View Full Version : Change heavy assault class name..

2012-06-20, 09:39 PM
Does anybody else find this extremely annoying that a class in PS2 has the same designation as a weapon set as PS1? Id like to see it renamed to something more representative of the armour type.

Like Reinforced assault or even something lame like a juggernaut, even that would better IMO.

Like does anybody know what the weapons lasher, MCG and JH are designated as now since they cant really be "heavy assault weapons" thats leaves it too confusing with the HA class been able to use LMG's too.

2012-06-20, 09:42 PM
Honestly, I think its fine the way it is. I wouldn't hate to see it changed, but I think its okay.

Juggernaut sounds like a mech, not a heavy assault trooper.

2012-06-20, 09:43 PM
Does anybody else find this extremely annoying that a class in PS2 has the same designation as a weapon set as PS1? Id like to see it renamed to something more representative of the armour type.

Like Reinforced assault or even something lame like a juggernaut, even that would better IMO.

Like does anybody know what the weapons lasher, MCG and JH are designated as now since they cant really be "heavy assault weapons" thats leaves it too confusing with the HA class been able to use LMG's too.

Call them BFG's?

2012-06-20, 09:45 PM
Not really related but I might as well mention it here:

I hear "rexo" being thrown around alot-what is it?

2012-06-20, 09:47 PM
Not really related but I might as well mention it here:

I hear "rexo" being thrown around alot-what is it?

Reinforced Exosuit

2012-06-20, 09:47 PM
Not really related but I might as well mention it here:

I hear "rexo" being thrown around alot-what is it?

Reinforced Exosuit Armor, It's what Heavy Assault is today...

2012-06-20, 09:47 PM
Rexo is shorthand for Reinforced Exosuit.

I see no reason to rename Heavy Assault. The designation goes hand in hand with Light Assault. The heavy assault weapons can just be called heavy weapons.

2012-06-20, 09:48 PM
I don't really see a reason to change it anyways... I really, really don't.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" is how this goes.

2012-06-20, 09:49 PM
Not really related but I might as well mention it here:

I hear "rexo" being thrown around alot-what is it?

oh its related :P its practically what the HA class should have been called. since that was the heavy armour infantry in PS1. typically thats the only way you would carry AV(not inc decimaters)

2012-06-20, 09:50 PM
Heavy Weapons Guy!

2012-06-20, 09:56 PM
Heavy assault = class
Heavy assault weapons = big AI weapons

New game, new definitions

2012-06-20, 09:56 PM
Heavy Weapons Guy!

No one is faster than bullet!

But i feel HA is fine. It names them very well to their role.

2012-06-20, 10:07 PM
I see nothing wrong with a Heavy Assault soldier carrying a Heavy Assault weapon. It brings coherency.

2012-06-20, 10:28 PM
I quite like heavy assault. The name has weight to it, literally.

2012-06-20, 10:36 PM
Eh, I don't really care either way tbh. The name kind of means what it says... holds the heavy guns.

2012-06-20, 10:37 PM
The only confusion I could ever see arising is calls on the field. Guess what, you never referred to the lasher as, HA in the courtyard. You said softie, or lasher, or jackhamma, or mcg, etc.

2012-06-20, 10:41 PM
Russ is out for me.

2012-06-20, 11:27 PM
Does anybody else find this extremely annoying that a class in PS2 has the same designation as a weapon set as PS1? Id like to see it renamed to something more representative of the armour type.

Like Reinforced assault or even something lame like a juggernaut, even that would better IMO.

Like does anybody know what the weapons lasher, MCG and JH are designated as now since they cant really be "heavy assault weapons" thats leaves it too confusing with the HA class been able to use LMG's too.

It actually makes perfect sense to me the way it is now since it will be the class carrying the HA wepons. AV and LMG's fit that title pretty well too IMO.

Top Sgt
2012-06-20, 11:42 PM
negative on that request.. it's fine the way it is now

2012-06-20, 11:55 PM
I quite like heavy assault. The name has weight to it, literally.


2012-06-21, 12:03 AM
Heavy assault is a assault clas with heavy armor heavy weaponry with restricted mobility very clear Name and it make sens perfectly !

Same for ligth assault an assault class with a ligth armor ligth weaponry and more mobility and versatility its a pretty clear and the name fit the roles perfectly !

no need to change such thing !

2012-06-21, 01:37 AM
We shall call them "Guys who lug the heavy equipment around!" It rolls off the tongue so easily.

2012-06-21, 01:43 AM
I think it's perfectly representative of the class.

2012-06-21, 01:43 AM
I really don't think it's a very big deal, though I think it would be nice if it was called Rexo, but I'm sure they list that in the description as rexo armor, so how can I argue with that?

2012-06-21, 01:58 AM
Calling it Rexo or related wouldn't work because Rexo is referring to the armor type not soldier class.

Heavy assault is fine, it's just a name anyway.

2012-06-21, 02:05 AM
Heavy assault is as Heavy assault does.

If their armour is called Rexo then that covers all the bases imo

2012-06-21, 03:45 AM
Does anybody else find this extremely annoying that a class in PS2 has the same designation as a weapon set as PS1? Id like to see it renamed to something more representative of the armour type.

