View Full Version : Why did you choose your Empire?

2012-06-21, 01:47 PM
This is not a what empire did you choose thread, that really doesn't interest me and there are enough threads about it. But I am curious what considerations did you put into choosing the faction that your in(if you've chosen). Was it how they played(looking at videos and descriptions)? Their background story? Which Empire your Clan/Outfit chose? Or just the way they looked(colors and aesthetics)? All of the Above? Something Else?

Of course, I chose Terran Republic, but the thing is, I actually didn't even like the TR in the first game. I chose them on a spur of the moment decision when I saw the terran MAX(no one can tell me it was the best looking MAX), but after playing the TR for a while, I just started hating them. What kept me playing was my Outfit(lost to history, can't even remember their name), and the Pounder MAX, back when it was still AI, but I wanted to drive around in a MagRider and Thresher, loved the Pheonix, Lancer, Gauss Rifle, and Jackhammer more than the TR equivalents, am a Libertarian in RL, so Oppression was the farthest from my thoughts, and I like the color Blue far more than Red.

Well, after playing for a while longer, I quit due to RL concerns and came back from 2009-2011 and I discovered something, I actually like the way the TR plays. Once I was older and could appreciate our advantages, I found that the TR had the most flexible infantry weapons in the game. I love the fact that the Striker is the only AV that can lock on and has a 5 missile magazine. The MCG as it turns out is arguably the best HA in that it can kill from both medium and close range(Jackhammer sucked at Medium, and Lasher wasn't too great at Close).

Then I joined BWC and I really learned to love TR, because without TR, I wouldn't be with one of the Best (and hopefully the last)Clans I will ever join. And since their going TR, so will I.

Now, I used to hate the TR because they're an oppressive dictatorship, but now that I learned a little bit more of the background due to PS2, I've found that if there was a Government like the Terran Republic on Earth that was transparent, and kept the peace for as long as they said, I may actually support them, so not even the Backstory stops me from liking the TR now. :D

How about you, why did you guys pick your empires?

2012-06-21, 01:53 PM
I have never played PS before and after I saw it on a forum I decided to check it out on youtube, after seeing the first trailer I was immediately hooked and coming across the game was merely coincidence. After I decided to read up on the different factions the law of the game I decided that I would the NC.

The reasons I chose NC is because they are fighting for liberty, freedom and against oppression. If I had to choose a faction in real life, I would choose NC. It's coincidence that their type of weapons happen to appeal too me. For a brief period I considered TR, a faction I considered dictatorial and fascist as it was militarist and built on idealogies of strength through unity which actually is pretty much fascism (Italian fascist flag depicts a group of stick which would be strong compared to a single stick which is weak).

Although the TR actually kept peace since it was in control of earth and mankind, it kind of gave it an appeal of law and order, but in the end I chose NC.

2012-06-21, 01:55 PM
Black and red is sexy :)

2012-06-21, 01:57 PM
In PS1, i played as TR only because i was subbed to another MMO at the time and was too young afford a second MMO sub (clearly my life as a social butterfly rocketed skywards from then onwards...), my elder brother played PS and was a TR so basically i was forced under pain of death to play as TR aswell on his account. And it just kind of stuck for the rest of PS1 when i eventually got my own account once i was a bit older and had a job...Also TR MAXs had TWO guns...TWO!

However, for PS2 im really liking the look and story of the NC...Will probably fart around with each faction for a bit before i settle...But just now its NC, TR then VS in order of preference...

2012-06-21, 02:00 PM
Chose TR due to people stating that they have higher rate of fire weapons, faster vehicles etc. Speed is key for me. aaaand I see NC as rebel scum. The Vanu seems quite cool, but I prefer projectile weaponry so thats that. :)

2012-06-21, 02:00 PM
TR -Military/Government - Because Tyranny is fun.
NC- Commerce/Industry - Let's chase that dollar and call it freedom!
Vanu- Religion/Science - Blow up shit with lazers and say its for a higher cause.

