View Full Version : Say you're moving in a team of randoms...

2012-06-23, 05:44 PM
Note: This is a poll, I may or may not have problems with some of the character limit of any of the options which could cause a delay in posting the poll. If you are going to go "Hurrr durr no poll lololololo fail thread", I suggest you find the nearest window and practice the delicate art of throwing yourself out of a window and farting to boost your speed. You'll have fun, I promise.
I also have no idea how indoors are designed. This is a theoretical poll made out of boredom to see what humor inspired ideas(doesn't need to be functional, just think what you can think of.) people would come up with. Also to basti, goku and Hamma, I'm sorry if this isn't considered planetside 2 discussion.

So, say you are moving in on a base with some randoms and you spot a squad of enemies. Once you are about to fire, someone sticks his head in front of your sight. Do you:

Option 1) Shoot his head, he was expendable.
Option 2) Duck and shoot through his legs, hoping that 1) the game will allow you to do so and 2) the recoil won't force you to give your fellow teammate a BUTTload of bullets.(Get it?!)
Option 3) Move your lazy arse a few inches to the left or right.
Option 4)(Humor) Force the developers to implement a kick in the youknowwhat area of the teammate in front of you that can be used every 2 minutes, forcing him to crouch down for a small period of time.(Could be somewhat functional if thought out right)
Option 5)(Humor) Force the developers to allow light assaults, medics and engineers to piggyback on heavy assaults and MAXs
Option 6)(This would be option 6 on the actual poll) Your own opinion. Good ones(Regardless of humor or not) would be credited in here.
OTHER: let him eat the bullets from the enemy team before moving in.

This is a semi serious thread. Post some humor(if the admins allow it, if not I'm changing this post) or your own solution to this potential slight problem.
If you are going to post a "This thread isn't needed", kindly follow the instructions on paragraph 1 lines 3-5 or stay silent. Thank you.
EDIT: The "someone" we are talking about is a teammate, in case you are feeling trollish.

2012-06-23, 05:48 PM
I got a couple of TKs in the original game today - first because I was zoomed and firing and a guy strafed into my line of fire, then a second because my cross hair was clear but the gun was firing to the right of it.

Iron sights should sort this out as they will give you a clearer view around you while also showing you exactly where you bullets will fire from.

2012-06-23, 05:50 PM
If I'm shooting a guy and someone pops up in my line of fire, well let's just say their head will hurt. :groovy:

2012-06-23, 05:51 PM
Solution:Never join a squad and never move with your team.
Always play a lone wolf :p

2012-06-23, 05:52 PM
I will try moving, but normally people never stay in one spot too long so they will move for me, but i will normally try to move first.

2012-06-23, 05:52 PM
Depending on his timing it may be an involuntary option 1 :]

If I have time to react though; I try to get next to them and crouch so that they may get the idea too. That way people in the rear can shoot over us. Sounds like we're caught in the open in this hypothetical situation?

2012-06-23, 05:54 PM
Typically I would just hold fire. Often Id be in a good position with good line of fire. Or the target has changed position.

Same goes for an organised squad. You can't avoid people running in each others LOS. At least not all the time.

No point wasting my ammo on friendlies anyway!

2012-06-23, 05:55 PM
Its a judgement call. The vast majority of the time you move out of the way. Sometimes though your friend hasnt seen the enemy, and the enemy has seen both of you.

In a game where the bullets are deadly and it only takes 1-2 rounds to kill a player I would fire through my buddy without hesitation. Its either that or we both wind up dead. PS2 wont be that deadly though, so I would probably just move a little.

2012-06-23, 05:56 PM
I got a couple of TKs in the original game today - first because I was zoomed and firing and a guy strafed into my line of fire, then a second because my cross hair was clear but the gun was firing to the right of it.

Iron sights should sort this out as they will give you a clearer view around you while also showing you exactly where you bullets will fire from.

Damnit Dave, Let me have my humor thread. :(
Also, have you read my PM back on the site? It's important.

2012-06-23, 05:58 PM
OTHER: let him eat the bullets from the enemy team before moving in.

2012-06-23, 06:00 PM
If you are dumb enough to run out in front of me when I am shooting then well...it will be a quick trip back to the re spawn tubes for you. Especially, if its some random who doesn't know what the fuck hes doing.

2012-06-23, 06:01 PM
OTHER: let him eat the bullets from the enemy team before moving in.

In any game, you always let teammates go first, almost always works. That way teammate dies, you then see where he died from, and proceed to kill enemy.

2012-06-23, 06:02 PM
The average poster has clearly gone insane waiting for this beta. The quality of posts and threads has gone into the toilet.

2012-06-23, 06:07 PM
The average poster has clearly gone insane waiting for this beta. The quality of posts and threads has gone into the toilet.