Like Reinforced assault or even something lame like a juggernaut, even that would better IMO.

Like does anybody know what the weapons lasher, MCG and JH are designated as now since they cant really be "heavy assault weapons" thats leaves it too confusing with the HA class been able to use LMG's too.

Like, I think the name is fine. K?

2012-06-21, 03:57 AM
I like the way RExo sounds, it's a bit less generic than Heavy Assault, but I havnt even considered that there would be an issue with the renaming until this thread. So I'm cool with either, but perhaps RExo would sound cooler :D

2012-06-21, 03:58 AM
I like the way RExo sounds, it's a bit less generic than Heavy Assault, but I havnt even considered that there would be an issue with the renaming until this thread. So I'm cool with either, but perhaps RExo would sound cooler :D

Make a new thread about the same thing, SOE will give in if enough people make posts about it, they always do.

2012-06-21, 05:23 AM
I agree 100% We need a new name like:

Soldier with Dual Heavy Weapon Slots with extra Shield for AI,AV and AA purpose.


Heavy Soldier!


Triple Light Assault


where is Medium Assault? I`m Heavy.

or, best now

Standart Western Diet Soldier, SWDS.

Your ideas?

2012-06-21, 05:35 AM
Trained Armour Reenforced Grunt Excreeting Testosterone

2012-06-21, 05:40 AM
Does anybody else find this extremely annoying that a class in PS2 has the same designation as a weapon set as PS1? Id like to see it renamed to something more representative of the armour type.

Like Reinforced assault or even something lame like a juggernaut, even that would better IMO.

Like does anybody know what the weapons lasher, MCG and JH are designated as now since they cant really be "heavy assault weapons" thats leaves it too confusing with the HA class been able to use LMG's too.

Yes, I agree 100% (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?p=655976&highlight=%22heavy+infantry%22#post655976) that using "Heavy Assault" as the name for a player class in PS2 when its the name of a weapon class in PS1 is somewhat awkward and annoying since it can easily lead to confusion about what specifically someone is talking about, especially since all 3 PS1 Empire-specific HA weapons are going to be in PS2.

I really wish they'd rename the Heavy Assault and Light Assault classes to "Heavy Infantry" and "Light Infantry" instead.

Not only is it more conventional nomenclature that is actually used by modern Armed Forces and as such would be familiar to those of us with military backgrounds, but it alleviates the potential confusion some PS1 vets may have since we tend to equate the term "HA" with the weapon type, not the player class.

2012-06-21, 05:49 AM
I was just thinking this too!

A renaming of their Light Assault or Heavy Assault, or both so that one would be named 'Assault'. New title: Trooper, and Light Assault would be perfect as 'Assault'

heavy assaults: Troop/er
light assaults: Assault

2012-06-21, 06:51 AM
surely it doesn't matter anymore? you used to be able to get an agile with a HA wep, so they'd need to be seperated, but now only rexo carries HA, they're the same thing. A HA wep is carried by a HA trooper, you'd refer to both or either as HA and everyone would still know what you mean.

2012-06-21, 06:54 AM
Come on, dudes. Heavy Assault class uses Heavy Assault weapons.

Not so tricky imo.

2012-06-21, 07:09 AM
Trained Armour Reenforced Grunt Excreeting Testosterone


Victory, InjeCted Testosterone, Inclusive Muscle.

2012-06-21, 07:13 AM
Yes, I agree 100% (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?p=655976&highlight=%22heavy+infantry%22#post655976) that using "Heavy Assault" as the name for a player class in PS2 when its the name of a weapon class in PS1 is somewhat awkward and annoying since it can easily lead to confusion about what specifically someone is talking about, especially since all 3 PS1 Empire-specific HA weapons are going to be in PS2.

I really wish they'd rename the Heavy Assault and Light Assault classes to "Heavy Infantry" and "Light Infantry" instead.

Not only is it more conventional nomenclature that is actually used by modern Armed Forces and as such would be familiar to those of us with military backgrounds, but it alleviates the potential confusion some PS1 vets may have since we tend to equate the term "HA" with the weapon type, not the player class.

Ah yea, Heavy infantry works, its what people typically refereed to as rexo/ha/av. and would make the most sense as the new class name.

2012-06-21, 08:59 AM
I have a brain that functions on an average level and therefore I do not find HA to be confusing. It's not really a big deal.

2012-06-21, 09:13 AM
Habituality is a strange thing. It makes "HA" as a player class pretty awkward right now for any PS 1 vet. But in a year from now, noone will mind anymore.

Actually, everyone will just call them "Light" and "Heavy" for short anyway.

The Degenatron
2012-06-21, 09:28 AM
I will have a hard time calling it anything but a "rexo". People will just have to get use to hear it from the "old-timers".

2012-06-21, 09:44 AM
heh, "when I was your age we called them rexos, none of this HA hoohaa!"

2012-06-21, 09:50 AM
I don't care much about the name, but more about the fact that some weapons/tools are going to be class restricted, that simply isn't the ps way.

2012-06-21, 09:53 AM
I don't care much about the name, but more about the fact that some weapons/tools are going to be class restricted, that simply isn't the ps way.