Vanu really spoke to me on a deep emotional level.

2012-06-21, 02:01 PM
Im still deciding to be honest.

I originally thought that I would definitely be TR, they're the faction that immediately jumped out at me and were the most appealing. I liked their backstory, I liked how they looked, and I liked the unity aspect of them.

Then when E3 came along I saw how their weapons worked. Spamming a huge amount of bullets isn't really my style. I saw that I much prefered how the NC guns worked.

However, the NC backstory doesn't interest me, the Mosquito looks far far superior to the Reaver (and to be honest, all the TR vehicles look better) and Red is way more awesome than Blue.

Vanu, despite being my best friend's chosen faction, never entered the equasion. Bang > Pew.

So its between TR and NC, with me leaning towards TR...

Do I take the plunge? :S

2012-06-21, 02:18 PM
Im still deciding to be honest.

I originally thought that I would definitely be TR, they're the faction that immediately jumped out at me and were the most appealing. I liked their backstory, I liked how they looked, and I liked the unity aspect of them.

Then when E3 came along I saw how their weapons worked. Spamming a huge amount of bullets isn't really my style. I saw that I much prefered how the NC guns worked.

However, the NC backstory doesn't interest me, the Mosquito looks far far superior to the Reaver (and to be honest, all the TR vehicles look better) and Red is way more awesome than Blue.

Vanu, despite being my best friend's chosen faction, never entered the equasion. Bang > Pew.

So its between TR and NC, with me leaning towards TR...

Do I take the plunge? :S

Just remember, you can always change how your weapon works with sidegrades, but you can never change how ugly you look in NC Armor. :p

2012-06-21, 02:20 PM
First I picked NC because they had an XP bonus. Then I switched to TR because of my real life friends. Also, I hated NC and I loved the TR's play style.

2012-06-21, 02:24 PM
I chose the NC because they are the bestest

super pretendo
2012-06-21, 02:24 PM
not sure yet, but TR seems to have the least amount of insufferable userbases joining it

2012-06-21, 02:25 PM
The TR remind me somewhat of the Imperial Guard in Warhammer 40k, that is the main reason that I chose them. Also I love the look of the Mosquito!

It also comes down to that the other two Empires just straight up don't appeal to me, the Vanu are weird and the NC are misguided :P.

2012-06-21, 02:29 PM
Vanu have brains.

2012-06-21, 02:33 PM
Well, I never played PS1, so lets get that out of the way.

I picked TR because I like the theme of "speed" and how the vehicles choose maneuverability over pow. Second would be that red and black looks sexy, and the thing that put me over the edge is even though their weapons sacrifice ROF for damage, you can sidegrade them to fit your preference.

For me it was a really, really hard choice, one that I'm constantly rethinking when I'm bored. I like the NC weapons, but think their vehicles look like crap and I don't like slow stuff. As for Vanu, I like the maneuverability of their vehicles and the balance of their weapons, not to mention they seem to have some pretty cool outfits, but I hate how most of their classes look (and by that I mean every one besides the engineer and Heavy Assault).

Honestly, I'm really teetering between TR and Vanu.

2012-06-21, 02:39 PM
Went with VS, as they seemed to relate with the Buddhist side of me. As well, based on backstory, was the sharpest pencils of the bunch.

The Degenatron
2012-06-21, 02:41 PM
NC Because:

I loved thier back story.
I loved their fighting style.
I loved their colors.

In that order.

The Black and Red are cool looking, but not cool enough to override the fact that they are evil.

The VS tech is cool, but not cool enough to override the Purple and Teal.

If the VS had been red and black, that would have been the Empire I went with.

Or if the TR had been the good guys, then I would have gone with them.

2012-06-21, 02:43 PM
VS had the lowest pop.

Then there was the Lancer, Magrider, Thresher, Pulsar, Lasher, etc... But especially the Lancer. It was godly. Love at first use.

