View Full Version : Do-able looting system

2012-06-18, 05:13 AM
I don't know why, but looting dead bodies is just so fun. There's something about that kill and grabbing your loot that makes it thrilling.

In planetside 1 you would take the enemy factions HA and use it against them.

In Diablo 2 you would loot Ears.

In Call of Duty there is even dogtag mode, which is essentially the same principle.

I think something along the lines of looting a dead corpse for extra resources and/or experience would be fun. It wouldn't break the game in terms of add-ons and customizations, but still make the looting mechanic part of the game.

2012-06-18, 05:20 AM
I think it is fine how it is. You need a few things to break the immersion every once in a while or the game will be too addicting.

If you don't like that, you could pretend you are super loyal and would rather suicide rush the enemy with a knife than pick up one of the countless enemy guns littering the ground.

2012-06-18, 05:23 AM
pick up one of the countless enemy guns littering the ground.

I don't think you can pick up guns from the ground... and if I'm wrong then I hope they change it so that I'm not wrong. The only way I can see picking guns up from the ground working is for example: You are a TR LA, another TR LA with the same weapon dies near you, you can pick up his ammo. Thats IT. No TR getting ammo or even the full weapon from a dead smurf. That's just wrong.

2012-06-18, 05:38 AM
I've always found that actually looting enemies tend to distract players, especially if there's actually anything valuable to take.
So I prefer how it is shaping up to be now.

2012-06-18, 05:52 AM
I would like to see looting, its always fun to be going so good i run out of ammo behind enemy lines or can't get to an ammo box, so i just steal a gun. And this solves our problems.

Ammo Converter

2012-06-18, 05:57 AM
There was nothing more satisfying in the original than killing an NC with his buddy's Jackhammer.

2012-06-18, 06:00 AM
hope will be able to at least take a AR if your class allow it or a LMG if your HA but at the momments they did not make any scavenging mechanic and you must do not expect the looting rpg screen from Ps1 it as been confirm it will never make it in ps1

2012-06-18, 06:07 AM
I dont think there is going to be any ammo looting because thats one of the LAs jobs.

2012-06-18, 06:08 AM
but looting dead bodies is just so fun.

This sound weird no matter how you look at it....


If you don't like that, you could pretend you are super loyal and would rather suicide rush the enemy with a knife than pick up one of the countless enemy guns littering the ground.

It's very easy to solve that problem without ruining immersion (lore)... they just need to say that weapons are locked to certain players and are disabled when other try to use them. VS weapons could have DNA recognition system while TR and NC would have probably something like electronic recognition chips implanted under the skin or in their suits.

2012-06-18, 06:22 AM
I've always found that actually looting enemies tend to distract players, especially if there's actually anything valuable to take.
So I prefer how it is shaping up to be now.

How is it working right now? No looting at all? Sorry, i haven't been giving this subject much attention.

I agree that if it gives somthing even remotely valuable it may distract most of today's gamers who seem to have some degree of OCD (i tend to waste quite some time trying to get one achievement or another in most games).

But if it's impact on the game's flow was minimal, i don't see why it shouldn't be at least considered.

In Diablo 2 you would loot Ears.

Rofl, this is the kind of thing i'm talking about... now i wish we could loot ears.

I hope that if they put anything of the kind in, it's just for useless bragging rights junk... some kind of trophy you had to actually care enough to go after.
I know the game logs all kinds of statistics, but personally i'd like this sort of thing just because an automatic kill count isn't as much fun. :p Though i definitely won't miss it if it's not there.

... looting a dead corpse for extra resources and/or experience...

I don't think they're very open to make a looting system that had to be balanced out in any way right now, but if it was just for junk, who knows... it might be just a couple lines of code. I may be wrong here though.

2012-06-18, 07:13 AM
How is it working right now? No looting at all? Sorry, i haven't been giving this subject much attention.

I agree that if it gives somthing even remotely valuable it may distract most of today's gamers who seem to have some degree of OCD (i tend to waste quite some time trying to get one achievement or another in most games).

But if it's impact on the game's flow was minimal, i don't see why it shouldn't be at least considered.

I don't think there is any looting atm. Although I may be wrong, just nothing that I've seen as of yet:D

Aye that's what I've always seen happening in games that do have lootable bags/corpses, just becomes a rush to get the premium pickings:D

Aye it certainly something I wouldn't mind them testing out to see what impact it might have.

2012-06-18, 08:29 AM
Rofl, this is the kind of thing i'm talking about... now i wish we could loot ears.

I want to be able to pull the skull out of a dead body and stand in the middle of the battlefield buffing and polishing it......

2012-06-18, 09:23 AM
i can see a looting system that allows you to interact with a body for a few seconds giveing you back some ammo and maybe a granade or two working fine. such a system would probably be of most help to spec-ops teams and infiltrators.

as for full blown item looting that would need an inventory system that we wont be seeing any time soon. i would love them to do inventorys at some time in the future as i opens up a whole lot of options for some interesting gameplay and other nice systems in the future.

2012-06-18, 10:03 AM
Awesome story! Should've put it in the existing inventory thread: A Proposal for the Inventory System (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=43230)

2012-06-18, 11:00 AM
I dont think there is going to be any ammo looting because thats one of the LAs jobs.

Even though this was a fun mechanic in ps1 it will take away a role of one of the classes so I don't see them putting it in the game. Also it would slow down gameplay, ppl will be looking through other crap on the ground and not shooting lol.