From what I got of it, that's the way they get money in their F2P model while trying to avoid super soldier effect somehow

2012-06-21, 09:53 AM
Call it the 'Adorable Rabbit' class, makes no difference to me.

2012-06-21, 09:59 AM
It's fine.

2012-06-21, 10:32 AM
From what I got of it, that's the way they get money in their F2P model while trying to avoid super soldier effect somehow

I don't know.. how does it get them money? Even if weapons weren't class restricted you could still buy upgrades for them with station cash.

Potentailly, it could get them even more money, say for example that maybe i want to snipe sometimes or use c4(or whatever it will be) but i have no interest whatsoever in playing the infiltrator class. In their current model, i'll never play infiltrator, and never even care about upgrading the sniper, since i wouldn't be able to use it with other classes.

That's just an example, i'll probably use every class and unlock everything, but you get the picture..

Classes really bother me, all weapons and even basic functions like healing and repairing for instance should be available for every class (except maxes), medic class should just have res as a plus and maybe faster healing, same goes for engi faster repairing and those deployable turrets, lights fly and are faster, infiltrators cloak or camo depending on weapon, heavies have a shield and can take more damage, those things are enough already to make the classes different, why the need to restrict equipment to x or y? It just makes the game alot less various.

2012-06-21, 10:38 AM
That's just an example, i'll probably use every class and unlock everything, but you get the picture..

Right there, that's where they make their money :) Everybody is going to end like you ;)

If you use the PS1 scheme, and want to avoid BR40 super Soldier thing, you have to do it like PS1 originally did, you limit the max BR and max number of unlockable thing, so that a player cannot unlock everything and find "do-it-all" soldier configurations.
If you limit unlocks, you limit potential buyers, and you limit the attractive power of the additional content you put in later (people already maxed out on BR won't buy new toys, mostly). And F2P model heavily relies on new content.

Whereas in the "I can unlock all" system, far less people will resist the urge to unlock everything (like you wrote yourself, tbh)
Once you are sure everything is viable for buying, how do you keep away the Super Soldier I-can-do-it-all effect? They did it through classes. How this is going to solve the problem remains to be seen, but I understand why they got away from PS1 system

2012-06-21, 11:50 AM
Re-name it back to Rexo, it sounds cooler then heavy assault and its what that armor has been called forever anyway. They kept MAX units labelled as such after all.

2012-06-21, 12:16 PM
Re-name it back to Rexo, it sounds cooler then heavy assault and its what that armor has been called forever anyway. They kept MAX units labelled as such after all.

While MAXes and Infiltrators work largely the same as before (aside from the addition of sniping), Heavy Assault does not really work the same as Rexo. It's not as extreme of a change from Agile to Light Assault with the jump packs, but it still is a departure from the original.

In PS1, Rexo was the heavies standard infantry armor and had the most options for variety of weapons and equipment. It was essentially the primary base fight armor, but lacked the ability to drive a lot of vehicles.

In PS2, HA can currently drive and pilot every vehicle, but they are no longer capable of being jack of all trades infantryman. Their role as heavy infantry has been upgraded, but they now have significant downsides that will prevent them from being the universal base fight armor. No longer can they act as medic and engineer, and now even LA has a leg up on them in a lot of situations.

Armor was essentially the class system of Planetside 1, but only the MAX and Infiltrator really felt like classes. The other armors were just more freeform templates from which to create whatever mix you wanted. I think that their goal was to push aside those freeform template armor names in favor of making it clear that Light Assault and Heavy Assault were something different, and more specific in their roles.

I do agree that it's a little confusing that HA is the name of a weapon group in PS1 and an infantry class in PS2, but I've mentally adapted to it pretty quickly and the majority of PS2 players will never have this confusion in the first place. For them, HA will always have been the class, not the weapon.

I think it's fine the way it currently is in PS2. We'll probably have to start refering to the HA classes heavy assault weapons as HW for clarity though. I'm okay with this.

2012-06-21, 12:23 PM
Right there, that's where they make their money :) Everybody is going to end like you ;)

If you use the PS1 scheme, and want to avoid BR40 super Soldier thing, you have to do it like PS1 originally did, you limit the max BR and max number of unlockable thing, so that a player cannot unlock everything and find "do-it-all" soldier configurations.
If you limit unlocks, you limit potential buyers, and you limit the attractive power of the additional content you put in later (people already maxed out on BR won't buy new toys, mostly). And F2P model heavily relies on new content.

Whereas in the "I can unlock all" system, far less people will resist the urge to unlock everything (like you wrote yourself, tbh)
Once you are sure everything is viable for buying, how do you keep away the Super Soldier I-can-do-it-all effect? They did it through classes. How this is going to solve the problem remains to be seen, but I understand why they got away from PS1 system

I don't know man, i don't think everyone is going the end up like that, if i think about my outfit for example, sniping is NOBODY'S main activity, not because they can't do it or don't like it, they just don't care that much. Now, if they could just use a sniper and unlock everything for it and use it with the class they want to play, they'd do it. But i don't really see them spending resources on something that would be limited to just one class they'd rarely use. If it was free and unlocked by getting kills or something like on bf3 they'd do it but spending resources or money on it, i doubt it.