2012-06-21, 02:50 PM
NC Because:

I loved thier back story.
I loved their fighting style.
I loved their colors.

In that order.

The Black and Red are cool looking, but not cool enough to override the fact that they are evil.

The VS tech is cool, but not cool enough to override the Purple and Teal.

If the VS had been red and black, that would have been the Empire I went with.

Or if the TR had been the good guys, then I would have gone with them.

So apparently hiring thugs and pirates to back up mercenary coorperations that execute people and their own in the streets is the "good guys?" and the people who are trying to preseve peace and try to raise the standard of living are bad? You're mad!

2012-06-21, 02:53 PM
On Auraxis you don't choose your Empire, the Empire chooses you.

2012-06-21, 03:02 PM
Flipped a coin... ugh ... a 3 face coin...

2012-06-21, 03:27 PM
The tanks, the planes and the lasers. Hell yeah!

2012-06-21, 03:35 PM
I like running people over with ease.

2012-06-21, 03:38 PM
To be honest I can't remember ...... it might have been the mcg that did it.

2012-06-21, 03:39 PM
PS1 I spent a lot of time with all 3 factions and was affiliated with major outfits of all three. I liked the play of all three equally. They were all fun to play with and none of the three factions had any real downfall. Mind you I still think the pulsar is the best rifle of the three factions.

I went with TR for aesthetics and the prowler tank. Arguably the best tank in the game for damage output and the ability to deal with two targets at the same time. TR for life!

edit: carbine=rifle

2012-06-21, 03:40 PM
I like the way they play and aesthetics. Hits harder, and boxy. Who doesnt love Boxxy? :D

2012-06-21, 03:44 PM
I chose my Empires in PS1 because of how they felt. At first it was the Vanu due to friends, then I moved to TR because they left and my only friends playing were the guns on my back. I do miss the VS to a degree, though. The Pulsar was my favorite rifle, but it was a love hate relationship. I didn't get a sense of oomph from it, but the horribly underrated ability to instantly swap to AP mode without wasting space on secondary ammo and just laying waste to MAXes and reavers (AP rounds hit lighter armor freaking hard, shame no one else realized that) was to die for. As a TR, it was just inconvenient to loot a pulsar however, and most of them had lashers anyway.

For PS2: I say TR, but in reality I'll check them all out. A reboot in the game world means I get to reboot my loyalties too, even if deep down I know the TR influence will play a major factor in my decision. Things seem to be a bit more homogenized this time around however. I might actually enjoy being an NC if I go that route.

2012-06-21, 03:47 PM
Well, after trying everything out, analyzing things, looking at the backstories, etc. I realized that, at least in PS1, there really isn't much difference between the different empires when playing a combat engy. So, I went with TR because my favorite color is black, and my favorite color to accent black with is red. Yeah, not exactly the most climactic way to choose lol.

As far as backstory goes, I don't find any side particularly appealing. The TR can be viewed either as peacekeepers or oppressors. The NC may be rebelling, but that doesn't mean they're the good guys. What's more, some of the NC are apparently more along the lines of megacorps grasping for power, at least from what I've seen from PS2 material. So, while I'm sure many NC are fighting for freedom, others are fighting for money and power. The VS are into high technology, which is good, but they can go overboard in what they are willing to do in order to get that technology, which is bad. So, yeah, I don't really view any side as particularly "good" or "bad", and I don't really care for one backstory all that much above another.

2012-06-21, 04:47 PM
The TR was the first faction i looked at. I was in the army in RL. They are the official military in planetside so i decided i didnt want to join them, and be expected to follow their rules, regulations, orders, and command structure. I am very anti-rules, and I dont listen to orders unless i agree with them, prefering to think and act selfishly. It's a personal trait i have, both a str and a weakness, but i have earned the experience to usually make a decision that is good for my well being and personal benefit. Joining TR isn't an option for my greedy self.

