View Full Version : Outfit Alliance System

2012-06-22, 09:18 AM
What do you guys think of an outfit alliance system? I was in a small outfit in PS1 that was part of an alliance of small outfits that ran joint ops together all the time. It was nice to be able to have your small group keep there identity but also be part of something bigger.

We had our own way of organising things but I think it would be nice if this time around there was some in game tools to allow small outfits to organise together. Hopefully the mission system will cover some of this.

2012-06-22, 09:23 AM
Or put another way... Imagine a larger Outfit using the system to make branches of itself...

Say the outfit is called BTV
the leader of the outfit assigns leader roles to each sect of the outfit, who create outfits of their own.

so they end up with say 5 or 6 different outfits but in reality they are all 1...

BTV Command
BTV Air Wing
BTV Infantry
BTV Armour

all the outfits work together like your old PS1 outfit, but at the same time they are still just 1 outfit

2012-06-22, 09:27 AM
Or put another way... Imagine a larger Outfit using the system to make branches of itself...

Say the outfit is called BTV
the leader of the outfit assigns leader roles to each sect of the outfit, who create outfits of their own.

so they end up with say 5 or 6 different outfits but in reality they are all 1...

BTV Command
BTV Air Wing
BTV Infantry
BTV Armour

all the outfits work together like your old PS1 outfit, but at the same time they are still just 1 outfit

Thats fine but what I like about alliances is the smaller outfits get to keep there own identity. I see no reason not to have both.

2012-06-22, 09:30 AM
Thats fine but what I like about alliances is the smaller outfits get to keep there own identity. I see no reason not to have both.

Oh Im not saying that this is the way things should be done, I just think that it would be cool for a large outfit to do things this way.. Smaller outfits would still exist too :)

2012-06-22, 09:33 AM
This is a BIG NONO in my opinion. That is pretty much saying, "lets make all the vets play together and run everything and let the new people work with what WE do." Because that is pretty much what it will eventually break down into later on... Not to mention, that you get 1 outpost station from your outfit. So having branches shouldn't allow you to have anymore than that one, which makes having branches kind of pointless. (In game branches) Teamspeak, Ventrilo, Mumble... all those voice servers are good enough to have split groups within your outfit. Again, this is all opinionated.

2012-06-22, 09:39 AM
This is a BIG NONO in my opinion. That is pretty much saying, "lets make all the vets play together and run everything and let the new people work with what WE do."
I'm confused at this assertion. How does helping smaller outfits cooperate, communicate, and work together further "vets run the show" agendas anymore than NOT allowing them to do so?

I mean, in case you hadn't noticed, most of the most enthusiastic veterans are already part of large outfits from PS1...

2012-06-22, 09:40 AM
Not to mention, that you get 1 outpost station from your outfit. So having branches shouldn't allow you to have anymore than that one,

Sorry you've lost me "outpost station from your outfit" please explain what you mean.

2012-06-22, 09:50 AM
Let me clear up myself and simple it. I just think that bigger outfits will run the shows. And we all know the bigger outfits will be vet outfits. Now, if there is a big fight at a base, and lets say... the Devil Dogs decide to pull off and go else where. Well they are a huge outfit, so all the new people that are left behind in their smaller outfits are kinda screwed over... So there is my point on that.

The drop outpost stations are given to outfits. Each outfit gets 1 on a timer ( I assume it is). So lets say you need a good advantage point, or a quick way to defend a base that is lightly defended. You throw it down and everyone in YOUR OUTFIT can spawn at it. Now that's how I know of it so far, unless things have changed. So again, having "branches" just kinda seems pointless... Again, you can do that outside of the game. I ran a few events in PS1 and that's why I say it can be done.

2012-06-22, 09:53 AM
I wouldn't say the veterans should be controlling things, especially since everyone has an equal footing in this game apart from general mmofps experience.

I like the idea of the outfit alliance. If one faction decides it and one faction doesn't, you'll see MASS organisation and then the other disbanding whether their outfit wants to go. Effectively achieving the same goal to take over hex's but doing it in such an unefficient way, while the allianced outfit's will be taking hex's like there's no tomorrow because of the organisation involved.

Outfits do their own jobs but work together to efficiently achieve the greater goal.

2012-06-22, 09:57 AM
Let me clear up myself and simple it. I just think that bigger outfits will run the shows. And we all know the bigger outfits will be vet outfits. Now, if there is a big fight at a base, and lets say... the Devil Dogs decide to pull off and go else where. Well they are a huge outfit, so all the new people that are left behind in their smaller outfits are kinda screwed over... So there is my point on that.

