View Full Version : The nature of Vanu.

2012-06-17, 12:14 PM
Is it even a name?

Is it even a being in the sense that we exist as individual beings?

Is it benevolent, or is it something akin to the movie Prometheus?

Why would people follow a being who has no elaboration to its motives? Even religions provide some explanation, or reasoning for a God's motives.

Does this make the Vanu Sov. a bunch of religious zealots on a crusade in the same vein as the crusades that were launched by Pope Urban II?

Does this also make it like the crusades in that it was a chance to bleed off what was deemed to be a dangerous amount of soldiers and mercenaries who had nothing to do, and were thus likely to begin conflicts of their own accord?

If the above is true, then what does it say about the Vanu Sov. that they are willing to bleed off their own soldiery just to make sure that they do not stir up any conflict?

2012-06-17, 12:15 PM
Umm. Vanu isn't a god...

It's an ancient race of non-humans with far superior technology to our own, thought to be extinct.

And we don't follow it. We study them, and attempt to reverse engineer their technology because of theories regarding advancement of human evolution. We aren't religious zealots, we are highly educated radicals with a purpose. Something far more dangerous then a mere zealot.

As for bleeding off soldiers, how exactly do you do that when you have an army of immortal soldiers? Also it was the Vanu who gave you the tech to possess immortal soldiers. You're welcome.

2012-06-17, 12:24 PM
Vanu is actually the same of a single, specific alien being. Read the backstory. ;)

2012-06-17, 12:30 PM
Vanu is actually the same of a single, specific alien being. Read the backstory. ;)

Was this changed for PS2, or was it always this way? I thought it was an alien race in PS1. I might have to find the original book.

2012-06-17, 12:31 PM
Alien race who experienced a technological singularity.

2012-06-17, 12:32 PM
A lot of the back stories were a rewrite....

2012-06-17, 12:38 PM
Blood for the Blood God, skulls, for the Skull Throne!..

2012-06-17, 12:43 PM
id like to see more story as im interested in waht started the wars ect. read the few things on the planetside website but not enough on there

2012-06-17, 12:43 PM
Heck yea man.


2012-06-17, 12:58 PM
A lot of the back stories were a rewrite....

Thank God for that too.

2012-06-17, 01:03 PM
id like to see more story as im interested in waht started the wars ect. read the few things on the planetside website but not enough on there

Well if you dig deep enough you will find what caused the war. To make a long story short, the TR let a wormhole close so the people on Auraxis cant come back to Earth. The TR is a government that has held peace by mostly any means possible for over 1,000 years. The NC are a group of corporations that broke off from the TR because they think the TR are oppressive and for buisness oppurtunities. At the same time the VS broke off from the TR because they think that the TR are oppressive and that they should use the technology found on Auraxis to further Human kind as a whole.

Naturally, this incited war.

Mr DeCastellac
2012-06-17, 03:18 PM
Vanu isn't a god, the 'Vanu' were an ancient race of alien beings with all manner o' technologies. The Vanu Sovereignty are just like the TR or NC, but we decided that we like alien technologies over shooting each other with thousand-year-old weaponry.

2012-06-17, 05:47 PM
Needless to say, the Vanu Sovereignty is easily the most misguided of all the Empires.


2012-06-17, 06:15 PM
Needless to say, the Vanu Sovereignty is easily the most misguided of all the Empires.


They are being indoctrinated, some of the back story says that the scientists 'listen' to the artefacts, that is defiantly not normal.. unless... oh god... the Vanu are the Reapers!! Everyone run now!!! Before its too late!!

2012-06-17, 06:18 PM
They are being indoctrinated, some of the back story says that the scientists 'listen' to the artefacts, that is defiantly not normal.. unless... oh god... the Vanu are the Reapers!! Everyone run now!!! Before its too late!!

Lol reapers? comon i was seeing the video of PS1 lore you land in a planet with no life at all except cactus same cactus that you see in E3 obliterating half human military vehicles.