The 2nd option i looked at was the NC. They seem to me to be a collective organization of terrorists, mercenaries, revolutionists, and possibly a few ex TR soldiers. They are comprised of both individuals, and small groups that are supplied, funded and bribed by large corporations. (that they no longer can even communicate with cause they are stuck in a different place in a different area of space) The mix of all the people fighting for different reasons (even with them fighting for the same short term goal, the downfall of the TR), and the fact they are cut off from their corporate sponsors, and that those sponsors were the ones pulling the strings, makes me think they are a weak faction. They seem prone to internal fighting, and even once the war ends would prob then just start a war amongst themselves over which group among them would be the new ruling faction/get the credit/get the loot. The fact that some are just in it for the money would make trusting them (how do u know which ones) very hard. Joining the NC is not an option for me because 2 many Alpha dogs = backstabbing bitches (and im not dissing nc players), u guys are still fellow gamers, u just picked a bad empire ; P

The last faction i looked at was the VS. They have scientists, engineers, technologists, and possibly religious zealots (crazy delusional, or blessed followers), in their organization. Their chain of command probably consists of the best in each field striving for superiority to gain power and influence, but they still need each other to achieve maximum scientific advancement for themselves.
Looking at myself, i am not an engineer, intellectual prodigy, or religious person, but i see myself fitting in and exceling among them because most of the chain of command are probably scientists. That means that i can probably make my way up the ranks quickly by allying myself with their top scientific leaders and achieving victories for them in battle. I plan to achieve this allied position by securing their precious resources, banking on my combat skills, war experiences, willingness to kill people, personality, common sense, and ability to "fake it" to influence them and gain their power. To further guarantee my success, i plan to play as a Combat Medic, learning how to heal and revive my teammates, which should earn me respect among the VS soldiers and chain of command alike for possessing a different kind, yet highly valued scientific knowledge. Both of these 2 different skills combined, Combat and Medic, fit my prefered playstyle and should allow me to differentiate from and at the same time be related to and valued by, all of the VS. Im joining them because i am greedy, desiring fame, prestige, and the company of people i truly value but don't feel threatened by...im also joining because of the hot chicks....which the VS also have...

2012-06-21, 04:51 PM
...im also joining because of the hot chicks....which the VS also have...

Bad reason since average Vanu chick is a lie. Unless you like chicks with dicks. :lol: :lol:

2012-06-21, 04:53 PM
Malorn told me I would get a colourful name if I supported his violent coup to seize control.

2012-06-21, 04:55 PM

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nice sig Bazilx!

The Degenatron
2012-06-21, 05:09 PM
So apparently hiring thugs and pirates to back up mercenary coorperations that execute people and their own in the streets is the "good guys?" and the people who are trying to preseve peace and try to raise the standard of living are bad? You're mad!

The only bloodshed committed by the NC is because the the TR refuse to relinquish control. Absolutely power has corrupted the TR absolutely.

2012-06-21, 05:18 PM
I'm like order and structure. And the slogan "loyalty until death". Also red is a cool colour.

Those were my reasons :) simple, but gave me a wild ride

2012-06-21, 05:21 PM
I chose TR because their fast firing weapons and speed sound cool, and i like suing LMG's to lay down suppressing fire. And i like red and black, in games where you can choose camo, like Mass Effect, i choose red and black. And they are a milliteristic government that wants peace. So why would i not support peace?

2012-06-21, 05:34 PM
I chose the New Conglomerate for all of the reasons listed above.
Because I'm cool like that.

2012-06-21, 05:47 PM
I am the token fence sitter, having one character in each empire. Though in my first run of PS1, I sorta leaned toward TR. Not for any storyline reasons, mind you, since I'm not a big fan of 8pm curfews. Though I do like the colors, as half of everything I own is red or black, and TR was kinda reminiscent of the Peacekeepers from Farscape with their Prowlers and stuff. And I liked the "moar bullet!" MAXes.