But that's the point if the smaller outfits are all in an alliance or at least some of them they are less screwed because they have that extra level of organisation.

As to "drop outpost stations" I've not heard anything about these do you have a link to some info on them.

2012-06-22, 10:01 AM
This is a BIG NONO in my opinion. That is pretty much saying, "lets make all the vets play together and run everything and let the new people work with what WE do." Because that is pretty much what it will eventually break down into later on... Not to mention, that you get 1 outpost station from your outfit. So having branches shouldn't allow you to have anymore than that one, which makes having branches kind of pointless. (In game branches) Teamspeak, Ventrilo, Mumble... all those voice servers are good enough to have split groups within your outfit. Again, this is all opinionated.

Whats wrong with all the vets and experienced players having the most input for your side? Makes sense to me giving the guy who has 25 years of successfully running a company more input than the guy cleaning out the toilets!

Outfit alliances happened in PS1 even if there isnt an ingame system for it, it will happen outside of it, why try resist something that is inevitable if people want it?

Edit: Just saw the response. One of the things with outfit alliances is we had a few people overlaying orders to all outfits and were able to control asset distribution, instead of like you said an issue occurring were everyone runs off to do something, we new numbers that were under command and would send like 3 squads to take an objective while others continued with primary missions. If anything it allows for better tactical control.

2012-06-22, 10:15 AM
I actually like the idea of alliances much better than that of an encompassing outfit with several divisions in this case. With alliances, you can presumably have the outfit leave and join. With outfits, I presume you can't detach a division from the outfit as a whole.

Plus alliances can be temporary and help fill in the needs of an outfit on a flexible basis. Imagine an outfit doing a raid but they need more of air support than the outfit has. Either than can recruit random people into their platoon and ventrillo (bad idea), or just have a whole-nother outfit join in a temporary alliance to keep track of locations, alliance chat and voice, etc.

2012-06-22, 10:20 AM
lets say... the Devil Dogs decide to pull off and go else where. Well they are a huge outfit, so all the new people that are left behind in their smaller outfits are kinda screwed over... So there is my point on that.

That's the nature of the game no matter who is leading the outfits I don't see the issue.

If you want to be in a small outfit then you obviously don't want to operate in a large group as it is so why is this an issue?

Anyways, an outfit alliance system seems unnecessary you can do this stuff on your own with chat and basic communication. I also feel like it takes away from being in a specific outfit vs another.

2012-06-22, 10:47 AM
i think it would be a good idea. im thinking of making a small outfit with my friends and expanding when i know more about the game and have the stuff sorted in the outfit. done the same in other mmo's but a true alliance system would be good.

specially if outfits want to concentrate on being air support ect then they can make allies with other outfits that do a bit of everything or are infantry or ground based.
this sort of idea will make a good addition. not everyone has to do it but it is there for the small outfits to take advantage. even the large outfits could do with back up now and then.

2012-06-22, 11:38 AM
i dont think they need a system other then empires for this.

2012-06-22, 12:28 PM
This idea would help small groups of friends make and manage their own fixed "outfit-squad" to stay together when they join & leave real outfits and/or to have their own internal command structure separate from the outfit.

Alliances would be particularly helpful to people who want to make small mercenary companies that don't stay attached to any specific outfit for too long.

I actually like the idea of alliances much better than that of an encompassing outfit with several divisions in this case. With alliances, you can presumably have the outfit leave and join. With outfits, I presume you can't detach a division from the outfit as a whole.

Plus alliances can be temporary and help fill in the needs of an outfit on a flexible basis. Imagine an outfit doing a raid but they need more of air support than the outfit has. Either than can recruit random people into their platoon and ventrillo (bad idea), or just have a whole-nother outfit join in a temporary alliance to keep track of locations, alliance chat and voice, etc.

I somewhat agree with the post above, but there's no reason why both ideas (alliances and branching) couldn't coexist.

I really like them both.

2012-06-22, 12:41 PM
Outfits can be allied with no code written. An alliance is a political entity. If you're looking for some sort of specific functionality enabled in the game engine to take advantage of an "alliance", this would be a good place to detail what you're thinking of.

2012-06-22, 12:57 PM
If you think about it, the factions are already alliances aren't they? You're all already really working together for the same goals. I'm sure people will already do this without any help from the game. Having in game alliances would just increase the burden of knowledge for people in my opinion.

2012-06-22, 03:39 PM
I hope that they add an official alliance system myself.

2012-06-22, 04:39 PM