one of my mines, and instantly have him know exactly where to find the relatively-unarmed Combat Engineer!

Say no to "Snitch Cam" that shows where the guy who killed you is, his armor, his weapons, and everything else you can see. Kind of reduces the value of an ambush, because the first person who dies gets the Snitch Cam to let him and his buddies know where you are and how many are with you.

An item of interest:

NC Chaingun listed in one of his EQ menus.

So NC having a Chaingun is IN?

2012-03-06, 11:45 PM

.....And there will be mindless someone on Youtube who says something like

"Alpha can't be an excuse. And BTW, this game looks mediocre compared to Touhou Lol"

Just saying :D

2012-03-06, 11:46 PM

- 2 guns cost the same amount of Station gold but one cost 10 000 more of the other currency I would be extremely surprised if those weren't placeholder values.

Going to have to get on the killcam bandwagon. I don't like it at all, but I can live with it if there is at least 2 seconds between death and killcame.

2012-03-06, 11:49 PM
The thing i dislike is the emphasis on kills.I know its a FPS game,but in PS1 the goal was to take that tower,or that base.In order to do that you needed to kill the enemy.In PS2 its all about the kills and the kill streaks.I can see it now ,I go and try to hack the control point and keep getting team killed because everybody wants to farm kills,and nobody cares about capping the base.Even Higby in the video was all about the kills and his streak

2012-03-06, 11:50 PM
The player icon thing was a bit big, cluttered the display.

I actually like the FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (kill) camera only because you get to see what peoples cushtomizasuion is up close which is nice. (which means I don't like it for its function. Thought Id make that clear)

2012-03-06, 11:52 PM
Dislike the bubbles. In the bonus video the bubble was visible without LOS. What the point of hiding if we're always marked?

Dislike ammo packs. As mentioned; no running out of ammo? Whats the hackers roll in the game then if we never need a terminal?

HATE-HATE-HATE the killcam. So NOW everyone and their brother knows to look for me in my cloak suit.. Great... Just swell, maybe I can run around with bells and whistles when I move too. Or where I am hiding when Im using boomer traps.
Or heres a great example. Im riding my wrath and Im parked near my interdiction sight for mines, some choke point, like that ramp area you drove down. I kill Player A, shows me just kind of hanging out behind a rock near, Player A tells Player B via TS/Vent, "Hey, he's right here still next to that rock on your right." Wonderful..


2012-03-06, 11:53 PM
The thing i dislike is the emphasis on kills.I know its a FPS game,but in PS1 the goal was to take that tower,or that base.In order to do that you needed to kill the enemy.In PS2 its all about the kills and the kill streaks.I can see it now ,I go and try to hack the control point and keep getting team killed because everybody wants to farm kills,and nobody cares about capping the base.Even Higby in the video was all about the kills and his streak

Yeah good point, I want a support streaks and nice xp/something else payouts for smaller objectives.

Got to have something for the sucky players like me to care about.

2012-03-06, 11:54 PM
- The arrows above the head
- Names that big always floating


Everything else

Well done~

2012-03-06, 11:54 PM
The thing i dislike is the emphasis on kills.I know its a FPS game,but in PS1 the goal was to take that tower,or that base.In order to do that you needed to kill the enemy.In PS2 its all about the kills and the kill streaks.I can see it now ,I go and try to hack the control point and keep getting team killed because everybody wants to farm kills,and nobody cares about capping the base.Even Higby in the video was all about the kills and his streak

1) More population

2) Emphasis on fast-paced action.

3) They are making this game to satisfy the mainstream players, be they noobz or considerate veterans. I don't have much idea about this one.

4) Higby loves to kill bad guys...?

5) Because fighting and shooting alone is fun.


2012-03-07, 12:10 AM
eh, worrying whats over another players head like their name, is getting way to nit-picky IMO.

Unless it amounts to a cheesy way of accidently identifying enemy snipers & campers that you would not otherwise have noticed due to their camouflage or cover at distance. I've seen this done on other games, and am not a fan of it for this reason. IMO, manually having to spot a line-of-sight target or the auto-spotting of targets that are actively engaging you make more sense to me.

2012-03-07, 12:14 AM
Unless it amounts to a cheesy way of accidently identifying enemy snipers & campers that you would not otherwise have noticed due to their camouflage or cover at distance. I've seen this done on other games, and am not a fan of it for this reason. IMO, manually having to spot a line-of-sight target or the auto-spotting of targets that are actively engaging you make more sense to me.

Why don't you think this is how it's being done? I'm not implying that it is, I just think that this is the best way of doing it and don't see why it should be done in any other way.

2012-03-07, 12:16 AM
Pretty good analysis in the OP.

Kill-Cam doesn't seem to fit, and certainly doesn't flow. It's not something I usually care to know- it's almost like Teabagging in Halo. He killed me, now I have to look at the guy? See how awesome he looks? Plus, if you're a sniper, you know the problem, I won't rehash.

I see no benefit to Kill-Cams. In other games, it might give new players an idea about good ways to "build" a character. In Planetside, that's not even possible since it's Empire v. Empire. The information gives you nothing, or at the very least nothing that the Stats screen couldn't cover just as well (Deaths from Lt. Assault, Medic, MAX, Hv. Assault, Tank, Jetfighter, etc.; average range from killer-to-you; so on and so forth).

2012-03-07, 12:19 AM

Kill cam
Quick knife (hope its osok from the back on a non-moving target, i.e. sniper)
The new "Taunt" shop :evil:
Iron Sights (slows people down so I can quick knife them in the back of the head if they stop moving)


No Region lock (lag sucks)
The fact I am not playing it right now

Killcam + Taunts + OSOK quicknife = Awesome! Now you can see me do the teabag cabbage-patch taunt on whats left of your corpses face after I osok quick knife you to the back of the head. Pure brilliance! :D

2012-03-07, 12:21 AM

Amazing graphics - I'm not one to judge a game by it's graphics, but they really look amazing and make a huge impression in my opinion, especially considering the scale they're striving for with the game

Gigantic bases - No longer are bases claustrophobic, condensed horrible buildings to get spammed to death the second you walk through the doorway. They're HUGE and wide open. Also, it appears that you can't bring vehicles into the CY, at least with that base. Will cut down on irritating vehicle spam that plagued PS1.

Game feel - I was really worried the game would be way too fast paced for my liking. I was fearing it would be way too modernized, but I thought the pace of the game was great based on what we saw. The TTKs seemed very fair. No insta-deaths. People walk around at a nice speed. Shooting the guns, driving and flying all looks like it feels really good.

Emphasis on territory capture/resources - No longer do we have to fight over meaningless bases and benefits that you gain from owning a continent, or vice versa, just one base on a continent with that benefit. Resources give a whole new reason to play.

Customization - I was really skeptical of the cert tree system, but it came out looking really nice. Not much else to say. Lot's of options, looks great!


BF/Cod Esque UI - Not much too add to it. I don't like how much it resembled BF and CoD. I hope as the game develops that parts of the UI will change.

Vehicle enter/exit animations - The lack of them is disappointing. Being able to jump right in or out of your tank is just depressing. ADD ANIMATIONS AGAIN

Infiltrator - My problem is more directed towards the emphasis they're pushing towards cloaking this time around. It seems more like a Stealth kill class or like a Recon from Global Agenda. Just a cloaked class that goes around and kills people.

The lack of emphasis on behind enemy lines sabotage is a little upsetting. As that was one of the infiltrators biggest advantages in PS1. We have seen very little of what the infiltrator is capable of, so maybe it's still a possibility.

Middle Ground:

Drivers gunning tanks - On one side, the lack of teamwork that you would get from a driver and gunner both working together seems no more. On the other hand, it makes Tanks fights a lot more accessible and could possibly make people more reluctant to pull a Vanny this time around.

Can't enter spawn rooms - Again, on one side, you can no longer be spawn camped. On the other, it keeps a constant stream of enemies coming at you which could make way more chaotic and entertaining fights.

We'll have to see more info on how spawn rooms work, namely if there's some way to disable them or not.

Overall I'm very happy with the game thus far. The demo was really well done, save for a few technical difficulties and a few very apparent glitches, which is understandable for an alpha.

I really wished that Higby would've shown us another class or perhaps a different weapon. Perhaps the other classes weren't properly finished yet and they were more like placeholders for the presentation.

It was still amazing, I had chills down my spine and caught myself drooling several times :D Nice work SOE!

2012-03-07, 12:25 AM
Why don't you think this is how it's being done? I'm not implying that it is, I just think that this is the best way of doing it and don't see why it should be done in any other way.

While I totally agree with you concerning manual spotting, the demo certainly did not give me the impression that this is what is being done. Guess we'll just have to wait for beta to find out.