2012-06-18, 12:36 PM
Even though this was a fun mechanic in ps1 it will take away a role of one of the classes so I don't see them putting it in the game. Also it would slow down gameplay, ppl will be looking through other crap on the ground and not shooting lol.

Even if I did love stealing Jackhammers from the NC in PS1. I do not believe it would be a great addition to PS2 because it would slow down combat ^. In PS1 you would get raped if you were caught looting someone. With a shorter TTK you wouldn't have a chance.

And with all the extra people on the map the server would have to keep up with a larger load trying to remember where all the backpacks were and all the equipment in them. Your GPU would also have to render them as well.

2012-06-18, 02:02 PM
While you're scrounging around corpses on the battlefield I'll be fighting thanks.

2012-06-18, 02:18 PM
I really love the idea of DNA weapon locks, it fits in perfectly with all the cloning and shit.

2012-06-18, 03:01 PM
Dumb idea. You would have to go around looking through random backpacks finding the person with the same class as you. Just time consuming.

2012-06-18, 03:05 PM
Dumb idea. You would have to go around looking through random backpacks finding the person with the same class as you. Just time consuming.
Not at all, you could just run up to the backpack and if it contains a weapon you can use an option appears to pick it up. Maybe one other button to pick up spare ammo if it's the same type. All the actual checking can be done internally rather than leaving it up to the player.

2012-06-18, 05:15 PM
I don't know why, but looting dead bodies is just so fun. There's something about that kill and grabbing your loot that makes it thrilling.

In planetside 1 you would take the enemy factions HA and use it against them.

In Diablo 2 you would loot Ears.

In Call of Duty there is even dogtag mode, which is essentially the same principle.

I think something along the lines of looting a dead corpse for extra resources and/or experience would be fun. It wouldn't break the game in terms of add-ons and customizations, but still make the looting mechanic part of the game.

They decided to keep out the back holstered guns but now you want some kind of representation littering the battlefield taking up processing power? One step forward 2 steps back?


It MIGHT be cool to collect "dog tags", but not looting a body to do it. You kill so-and-so and collect a dog tag, so you can see how many times you've killed the same person and so on.

"looting" serves no real purpose. There's no need for the DEVs to go through the work of creating an elaborate system for something a fraction of the player base will use, yet the entire player base will suffer from.

2012-06-18, 05:39 PM
I hope at the very least a dead enemy will drop 1 clip of ammo. I would just be depressing to run out of ammo, knife someone, and then still not be able to use your gun.


2012-06-18, 09:35 PM
I love all the "it would slow combat down too much" people. This isnt CoD. This is not a frag-fest game where you spawn, die 15 seconds later, instantly respawn die 15 seconds later rinse repeat. Looting takes all of 5 seconds in PS1 if you know what you are doing, and know what you are looking for, and it isn't something that's required. If you happen to kill someone and he is using a weapon you want to use, it's a risk you take looting* him. Do you loot him instantly, even though there are enemies nearby? Or do you make sure the area is clear?

Every game since the dawn of first person shooters has allowed players to take weapons off dead enemies, there's no reason PS2 should be different in this regard.

*Looting in the traditional sense of PS1 isn't going to happen, but there are alternative ways that could be implemented to use enemy weapons.

2012-06-18, 09:55 PM
After the vitals go flat, all equipment deconstructs into basic nanites. Also nanobots carry these nanites back to the spawn so you're always holding your own gun. :]

2012-06-19, 01:57 AM
I personally like the idea of drops for looting, like maybe you could salvage some metal for producing guns at a factory from your outfits area.

But I think giving the developers of the game less headache is wise. You could have this looting thing. But the game is already producing sooooo many particles and calculations that it amazes me it runs at all!!!!!

Keep it simple for now, until we have some kinda certainty of the technologies power to cope with extra stress

Also check this outfit out. Tusken Raiders

And my twitter BetaKeyMe202

2012-06-19, 04:38 AM
I hope we get looting of some kind, because it allows more personal play styles. Being lone wolf, operating behind enemy lines, getting separated from Light Assault. But the easiest and simplest way to do this would be a equipable item that you activate near a body and it takes 5 seconds to collect ammo. You would need to cert it and it would take up an inventory slot and have a cooldown to stop spamming. It would be cool to steal enemy weapons, always fun to kill someone with their own weapon or seeing your gun in the final killcam of a game. But the devs need things to be balanced, so a TR with a NC weapon, that would mean the weapon either has an increased fire rate because of being TR and increased damage because its NC, which would create some problems.

2012-06-19, 05:15 AM
Well, are we talking about looting, resupplying or kitswitching ?

* Good stuff (materials for something, intel, knowledge)
* Bling Bling (dogtags and such, just for ePeen and fun)

* Well, restock ammunition - as fractions and classes use different ammo
i would say that could only work with bodies of team mates

* Coming from Battlefield, i call that a very interesting feature.
Combined with an MMO including skilltrees, i could think of a system that
let's you unlock weapon usage of other fractions and skill level determining
the damage multiplier for those weapons.
So Enemy weapon usage lvl 1 = 70% damage, lvl 5 = 100% damage.
(No real insight how skills work in PS2 LOL)

But actually i'm fine with everything.
If it's of no use, i will simply ignore this feature, if it's of use (benefit for
your fraction / for the current battle) i will happily farm loot.