View Full Version : How I got into Planetside... today.

2012-06-23, 08:16 PM
Way back when(read: 2004), I, in my desire to find a fun video game to waste all my time on, went and bought a non-descript game called Planetside.

I was over-joyed at this purchase and what it promised to be. A sci-fi shooter with a whole hell of a lot of people, and massive battles galore.

I then read the fine print and realized that I would need an internet connection, and a credit card to enjoy my purchase.

I was devastated. My family had no interest in giving me a credit card to create an account with, or the interest in paying for more than the bare-minimum of internet access(read: dial-up).

I set the box, cd, and manual aside in a back room of the house. I never looked at that game until this week when I saw the in-game event that is scheduled on the 1st. Now, I have an access code and 30 days of gameplay :D

F*** yeah for forgetting s*** eight years ago!

2012-06-23, 08:18 PM
Way back when(read: 2004), I, in my desire to find a fun video game to waste all my time on, went and bought a non-descript game called Planetside.

I was over-joyed at this purchase and what it promised to be. A sci-fi shooter with a whole hell of a lot of people, and massive battles galore.

I then read the fine print and realized that I would need an internet connection, and a credit card to enjoy my purchase.

I was devastated. My family had no interest in giving me a credit card to create an account with, or the interest in paying for more than the bare-minimum of internet access(read: dial-up).

I set the box, cd, and manual aside in a back room of the house. I never looked at that game until this week when I saw the in-game event that is scheduled on the 1st. Now, I have an access code and 30 days of gameplay :D

F*** yeah for forgetting s*** eight years ago!

I am so sorry you missed all those years of awesome. However, you'll get to experience a taste of it now, and then there will be a whole new level of awesome soon...

2012-06-23, 08:20 PM
I am so sorry you missed all those years of awesome. However, you'll get to experience a taste of it now, and then there will be a whole new level of awesome soon...

Don't be sorry that I missed anything, that was on me. Be happy that someone managed to remember where he tossed a game box eight years ago :D

2012-06-23, 08:47 PM
Don't be sorry that I missed anything, that was on me. Be happy that someone managed to remember where he tossed a game box eight years ago :D

I'm pretty sure I know where my original PS game box is at my dad's house, and unless it's been taken down, the PlanetSide poster should still be on the wall of the gaming room. :)

2012-06-23, 08:49 PM
I wish I had a Planetside box... Instead I used digital download! :cry:

2012-06-24, 12:26 AM
I've got the CDs somewhere. I bought it at a local store without knowing anything about the game. Little did I know it would be one of THE most engaging and fun experiences of my life. It had 3 CDs: each with an empire symbol on it in a cardboard flip case.

Glad you could make it to see what all the fuss is about. :D

2012-06-24, 12:39 AM
Well, maybe beta priority access will make up for having bought a game you didn't get to play.

2012-06-24, 12:42 AM
Do not play PS1

2012-06-24, 01:08 AM
Do not play PS1


Kran De Loy
2012-06-24, 01:16 AM
My brother and I bought our pretty much the same way back in 2003. Just walking down the isles of Fry's Electronics looking at the back of the boxes of various games and found a gold nugget.

Took it home and booted it up for jazzed for a couple months on our 56k modem.

Later we saw Core Combat on the shelves and remembered the old awesome times we had, but now we could do it again on DSL! Hell ya. Didn't have nearlys as much fun at the first time around, but we've never thought of PS1 as a poor buy or waste of time.

Last week my brother (who is in Taiwan atm) asked me to find the old disks, up in his closet here at home. They were still there case dusty and beat up, discs ever so slightly scratched...

So much glory...

2012-06-24, 01:26 AM
Does anyone remember buying the 60-day or 30 day game cards? Ahhh before I had a credit card :P

2012-06-24, 02:36 AM
Don't be sorry that I missed anything, that was on me. Be happy that someone managed to remember where he tossed a game box eight years ago :D

Personally, I'm happier that although you sound fairly young (the whole parents thing, no credit card, etc) you type coherently and seem to have a solid grasp of maturity. I'm looking forward to more like you in game. My major gripe with xbox live is pre-pubescent kids screaming into the mic constantly. Constant VOIP in game with PS2 worries me that I'll be spending a lot of time muting people. Then again, the relatively high cost of a gaming PC to play it on and the level of coordination and patience required to play PS2 makes me think it won't be a major issue. Welcome to Auraxis.

edit - it's one of the biggest reasons I sold my xbox and stuck with PS3 exclusively for the last 6 years or so.

2012-06-24, 02:42 AM
Personally, I'm happier that although you sound fairly young (the whole parents thing, no credit card, etc) you type coherently and seem to have a solid grasp of maturity. I'm looking forward to more like you in game. My major gripe with xbox live is pre-pubescent kids screaming into the mic constantly. Constant VOIP in game with PS2 worries me that I'll be spending a lot of time muting people. Then again, the relatively high cost of a gaming PC to play it on and the level of coordination and patience required to play PS2 makes me think it won't be a major issue. Welcome to Auraxis.

edit - it's one of the biggest reasons I sold my xbox and stuck with PS3 exclusively for the last 6 years or so.

This kind of came out of nowhere. :confused::confused:

2012-06-24, 02:54 AM
This kind of came out of nowhere. :confused::confused:

I know, sorry. Just finished playing a few rounds of MW3 and the last round some kid thought it'd be fun to run around screaming into the mic. Muted him and then he just started throwing smoke grenades at teammates so you couldn't see anything. It just caught me as a very refreshing change.

edit - Olive Garden makes some good cocktails...