2012-03-07, 12:26 AM

Kill cam (this has to go)
Ammo pack
quick ttk
UI spam with kills/killstreaks etc. (thats for kilwhores)
That pcgamer was right and it feels like 2013 game with no beta in next 4 months :(


almost everything else

2012-03-07, 12:27 AM
Can't enter spawn rooms - Again, on one side, you can no longer be spawn camped. On the other, it keeps a constant stream of enemies coming at you which could make way more chaotic and entertaining fights. Spawn room doors are hackable.

response in red

2012-03-07, 12:31 AM
response in red

Hm, guess I missed that. I thought they stated that you could not enter a spawn room with the shields over the doors.

2012-03-07, 12:33 AM
Hm, guess I missed that. I thought they stated that you could not enter a spawn room with the shields over the doors.

They said exactly that, and right afterwards they said that you could hack them open.

2012-03-07, 12:35 AM
Hm, guess I missed that. I thought they stated that you could not enter a spawn room with the shields over the doors.

Higby did say at one point that "normally you would not be allow to just enter into the spawn." But shortly after he said that you would have to "hack it first to enter." Quotes not verbatim.

Edit: Lol..you beat me to it Atheosim

2012-03-07, 12:49 AM
-The gun being demonstrated looked like it was too light feeling and extremely accurate like a CoD gun
-Ammo drop packs. Don't carbon-copy BF3's lazy gameplay mechanics, please.
-No AMS. Galaxies are huge and not stealthy for mobile spawn points... I can see this becoming a huge problem with aircraft swarming it to knock them out instantly.
-Indar is too close to Ishundar and makes me believe Ishundar won't exist.
-UI. Too BF3-ish
-No enter/exit animations on vehicles
-No visible weapon holstering
-No Lancer
-Menu scheme is too NC. I'm hoping the TR and VS will get something more suitable to them.

-Pretty territory map ooooohhhh O_O
-Awesome bases
-Lots of other things

As for Kill Cams, the current setup needs some serious adjustments(it's too abrupt and locks directly on the face) and I believe that Infiltrators should not be displayed on killcam by default, even for snipers. Obviously if I'm in a MAX I don't give a frick if people see me hulking down the hallway with my dual quasars, hell I would welcome everybody staring at my sexy MAX with the words "NEMESIS" displayed on the character sheet.

2012-03-07, 12:53 AM
Ammo packs - Straight rip from battlefield. The idea of never running out of ammo, makes me sad as I foresee more spam then what is necessary when I finally get a chance to play.

As far as actual drawbacks go, this is one I agree with.

The "ammo pack" should be a sunderer's job or an in base resupply cabinet.

2012-03-07, 01:00 AM
Was I the only one that noticed vehicle health regenerated? I also didn't like the giant enemy markers and names everywhere.

2012-03-07, 01:03 AM
Killcam should stay, I want the scum to see me wipe my boots on their corpse.

2012-03-07, 01:05 AM
Was I the only one that noticed vehicle health regenerated? I also didn't like the giant enemy markers and names everywhere.

That is a cert. If you notice when he is describing the cert system he hovers over a wrench icon that says something in the line of Nanite Repair System Auto blah blah blah.

2012-03-07, 01:06 AM
dont like
regen health of any kind (if above post was true)
excess 3d spotting and names over heads
quick ttk

bases look awesome
graphics look better than i thought they would
day/night cycle

2012-03-07, 01:08 AM
dont like
regen health of any kind (if above post was true)
excess 3d spotting and names over heads
quick ttk

bases look awesome
graphics look better than i thought they would
day/night cycle

On infantry (and if I remember correctly vehicles) shields will regenerate and health (or armor/hull for vehicles) will need to be manually repaired to be replenished.

2012-03-07, 01:08 AM
dont like
regen health of any kind (if above post was true)
excess 3d spotting and names over heads
quick ttk

bases look awesome
graphics look better than i thought they would
day/night cycle

Check Part 2 at 6:25.

Edit: I had the time wrong.

2012-03-07, 01:13 AM
I'm completely stunned, this gameplay footage was just pure awesome!

Love it all!

2012-03-07, 01:14 AM
That is a cert. If you notice when he is describing the cert system he hovers over a wrench icon that says something in the line of Nanite Repair System Auto blah blah blah.

I think instead of that, there should be a utility option to put a shield over your vehicle.

2012-03-07, 01:15 AM
The vehicle health DOES NOT regen as standard, I eyed the health bar on that reaver for the entire vid. He gets knocked down to 1 bar health and it stays that way for a good amount of the vid, the afterburner bar goes up and down however health stays as it is.

The vannie regenerates a small amount of HP, however he has some kind of regen mod on or a shield mod. Hard to tell which.

2012-03-07, 01:18 AM
Also I love the stat tracking and I want to see my jumps counted (big time Quake/TFC guy here, I can't help it!)

2012-03-07, 01:20 AM
vehicle shield regen isnt too bad for a cert i suppose but i still dont like it too much (but it is much better than full regen)

2012-03-07, 01:25 AM
I take it back, there is one thing I don't like and that is glorifying deathmatch-esque things like kill streaks, dominations, and K:D ratio.

PS2 is a game focused around teamwork to achieve objectives and dominate. Things like K:D and the glorification of it and kill streaks discourages support roles and the like. It discourages taking risks and pushing the line.

I'd like to see things like Score and Facility/Territory captures glorified a lot more than personal kill stats. Measure success by how much one contributed to the success of the team. Kills are one way to contribute, but they shouldn't be glorified over the work a medic or galaxy pilot does who enables others to get those kills. And it certainly shouldn't weigh more than actually capturing territory and facilities.

Territory/facility defenses also did not appear to be a stat. Should somehow capture successful defenses as well to encourage that.

2012-03-07, 01:30 AM
I take it back, there is one thing I don't like and that is glorifying deathmatch-esque things like kill streaks, dominations, and K:D ratio.

PS2 is a game focused around teamwork to achieve objectives and dominate. Things like K:D and the glorification of it and kill streaks discourages support roles and the like. It discourages taking risks and pushing the line.

I'd like to see things like Score and Facility/Territory captures glorified a lot more than personal kill stats. Measure success by how much one contributed to the success of the team. Kills are one way to contribute, but they shouldn't be glorified over the work a medic or galaxy pilot does who enables others to get those kills. And it certainly shouldn't weigh more than actually capturing territory and facilities.

Territory/facility defenses also did not appear to be a stat. Should somehow capture successful defenses as well to encourage that.

I'm in complete agreement with this.

This isn't some deathmatch game. This is a game where getting kills is just one of many elements needed to win. And it is far from the most important.

2012-03-07, 01:30 AM
I'm in complete agreement with this.

This isn't some deathmatch game. This is a game where getting kills is just one of many elements needed to win. And it is far from the most important.


tldr +1

2012-03-07, 01:33 AM
I take it back, there is one thing I don't like and that is glorifying deathmatch-esque things like kill streaks, dominations, and K:D ratio.

PS2 is a game focused around teamwork to achieve objectives and dominate. Things like K:D and the glorification of it and kill streaks discourages support roles and the like. It discourages taking risks and pushing the line.

I'd like to see things like Score and Facility/Territory captures glorified a lot more than personal kill stats. Measure success by how much one contributed to the success of the team. Kills are one way to contribute, but they shouldn't be glorified over the work a medic or galaxy pilot does who enables others to get those kills. And it certainly shouldn't weigh more than actually capturing territory and facilities.

Territory/facility defenses also did not appear to be a stat. Should somehow capture successful defenses as well to encourage that.

i agree
too much focus on individual killing and not team based things like base capture

i never looked or cared about my kill/death or whatever other stats there are in PS1

2012-03-07, 01:38 AM
was team revives & spawns on the stats page?

2012-03-07, 01:44 AM
Also, do people find the UI in Call of Duty and Battlefield to be ineffective and/or inefficient? Or is it just out of the fear that they're just turning this into Call of Duty the MMO?

2012-03-07, 01:45 AM
Also I do not like squad spawning.

Being able to materialize in the middle of anywhere with full health and ammo.... not realistic and kinda ruins the whole push-war type gameplay. I foresee a LOT of stalemates.

2012-03-07, 01:49 AM
Also I do not like squad spawning.

Being able to materialize in the middle of anywhere with full health and ammo.... not realistic and kinda ruins the whole push-war type gameplay. I foresee a LOT of stalemates.

I kinda agree with this.

I really like the idea of relying on vehicles to get back into the fray. Whether that be through spawning on a Galaxy or trucking back with a Sunderer.

The thing about the Galaxy is that it is a big target that can easily be spotted and killed. It, in itself, causes the resupply of infantry to your front door.

And Sunderers take a while to get together.