Comon do 1+1 the soo called Vanu have evolved in or are that cactus! :rofl:

Going back to the lore reading :)

2012-06-17, 06:22 PM
Lol reapers? comon i was seeing the video of PS1 lore you land in a planet with no life at all except cactus same cactus that you see in E3 obliterating half human military vehicles.

Comon do 1+1 the soo called Vanu have evolved in or are that cactus! :rofl:

Going back to the lore reading :)

All of my what? :huh:

2012-06-17, 06:26 PM
Just a Beta waiting delirium case forget everything i wrote.

The Kush
2012-06-17, 06:45 PM
They are following it because it is giving what the vanu faction has deemed and believes to be superior technology

2012-06-17, 07:34 PM
I don't care about ancient aliens and I don't care if scientists are being brainwashed. Vanu clearly have the best chance of recreating civilization after the war, so I will fight for them.

2012-06-17, 07:58 PM
I don't care about ancient aliens and I don't care if scientists are being brainwashed. Vanu clearly have the best chance of recreating civilization after the war, so I will fight for them.

I'm with this guy, but with one extra thing. Technology has more or less stagnated from modern times to when they found out about wormholes. WAY to long for my tastes.

Besides, we found technology that can revolutionize humanity. What do you think the TR and NC are gonna do with it? We're just trying our best to stop the whole "monkeys with machine guns" thing happening. You should all be thanking us. :lol:

2012-06-17, 08:00 PM
They are being indoctrinated, some of the back story says that the scientists 'listen' to the artefacts, that is defiantly not normal.. unless... oh god... the Vanu are the Reapers!! Everyone run now!!! Before its too late!!

Not the Reapers. The Reapers are artificial intelligences. The Vanu are enhanced humans, possibly transhumans, worshipping Science, and destroying all who do not!

Science demands sacrifices! Fortunately, the NC and TR are making their soldiers available for Vanu Science.

[The backstory actually stated that only one of the researchers listened to one artifact (multiple times), and didn't tell the others about everything it said. They haven't posted anything explaining how that turned into the VS, from what I've seen. Of course if they stopped posting on planetside2.com and started posting them on facebook I would not be able to see them, so there's that possibility. I'm assuming they haven't done that.]

2012-06-17, 08:01 PM
Not the Reapers. The Reapers are artificial intelligences. The Vanu are enhanced humans, possibly transhumans, worshipping Science, and destroying all who do not!

Science demands sacrifices! Fortunately, the NC and TR are making their soldiers available for Vanu Science.

[The backstory actually stated that only one of the researchers listened to one artifact (multiple times), and didn't tell the others about everything it said. They haven't posted anything explaining how that turned into the VS, from what I've seen. Of course if they stopped posting on planetside2.com and started posting them on facebook I would not be able to see them, so there's that possibility. I'm assuming they haven't done that.]

Give me 5 min and i will check Fb in ur behalf

From a fast look it doesn't look like that

2012-06-17, 08:03 PM
Vanu is the distant mature form of Scientology, obvs.

2012-06-17, 08:06 PM
The problem with Vanu and NC is that they want to change the system from outside and that never works since it will always feel like imposed, you have to do something like Connery works yourself the way in.

2012-06-17, 08:20 PM
Its pretty obvious that the vanu have been corrupted by an evil alien god. This vanu has told his new disciples to go to war with the the other humans on Auraxis. The vanu are bloodthirsty monsters and should be purged with fire and steel.

2012-06-17, 08:28 PM
By all means, try to use fire and steel. The Vanu have frikkin' laser beams. Hell, they probably have laser augmentations built into their heads. Beware the skul-gun.

2012-06-17, 08:39 PM

No really, our leader is a guy with aspergers syndrome who just can't deal with normal people. That's the actual Vanu backstory now.

2012-06-17, 08:42 PM
Some people want to be controlled by the Authority, to follow the will of the Authority for the sake of peace and "safety."

Some wish to fight for freedom, even if it means allowing themselves to be manipulated by the corporations in their quest for the illusion of freedom.

Others prefer that they get manipulated by alie- er, I mean; to explore new technology and push the limits of known science and beyond.

