View Full Version : Demographic of PS2 players

2012-06-22, 08:01 AM
Haven't had one of these in a while. I was wondering the average demographic of Planetside players and how they stack up to the average gamers. The standard to which we will compare can be found here (http://www.theesa.com/facts/index.asp). Of course this sample is more biased toward veterans of PS1 due to PS2 not being widely released yet, so we'll see how it affects our data. Due to the PSU limit of only 10 options, the options are limited.

Everything's anonymous so please be accurate! Also, I'm curious as to how your attitude toward gaming changed since you started. Do you put in the same time? Have the same standards? Look for the same types?

Please select TWO options: age and profession

2012-06-22, 08:33 AM
LOL at great grandpa ;)

What's the blue collar / white collar thing ?

2012-06-22, 08:38 AM
Blue collar, in the UK at least is skilled manual work such as plumbing and joinery and all manner of trades including engineering. White collar work is more office work if you like, teaching and nursing (I think) for example

2012-06-22, 08:39 AM
LOL at great grandpa ;)

What's the blue collar / white collar thing ?

Here are some examples...

Blue collar:


White collar:


2012-06-22, 08:41 AM
Here are some examples...

Blue collar:


White collar:



2012-06-22, 08:42 AM
So working in the IT would be blue collar ;)
At least it feels like i'm digging for coal every now and then *g*

Well, does the entitlement "white collar" require a university degree ?

2012-06-22, 08:43 AM
Gah... Great grandpa...really.. I can tell this poll was done by a teenybopper.

2012-06-22, 08:45 AM
So working in the IT would be blue collar ;)
At least it feels like i'm digging for coal every now and then *g*

Well, does the entitlement "white collar" require a university degree ?

Hmm I'd say IT would be white collar.

Gah... Great grandpa...really.. I can tell this poll was done by a teenybopper.

And I can tell you well deserve "great grandpa" for being unable to take a simple teasing joke. Unless you're being meta and teasing me by calling me a "teenybopper," to which I can only remark "touché sir, well played."

2012-06-22, 10:28 AM
Poll definitely shows the age and origin of the OP owner :)

You also might wanna look up the definition for teenager :)


I am however, not surprised of the current results that the majority is 23+ and a large group in 30+

2012-06-22, 10:30 AM
Interesting thread but it really better shows the average age of someone who uses forums not a PS2 player.

There are TONS of younger people who will play that will never sign into a forum much less a fansite one.

2012-06-22, 10:38 AM
Wow, I'm middle aged...guess I've been in denial.

2012-06-22, 10:39 AM
Wow, I'm middle aged...guess I've been in denial.

ditto, I better stop shagging 20 year olds then!

2012-06-22, 10:40 AM
missed the second one lol. work as security but also qualified engineer.

2012-06-22, 10:41 AM

Ahhh, here comes another older man here to impart his valuable wisdom upon us youngins by arguing over a one year difference in a demographic survey, where the categories, not the individual statistics, matter. Don't sweat the small stuff.

Interesting thread but it really better shows the average age of someone who uses forums not a PS2 player.

There are TONS of younger people who will play that will never sign into a forum much less a fansite one.

Of course. That's why I made a few decisions, including limiting poll options to teenagers and up. And your observations could be used on any survey, but so long as the scope of the survey is obvious, then it doesn't matter. A PS2 survey on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, hell even regular phone calls or emails, are all biased in some way.

2012-06-22, 10:45 AM
Wow, I'm middle aged...guess I've been in denial.

Haha what should I call the ones between 30 and 40? Average life span of a male is around 75 years. Assuming average life is split between young, middle, and old ages, the middle third of 75 years would be around 25-50, which is too broad for the scope of this survey. I narrowed it down merely to 30-40.

2012-06-22, 10:49 AM
Of course. That's why I made a few decisions, including limiting poll options to teenagers and up. And your observations could be used on any survey, but so long as the scope of the survey is obvious, then it doesn't matter. A PS2 survey on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, hell even regular phone calls or emails, are all biased in some way.

I realize that, just saying I imagine the demographic of PS2 players to include many more younger people than is displayed. oh well.

2012-06-22, 11:11 AM
Here are some examples...

Blue collar:


White collar:


I find it sad how much I want to point out that they both have a blue collar, but I can't bring myself low enough to actually try and make a joke out of it.

2012-06-22, 11:12 AM
At least this goes some way to backing up the assumption i made in another thread.. That PSU is generally such a pleasant place to post because a decent majority of the community are PS1 vets. By association they probably have had to have a bank/credit card for roughly 9 years, placing them in the young professional/middle aged bracket, there is no supplement for maturity in a decent online community.

Obviously there are different cases, but if you compare here to a BF3 forum the demographic will be much younger.

2012-06-22, 11:50 AM
I find it sad how much I want to point out that they both have a blue collar, but I can't bring myself low enough to actually try and make a joke out of it.

Thank you for saying what I was thinking.


2012-06-22, 12:02 PM
Haha what should I call the ones between 30 and 40? Average life span of a male is around 75 years. Assuming average life is split between young, middle, and old ages, the middle third of 75 years would be around 25-50, which is too broad for the scope of this survey. I narrowed it down merely to 30-40.

Call them adults. :D

2012-06-22, 12:20 PM
Combat Medic... didn't want to post a pic of actual soldiers in combat.