They would be way more inclined to spend resources or money on a weapon/tool if it wasn't restricted to a class they don't like.

As for the "super soldier" issue, i see no issue at all, it's not an issue not even in ps1 with br40 to be honest because even if you have everything you can't do everything at the same time, you always limited by your inventory (another great thing they decided to scrap entirely and was a HUGE mistake in my opinion), armor type, or loadout. Now, despite the inventory being gone, in ps2 you're still limited by armor types, number of things you can have in your slots, and changing gear at a terminal. So why the need for classes? They can't say it's for avoiding super soldiers because the aforementioned things already do that, so i don't buy it.

Sure, in ps1 as br40, me being one, there is a number of things you can more or less always do, like hack heal res rep or so but i find it acceptable, everyone should be self sufficient, people who can do more stuff can actually improve and vary teamplay ALOT.
Having very restrictive classes/roles only shoves teamplay down everyone's throat, it doesn't actually improve it. Being able to help others and rely on others, good. Being forced into it, terrible.

Not to mention that, despite all sort of fantasies strategic players have about this game, let's no kid ourselves, the vast majority of the playerbase will be soloers (that doesn't mean they won't take part in teamplay or help others) and if they don't have fun you lose a meaningful chunk of pop very fast.

2012-06-21, 01:17 PM
The Medic class uses a medical tool like the medic cert in PS1
The Engineer class uses the engineering tool like the engineer cert in PS1
The MAX class uses the MAX suit like the MAX cert in PS1
The Heavy Assault class uses heavy assault weapons like the heavy assault cert in PS1...


2012-06-21, 01:51 PM
I don't know man, - [stuff] -

They've done it for balance reasons, it's easier to balance if certain weapons are only available to certain armours.
i.e they didn't want LA with lock on AV, because they'd be airborne and almost impossible for vehicles to attack.
they didn't want a LA to have a HA weapon since they'd have very agile troops with insane firepower.
They didn't want HA or medics to have snipers because they want the sniper class to be restricted to having very low armour/finite health.

It's just a way of easily removing strange armour weapon combinations that would break balance. It'll make little to no difference overall IMO.

2012-06-21, 02:32 PM
They've done it for balance reasons, it's easier to balance if certain weapons are only available to certain armours.
i.e they didn't want LA with lock on AV, because they'd be airborne and almost impossible for vehicles to attack.
they didn't want a LA to have a HA weapon since they'd have very agile troops with insane firepower.
They didn't want HA or medics to have snipers because they want the sniper class to be restricted to having very low armour/finite health.

It's just a way of easily removing strange armour weapon combinations that would break balance. It'll make little to no difference overall IMO.

Except nothing of what you mentioned sounded op at all for me, fun to do or try out maybe, but certainly not op.

Don't know how can you even think that the class system will make little difference overall. It's going to be a completely different game :huh:

Think about your average actions in 1 life on ps (spawn till death) without changing gear, within a second you'll realize ps2 won't allow you to do even the most basic stuff you could in ps1.

Every class should at the very least be able to heal/repair assuming they have the correct equipment for the job and have no weapons restrictions, other tools and utilities are open for debate, but those very basic things? come on..

These current classes following the bf3 model are like.. "here, this is your role, you can't go wrong, but you have 0 versatility" spoonfed.jpg, it's just sad.

2012-06-21, 02:39 PM
Id like to see it renamed to something more representative of the armour type.

Signed, that would (did) sound better... however it's not a big deal.

2012-06-21, 02:45 PM
Regardless of what it's called in-game, it'll always be Rexo to me and my friends. I do think "Heavy Assault" is a little bland and unoriginal, it would make me happy to see the term Rexo return.

2012-06-21, 03:51 PM
Regardless of what it's called in-game, it'll always be Rexo to me and my friends. I do think "Heavy Assault" is a little bland and unoriginal, it would make me happy to see the term Rexo return.

This... also C-4 = Boomer, EMP Grenade = Jammer, Infiltrator = Cloaker, etc...

Talek Krell
2012-06-21, 06:03 PM
I don't see an issue.

2012-06-21, 06:19 PM
It's not an issue as such, but there has been some confusion from people unfamiliar with the game (since the HA weapons haven't gotten much attention and were not featured at E3). That'll probably sort itself out after the game's been out for a while and will be relegated to "you stupid n00b, this dungeon's been out for six months and is a faceroll" territory.

2012-06-21, 06:27 PM
Its also not just about it make sense or been confusing, but carrying on the heritage of PS1. Obviously you greens don't care, its clear the PS1 vets do.

2012-06-21, 06:35 PM
Its also not just about it make sense or been confusing, but carrying on the heritage of PS1. Obviously you greens don't care, its clear the PS1 vets do.

'cept the ones who disagree, of course. :p

Friendly jabs aside, I like Heavy Assault, but I don't really care if it was changed, but what would be the updated name? Reinforced Assault? Simply Rexo? Or just Reinforced Armor?

Also, was Rexo used in-game or was it just a community thing, anyways? That was never clear to me.