No, but seriously, the VS worship transhumanistic potential (kind of like the so-called "elite" in the real world) that got kickstarted by discovery of Vanu tech but I don't think it was actually stated that they worship the Vanu directly, rather that is a misconception held by others in TR/NC (probably not helped by the VS heads trying to learn how to speak in the Vanu language). All three factions are kind of messed up, especially if you look at them cynically like I tend to, and as I illustrated above. All told though, that doesn't mean everyone in a given faction operates in the same way or joined up for the same reasons (I'm talking in story mind, that's obviously the case for players especially since many do/will not particularly care about the actual lore).

2012-06-18, 05:59 AM
The human race can't stay like this forever, we are not alone here and you know it. We need to step up our game and study this advanced technology that is far superior than our current tech. If we are able to properly use this technology, it will increase our survival success rate in the future if/when there will be conflicts with other alien beings.

It's all for the sake of survival of the human race, that's all. Many people are against this because they can't (or want) to understand the potential of this tech. Even the VS don't fully understand this technology yet and it's capability but the difference is, that we are willing to step out of our comfort zone to study this alien tech so that we can secure the survival of the human race. That's what science is all about, making progress and stepping forward.

Despise us now, thank us later!

-Vanu Sovereignty

2012-06-18, 06:03 AM

The Chronicles of Riddick (trailer) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSf2v_pWGtQ)

Yeah and And riddick is a New conglomerate brothers ! ;)

2012-06-18, 06:21 AM
NC: shoot hard
TR: shoot fast
VS: shoot... different

2012-06-18, 06:40 AM
Honestly Vanu backstory reminds me of Cthulhu mythos and was my first association to it. I imagine that figurine Connery and Briggs found looks something like this:


And Vanu scientists are nothing more than crazed cultists.

Eben Brooks: Hey There Cthulhu! [720p HD, Lyrics] - YouTube

2012-06-18, 06:53 AM
Umm. Vanu isn't a god...

It's an ancient race of non-humans with far superior technology to our own, thought to be extinct.

And we don't follow it. We study them, and attempt to reverse engineer their technology because of theories regarding advancement of human evolution. We aren't religious zealots, we are highly educated radicals with a purpose. Something far more dangerous then a mere zealot.

As for bleeding off soldiers, how exactly do you do that when you have an army of immortal soldiers? Also it was the Vanu who gave you the tech to possess immortal soldiers. You're welcome.

Don't get upset... Ignorant people never understand scientists and often accuse us of worshipping science.

2012-06-18, 07:35 AM
No really, our leader is a guy with aspergers syndrome who just can't deal with normal people. That's the actual Vanu backstory now.

Vanu Jesus fixed his mind, though

2012-06-18, 07:38 AM
I hear that the vanu eat children..just sayin

2012-06-18, 07:41 AM
I hear that the vanu eat children..just sayin

You say that like it's a bad thing.

2012-06-18, 08:20 AM
Vanu are crazy alien cultists. I mean, who do you think brought those guys to Auraxis in the first place only for them to get a hard-on for this advanced tech and turn against everyone?

*eh-hem* Terran Republic. Got to love the ungrateful and non-logical. Vanu don't seem to understand that advancing the sort of technology that belongs to a now extinct race of aliens too fast can cause all sorts of problems for humanity.

Vanu's future? They will all get sucked in a black hole after an experiment involving crabs goes horribly wrong.

2012-06-18, 08:40 AM
Vanu are crazy alien cultists. I mean, who do you think brought those guys to Auraxis in the first place only for them to get a hard-on for this advanced tech and turn against everyone?

Except no, the TR hid the alien technology from the public and tried to use the technology to further their own agenda.

Goddamn, if you're gonna argue fictional video game politics then read the lore rather than spewing out half baked pseudo-factual statements

2012-06-18, 08:41 AM
Vanu's future? They will all get sucked in a black hole after an experiment involving crabs goes horribly wrong.

I knew our MAX suits would be our undoing. First we lose their jump jets, then the black holes start forming...