2012-06-24, 04:07 AM
I know, sorry. Just finished playing a few rounds of MW3 and the last round some kid thought it'd be fun to run around screaming into the mic. Muted him and then he just started throwing smoke grenades at teammates so you couldn't see anything. It just caught me as a very refreshing change.

edit - Olive Garden makes some good cocktails...

Must be one HELL of a cocktail, 2004 was 8 years ago! A LOT of us, myself included, were "young" when PS1 came out, I was in my later years of high school, also without a credit card and begging my parents. All of the PS1 original vets are nowhere close to kids man. He'd have to have been under 10 to be "young" now. You should feel less refreshed by all us aging vets and start cowering in fear of localized VOIP of 12 year olds in a F2P FPS.

Pillar of Armor
2012-06-24, 08:14 AM
I was 15 at the time it came out. I bought it because one of my friends found an article about it and went on for days about how awesome it was going to be. Then my jerk friend never got the game and so I ended up playing lone wolf for quite a while...

I remember fighting with dialup was interesting to say the least. I ended up becoming a sniper and a lib pilot because it was the only way I could deal with the lag.

2012-06-24, 08:24 AM
I still have my PS1 and CC boxes (even though I wasn't that big of a fan of CC.)

2012-06-24, 01:53 PM
I guess I should be grateful I was spoiled in my younger years. My sub fees were paid for me. My father being way into UO big time (and still dabbles,) he understood the desire to play MMO's :D

The kids of 8-10 years ago were called "kiddies" then but acted easily 10 years older in comparison to the actual kids we have today, and some of those "kids" are in their mid-twenties!

When gaming was still considered nerdy, there was something called respect between most players, regardless of age. The stigma of playing video games at the time sort of encouraged existing gamers to at least grant each other that much recognition.

Today, it's like just about anybody you meet walking down the street is playing video games, and since the internet guarantee's anonymity (or at least sheer physical distance) ensures they can be an asshole and not get beat like one too.

OP, it's too bad you missed PS1's glory days, and are just now experiencing the shadow of what once was large scale first-person shooter combat.

EDIT: And to add, I think I know where my CD's are, but I also know they don't work until after like, 52 attempts to install the game, heh. It's why I load up my PS1 files onto an external hard drive when I have to move stuff onto a new PC.

2012-06-24, 02:24 PM
Must be one HELL of a cocktail, 2004 was 8 years ago! A LOT of us, myself included, were "young" when PS1 came out, I was in my later years of high school, also without a credit card and begging my parents. All of the PS1 original vets are nowhere close to kids man. He'd have to have been under 10 to be "young" now. You should feel less refreshed by all us aging vets and start cowering in fear of localized VOIP of 12 year olds in a F2P FPS.

Heh, it was several actually followed by a few beers when I got home. That being said, I was 18 in 2003. I'm well aware that there were quite a few of us who were young but mature Planetside players. I *think* the point I was trying to make was that Planetside seems to attract that kind of player in regards to younger age groups. I like that even the most casual of us still understands the value of teamwork and the necessity of cooperation when trying to take a base. Other than hate tells, I cannot remember a single instance of "kid screaming into mic" syndrome ever affecting a Planetside player over teamspeak or ventrilo. And I really, really appreciate that little detail.

2012-06-24, 03:35 PM
I was in the 5th grade if you can believe it, when I first discoverd Planetside. There was no way in hell I could pay for the monthly fee, let alone run the game on a decent PC with DSL. I didn't actually get to play it until I was around 13-14 and I would stay in my room for days ignoring the outside world. Well.. until I discovered girls... and started playing football.

2012-06-24, 11:02 PM
I think I was around 15 when I started playing too. Played way too many hours with a group of friends for a year or so.

My wife and I just bought a house and we stayed at the in-laws for a month and a half while it was being built. Once we moved out and into our house we went back into the room where we were staying for those 6 weeks and there was a cardboard box my mother-in-law found that I left at the house some 5 or 6 years ago. Inside was my old copy of the FFXI, my starcraft battechest and some other titles; but the money was when I saw my original Planetside box.

Instant nostalgia. Good times...

That one noob
2012-06-24, 11:46 PM
I was in the 5th grade if you can believe it, when I first discoverd Planetside. There was no way in hell I could pay for the monthly fee, let alone run the game on a decent PC with DSL. I didn't actually get to play it until I was around 13-14 and I would stay in my room for days ignoring the outside world. Well.. until I discovered girls... and started playing football.

Well shite, I was your junior then. I was in third grade when I started playing back in 2006. And it was some of the most fun I ever had, though tbh I still don't understand how I played it with a shitty Dell Laptop.

2012-06-25, 07:45 AM
PlanetSide was the natural evolution of my Infantry Online addiction.

2012-06-25, 08:05 AM
PlanetSide was the natural evolution of my Infantry Online addiction.

This actually just came up last night, I was talking with my roommate over our FPS gaming progressions since childhood...

My list goes something like this:

Goldeneye N64
Perfect Dark N64
Return To Castle Wolfenstien (PC)
Halo (Xbox)
Return To Castle Wolfenstien (Xbox)
Day of Defeat (PC)
Battlefield 1942 (PC)
Counterstrike (PC)
Battlefield 1942 - Desert Combat mod (PC)
Planetside (PC)

There was some Unreal 2004 mixed in there on both Xbox and PC, and a little bit of Tribes, but those were the major ones I played. And thinking about it, Higby's right. There's been no game that scratches that MMOFPS itch ever since Planetside 1.