2012-06-21, 06:35 PM
Its funny because Im a big fan of 40k stuff I was calling the HA tacticals because thats what they looked like to me. Tactical armor is pretty bad assed. Now if I can get HA looking armor on my LA i will have a 40k fanboygasm.

2012-06-21, 06:39 PM
'cept the ones who disagree, of course. :p

Friendly jabs aside, I like Heavy Assault, but I don't really care if it was changed, but what would be the updated name? Reinforced Assault? Simply Rexo? Or just Reinforced Armor?

Also, was Rexo used in-game or was it just a community thing, anyways? That was never clear to me.

It was called reinforced exoskeleton im pretty sure, abbreviated as rexo.

Heavy Infantry or something so it gets the designation rexo works.

But like people have said, we'll likely just call it rexo anyway. its just easier and faster to say.

2012-06-21, 06:46 PM
It's okay sky, Light Assault can't use Heavy Assault weaponry like this:


So there's no confusion.

2012-06-21, 06:57 PM

It's okay sky, Light Assault can't use Heavy Assault weaponry like this:


So there's no confusion.


2012-06-21, 08:04 PM


That is from back when any class could use any item. It may not be making a return.

2012-06-22, 02:10 AM
Think about your average actions in 1 life on ps (spawn till death) without changing gear, within a second you'll realize ps2 won't allow you to do even the most basic stuff you could in ps1.

Only real difference is i'd need a medic to heal me effectively.

honestly that's it.

2012-06-22, 03:45 AM
"Let's see, what class do I want to be?"
Light assault, heavy assault, infiltrator, medic, engy.

"Let's see, what class do I want to be?"
Quick soldier, reinforced exosuit, ninja, PHD, mech tech

You see the issue? Obviously the streamlined names are more efficient at conveying the message as to what they are.

2012-06-22, 03:48 AM
Should've just named Light Assault "Scout", "Recon", or something similar, while calling Heavy Assault the "Assault" class.

2012-06-22, 03:57 AM
It's okay sky, Light Assault can't use Heavy Assault weaponry like this:


So there's no confusion.

ummm is that light assault guy eating that other dudes leg.... are the NC cannibals now? :huh:

Also I'm fine with the name Heavy assault, we can always use Rexo for short and to confuse non PS1 players :D

2012-06-22, 04:20 AM
ummm is that light assault guy eating that other dudes leg.... are the NC cannibals now? :huh:

Also I'm fine with the name Heavy assault, we can always use Rexo for short and to confuse non PS1 players :D

Nah, there's a iron sight on his leg. ;)

2012-06-22, 04:21 AM
Nah, there's a iron sight on his leg. ;)

But HA is supposed to be hipfired... :lol:

2012-06-22, 04:32 AM
Only real difference is i'd need a medic to heal me effectively.

honestly that's it.

Well, you lived some pretty miserable "lives" then :doh:

But anyway even if it was "just" that it's a pretty big difference.

2012-06-22, 04:33 AM
It's okay sky, Light Assault can't use Heavy Assault weaponry like this:


So there's no confusion.

quality post

legitimate +1

2012-06-22, 07:10 AM
Having very restrictive classes/roles only shoves teamplay down everyone's throat, it doesn't actually improve it. Being able to help others and rely on others, good. Being forced into it, terrible.

I totally agree with this statement.

Take a new player , joins a random squad . People are always dying , so they pick medic , the other new players think the same and you have a squad of only medics. Communicate you say? Fine , but then do they find themselves pigeonholed as a medic?

Even in ps1 as a new player and minimal certs, you could pack a few extra med packs , quick swap between agile/rexo for quick armor repair ,carry a gauss and av plus a grenade. Simple stuff but you had an element of basic functionality.

Every 'class' bar max should have basic heal or repair etc , specializations should be vast improvements and aid teamplay , not force it down your throat.

2012-06-22, 07:39 AM
1) No newb was swapping agile/rexo to get back to full armor. This required some time with the game, and you don't do this before long. It often took weeks to discover you had a secondary mod on repair/heal tools to repair/heal yourself....
2) All infantry class has basic heal/repair mecanism in PS2. It's called shield regen. It's even easier than PS1 mecanisms.
3) classes being present in many major AAA title, even newbs today will understand how that work.

2012-06-22, 07:45 AM
Only real difference is i'd need a medic to heal me effectively.

honestly that's it.

Shoot semi-pointlessly at someone with my mcg
Fire a Striker round at a mossie that ab's away to safety
Heal myself
repair myself
hack a door/cc
Do same to others .....
tap a med pack
pass ammo, med packs to comrades running short ..... receive same from them when I am

that's just with my standard rexo loadout .... I have other loadouts for sniper, cloaker, CE, 2 for pilot etc.

2012-06-22, 11:52 AM
Shoot semi-pointlessly at someone with my mcg
Fire a Striker round at a mossie that ab's away to safety
Heal myself
repair myself
hack a door/cc
Do same to others .....
tap a med pack
pass ammo, med packs to comrades running short ..... receive same from them when I am

that's just with my standard rexo loadout .... I have other loadouts for sniper, cloaker, CE, 2 for pilot etc.