2012-03-07, 01:51 AM
I thought almost all of us already know about the removal of Vehicle enter/exit animations, Free-form inventories, BF3-inspired GUI and fluff thing...etc

Anyway, I pretty much expected these 'dislikes' already.

2012-03-07, 02:03 AM
The pacing of the game looked good.

I mean apart from it being obvious that none of the aircraft flying around were destroying that giant galaxy parked outside the base, it looked significantly more fast-paced than PS1, but not quite as fast as BF3.

This is good, it's not too fast, not too slow. Pacing looked good. Squad spawning I think is more important for that when you introduce real elements like people blowing up the galaxy.

2012-03-07, 02:58 AM
TBH I pretty much liked everything I saw. The only thing that could be downer is the cash shop - which if it works anything like Tribes Ascend means play for 1000 hours to unlock one thing (like weapons that are not more powerful exactly but give distinct advantages in certain situations) or get stuff instantly with credit card. That system might as well be pay to win for the first 6 months or so.

Otherwise, it's looking awesome. I know I will suck at this game though... can I buy my reflexes of 10 years ago to play? :P

2012-03-07, 02:58 AM
I kinda agree with this.

I really like the idea of relying on vehicles to get back into the fray. Whether that be through spawning on a Galaxy or trucking back with a Sunderer.

The thing about the Galaxy is that it is a big target that can easily be spotted and killed. It, in itself, causes the resupply of infantry to your front door.

And Sunderers take a while to get together.

I think it's also part of their strategy to make PS2 a fast-paced game. Not that I like squad spawning, just saying =)

2012-03-07, 03:02 AM
TBH I pretty much liked everything I saw. The only thing that could be downer is the cash shop - which if it works anything like Tribes Ascend means play for 1000 hours to unlock one thing (like weapons that are not more powerful exactly but give distinct advantages in certain situations) or get stuff instantly with credit card. That system might as well be pay to win for the first 6 months or so.

Huge, huge, huge issue for me. I stopped playing tribes ascend because despite my placing 1st in every single match I played it still took me for-fucking-ever to simply unlock the next class after the 2 free ones.

2012-03-07, 03:43 AM
Huge, huge, huge issue for me. I stopped playing tribes ascend because despite my placing 1st in every single match I played it still took me for-fucking-ever to simply unlock the next class after the 2 free ones.

And I've just read they will be selling resource boosters in the store too. Since vehicles and grenades cost resources it's looking more and more like pay to win. Sad day I had such high hopes for this game.

2012-03-07, 03:47 AM

- Graphics
- UI
- How the game will still feel massive like Planetside
- General Gameplay
- Proper vehicle physics or should I say Physx lol


- Sound effects
- Shooting is very floaty
- The high jumps
- The fog when flying which really killed it for me in Planetside as well
- Animations

2012-03-07, 03:52 AM

- Graphics
- UI
- How the game will still feel massive like Planetside
- General Gameplay
- Proper vehicle physics or should I say Physx lol


- Sound effects
- Shooting is very floaty
- The high jumps
- The fog when flying which really killed it for me in Planetside as well
- Animations

Most of the sound effects are placeholders as I'm pretty sure higby mentioned in the videos.

When you say "high jumps" are you referring to when higgles jumps up onto the roof of the building in the CY fight?

And I think a lot of the animations will be fine tuned as well.

And lastly something to think about is that all of the things you mentioned are very much plastic currently and can be changed either in the alpha stages or in the beta stages, and if they become enough of a problem potentially post release as well.

2012-03-07, 03:57 AM
I think it's also part of their strategy to make PS2 a fast-paced game. Not that I like squad spawning, just saying =)

Then I think it is cutting into its own goal a bit.

By increasing the importance of galaxies or sunderers, that makes them a higher priority target and increases the concentration of enemies attacking those targets. It gives something to defend and attack.

Meanwhile, there will be far more galaxies when people realize that spawning a Mosquito and just dashing back won't work well.

Galaxies are big targets so you can't really hide them. Meanwhile, with squad spawning, you're ENCOURAGING people to hide behind a rock somewhere.

I'm past the idea of making the game very punishing. I've learned since then why that won't work. But I feel like the emphasis on making the game easy to pick up and play is undercutting what makes Planetside special in the first place.

2012-03-07, 04:03 AM
Most of the sound effects are placeholders as I'm pretty sure higby mentioned in the videos.

When you say "high jumps" are you referring to when higgles jumps up onto the roof of the building in the CY fight?

And I think a lot of the animations will be fine tuned as well.

And lastly something to think about is that all of the things you mentioned are very much plastic currently and can be changed either in the alpha stages or in the beta stages, and if they become enough of a problem potentially post release as well.

Well they want feedback and I'm giving it from what I've seen. People say it's place holder but more often than not it isn't and it never gets changed. My experience with betas is people who give criticism get flamed and forced out of the community and those things never get seen by the developers. I hope this doesn't happen with Planetside because there will be lots of Planetside purists in beta. Fact is Planetside wasn't a great game, like SWG it had lots of potential, it just never got to the stage where it was great. That is why we all quit come CC and BFRs, so I hope SOE make the changes to Planetside that appeal to more people.

2012-03-07, 04:05 AM
The thing i dislike is the emphasis on kills.I know its a FPS game,but in PS1 the goal was to take that tower,or that base.In order to do that you needed to kill the enemy.In PS2 its all about the kills and the kill streaks.I can see it now ,I go and try to hack the control point and keep getting team killed because everybody wants to farm kills,and nobody cares about capping the base.Even Higby in the video was all about the kills and his streak

Absolutely, couldn't agree more with this.

Something tells me that the depth of teamplay will suffer as a result of the emphasis being on your K/D ratio or on killstreaks...

There are certainly a great deal of worthless BF3 players who prefer to sit in a safe corner of the map, consciously avoiding objectives in order to pad their K/D ratios...

PS2 is a game focused around teamwork to achieve objectives and dominate. Things like K:D and the glorification of it and kill streaks discourages support roles and the like. It discourages taking risks and pushing the line.

I'd like to see things like Score and Facility/Territory captures glorified a lot more than personal kill stats. Measure success by how much one contributed to the success of the team. Kills are one way to contribute, but they shouldn't be glorified over the work a medic or galaxy pilot does who enables others to get those kills. And it certainly shouldn't weigh more than actually capturing territory and facilities.

Territory/facility defenses also did not appear to be a stat. Should somehow capture successful defenses as well to encourage that.

This this this this this.

2012-03-07, 04:10 AM
When you say "high jumps" are you referring to when higgles jumps up onto the roof of the building in the CY fight?

Yeh I hate that stuff, think it is dumb to be able to jump like that, it ruins FPS combat and if it is in the final game I wont be playing.

Id on't mind vanu maxes having this ability but that will ruin the gameplay once you have hundreds of people all doing it, suddenly the game turns into Crysis or Tribes.

2012-03-07, 04:18 AM
That ability is only available for the light assault class, which I might venture to assume that less people will be playing than one might initially imagine.

2012-03-07, 04:56 AM
I pretty much loved it all with a few small reservations.

I liked the jump jets, particularly that they didn't seem overpowered and were mostly used to access a high vantage point (rather than hanging in the air spamming SA).

The bases looked great. Most of the fighting appeared to be outdoors and then entering individual buildings. (What if one side has a couple of liberators overhead as I think base shields are now out?)

We didn't see much of the squad mechanic. Higby mentioned that they want the game to be very accessible which is laudable, but we also want it to be highly tactical and squads to work together.

Voice Macros - it was said that with in game VOIP these are not as necessary. I beg to differ .... a) we probably won't use it as you expect, established outfits will have their own TS, and b) in europe, people speak different languages, apparently!

Squad spawning - it look like it will have a bigger role than I imagined ... I'd much prefer the AMS to return with squad spawning relegated to being a hart replacement.

Rocket explosions ... looked a little OTT, would be better to tone down a notch.

Tank Shell arc ..... the van looked to have a very flat arc .... I'd prefer a great arc, and if you can't hit, learn 2 shoot. ;)

Overall, I'm very happy. I want!

2012-03-07, 05:00 AM
I'm personally glad to see the firing arcs making sense now. Vanguard was just somewhat retarded before.

One thing I just remembered in the shop that I was sorta "let down" by.

The grenade animation + how the grenade fly didnt work together and looked overall quite pathetic :D The greande didnt fly far at all (perhaps holding button throws longer? or is it a "one size fits all" throw"?). A minor thing, anyways.