In my freebie 45 day run, VS was always the underdog with it's pop always in the teens, so I played them the most often. So then lean I started leaning that way, since I am a fan of science and how to surpass the limitations of humanity, and it seems like most of the people I associate with are VS. I'm not sure of the art direction it's going in PS2 though. I think I liked black & dark purple bell-bottom VS more then medium purple and light teal mohawk VS.

The NC were always the popular cool kids when I was around with almost 50% pop (though I hear they been on kind of a backswing lately), so I've been conditioned to wince at the sight of peregrines even when playing NC, and have my dreams haunted by the sounds of jackhammers. But PS2's a new game and I'm willing to give them a third chance.

2012-06-21, 07:44 PM

I already made a poll about this!

2012-06-21, 07:59 PM
I'll fight for TR since they believe in peace and prosperity above all else. ;) This is more than what can be said about the NC, who are only fueled by greed and selfishness, and the VS who are being brainwashed by an alien presence. I prefer to fight for the good guys, and that's obviously the Terran Republic!

Besides, the NC look goofy in their armour, and the VS .. have cool armour, but the colours almost makes me throw up! I also believe that both order and loyalty are very important things irl, so the choice is obvious to me. :groovy:

2012-06-21, 08:05 PM
They were the lowest pop :/
surprised theres no poll option for that, its why alot of people choose the faction they do.

2012-06-21, 08:52 PM
I honestly don't remember why my outfit picked TR. It was way back in PlanetSide beta and we just all played TR.. never stopped. ;)

2012-06-21, 09:15 PM
The way they played and aesthetics....

I love the black and red and I love the speed of the guns of the TR.

At first I tried to NC I believe because of their whole freedom crap.....I didn't like them.

Today tho I know corporations and Freedom is a joke...Long live TR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried VS...didn't like their style.

2012-06-22, 01:32 AM
TR -Military/Government - Because Tyranny is fun.
NC- Commerce/Industry - Let's chase that dollar and call it freedom!
Vanu- Religion/Science - Blow up shit with lazers and say its for a higher cause.

Vanu really spoke to me on a deep emotional level.

You, sir, just made my day. lol.

2012-06-22, 02:12 AM
Purely based on Aesthetics.

I choose the New Conglomerate during beta based on their stronger weapons, but when the game released switched to Vanu Sovereignty and never looked back.

The Terran Republic does hold a close second for me in looks, would play them every now and then for some variety.

2012-06-22, 04:04 AM
I just like the look and feel of the TR. They look like the most professional military.
Also I have the naggin feeling NC will attract a lot of younger players.

2012-06-22, 04:33 AM
I chose NC cause they fit my play-style, slow and hard hitting. Lore/story means nothing to me in a game like this. I did look them up first because their colors are the best to me, but I looked at all the factions before deciding and chose solely based on play-style.

2012-06-22, 04:35 AM
Aliens and lasers, baby!

2012-06-22, 04:44 AM
I've always been TR, it chose me

2012-06-22, 04:52 AM
TR look ugly this time; ugly tank, armor, weapons. NC look better.

Plus, hard hitting > rapid fire in PS1.

2012-06-22, 05:17 AM
I still haven't fully decided on a faction, though I know it won't be NC. NC to me represent everything that is wrong with modern society: "Freedom" for the majority but massive inequality caused by a society where money is power and animosity to anyone who isn't "normal" (the NC declared war on the Vanu for being "freaks" aparantly).

The Vanu also have problems because many of them are effectively religious fanatics, while the TR has proven itself capable of atrocities already. I think it'll probably be a gameplay choice between VS and TR, but NCs lore rules them out for me.

I prefer the Sycthe's concept to the Mosquito but I would rather have a conventional MBT... they did a really nice job making this a real decision.