HA class has HA wep and AV wep
Repair has been removed and replaced with shields
Hacking doors has been removed, all classes hack CC's
med packs available to all classes
Backpack removed from game, extra ammo comes from LA

like i said the only thing you can't do is heal yourself efficiently as there is now a medic, everything else is still there for the rexo

2012-06-22, 11:55 AM
Well, you lived some pretty miserable "lives" then :doh:

But anyway even if it was "just" that it's a pretty big difference.

So what else would you do in that life?

2012-06-22, 12:42 PM
I wouldn't mind see the name changed to Reinforced Exosuit. As it would be more fitting imo along with keeping some of the PS1 heritage in the game. However, I could live with HA as the name as its not the end of the world.

2012-06-22, 02:57 PM
HA class has HA wep and AV wep
Repair has been removed and replaced with shields
Hacking doors has been removed, all classes hack CC's
med packs available to all classes
Backpack removed from game, extra ammo comes from LA

like i said the only thing you can't do is heal yourself efficiently as there is now a medic, everything else is still there for the rexo

Except that as an HA class you don't seem to have any tools/abilities that allow you to directly help out others. In PS1 I luv'd being a support character and regularly healed/repped fellow soldiers while still being able to be on equal footing with enemy Rexo's if I needed to.

But in PS2 if I want to be able to play a support class I have to give up the heaviest weapons, Rexo armour, AND any decent AV ability. Yes PS1's super soldiers were a problem in that they could perform too many different roles at maximum ability all at once. But IMO PS2's class system as it stands has gone to the other extreme and is a little too restrictive.

This IMO is the major failing of the class system and I fear it's going to really hurt the support classes. A little more flexibility should be given to the class system so that Assault classes can perform some minor support duties if they wish and vice versa.

2012-06-23, 06:29 AM
But in PS2 if I want to be able to play a support class I have to give up the heaviest weapons, Rexo armour, AND any decent AV ability.

But that's the entire point of the system, they didn't want the medic to have the biggest armour and biggest weapons. :rolleyes:

2012-06-23, 07:01 AM
But that's the entire point of the system, they didn't want the medic to have the biggest armour and biggest weapons. :rolleyes:

Yes but there's something called "taking things too far." :p

I agree that some trade-offs must be made. But for a Medic to give up the best AI weapon and the best softie armour [/I][/B] and all AV weapon-capability is a little too much of a trade-off

I'd be okay w/ the AI & AV weapon sacrifices if they'd let Medics at least have Rexo-strength armour. On top of their current weapon and armour advantages, HA class soldiers also have an extra 10-15 second PShield on top of the normal rechargeable shield given to all soldiers so they'd still have better protection.

And TBH I find it incredibly stupid that any modern military wouldn't give their Combat Medics the same level of armour protection that they give to their main grunts (HA). CM's find themselves in the same firefights as their infantry compatriots, and while the extra medical equipment they carry would logically prevent them from carrying the heaviest weapons, their value as a healer would mean you'd want to give them all the protection they can get.

2012-06-23, 07:38 AM
Agile ("Light Assault") and Rexo ("Heavy Assault") are both more accurately descriptive of what the possibilities of the suit itself are, as being a bit more... identifiable, characteristc and iconic names within the game series.

Though I wouldn't get really upset about the naming being different, it's IMO a nice tradition to keep, like how we keep names of vehicles.

2012-06-23, 08:36 AM
And TBH I find it incredibly stupid that any modern military wouldn't give their Combat Medics the same level of armour protection that they give to their main grunts (HA).

Tbh i think medics are wearing the standard strength armour, it looks like its the same as the eng and LA in terms of protection, the HA troop wears a very heavy armour designed to absorb fire and it'll be slower because of that, a medic would not wear that armour.

And i don't think you need to worry, the ttk on rexo seemed low ish anyway with headshots, i imagine a decent medic will hold their own against a rexo unless they get stuck point blank

2012-06-23, 09:27 AM
So what else would you do in that life?

My repair loadout for instance has jackhammer and ammo, phoenix and ammo, gluegun, med tool, rep tool (and btw, engis in ps repair shield so it's just a name change not a mechanic change), repair ammo, upgrade ammo (for turrets), ce, rek,medikits.

So: heal myself others, res people, repair myself others, repair vehicles etc, usa ha, use av, deploy a mine,emp mine,spit,shadow,cerb,sensors,boomers, hack,use medikits,

A more common example is an agile loadout which has jh and ammo, phoenix and ammo, rek, medikit, nades. With this you: use ha, use av, heal yourself others, res people, repair yourself others, hack, have jammer/plasma/frag nades (you have 3 slots for nades so you can choose, ps2 they'll be restricted by class), pilot any type of vehicle and also repair whatever it because you'd have a gluegun in its trunk and just a quick switch would be required.

Not to mention that with the backpacks / inventory system you could always switch or replenish your equipment with what you could find in backpacks if you needed to.

Saying that the ps2 system is dumbed down compared to the ps1 one is being ... kind.

Honestly, the idea that if i want to use a vehicle properly i'm forced into engineer and with it i can't do anything but use carbines/smgs/jammers, deploy a mannable turret, and repair armor, is fairly depressing.

2012-06-23, 09:59 AM

I think you're a bit confused, shields do not need an engineer to fix, they come back automatically if you don't get hit for 15 seconds. As does health but you'll need to sit still for a full minute for that to happen.