I'm also mostly fine with the jump packs. It's not ridicilous kind of jet packing like in Tribes. It has a cooldown, only gives a jump (or glide with the glide pack). Doesnt look that ridicilous to me or overpowered. A nice way to help having the battle on multiple levels. Also, NC and VS still lack HA and all lack MAX, so not everyone will be using LA when the game comes out anyways so not everyone will be jumping in every fight. Not to mention you are really vulnerable in the air. No cover, a predictable path of movement, etc. If necessary, increase cooldown so it'll be more used as just getting on top of something and not "oh dear gonna die, emergency jump!"

EDIT: Well, I guess I can't do this with every post, but in case devs happen to read just this from me, I want to give as constructive criticism even at this point as possible, and I wrote this to my original post when I saw the videos and the game looks fucking amazing and all that! So don't take this as QQ only, the cons are few and FAR outweighted at this point already by the amazing stuff :D

2012-03-07, 05:06 AM
-Time to kill. Good pacing. Seems like a healthy balance between Planetside 1 and Battlefield 3 normal mode. Perfect.
-Graphics. Holy cow, this game looks amazing. I can't wait to build a beast rig to run smooth in gameplay and enjoy all the bells and whistles Forgelight has brought us.
-UI. Wow, a lot of work has gone into it. This seems like a product ready for beta.
-Apps. I can't wait to check my iPhone and see what's going on in Auraxis.

-Not too sure how I feel about the new facility and territory capture objectives. I'm a passionate Planetside 1 fan, and I loved that the Control Console was literally the last bastion of defense. Guess I just have to try it for myself.
-While there's a diverse choice of vehicle types, I'd like more. I'm sure more will come in patches/expansions, but I wish there was more variety.

-Killcam. This thing is awful, I never liked them in any game. Please get rid of it.
-No vehicle enter animation. It's not just the animation, it's the fact there's literally abusive gameplay mechanics that involve getting in and out of vehicles quickly.

2012-03-07, 05:16 AM
Just noticed. No "tactical reload" if it can even be called that. The character cocks the weapon after every reload, regardless if theres a round in the chamber.

WTB animation without the cocking if the weapon wasnt shot dry. :D

Another thing, the "static thing" that comes up to the top of the screen when Higgles takes damage is most likely some shield indicator? Cos it only seems to happen on the "first times" he takes damage and later on it stops happening.

I know what would be a good cash shop item....

dev commands :D

Also, I called out that this was medic/repair pistol when this picture came out, but everyone else thought it was a common pool pistol :D


2012-03-07, 05:40 AM
Dislike> Hate kill cam bin it please no need for it would rather look at the floor where i died once I'm dead.

Like> Loved the rest of it.

Middle> Seemed very fast paced, alot! more so then ps1. Im not sure if they speeded it up or not.

2012-03-07, 05:51 AM
just watched the gametrailers.com footage. There are like 10 people or so playing?
IMO Sony shouldnt release footage with a low popcount because it doesnt represent PS2 well and it doesnt impress those who are not known with the ps formula

2012-03-07, 05:52 AM
just watched the gametrailers.com footage. There are like 10 people or so playing?
IMO Sony shouldnt release footage with a low popcount because it doesnt represent PS2 well and it doesnt impress those who are not known with the ps formula

I think he mentioned there were like 50 people in San Diego playing + the players behind him and I THINK there was somewhere mention of there being AI players as well.

2012-03-07, 05:55 AM
I think the video managed to be fairly impressive even with the low popcount. Like during the the night scene on the "open field", lots of pew pew going around!

2012-03-07, 05:57 AM
That ability is only available for the light assault class, which I might venture to assume that less people will be playing than one might initially imagine.

As long as it is balanced so everyone doesn't go light Assault, I don't want the game to turn into shooting people mid air and everyone jumping around.

2012-03-07, 06:01 AM
As long as it is balanced so everyone doesn't go light Assault, I don't want the game to turn into shooting people mid air and everyone jumping around.

It has been stated that there are several different types of jump packs for Light Assault, each with their own "usage identity"(I just made that up; too tired to think of a simpler term), advantages, and disadvantages. So I don't think that it will be an idiotic jump fest. I think it'll be more varied and interesting.

edit: usage identity= functionality....lmfao...

2012-03-07, 06:09 AM
I think he mentioned there were like 50 people in San Diego playing + the players behind him and I THINK there was somewhere mention of there being AI players as well.

the footage from the main press-event was impressive. It had a good popcount. tanks/soldier/air/tracers everywhere! very impressive.

I dont know, but it seems the footage from gametrailers was shot after that and that popcount was much lower. I'm just worried that people who dont know ps1 dont get the right idea after watching the gametrailers footage :)

2012-03-07, 09:54 AM
I liked literally everything I saw except for:

Kill Cams
Flashy on screen XP "+100 For Kill Assist" etc.

Both things scream generic shooter to me. It's not enough to turn of off of the game of course I'd just prefer a game without it.

There was a bit to much individual recognition in the form of kill streaks and assist pts etc.

2012-03-07, 10:02 AM
There is too much Blue! Just everything is Blue this and Blue that. Add more colors.UI is blue. Map is blue. Night time is a Blue day. Just overkill with the blue.

Killcam needs to go. Seriesously. Exact copy of BF3.
I know Devs like BF3 but this is suppose to be Planetside 2. Not Battlefield Auraxis.

Everything else looked great.There was about 15 seconds of it being pitch dark at night. That will be awesome if it get's that dark and not Night Blue.

2012-03-07, 10:04 AM
There is too much Blue! Just everything is Blue this
Killcam needs to go. Seriesously. Exact copy of BF3.
I know Devs like BF3 but this is suppose to be Planetside 2. Not Battlefield Auraxis.

Everything else looked great.There was about 15 seconds of it being pitch dark at night. That will be awesome if it get's that dark and not Night Blue.

BF3s killcam is way better in several ways, actually. I hope they at least tweak it to that levels if it has to stay.

As for the darkness, there will be several different levels of darkness due to several suns and moons, we've seen plenty of different night times even prior to that. Some really dark, some mostly just "blue days" :D

2012-03-07, 10:11 AM
Well it's alpha so I won't worry over the bugs and bits, no point.

So far from that video I only really had 1 huge dislike: Killcam, we've had a thread on this already. In modern gaming almost everyone is on some kind of VOIP and having a Killcam you can just Ghost out to your friends if someone snipes you or the like.
Dead men tell no tales.

2012-03-07, 10:27 AM
BF3s killcam is way better in several ways, actually. I hope they at least tweak it to that levels if it has to stay.

As for the darkness, there will be several different levels of darkness due to several suns and moons, we've seen plenty of different night times even prior to that. Some really dark, some mostly just "blue days" :D
The BF3 Kill cam is better for BF3.Just like MW kill cam is better for MW. Planetside 2 does not need a kill cam.If anything the kill cam should show your body.

2012-03-07, 10:31 AM
The BF3 Kill cam is better for BF3.Just like MW kill cam is better for MW. Planetside 2 does not need a kill cam.If anything the kill cam should show your body.

I agree, I was only saying that if we cant get rid of the killcam in PS2, at least make it as good as it's in BF3. It was qutie horribly implemented in the footage (and thats no prob, alpha and all, a very low priority feature)

I dont want it to stay either, I think some stylized PS-like cam that revolves around the corpse would work. Or perhaps it could for example follow the nearest medic "killcam wise", but as said a friendly medic, not any enemies or your killer :D

I liked in Brink how in the deathscreen it sorta highlighted the medics.

2012-03-07, 10:39 AM
what if instead of a brief kill cam you had a squad leader/member cam, this would let you know exactly where your nearest teammates or SL were and help you coordinate with them after respawning...just an idea

2012-03-07, 10:54 AM
I posted this a while back but it sums up how I feel about kill-cam so I thought I'd echo it.

Here's the thing, PS2 seems to be borrowing heavily from BF3, which is the only reason the devs have implemented the killcam feature, and the only reason DICE introduced the killcam to Battlefield 3 was because they were intentionally gunning for a slice of COD's market share on consoles.

We can already see that console features like killcam are entirely out of place in a session-based Battlefield game, so what the hell are they doing in a tactical, persistent (PC EXCLUSIVE) MMOFPS like PS2?

This game is supposed to be about combined arms and teamwork, which is why I question the emphasis that is being put on tracking personal stats like K/D ratio. The most important stat in this game should be some form of teamwork score, as many people have already said.

Killcam is a console feature, and Planetside 2 is a PC exclusive. Please don't succumb to the market trends, devs.

If you want to give players something to look at whilst they wait to respawn, implement a follow camera that locks on to your nearest ally, or something like that.


2012-03-07, 11:58 AM
- Graphics were fine. Good detail.
- External apps and map following.
- No pay to win confirmed once more.
- Interfaces navigation seemed clear.
- Day-night cycle.