I'm sorry I'm an average poster and not a very sophisticated high class flawless gem of a poster like you. (No offence)
But seriously, what's left to discuss? We have threads about the footholds, prone, sniping, cloaking, vehicles and other topics.

2012-06-23, 06:11 PM
I'm sorry I'm an average poster and not a very sophisticated high class flawless gem of a poster like you. (No offence)
But seriously, what's left to discuss? We have threads about the footholds, prone, sniping, cloaking, vehicles and other topics.

I was using average as a number in this case :| Average being around 50% of us.

2012-06-23, 06:13 PM
I was using average as a number in this case :| Average being around 50% of us.

Ah... But I'm not average. I can speak French... In russian.
This thread is getting off topic. Everyone! Keep it alive while I go to sleep.

2012-06-23, 06:19 PM
Pull the trigger, the reason he's in my los is probably because someone moved in front of him and he moved to the side. No need to repeat that mistake.

2012-06-23, 06:20 PM
I attempt to hold fire and reposition myself, preferably behind something a bit more solid.

Not sure how the idiotic ADAD strafing we saw in PS1 will pan out in PS2 however, it might just be down right suicidal in general against a disciplined opponent. The videos of E3 looked more like newbs whom had never played an FPS before, or were stuck in the CoD mindset where they had to ADS for every range.

2012-06-23, 07:29 PM
It depends, if we're in the middle of movement and it makes sense that he's just not aware that he is in front of my line of fire then I'll avoid TKing him.

If I'm a locked down MAX covering a door and he jumps in front of me then I'm going to keep firing.

2012-06-23, 07:32 PM
I'd hold fire, voice macro "MOVE" a few times, and then shoot if he's in a position where I cannot fire effectively around him.

2012-06-23, 07:56 PM
Option 5)(Humor) Force the developers to allow light assaults, medics and engineers to piggyback on heavy assaults and MAXs

This =D Not HA tho. Their backs would break with powered armor =O

Pillar of Armor
2012-06-23, 08:06 PM
Keep firing... If he cost me a kill: shoot at his corpse and t-bag him... Oh wait this is PS not Halo.

...umm usually give a quick warning shot in the shoulder or back. Most people will jump to the side and turn when they get hit from behind. Their shields will recharge and it gives a quick message to get out of the way and watch out next time.

2012-06-23, 08:07 PM
If you run with randoms its your fault. Complain to yourself.

2012-06-23, 08:22 PM
I crouch and step to the side, so that I don't cross into someone else's line of fire while still clearing my own line of fire.

2012-06-23, 09:02 PM
get distance and use him as a bait, or a meat shield is always useful even better if enemy has a small mag.

2012-06-23, 09:08 PM
Move a slight bit to the left/right.

If it continued, call the player(s) out and see if they're capable of/interested in learning from their mistakes. If they're not, find another group.

Though honestly this is the exact kind of PUG element that motivates me to join an outfit. Doesn't really matter what an outfit is about, there's a good chance they're going to promote a basic set of skills like...

don't put your face in front of a squadmates gun
don't walk your MAX in front of the guy who's about to throw a grenade >_<.

2012-06-23, 09:15 PM
Well, if it ends up being where you can clip through friendly soldiers, I'd just walk through him.


2012-06-23, 10:07 PM
I'll usually stop firing and wait a bit when someone walks in front of me, unless my target made me angry somehow, then I'll plow through anyone to get to them. That rarely happens though as i do my best to avoid those grief points. It's also why I love the Lancer so much, this usually happens when taking out spawn tubes but I'll often have friendly maxes run in front of me. The lancer has a slight delay between clicking and actually firing the projectile, so if you're quick enough you can just point your gun up in the air. A wasted shot but you don't hurt "friendlies".

2012-06-23, 10:16 PM
In ps1 I'd blow people who got in front of me away, usually they would just hop in at the last second to killsteal anyhow.

2012-06-23, 11:39 PM
I am more concerned about being ran over when repairing and stuff but yeah i would just move a bit if someone was in my sights if he was being stupid though i might kill him ;p depends on the punishment they give for tking

2012-06-24, 12:15 AM
Depends on the distance and threat involved (discounting involuntary shots to the back because of timing).

If you move into my sights when you're only 2 meters from me, and I'm aiming at some guy 100+ meters off, I'll just get into cover and look for other targets.

Do the same thing and the guy I'm aiming at is only a few meters further up, and is an immediate threat to my own survival, you're getting full clip into your back as I kill both you and the other guy. Your own fault, at such close distance you should be aware of where your teammates are and where they're looking.

If you move into my sights and you're 100+ meters away and so is my target, there's a damn good chance you didn't know where I was aiming, so again I'll just go into cover and look elsewhere.

2012-06-24, 12:21 AM
Greenies (zerg ones) are generally pretty bad and I try not to run with them. If they get in my way for too long I'll take the hit and kill him.