They've deliberatly split it into classes because they don't want an adv med CE HA player you're talking about.

I'm pointing out that each class is pretty much capable of carrying out it's role just as it was in the previous game, you'll just not have the heaviest weapons while doing one of those other roles. The TTK is far lower in this game so you'll not going to have an issue of HA vs MA like in the first one, if you're at an appripriate range for the class you've chosen you'll be fine.

As i said before the only real change to a grunt is the lack of an efficient self heal.

If you're main worry is that you can't rep your own mossie then bail out as a fully capable ground troop then tbh ...tough :rolleyes:

2012-06-23, 10:08 AM
Someone correct me if Im wrong..but I believe every class has a different armor value

Inf < LA < Medic < Eng < HA < MAX

2012-06-23, 10:09 AM
I think you're a bit confused, shields do not need an engineer to fix, they come back automatically if you don't get hit for 15 seconds. As does health but you'll need to sit still for a full minute for that to happen.

They've deliberatly split it into classes because they don't want an adv med CE HA player you're talking about.

I'm pointing out that each class is pretty much capable of carrying out it's role just as it was in the previous game, you'll just not have the heaviest weapons while doing one of those other roles. The TTK is far lower in this game so you'll not going to have an issue of HA vs MA like in the first one, if you're at an appripriate range for the class you've chosen you'll be fine.

As i said before the only real change to a grunt is the lack of an efficient self heal.

If you're main worry is that you can't rep your own mossie then bail out as a fully capable ground troop then tbh ...tough :rolleyes:

All you're doing in your replies is basically saying "i'm fine/happy with the game being dumbed down."

And no, i think you are confused, yes, they are shields, yes they regen overtime when not hit, but they can be repaired by engineers to regen quickly, same as what medics do for hp, Else maxes would be fucked.

Oh and before you say something about maxes actually having armor, no, they have shields too and yes, even theirs regen over time when they don't take hits.

2012-06-23, 10:56 AM
All you're doing in your replies is basically saying "i'm fine/happy with the game being dumbed down."
Azk, m8, aside from the fact that the whole "classes are BS" discussion is off-topic in this thread:

Classes per se have nothing to do with dumbing anything down. The main reason they're doing it is, according to Higby, to prevent imba combinations of equipment that is otherwise fine.

Case in point: Surgile JH.

Having classes makes it easier to balance that kind of thing. That, and they don't want the self-sufficient Rexo supersoldier. Which IMO really was pretty boring as like 95% of Rexo users certed/equipped that way, because it was obviously awesome.

Does that promote teamwork? Well kind of, simply because you have to rely on others to get certain things that you used to bring yourself. Of course, those who don't want to work together with others still won't.

Does the game get dumbed down for it? No. It may well be dumbed down, but not because it has classes and a Heavy can't heal or lay CE.

2012-06-23, 11:07 AM
The name is fine the way it is.

2012-06-23, 11:57 AM
Azk, m8, aside from the fact that the whole "classes are BS" discussion is off-topic in this thread:

Classes per se have nothing to do with dumbing anything down. The main reason they're doing it is, according to Higby, to prevent imba combinations of equipment that is otherwise fine.

Case in point: Surgile JH.

Having classes makes it easier to balance that kind of thing. That, and they don't want the self-sufficient Rexo supersoldier. Which IMO really was pretty boring as like 95% of Rexo users certed/equipped that way, because it was obviously awesome.

Does that promote teamwork? Well kind of, simply because you have to rely on others to get certain things that you used to bring yourself. Of course, those who don't want to work together with others still won't.

Does the game get dumbed down for it? No. It may well be dumbed down, but not because it has classes and a Heavy can't heal or lay CE.

So being pigeonholed into a more or less limited role by your class compared to being able to do whatever you want depending on how you gear doesn't dumb the game down? Allow me to disagree with that, fiercely.

Yeah i know this whole thing is ot, but face it, without these discussions this thread would have died in 2 pages, because nobody cares about the name of heavy assault, they may prefer one or the other.. but caring? Meh.

Can't do that atm i'm in Rexo.
Can't do that atm i'm Ha.

Who cares? Obviously sky does, but i doubt that even him would cut his wrists because of it.

2012-06-23, 12:02 PM
Does anybody else find this extremely annoying that a class in PS2 has the same designation as a weapon set as PS1? Id like to see it renamed to something more representative of the armour type.

Like Reinforced assault or even something lame like a juggernaut, even that would better IMO.

Like does anybody know what the weapons lasher, MCG and JH are designated as now since they cant really be "heavy assault weapons" thats leaves it too confusing with the HA class been able to use LMG's too.

... it isn't confusing... if only Heavy Assault can use... Heavy Assault.

2012-06-23, 12:05 PM
So being pigeonholed into a more or less limited role by your class compared to being able to do whatever you want depending on how you gear doesn't dumb the game down? Allow me to disagree with that, fiercely.

Yeah i know this whole thing is ot, but face it, without these discussions this thread would have died in 2 pages, because nobody cares about the name of heavy assault, they may prefer one or the other.. but caring? Meh.