Honestly, kinda struggling with finding 'likes' regarding actual gameplay beyond environment and extras. :/

Neutral/General observations:
- Seems I've been right on a lot of things, hex grid and other more general things. Even distribution of territory was almost dead on...
- Bit hard to distinguish one empire from another, could be due to method of filming.
- Outposts didn't seem to be all that defensible. Could be a good thing to keep momentum going in a game with no lockable continents, could be a bad thing for defenders (getting overwhelmed, pushed back and camped too easily).
- Galaxy landed extremely close to enemy outpost. I don't buy it that that is adviceable. Then again, only five to eight or so TR defending.
- HUDs were very empty and lacking in information providing. Did not notice significant differences when a random squad was joined for instance. Do we get to control IF random squadies are allowed in?
- No sense of how the proxy voice is going to impact the game so far.

- Driver/Gunner mechanics
- Too fast paced, too action oriented. Sometimes non-action is contribution to the game as well as it allows for planning.
- Spawnroom building reminds me of a bigger version of the Redoubt. Expect similar camp gameplay, bit with a cross of a tower camp till it is captured.
- Spawning cross continent: inability to even slightly control enemy spawning and mass movements. One second they're here, the next they're on the other side of the continent. This will make frontlines highly unstable, fights will go about where people can quickly win something and will quickly remove themselves from fights they appear to be losing (guaranteeing losses through overwhelming).

Plus these things make divide and conquer type tactics much harder if not impossible.
- Completely unpredictable enemy numbers due to spawning mechanics. Just not knowing how many are somewhere is fine. Having to expect 1 trooper turning in 20 is not fun. Higby more or less said that was in to promote teamplay. No, it technically does not. It forces basic teamplay of sticking together without the player even realising it, but it will result in ganking up on others who cannot spawn on eachother.

I'll prefer someone placing 10-15 AI turrets over someone placing 10-15 smart, player enemies during a duel.
- Spawning happens unprotected in the field in what appears to be set places. Are they creating sniper one shot heaven, or what?
- Class spawning. If that spawntube populace was even a bit like the PS populace and not told to lose ground, they would have just spawned with 8 AI MAXes.
- Overhead marker and flickering shield upon shot. Just do a health bar or two for crying out loud. These are very hard to make out, seem to appear and disappear randomly, obscure vision and are not at all informative.
- No sustained damage as damage is negated over time. Makes a previous encounter almost pointless. TTK speed makes me heavily wonder if you are really going to feel a difference in the shield recharge vs shield strength in combat. Meaning everyone would just maximise the shield strength as they do not expect to last long upon being shot anyway and expect to stay out of sight long enough for a shield to recharge.
- Medic revive went WAY too fast, almost instant and put Higby back as part of full action way instantly (thus IMO too fast) as well. Stamina in PS1 made revived troops not instant equal dangers again and I'm really missing that temp disadvantaged element here.
- Regular bunny hopping + jetpacking (regular jetpacking without severe limitations it seems). Hmmm. Is that really going to be benefit gameplay?
- The Flash, really? :/ I'd prefer ATV... And that's saying something in comparison to the awesome of Fury.
- Dropping of ammo, what's the point of running out of ammo and supply points if you can resupply yourself and buddies?
- Overal zerg gameplay promoted over smart gameplay. SOME OF US HAVE BRAINS AND WANT TO USE THEM! Performing a barrel roll and loopings and all is great and all for tactics, but overwhelming body count being more important than smart positioning is not. :/
- Killcam, it's just like the one in World of Tanks. Too much info. In World of Tanks you can't respawn and use it yourself and you can just pass on that info, here you can do both.
- Touch vehicle entry from random angle. Looks and works cheap and Battlefieldish. Please do an animation even if it costs 50 people on screen, but at the very least create standard entry points for vehicles.

I could probably go on for a while after the initial shock and pleasure of seeing actual footage. The hangover is a bit much though. :/

2012-03-07, 12:35 PM
- Graphics were fine. Good detail.
- External apps and map following.
- No pay to win confirmed once more.
- Interfaces navigation seemed clear.
- Day-night cycle.

Honestly, kinda struggling with finding 'likes' regarding actual gameplay beyond environment and extras. :/

Neutral/General observations:
- Seems I've been right on a lot of things, hex grid and other more general things. Even distribution of territory was almost dead on...
- Bit hard to distinguish one empire from another, could be due to method of filming.
- Outposts didn't seem to be all that defensible. Could be a good thing to keep momentum going in a game with no lockable continents, could be a bad thing for defenders (getting overwhelmed, pushed back and camped too easily).
- Galaxy landed extremely close to enemy outpost. I don't buy it that that is adviceable. Then again, only five to eight or so TR defending.
- HUDs were very empty and lacking in information providing. Did not notice significant differences when a random squad was joined for instance. Do we get to control IF random squadies are allowed in?
- No sense of how the proxy voice is going to impact the game so far.

- Driver/Gunner mechanics
- Too fast paced, too action oriented. Sometimes non-action is contribution to the game as well as it allows for planning.
- Spawnroom building reminds me of a bigger version of the Redoubt. Expect similar camp gameplay, bit with a cross of a tower camp till it is captured.
- Spawning cross continent: inability to even slightly control enemy spawning and mass movements. One second they're here, the next they're on the other side of the continent. This will make frontlines highly unstable, fights will go about where people can quickly win something and will quickly remove themselves from fights they appear to be losing (guaranteeing losses through overwhelming).

Plus these things make divide and conquer type tactics much harder if not impossible.
- Completely unpredictable enemy numbers due to spawning mechanics. Just not knowing how many are somewhere is fine. Having to expect 1 trooper turning in 20 is not fun. Higby more or less said that was in to promote teamplay. No, it technically does not. It forces basic teamplay of sticking together without the player even realising it, but it will result in ganking up on others who cannot spawn on eachother.

I'll prefer someone placing 10-15 AI turrets over someone placing 10-15 smart, player enemies during a duel.
- Spawning happens unprotected in the field in what appears to be set places. Are they creating sniper one shot heaven, or what?
- Class spawning. If that spawntube populace was even a bit like the PS populace and not told to lose ground, they would have just spawned with 8 AI MAXes.
- Overhead marker and flickering shield upon shot. Just do a health bar or two for crying out loud. These are very hard to make out, seem to appear and disappear randomly, obscure vision and are not at all informative.
- No sustained damage as damage is negated over time. Makes a previous encounter almost pointless. TTK speed makes me heavily wonder if you are really going to feel a difference in the shield recharge vs shield strength in combat. Meaning everyone would just maximise the shield strength as they do not expect to last long upon being shot anyway and expect to stay out of sight long enough for a shield to recharge.
- Medic revive went WAY too fast, almost instant and put Higby back as part of full action way instantly (thus IMO too fast) as well. Stamina in PS1 made revived troops not instant equal dangers again and I'm really missing that temp disadvantaged element here.
- Regular bunny hopping + jetpacking (regular jetpacking without severe limitations it seems). Hmmm. Is that really going to be benefit gameplay?
- The Flash, really? :/ I'd prefer ATV... And that's saying something in comparison to the awesome of Fury.
- Dropping of ammo, what's the point of running out of ammo and supply points if you can resupply yourself and buddies?
- Overal zerg gameplay promoted over smart gameplay. SOME OF US HAVE BRAINS AND WANT TO USE THEM! Performing a barrel roll and loopings and all is great and all for tactics, but overwhelming body count being more important than smart positioning is not. :/
- Killcam, it's just like the one in World of Tanks. Too much info. In World of Tanks you can't respawn and use it yourself and you can just pass on that info, here you can do both.
- Touch vehicle entry from random angle. Looks and works cheap and Battlefieldish. Please do an animation even if it costs 50 people on screen, but at the very least create standard entry points for vehicles.

I could probably go on for a while after the initial shock and pleasure of seeing actual footage. The hangover is a bit much though. :/

This post needs to be read by the Devs.
Did not like this quote from Higby "We really wanted to make the mmo mechanics to be as light as possible for fps players to be able to just get into and be able to experience with out having to feel like they have a long learning curve "

2012-03-07, 12:45 PM
So you wanted him to say "We really wanted new players to quit the game in furstration and go back to COD, BF3 or Tribes Ascend."?

2012-03-07, 12:49 PM
So you wanted him to say "We really wanted new players to quit the game in furstration and go back to COD, BF3 or Tribes Ascend."?
If CCP can find 360,000 people to subscribe to EVE, one of the most complicated MMOs out there, then Planetside doesn't need to be dumbed down to the lowest common denominator to be successful.

2012-03-07, 12:55 PM
I don't think anyone plays EVE for the exciting action combat...

The way SOE are going to make money here is get as many "dumbed down" players as possible on the front line. Then add layers of stratergy for long term players.