Blue or white collar? :/

2012-06-22, 12:43 PM
30-40 isn't middle aged! Jerk...

2012-06-22, 01:09 PM
Childhood (birth - 12 yrs)

Neonatal (birth - 1 mo)

Infancy (2 - 23 mo)

Preschool-Age (2 - 5 yrs)

School-Age (6 - 12 yrs)

Adolescence (13 - 17 yrs)

Adulthood (18 yrs & older)

Young-Adulthood (18 - 29 yrs)

Thirties (30 - 39 yrs)

Middle-Age (40 - 64 yrs)

Aged (65 yrs & older)

Very-Old (85 yrs & older)

2012-06-22, 01:52 PM
I voted, however age scale makes no sense at all...

<12 Kiddies

13-19 Teenagers

20-25 Post-Teenagers

26-40 Men

40-60 Middle Aged Men

>60 Old Farts

2012-06-22, 01:54 PM
I believe the phrase is "young professional" ~

2012-06-22, 02:23 PM
30 year old young professional. NOT 30 year old middle age lol

2012-06-22, 02:33 PM
17 :)

2012-06-22, 02:33 PM
Nice to see that this community is of decent age and not 14ish... sometimes when I see ppl like Stew Im worried about this place but now I know that there is a lot of sanity.. well somewhere here :)

2012-06-22, 02:34 PM
Here are some examples...

Blue collar:


White collar:


How odd..you say white collar is doctor yet...his collar is blue.. While the blue collar, the labor guy. Has no collar. He is shirtless.

Odd. Very Odd. Who comes up with these pretenious terms?

2012-06-22, 02:34 PM
I work at sportsworld... I wear a red collar...

2012-06-22, 02:35 PM
It's good to know we're expected to have kids when we're 13, and that we'll die of old age at 60. :rofl:

Poor labeling of ages aside, I'm interested in the results, even if it is mostly a PSU forum user thing rather than a sampling of player-base.

2012-06-22, 02:40 PM
Perhaps this Thread should have been by Maturity Level instead of by age. I know some 15 years olds more Mature then 35 years olds. I know grandpaws still white and blue collar professional workers. This thread was a funy read. lol.

2012-06-22, 02:41 PM
I am an electrician that's studying for a degree as a laboratory assistant and hopefully a bachelor of business administration. :P

Does that make me a light blue collar fellar? :D.

2012-06-22, 02:44 PM
40+ is great grandpa now... WTF?

2012-06-22, 02:48 PM
ditto, I better stop shagging 20 year olds then!

Negative, keep shaggin... I knocked out a 21 at 42... and a 25 at 44... good work on the 20s :D 'Course, I have "Dick Clark syndrome"...

2012-06-22, 02:52 PM
I voted, however age scale makes no sense at all...

<12 Kiddies

13-19 Teenagers

20-25 Post-Teenagers

26-40 Men

40-60 Middle Aged Men

>60 Old Farts

Perfect, thank you. Im almost 47, and a fucking great grandpa? My daughter is not quite 12 LOL...

2012-06-22, 02:58 PM
Ha, this is great because the teen that made this poll will be a grandpa faster than they think.

Also the young people under 30 don't see their dads and uncles as the original gamers we are and lack perspective on what's good and what not.

They don't understand that the "grandpas" routinely kick the crap out of them online.

2012-06-22, 03:55 PM
Ha, this is great because the teen that made this poll will be a grandpa faster than they think.

Also the young people under 30 don't see their dads and uncles as the original gamers we are and lack perspective on what's good and what not.

They don't understand that the "grandpas" routinely kick the crap out of them online.

My dad would rather eat a rusty nail than play games... I'm 20, he certainly wasn't an "original gamer" and im so leet i never get the crap kicked out of me! also could be because i play single player games for the most part... but still... TEH LEETZ!!!!

2012-06-22, 04:19 PM
'Course, I have "Dick Clark syndrome"...

What, they murdered you, animated the corpse, and trotted you out once a year to scare the kids at new years?

2012-06-22, 08:23 PM
What, they murdered you, animated the corpse, and trotted you out once a year to scare the kids at new years?

Exactly... and I work that angle like a pro! :thumbsup::huh::D

2012-06-22, 08:31 PM
My dad would rather eat a rusty nail than play games... I'm 20, he certainly wasn't an "original gamer" and im so leet i never get the crap kicked out of me! also could be because i play single player games for the most part... but still... TEH LEETZ!!!!

Yeah, i don't know many adults who play games, my dad sometimes watches us play, and my mom was interested in the Halo story line at one point, but the only stuff they know is what me and my brother keep telling them about games. Much to their annoyance i would presume. :lol:

2012-06-22, 08:38 PM
You forgot the most important option: (Ex)Military

2012-06-22, 08:56 PM
i picked other, i am kinda in betweent blue collar and white collar, these days, it literally does take a college degree to work on cars, which is what i do, and i make damn good money doing it! (lets just say it was better than combat pay as a Sgt... much better)

and to add my 2 cents.

we need to make a poll that says "how old do you sound on ts/vent"

2012-06-22, 09:03 PM
I'm just glad to see that I'm not the only "middle aged" old basterd around this place.

2012-06-22, 09:27 PM
Your all grown ass men. Get over it.

2012-06-23, 07:43 AM
Why no gender poll? That's way more relevant than occupation.