Can't do that atm i'm in Rexo.
Can't do that atm i'm Ha.

Who cares? Obviously sky does, but i doubt that even him would cut his wrists because of it.

Changing something, even drastically, is not the same as dumbing it down. If everything about PS 2 was the same as PS 1, except things were compartmentalized as classes, that would be dumbing it down.

2012-06-23, 01:32 PM
Here's a little thought experiment:

Imagine PS1 had classes like this, and you've played it that way for 6-9 years lovingly. (Not much of a stretch, considering how addicted we've all been to the actual PS1 despite its numerous shortcomings.)

Now along comes "PS2", with a new gear system that still has different armor types, but you can pack whatever equipment you like now (with some restrictions still in place), and your inventory is SO friggin big you can bring a whole range of things, to do stuff a single person in "PS1" couldn't have done all at once.

"Whattt!? Yeah great. Now I don't even have to think about what I'm gonna do and what opponents I'll likely face in the next minutes when I stand at an equipment terminal. Everyone can do everything now! No need to think ahead anymore at all, or work with other people. Just grab your supersoldier loadout and do everything at once, all by yourself. WAY TO DUMB THE GAME DOWN, SOE!!1! :mad: "

2012-06-23, 01:45 PM
It's kind of like that atm anyway AzK, you go to a terminal and choose your gear, if you pick the wrong gear for the situation you're out of luck, be the same with classes.

Also i think the whole situation is different if you start looking at the "normal" weapons as rifles. Then you sort of see that you're not really gimping your offense by playing a different class, the HA isn't going to be the ubiquitous trooper it was in PS1 it's going to be a specialised AV or point blank range trooper. I quite expect HA to be shredded by the other classes outside of 15 feet. In fact you can see that in one of TB's vids, a light assault get shot at for ages by a HA but he's clearly out of the effective range and gets splattered by rifle headshots.

2012-06-23, 02:51 PM
Changing something, even drastically, is not the same as dumbing it down.


This is the hidden nugget of linguistic truth here - to "dumb down" means "to make different in a way I don't approve of" in most posters' parlance. I'm waiting for someone to use it in the manner of "to make to require less thought and contemplation".

2012-06-23, 03:12 PM
This is the hidden nugget of linguistic truth here - to "dumb down" means "to make different in a way I don't approve of" in most posters' parlance. I'm waiting for someone to use it in the manner of "to make to require less thought and contemplation".

I couldn't agree more.

Dumbing down has just become a scapegoat phrase that is almost meaningless. I have seen lots of people complain on numerous threads that games like CoD and BF are ruined/plagued/destroyed by all of the "dumbed down mechanics".

A lot of people say that Battlefield 3 is dumbed down; as compared to what? Battlefield 2? In what ways? Or is it dumbed down when compared to Quake 3? Which is an entirely different sub genre with in the FPS genre.

Do people really think that Dice made BF3 the way it is because they are too stupid to make an arena shooter like Quake. Or do people really think that a "generic modern shooter" is somehow worse than a "generic arena shooter"? I mean arena shooters are all really the same you jump around and go real fast and shoot people with rockets.

It all comes down to one simple thing, game design. The reason BF3 is not like Quake is because Dice didn't want to make an arena shooter. They wanted to make a modern shooter.

2012-06-23, 03:57 PM
I couldn't agree more.

Dumbing down has just become a scapegoat phrase that is almost meaningless. I have seen lots of people complain on numerous threads that games like CoD and BF are ruined/plagued/destroyed by all of the "dumbed down mechanics".

A lot of people say that Battlefield 3 is dumbed down; as compared to what? Battlefield 2? In what ways? Or is it dumbed down when compared to Quake 3? Which is an entirely different sub genre with in the FPS genre.

Do people really think that Dice made BF3 the way it is because they are too stupid to make an arena shooter like Quake. Or do people really think that a "generic modern shooter" is somehow worse than a "generic arena shooter"? I mean arena shooters are all really the same you jump around and go real fast and shoot people with rockets.

It all comes down to one simple thing, game design. The reason BF3 is not like Quake is because Dice didn't want to make an arena shooter. They wanted to make a modern shooter.

battlefield 3 is not dumb down in anyway the only (( dumb down )) in my point of view was to remoove the factions mortar baterry and the comanders roles ( wich sometime was a pain in the ass )) when the comander was a idiot !

But overall Bf3 have a way more custumisation also gameplay elements wich tactical destruction and micro destruction also weapons deep custumisation and deep class custumisation compare to any other BF games ..

Those who claim Bf3 is a dumb down experience is rpetty much just a way to say «« i suck at this game so i dont like it »»»

Their is few thing i dont like about BF3 and some other i really like about it

Overall its not a dumb down game at all their is so much more thing overall and even the gameplay elements wich as Recoils , bullet spread atachements they have lisen to the (( fans )) on the forums i think they have overexagerated the recoils and bullet spread mechanics but it was the fans actually asking for this after the alpha build so yeah ... people where saying recoils was not enough strong etc.. and i can proove HOW huge is the recoils in BF3 its just out of mesurement they reduce it a little but its still very strong and people keep complaining LOLLLLLL

BF3 LMG recoils and bullets spread - YouTube