2012-03-07, 01:03 PM
So you wanted him to say "We really wanted new players to quit the game in furstration and go back to COD, BF3 or Tribes Ascend."?

Yes, because it is so damn hard if it you have to actually learn a game that by even having SOME learning curve, it could never be enjoyable just frustrating. :rolleyes:

Sorry, but is this supposed to be a game for uneducated hillbillies that just shoot at everything that moves and nothing more?

How about it would be absolutely boring and making me quit if there's no learning curve and it's just an easy mode kiddie game? :brow:

2012-03-07, 01:09 PM
I think we need to separate learning curve from depth, here. Easy to learn, hard to master. Easy learning curve, high skill ceiling/potential. Does anyone not want that?

2012-03-07, 01:15 PM
- Graphics were fine. Good detail.
- External apps and map following.
- No pay to win confirmed once more.
- Interfaces navigation seemed clear.
- Day-night cycle.

Honestly, kinda struggling with finding 'likes' regarding actual gameplay beyond environment and extras. :/

. :/
this is a bit of a splash of cold water in the face ... I can't find anything to disagree with tho....

... re: ammo drop: at the time Higby said something like 'as I'm light assault I can drop ammo'. So maybe that function is limited by class.

2012-03-07, 01:16 PM

The graphics look fantastic, and I loved the flight mechanics as they were illistrated.
The fact that Tank cannons do very little damage to infantry on indirect hits, making a gunner needed. Good takeaway from BF3.
The user interface looks better than anything else I have EVER SEEN.
Combat looked fast-paced and fun
No prone, it seems.
The deep customization
Day-Night cyles
The Social Tracker application for out of game stuff


I'm still not sure how I feel about the cookie-cutter class system they have in place, it really seems to limit gameplay styles. Like for instance in PS1 I loved hot-dropping, with my heavy assault and then trying to survive with the trade off of having a lighter armor class.
The idea of regenerating shields instead of armor


Vehicle Entry-Exit
The revelation that you won't need to get out to change position on a vehicle.
No squad HUD for health, position, etc

That shouldn't be that way, period. It looks stupid and from a game-play experience standpoint it is stupid. The markers on the ground for PS1 need to make a return if only to prevent the ridiculous seat-hopping that happens in the BF series. Whether there's animations or not I don't care, but there needs to be a time-out moment as you're entering or exiting a vehicle.

2012-03-07, 01:52 PM
If CCP can find 360,000 people to subscribe to EVE, one of the most complicated MMOs out there

I could tell you why you're wrong, but this is a PlanetSide forum so I'm not going to spam a couple paragraphs about EVE.

2012-03-07, 02:12 PM
Well I definitely like the general look of the game. I was impressed by the night time combat with all the tracers, and explosions going off its really epic. I also like the more complicated base design which should make for much more interesting infantry shoot outs.

As for what I didn't like. First of all I noticed they track kill to death ratio in the stats. That seems like a big no no for a more team focused game. You should be encouraging teamwork not kill whoring. What incentive do I have to go somewhere that my faction is out numbered and losing to try to turn the tide? I will probably die a ton, and that will hurt my precious ratio. At least that's what a lot of players will be saying to themselves. Can't open yourself up to being insulted for having a negative ratio after all. Just remove the K/D tracking so people don't think twice about dropping into a tough fight.

The other thing I didn't like was it felt a little too close to Battlefield/CoD for my taste. Once the bullets actually start hitting you its over fast. This was only like 20 or so people fighting and they were still dying super fast. It's going to be seriously spawn/die gameplay with hundreds. I also didn't like the Kill Cams. And how it pops up before you can even realize you died. I rather not have it at all but if its there at least slow it down some.

Last thing is a minor detail but I would like to see deployed Galaxy actually look unique instead of just sitting there with a shopping terminal popping out the side. Maybe they are not done with that yet. But it should transform some like the AMS did.

2012-03-07, 03:41 PM
I thought almost all of us already know about the removal of Vehicle enter/exit animations, Free-form inventories, BF3-inspired GUI and fluff thing...etc

Anyway, I pretty much expected these 'dislikes' already.

Ahhhh but the real question is did the developers already know these things would totally piss us off and put in the universally accepted "dislikes" anyhow? or are they just doe eyed innocents “do as your told not what you think” lightning rods about to be tested by the mother of all thunderstorms? Oh and the lightning strikes are definitely going to be “fast paced” and they aren't going to be able to jet pack bunny jump away or regenerate their glowing body shields in time to avoid them. These are vital ingredients they are messing with that gave Planetside a near mythic presence in our memories.

Personally I'd rather be engaged as a “voter” on these matters and not a victim after the fact “insert kill cam here”...then we'd have no one but ourselves to blame. I would personally consider it an honour every-time I login to participated in a vote on whether to see certain things return to the game...or be completely eliminated...I mean what's the point of debating something after the fact? It's pointless they aren't going to re-inserted free form inventories and somehow tweak classes to work with it. Then there's the fan-boys that smell lilacs and roses every time a developer farts....so after the fact every idea is a good idea. The truth is slowly but surely slipping out as reality sets in and videos get released...and the truth is scary. PS1 was more complex than anyone wants to admit as we critique the video we just watched and try desperately not to reference the old days and how un-fun it was. It still works today and I play it every night and will be sad to see it go.

It still pains me to think of all the cool ideas and debates that took place at the Planetside Upgrade Project and Planetside IdeaLab fall on def ears at SOE as the pops slowly gave up...I don't think a class system or removing free-form inventories, AMS and Ants was ever discussed on either of those forums to say nothing of kill cams. In fact just about every ingredient from the original game was given a buff and augmented...not removed. These were models of development of a true successor to the game. Sites like these are unlikely to ever happen again to this franchise...people really don't have patience for short sightedness and rip offs and they also know the same deff ears are listening. Are we all prepared for Battlefield Auraxis? Will the ammo containers open up just like they do in 2142? Why not health containers? How long did it take you to decide to uninstall BF3? It entertained me for about a week....but then at times I couldn't tell the difference between it and it's two biggest competitors....and they got uninstalled just as quickly.


2012-03-07, 04:17 PM

1) The Vanguard getting the biggest gun AND the most armor. Picture any FPS giving one side the best armor AND the single biggest-thumping weapon in the game, even if the other side might have slightly faster TTK due to rate of fire. It'll be like PS1 at launch with the unnerfed Jackhammers jumping in your face and WTFpwning everything, except this time the smurfs will be in vehicles and harder to kill than you are.

(Which has already had its own thread & been beaten to death... but I am going to remind people of the issue as often as I can without trolling. Because it is prima facie fucking ridiculous).

2) The light assault ammo drop. Logistics and supply should be a team effort, not some exercise in BF2142 pull-infinite-ammo-out-my-ass. You SHOULD have to make ammo runs, if you live long enough. Logistics is one of the signal differences between LOL FPS I KILL U and organized online warfare. If you're going to keep it, make it a one-per customer item. You spawn once, you get one nanite-powered miniature armory you can drop somewhere. THINK about where you're going to drop it.

3) Spawning on your squad leader. At a civilized minimum, make the SL drop a spawn beacon outside somewhere. It'll be a squad-specific version of the old orbital drop, is consistent with game lore, and gives the enemy something to destroy. Anything that gives the defense a way to counterattack and drive the attackers out is good. Anything that subtracts from this is lame. PS is a war, not a conventional FPS, etc.

4) Frankly, the amount of eye candy when somebody shoots something -- particularly in the footage of vehicular combat. It looked like Final Fantasy with sci-fi weapons. That was with fifty people. Imagine five hundred. You won't be able to *see* anything. Cut the bloom and FX for *everything* by about half. Mere volume of fire will make up the deficit.

5) Reducing medics to the status of clerics in an MMORPG. Fucking lame. Make them at least set up a small med station a la the light assault ammo drop, and make it -- well, okay, STATIONARY. And bring back the old med gun so I can run around and heal individuals. Anything that smacks of magic-by-proxy should be killed, ground up, and shoved into a black hole.


1) The graphics. The overall look and feel of the weapons and the hand-modeled terrain. If nothing else, PS2 is going to be a visual feast.

2) The revamped HUDs for the vehicles we saw.

From what little we've been fed, I love the way the game looks, even if all the tracer fire and XBOXHUEG explosions are over the top. I am developing some serious reservations about the game itself.

2012-03-07, 05:17 PM



IFF on enemies
One manned tanking
Ass-ammo ability
No enter/exit animation for vehicles
Focus on kills in stats instead of objective completion
No free inventory

2012-03-07, 05:17 PM
Ahhhh but the real question is did the developers already know these things would totally piss us off and put in the universally accepted "dislikes" anyhow? or are they just doe eyed innocents “do as your told not what you think” lightning rods about to be tested by the mother of all thunderstorms? Oh and the lightning strikes are definitely going to be “fast paced” and they aren't going to be able to jet pack bunny jump away or regenerate their glowing body shields in time to avoid them. These are vital ingredients they are messing with that gave Planetside a near mythic presence in our memories.