2012-06-18, 08:44 AM
the nature of Vanu is brain worms

2012-06-18, 09:50 AM
Except no, the TR hid the alien technology from the public and tried to use the technology to further their own agenda.

Goddamn, if you're gonna argue fictional video game politics then read the lore rather than spewing out half baked pseudo-factual statements

Oh jeez don't get too heated up their, man. That's completely based on opinion. The TR's agenda is for the good of the people. The Terran Republic understand that you can't just dive right into advanced technology and throw it out there to the masses once you study it. It has to be examined and put under control so it doesn't end up getting abused. The Vanu disliked these restrictions of course, hence their formation.

I knew our MAX suits would be our undoing. First we lose their jump jets, then the black holes start forming...

Exactly. At least you have hot chicks to keep you company. In all seriousness though I believe if I end up making an alt. character it will definitely be Vanu. Always been one for H+ (Transhumanism) ideals and hi-tech societies.

2012-06-18, 10:07 AM
The funny part is that the Vanu implement all the superior technology but end up with weapons that are no better than the normal tech everyone else uses.

2012-06-18, 10:07 AM
Oh jeez don't get too heated up their, man. That's completely based on opinion. The TR's agenda is for the good of the people. The Terran Republic understand that you can't just dive right into advanced technology and throw it out there to the masses once you study it. It has to be examined and put under control so it doesn't end up getting abused. The Vanu disliked these restrictions of course, hence their formation.

That's different from what you said. I don't care about the TR agenda, you just said something completely wrong and I corrected you.

I mean, who do you think brought those guys to Auraxis in the first place only for them to get a hard-on for this advanced tech and turn against everyone?

You implied that the TR let them play with the alien technology, when they did the opposite.

2012-06-18, 10:08 AM
The funny part is that the Vanu implement all the superior technology but end up with weapons that are no better than the normal tech everyone else uses.

you'd almost think some higher power was balancing them for some reason :rolleyes:

2012-06-18, 10:14 AM
Propaganda is fun and doesnt have to have any truth in it at all.

2012-06-18, 10:54 AM
Didn't The Vanu return during the bend? And would it be appropriate to distinguish them as Vanu and Vanu Sovereignty ?

2012-06-18, 11:25 AM
Didn't The Vanu return during the bend? And would it be appropriate to distinguish them as Vanu and Vanu Sovereignty ?

nope the Vanu never came back it was the Auraxian core computer that woke up

2012-06-18, 11:38 AM
Oh ok. Just wonder if anyone recorded that and if they can post it. I remember the game was packed that day.

2012-06-18, 12:01 PM
Vanu are crazy alien cultists. I mean, who do you think brought those guys to Auraxis in the first place only for them to get a hard-on for this advanced tech and turn against everyone?

*eh-hem* Terran Republic. Got to love the ungrateful and non-logical. Vanu don't seem to understand that advancing the sort of technology that belongs to a now extinct race of aliens too fast can cause all sorts of problems for humanity.

Vanu's future? They will all get sucked in a black hole after an experiment involving crabs goes horribly wrong.

You said something ab about crabs?

In the city of Phoenix, Auraxis, Vanu scientists made a tremendous discovery, and Vanu anchors are tremendously excited about this innovation....

2012-06-19, 04:13 AM
How war began:
TR view: http://www.planetside2.com/news/oct12OriginCh1Pt1
VS view: http://www.planetside2.com/news/2012-10loreorigin
NC view: http://www.planetside2.com/news/oct14OriginCh1Pt3

TR related (Thomas Connery, leader of the Auraxis expedition, former Terran Republic president on Earth):

VS related (Henry Briggs, xenobiologist, first who got in physical contact with alien technology and named aliens Vanu):

NC related:

Earth's and Space expedition:

I think I posted them in right sections.


“We’re not siding with either of them, if that’s what you mean. But we also can’t stay on the side any longer. To save the world that Vanu once ruled, in order for humanity to reach its full potential, we must take up arms and destroy them both. We must eradicate all that stands against us. Today we have declared our Sovereignty, a Vanu Sovereignty. Only one force can live on Auraxis, and it must be us.”