2012-06-22, 05:38 AM
The fact all of them are essentially bad guys made it pretty hard for me to choose between them as it's hard to have loyalty to a faction who are assholes! In PS1 I remained loyal to VS from day 1 but their energy weapons always felt a bit weak, and when I used other empires weapons they felt much better even if it was just a placebo effect. I answered empire background in the poll but I take into account all of the options listed when making this decision, even superficial things like how each empire looks. Nobody wants to go to war thinking they look silly right? I am leaning towards NC this time but I'm still not 100% decided and my sig might well change colour before the beta is over. I hope we won't be limited to only playing 1 faction?

2012-06-22, 05:49 AM
NC because of PS1. Also, the playstyle fits me perfectly and I really dig the aesthetic of the faction. So it works out perfect for me. :)

2012-06-22, 05:54 AM
For PS1 I chose the NC because the lore appealed to me in that they have slow firing hard hitting weapons. For ps2 the outfit hasn't polled yet so it could be TR or NC as far as i know.

2012-06-22, 06:09 AM
Ive per-emptively ruled out the NC .

Not because of the lore directly , but from the number of people brainwashed to play NC because of the lore. If it was some sort of Braveheart type of freedom I could sympathize , but it just a bunch of corporate thugs wanting to increase their bottom line profits and seeing an open opportunity to capitalize. Ive respect for people playing them because of the play style, but find it hard to be associated with many who will choose them for this BS.

I'm favoring the TR , but ultimately my choice will depend on which is the lowest populated , as that would be my preferred choice all thing being equal.

2012-06-22, 07:31 AM
I will choose the TR because:

- Lore is important to me and I happen to like the TR's story/background... *cough* Also unity must be achieved at any cost.
- Their vehicles looks quite nice.
- I prefer rate-of-fire over single hit power and adaptability simply because my tracking aim is fine but my fine aim (snipers/single-hit weapons) is quite bad.

The main reason I chose the TR is the story, I find the background history/lore/story quite important in any game I play; I find myself identifying with the TR because they want to unify the world even if they have to do some shady things to do it... and I would love for that to happen IRL, but if it won't I could pretend it happens in a game.

I did not choose the NC (even though I like their vehicles) because I really see them as space hippies and the VS as a bit too weird because of their objectives, I wish to remain human. :3

2012-06-22, 07:44 AM
I chose NC, main reason were aesthetics, in PS1 the vanguard just looked so much more badass than a washed rock on tracks with twin barrels or a hovering cigarette that fires purple lazers.

But I actually stayed because of their "hit hard/robust" design philosophy. Their stuff looks like it's made for a military, the TR and Vanu weapons and vehicles sometimes look not rugged enough to be military equipment, the VS stuff looks like it could break anytime.

The TR may be my alternative pick but I will NEVER play VS, running around in purple suits, really?

Oh, and because shouting "Freedom" during an assault is awesome. ;)

2012-06-22, 07:47 AM
I wanted to be a Devil Dog, and being with the New Conglomerate goes hand in hand with that.

2012-06-22, 08:47 AM
I only chose NC during PS due to like their design the best. At the time I did not know about empire characteristics for weapons and I jumped into the game solo.

2012-06-22, 12:28 PM
I chose the Vanu primarily due to empire background, but also due to the aesthetics.

2012-06-22, 12:34 PM
I choose the NC because I actually like the look of blue and gold together so Aesthetics. Another reason I picked them also is because the Vanguard looked sexy as shit and their weapons packed a punch when they hit.

2012-06-22, 12:39 PM
I chose TR because:

Red and Black are awesome colours.
The Mosquito looks awesome.
Im English and like the idea of Empires (British Empire ftw)
Their MAX is the coolest looking MAX by far
Guns go bang not pew
rebel scum :/
bloody smurfs :\
damn barneys :|

2012-06-22, 01:00 PM
I chose TR mainly based on aesthetics & lore.

2012-06-22, 01:12 PM
One of my favourite movies is Rambo. So it only seemed natural that I play TR so I could pump as much lead into an enemy as quickly as possible.

Also, I love the red and black colour scheme. TR!