Personally I'd rather be engaged as a “voter” on these matters and not a victim after the fact “insert kill cam here”...then we'd have no one but ourselves to blame. I would personally consider it an honour every-time I login to participated in a vote on whether to see certain things return to the game...or be completely eliminated...I mean what's the point of debating something after the fact? It's pointless they aren't going to re-inserted free form inventories and somehow tweak classes to work with it. Then there's the fan-boys that smell lilacs and roses every time a developer farts....so after the fact every idea is a good idea. The truth is slowly but surely slipping out as reality sets in and videos get released...and the truth is scary. PS1 was more complex than anyone wants to admit as we critique the video we just watched and try desperately not to reference the old days and how un-fun it was. It still works today and I play it every night and will be sad to see it go.

It still pains me to think of all the cool ideas and debates that took place at the Planetside Upgrade Project and Planetside IdeaLab fall on def ears at SOE as the pops slowly gave up...I don't think a class system or removing free-form inventories, AMS and Ants was ever discussed on either of those forums to say nothing of kill cams. In fact just about every ingredient from the original game was given a buff and augmented...not removed. These were models of development of a true successor to the game. Sites like these are unlikely to ever happen again to this franchise...people really don't have patience for short sightedness and rip offs and they also know the same deff ears are listening. Are we all prepared for Battlefield Auraxis? Will the ammo containers open up just like they do in 2142? Why not health containers? How long did it take you to decide to uninstall BF3? It entertained me for about a week....but then at times I couldn't tell the difference between it and it's two biggest competitors....and they got uninstalled just as quickly.



2012-03-07, 05:30 PM
Ahhhh but the real question is did the developers already know these things would totally piss us off and put in the universally accepted "dislikes" anyhow? or are they just doe eyed innocents “do as your told not what you think” lightning rods about to be tested by the mother of all thunderstorms? Oh and the lightning strikes are definitely going to be “fast paced” and they aren't going to be able to jet pack bunny jump away or regenerate their glowing body shields in time to avoid them. These are vital ingredients they are messing with that gave Planetside a near mythic presence in our memories.

Personally I'd rather be engaged as a “voter” on these matters and not a victim after the fact “insert kill cam here”...then we'd have no one but ourselves to blame. I would personally consider it an honour every-time I login to participated in a vote on whether to see certain things return to the game...or be completely eliminated...I mean what's the point of debating something after the fact? It's pointless they aren't going to re-inserted free form inventories and somehow tweak classes to work with it. Then there's the fan-boys that smell lilacs and roses every time a developer farts....so after the fact every idea is a good idea. The truth is slowly but surely slipping out as reality sets in and videos get released...and the truth is scary. PS1 was more complex than anyone wants to admit as we critique the video we just watched and try desperately not to reference the old days and how un-fun it was. It still works today and I play it every night and will be sad to see it go.

It still pains me to think of all the cool ideas and debates that took place at the Planetside Upgrade Project and Planetside IdeaLab fall on def ears at SOE as the pops slowly gave up...I don't think a class system or removing free-form inventories, AMS and Ants was ever discussed on either of those forums to say nothing of kill cams. In fact just about every ingredient from the original game was given a buff and augmented...not removed. These were models of development of a true successor to the game. Sites like these are unlikely to ever happen again to this franchise...people really don't have patience for short sightedness and rip offs and they also know the same deff ears are listening. Are we all prepared for Battlefield Auraxis? Will the ammo containers open up just like they do in 2142? Why not health containers? How long did it take you to decide to uninstall BF3? It entertained me for about a week....but then at times I couldn't tell the difference between it and it's two biggest competitors....and they got uninstalled just as quickly.


I really hope the Devs read that.I honestly really hope they do.

2012-03-07, 05:30 PM
Considering it's still Alpha, i'm positively thrilled for what we've seen. Not putting in list things we already knew (killcams, tank drivers maingunning, NC t-shirts being worn by developers, and so on)

-It's friggin' Planetside 2. Duh.
-More or less anything not listed otherwise.
-Headlight certification for MBTs!

Middle ground:
-Not really sure about flight model. Was thinking something more complex, it looks a lot more similar to PS1 than i expected. Also, a lot of hoverspamming, but there was almost no AA around in the video.
-The shooting "feedback" seems to a be a bit off, lacking a bit of kickback and the feel you're firing something powerful. Probably recoil still needs to be fine-tuned. Same thing for the Vanguard main gun, i was expecting a bit of screen shake and having the whole tank tilting a bit.

-Instant entering and piloting vehicles. At very least add fixed entering positions and some brief "warmup" as the vehicle powers up.
-Sound effects, especially the reaver engine and the Gauss firing. Hopefully we're hearing a lot of placeholders. Thinking about it, who cares, it's NC stuff, just give badass sounds to TR.
-Reaver rocket explosions looked a bit over the top and very pixelated. Placeholder here too, i hope.
-Did i see cross faction weapons in the item shop? Hope you can at least loot weapons from fallen enemies then?
-Rearming the gauss after every reload, even when the clip wasn't exhausted. Also, no chambered bullets. (Both things are present in BF3, and i think it's a nice touch... Ok, i said BF3, lynch me)
-Personal shield graphic effects way too colorful and flashy. The empire specific color flash only happens when the shield depletes? Still it's going to look like a rainbow in a 666 vs 666 vs 666 firefight.
-Only NC POV footage :(

2012-03-07, 05:33 PM
Ahhhh but the real question is did the developers already know these things would totally piss us off and put in the universally accepted "dislikes" anyhow? or are they just doe eyed innocents “do as your told not what you think” lightning rods about to be tested by the mother of all thunderstorms? Oh and the lightning strikes are definitely going to be “fast paced” and they aren't going to be able to jet pack bunny jump away or regenerate their glowing body shields in time to avoid them. These are vital ingredients they are messing with that gave Planetside a near mythic presence in our memories.

Personally I'd rather be engaged as a “voter” on these matters and not a victim after the fact “insert kill cam here”...then we'd have no one but ourselves to blame. I would personally consider it an honour every-time I login to participated in a vote on whether to see certain things return to the game...or be completely eliminated...I mean what's the point of debating something after the fact? It's pointless they aren't going to re-inserted free form inventories and somehow tweak classes to work with it. Then there's the fan-boys that smell lilacs and roses every time a developer farts....so after the fact every idea is a good idea. The truth is slowly but surely slipping out as reality sets in and videos get released...and the truth is scary. PS1 was more complex than anyone wants to admit as we critique the video we just watched and try desperately not to reference the old days and how un-fun it was. It still works today and I play it every night and will be sad to see it go.

It still pains me to think of all the cool ideas and debates that took place at the Planetside Upgrade Project and Planetside IdeaLab fall on def ears at SOE as the pops slowly gave up...I don't think a class system or removing free-form inventories, AMS and Ants was ever discussed on either of those forums to say nothing of kill cams. In fact just about every ingredient from the original game was given a buff and augmented...not removed. These were models of development of a true successor to the game. Sites like these are unlikely to ever happen again to this franchise...people really don't have patience for short sightedness and rip offs and they also know the same deff ears are listening. Are we all prepared for Battlefield Auraxis? Will the ammo containers open up just like they do in 2142? Why not health containers? How long did it take you to decide to uninstall BF3? It entertained me for about a week....but then at times I couldn't tell the difference between it and it's two biggest competitors....and they got uninstalled just as quickly.



2012-03-07, 07:52 PM
One thing I didn't quite like was how tacky the equipment terminal at a deployed gal was. I was expecting it to be a part of the gal that unfolds out. I hope it's that they simply haven't gotten to it yet.

2012-03-07, 08:16 PM
- kill cam....H-A-T-E it!!!
- enemy names/markers visible....could see it before actual player...WTF! not to mention if u have a few dead ones u cant see through them to any live ones...just a bunch of markers in ur way!
- night needs to be darker
- ammo drop...."cheating" is what i call it...ppl don't have magic ammo fairies in their pants.
- vehicle drivers also as gunners, unless only optional per driver setting

- bullets to armor seemed better to get kill this time
- different weapon skins
- little to no recoil on weapons, although this is probably a bad thing to a degree

2012-03-07, 08:51 PM
One thing I didn't quite like was how tacky the equipment terminal at a deployed gal was. I was expecting it to be a part of the gal that unfolds out. I hope it's that they simply haven't gotten to it yet.
They're still figuring out what they want the Galaxy to look like when it's "deployed", so that will come then.

