View Full Version : Things Planetside shouldn't copy from League of Legends.

2012-06-17, 05:22 PM
Since SOE admires League of Legends so much, I want to talk about things they shouldn't copy from LoL.

First thing they shouldn't copy is shitty service.....That game is down pretty often.

2nd thing they shouldn't copy, OP new weapons,vehicles,etc, almost every 2 weeks(In League of Legends is champs)......then patch the OP weapons/Vehicles next update.

3rd thing they shouldn't copy is having the same map for 2 + years......I really I really hope Planetside 2 comes out with a new Continent like every 6-8 months.

2012-06-17, 05:25 PM
Yes but i would realy like to copy the 13 milion pop

And your second ans your third question (or ppl will get bored by the few types of games they have) and the little brick by brick that got Dota(i played the first versions and it got quite far) from the 2005 to what it is .... i would like to copy that

2012-06-17, 05:26 PM
Yes but i would realy like to copy the 13 milion pop

hmmm is that legit or do people just make scrub accounts because they can't cut it :D

Im sure they have a big population, they get 1 million views on utube, pretty damn quick.

2012-06-17, 05:27 PM
Just hope they don't copy their piss poor fanbase.

2012-06-17, 05:27 PM
Since SOE admires League of Legends so much, I want to talk about things they shouldn't copy from LoL.

First thing they shouldn't copy is shitty service.....That game is down pretty often.

2nd thing they shouldn't copy, OP new weapons,vehicles,etc, almost every 2 weeks(In League of Legends is champs)......then patch the OP weapons/Vehicles next update.

3rd thing they shouldn't copy is having the same map for 2 + years......I really I really hope Planetside 2 comes out with a new Continent like every 6-8 months.

I wouldn't say SOE admires LoL. SOE already dominated the FTP market. And im sure They know what there doing.

2012-06-17, 05:34 PM
Yes. I hope they continue to remember that the game is for playing, and substantive updates are better than a never ending stream of cosmetics.

I know cosmetics are the sure money, but it gets annoying having things be broken for so long and never have the devs say anything other than "Yeah we'll get to it when we get to it. Buy our new skin for $20."

2012-06-17, 05:34 PM
hmmm is that legit or do people just make scrub accounts because they can't cut it :D

Im sure they have a big population, they get 1 million views on utube, pretty damn quick.

Oh pardon the registered were 30 milions the actives 11 until november with peak of 1.3 mil.


Forsaken One
2012-06-17, 05:37 PM
LOL OP if thats all you have to say then I'm guessing you started playing LoL AFTER ranked was put in.

What sony shouldn't do is cater to the E-sports people.

I remember LoL back in beta. I remember when stealth was fine. I remember when if you whined about Twitch or Eve the devs told you to learn how to play.

LoL slowly degraded into a joke after Ranked mode was added. "ooo High Elo can't be bothered playing right" so... Shaco must be ruined, all stealth champs must be ruined.... champs that require ANY thought to play or counter get ruined in favor of champs that is based on things a monkey can play or counter.

High Elo couldn't even be bothered to shroom hunt so they nerfed AP Teemo into the ground. and no, the recent bug fix only really made AS Teemo a little more worth a shit, did nothing really for AP Teemo.

Don't let anything like LoL's Ranked anywhere near PS2 and keep the whole E-sport BS the hell away from PS2.

2012-06-17, 05:40 PM
LOL OP if thats all you have to say then I'm guessing you started playing LoL AFTER ranked was put in.

What sony shouldn't do is cater to the E-sports people.

I remember LoL back in beta. I remember when stealth was fine. I remember When if you whined about Twitch or Eve the devs told you to learn how to play.

LoL slowly degraded into a joke after Ranked mode was added. "ooo High Elo can't be bothered playing right" so... Shaco must be ruined, all stealth champs must be ruined.... champs that require ANY thought to play or counter get ruined in favor of champs that is based on things a monkey can play or counter.

High Elo couldn't even be bothered to shroom hunt so they nerfed AP Teemo into the ground. and no, the recent bug fix only really made AS Teemo a little more worth a shit, did nothing really for AP Teemo.

Don't let anything like LoL's Ranked anywhere near PS2 and keep the whole E-sport BS the hell away from PS2.

No hippity hipster...I played the game since like first quarter 2010(I guess February or march, not sure).

and I hate that they nerfed teemo since I play teemo.

2012-06-17, 05:46 PM

2012-06-17, 05:50 PM
This is like completely common sense... Why make this thread to complain about League? go do it on their forums, please.

2012-06-17, 05:57 PM
Just hope they don't copy their piss poor fanbase.

That copy piss poor threads about stuff LOL shouldnt copy certain things from other games?

Yeah, damn man. :D

If you want to discuss LOL, do it in the right board here, or on those LOL forums. I prefer you use the right board here, because those LOL forums are a mess. :D

/closing as it has literally nothing to do with PS2.