View Full Version : For how much time planetside 2 is curently in developpement ? my bet !

2012-06-23, 01:48 PM
Since no ones tell us for how many time planetside2 as been on developpement i will make this bet Tramel ray isaac is the senior art Director on planetside 2 and he said »» he have work on The agency and planetside 2 for about 7 months then full time on planetside 2 when the agency as been canceled In april 2011 so..

Thats mean 14 months + 7 months so the game is in developpement for about 21 months or maybe a little more whiout tramel ...

Anyones know exactly ?

PlanetSide 2: Meet the Team - YouTube

At 3:00 he talk about that

2012-06-23, 01:51 PM
What's this?

2012-06-23, 01:52 PM
I'm pretty sure forgelight has been in creation for 4 years so if you consider that into Planetside 2's creation then it'll be a bit longer.

2012-06-23, 02:59 PM
2 years:

GamesBeat: How many years have you worked on it now?

Smedley: Two years in development now. But we’re using our Forge Light engine, which we use for all of our next-gen stuff now. It’s decreasing the amount of time it takes us to make new games now a lot. That engine was four years in the making. So now we’re into much shorter dev cycles because of this. It’s come in handy.


If you add the time it costed to make the engine, its 6 years.

2012-06-23, 03:11 PM
2 years:


If you add the time it costed to make the engine, its 6 years.

So my bet was pretty close ;)

2012-06-23, 07:12 PM
2 years:


If you add the time it costed to make the engine, its 6 years.

Interesting that the engine took twice as long as the core game. I wonder if thats representative of the industry these days. I've certainly been impressed by what I've seen of Forgelight thus far.

2012-06-23, 07:20 PM
Pointless needles.

2012-06-24, 04:19 AM
I got to hear rumours a couple of weeks before SOE bought planetside2.com from a ps1 player .... that purchase confirmed it (the intention) to me.

Then occasionally there'd be some titbit that would emerge..... I vaguely recall radarx or a forebear saying that there was a lot of brain-storming going on.

There were hints well before the official announcement....

2012-06-24, 04:27 AM
first mention of a new planetside started with the September 2009 survey for planetside next, where whoever filled it up gave suggestions for what planetside next should be. I myself gave them walls of text.

2012-06-24, 04:47 AM
I myself gave them walls of text.

We're not alone ! That must have been a lot of reading.

2012-06-24, 04:58 AM
Does anyone else get the feeling that Stew is actually TR or VS and is actively trying to scare people from joining the NC?

2012-06-24, 05:07 AM
Does anyone else get the feeling that Stew is actually TR or VS and is actively trying to scare people from joining the NC?

that´s why he is on ignore for some months now...
i can´t see his posts anymore, but all the WTF replys he generates with every single post :(

2012-06-24, 10:19 AM
It depends on how you look at it, the current Planetside 2 has been in development since March 2010. We know this because they made the announcement that Planetside: Next (the original form of PS2 that was just going to be a graphical reskin) beta was going to start in March 2010, then that got pulled and they changed from "Next" to "2" and it is now a reimagining of the first.

So current form is 2 years, and PS:N was at least a year, so 2 or 3+ years total in development.

2012-06-24, 10:22 AM
Stew has about 700 tweets to the Planetside devs only, and maybe about 2 answers. Time to take a hint, brah.

2012-06-24, 10:22 AM
You cannot count the engine development time into the development time as this engine wasn't build specifically for this game.

2012-06-24, 10:33 AM
So my bet was pretty close ;)

So this thread is pretty closed.

Stew, a suggestion: Stop making threads.