- enemy names/markers visible....could see it before actual player...WTF! not to mention if u have a few dead ones u cant see through them to any live ones...just a bunch of markers in ur way!
I think these might have been "spotted" targets. I agree the marker was a little large, though.

2012-03-07, 09:34 PM
Ahhhh but the real question is did the developers already know these things would totally piss us off and put in the universally accepted "dislikes" anyhow? or are they just doe eyed innocents “do as your told not what you think” lightning rods about to be tested by the mother of all thunderstorms? Oh and the lightning strikes are definitely going to be “fast paced” and they aren't going to be able to jet pack bunny jump away or regenerate their glowing body shields in time to avoid them. These are vital ingredients they are messing with that gave Planetside a near mythic presence in our memories.

Personally I'd rather be engaged as a “voter” on these matters and not a victim after the fact “insert kill cam here”...then we'd have no one but ourselves to blame. I would personally consider it an honour every-time I login to participated in a vote on whether to see certain things return to the game...or be completely eliminated...I mean what's the point of debating something after the fact? It's pointless they aren't going to re-inserted free form inventories and somehow tweak classes to work with it. Then there's the fan-boys that smell lilacs and roses every time a developer farts....so after the fact every idea is a good idea. The truth is slowly but surely slipping out as reality sets in and videos get released...and the truth is scary. PS1 was more complex than anyone wants to admit as we critique the video we just watched and try desperately not to reference the old days and how un-fun it was. It still works today and I play it every night and will be sad to see it go.

It still pains me to think of all the cool ideas and debates that took place at the Planetside Upgrade Project and Planetside IdeaLab fall on def ears at SOE as the pops slowly gave up...I don't think a class system or removing free-form inventories, AMS and Ants was ever discussed on either of those forums to say nothing of kill cams. In fact just about every ingredient from the original game was given a buff and augmented...not removed. These were models of development of a true successor to the game. Sites like these are unlikely to ever happen again to this franchise...people really don't have patience for short sightedness and rip offs and they also know the same deff ears are listening. Are we all prepared for Battlefield Auraxis? Will the ammo containers open up just like they do in 2142? Why not health containers? How long did it take you to decide to uninstall BF3? It entertained me for about a week....but then at times I couldn't tell the difference between it and it's two biggest competitors....and they got uninstalled just as quickly.


:love: So well said.

There was a lot of things in Planetside 1 that kept me in it a LOT longer than BF3 was able to keep me entertained with. Mainly, how everything was so dependent on active hard teamwork. There were no AOE ammo or health dumps. You wanna heal that guy? Better walk up to that man. If they have AOE healing kits I might just shoot myself.

As great as Battlefield 3 is, it should not be the primary inspiration.

Look at Planetside. You have a great game, don't ruin the things that made it good along with the bad.

People are going to get bored with BF3's mechanics, don't you want to have your own?

2012-03-07, 11:04 PM
The pacing of the game looked good.

I mean apart from it being obvious that none of the aircraft flying around were destroying that giant galaxy parked outside the base

Galaxy was probably agreed to as "off limits" for the sake of the demo.

2012-03-08, 02:39 AM
AOE healing GRENADES may apparently be available to medics.

2012-03-08, 12:10 PM
AOE healing GRENADES may apparently be available to medics.


I'll say it again: Magic respawn out of thin air on SL's, magic infinite ammo, magic AOE 'healing buffs' a la WoW even if you call them grenades... anything that smacks of magic must be put to a swift death.

Oh noes! my squad is caught in a stairwell and someone is unloading a Thumper at them! Not to phear -- I will counter by throwing HEALING grenades at my squad! It's Dueling Grenades Time! Again, for the fiftieth time this afternoon! Wheeee!

/pukes again

2012-03-08, 12:46 PM
AOE healing GRENADES may apparently be available to medics.

I'm really not a fan of AOE grenades. It just seems so tacky to me regardless of how you spin it.

1.) Copied from another poster: I shoot every day and seeing this just gave me a quirk. ----"Rearming the gauss after every reload, even when the clip wasn't exhausted. Also, no chambered bullets. (Both things are present in BF3, and i think it's a nice touch... Ok, i said BF3, lynch me)"

2.) **Kill cam: for the love of god please get rid of it.** :mad:
3.) Light assault dropping ammo boxes. It just seems tacky to me. Where did he pull this big ass ammo box from? If your going to go this route. Please just limit it to Engineers. The way you did deployables in PS1 was perfect.
4.) Driver having to gun the Vanguard at the same time.
5.) The shields. They are way to flashy and to me just call out. Hey shoot here I am almost dead. Why can't we just stick with Armor like off of PS1?
6.) Light assault. I noticed there was a 10 second CD on the jump jets. It needs to be a lot longer IMO.
7.) Entering Vehicles. I feel like there should be some sort of a delay. Another poster above mentioned a warm up period. I agree with this if we cannot get vehicle entering animations.
8.) No free Inventory.
9.) Squad Spawn: I'm not a fan of it.

Outside of what I posted: I am pretty happy with everything else.

2012-03-08, 12:58 PM
I'm really not a fan of AOE grenades. It just seems so tacky to me regardless of how you spin it.
I don't quite mind it. It reduces the need for 100 medics to be on the field and reduces downtime between battles letting people play other classes that they want rather then having to play medic to heal themselves first and others second because it's required.

I'm sure it will be changed when beta gets here though.

2012-03-08, 01:11 PM
Keeping it short, for I'm still suffering from information overload right now...


Stats Self explaining, spot on info of my progress and a clear indication if my skills are improving.


Friend or Foe HUD icons I really hope this gets tweaked a lot more, for the big screaming hey I am hear arrow like icon is a big let down for me.
In close combat the might work and all, but medium long range I don't want to see these things at all, with the exception to my squad mates.
Vehicle Enter/Exit Animation Instant enter. *facepalm*, we had this discussion before... lets leave it at that.
Ammo packs Biggest flaw in any kind of shooter!
It felt laggy I know I know, It's still Alpha, yet, I could not help notice it.
Infantry movement animation Several times I got the sense animations where very limited, to static when turning on the spot or when suddenly changing direction

Middle Ground:

Kill Cam I hate the concept of kill cams, but in there current state they might not be all that bad, yet I still prefer not having them.

2012-03-08, 09:10 PM
Ammo packs - Straight rip from battlefield. The idea of never running out of ammo, makes me sad as I foresee more spam then what is necessary when I finally get a chance to play.
Actually ammo packs were before Battlefield. Return to Castle Wolfenstein had a class that dispensed them.

As far as my take on the footage, I could take it or leave it to be perfectly honest. What I'm seeing being developed is a modern FPS MMO game, not Planetside and what is fundamentally is. Even in that 30 or so minutes, how many times did Higby bring up something being like MW or BF?

2012-03-08, 11:36 PM
I'm a medic and I would like to see the ideas in play to see if they are kewl.

2012-03-10, 01:22 AM
Let me say this, what I saw from the Planetside 2 videos were great. I believe this game will be great. The overall feel of the game is a lighter game play, with strong bones and deep structure. There is still a little ways to go, but they have ample time to fix it. I mean take a look at how far the original Planetside came from its Beta, its night and day.

- Graphics. Simply beautiful. Level of detail is A++.
- Base structure on the outside. Great detail.
- Game play felt light. Getting to the battle did not seem arduous like the previous Planetside.
- The UI and HUD display looked clean, and not bogged down. Futuristic feel, I love it.
- The speed of the game looked good.
- The physics of the vehicles was finely tuned.
- Character models look excellent.
- Loved the idea of cutting out the courtyard to vehicles at a certain point. Two thumbs up for that.

Middle Ground

- I don't know how I feel about the interior base design. Where are the tunnels? The way I saw it, there a lot of ways to set up camping. I hope this was just for Alpha display purposes. Most organized outfits plan on base design and love interior strategic battle.
- TTK could be tweaked, especially vehicle to vehicle damage.
- Drivers as main gunners. Possible option to allow a second person to be the main gunner should be included.
- AMMO Packs. Could be a good strategic route for drawn out small battles. Limit the amount of packs.

- No AMS. Bring them back, they served a great purpose, strategically. The GALS are too big for covert operations, especially in the backyard of ones' enemy.
- Scrap Squad spawning. That is a joke of an idea. I mean how lazy does it get? This feature makes setting up fronts, and defending fronts, a logistic nightmare.
- Killcam. We all know this will be scrapped thanks to overwhelming negative community feedback on the feature.

Overall, I really really like where Planetside2 is heading. Some minor tweaks could really put this game light years forward. The devs have really outdone themselves. You all are doing a great honor and favor by bringing this game back for the players who so much loved the original Planetside.