View Full Version : Hey SOE, this is what you should do with PS1 for the PS2 beta

2012-06-25, 01:17 PM
Simple stuff:

This week, on thursday, you should do a snapshot of the database, go grab everyone who ever got a single month worth of subscription, and mark them all as Veteran accounts (for PS2 beta).
Then, once that snapshot is done and the accounts are marked, you deactivate the ability to subscribe and add unlimited free game time to everyone who got marked as a vet. Remove the ability to buy the game, and dont let any new guys in at all. This is to prevent cheaters flooding the server. Add some GMs to the mix monitoring appeals to get rid of those who still try to cheat.

Then, let it run till PS2 release, and check again how many stay in PS1. If they cant even get a half decend fight going during prime time at a weekend, kill it. Otherwise, let it run till people finally leave.

This would boost Planetside Day to level crazy, and give every vet something to play till he gets into the beta, or in case beta servers are down for whatever reason. It also allows us to have those giant battles and several poplocks for some more time. :)

2012-06-25, 01:30 PM
nice call, basti!

did you twitter that to smed and matt?

2012-06-25, 01:34 PM
Just done.

Would be brilliant if they do it. :)

2012-06-25, 01:35 PM
i seen a D/L cone of fire cheater the other day,oh he tried his hardest to make it look like he was not cheating,those are the ones that stand out the most lol,runs by me whilst im cloaked not moving ,circles around back to wards the towers,runs up to me and stops,then starts randomly firing his gun,and shooting in a circle,until im dead,and this is after he killed me a couple of times,from beyond D/L distance,so i started watching him,and i called him on it,when i tried add him to my friends list,he wouldn't show up,even though he was online

2012-06-25, 01:37 PM
They really should let us back into PS1, if we have to wait for PS2 beta, we need to get some PS1 into our system somehow. Not to mention it'd be a great way for old outfits to meet back up and prep for PS2!

2012-06-25, 01:38 PM
yeh there was a rate of fire/no reload hacking bolt driver user last night

2012-06-25, 01:38 PM
So stop new people from checking out Planetside? No thanks.

Otherwise, yeah, make it free for all of us.

2012-06-25, 01:47 PM
So stop new people from checking out Planetside? No thanks.

Otherwise, yeah, make it free for all of us.

Mostly to stop the game being flooded with hackers again. Most new folks wont try out the buggy, 9 years old game if there is this shiny new one. :)

2012-06-25, 01:49 PM
Just keep the box fee for PS1, that will stop enough hackers.

2012-06-25, 01:52 PM
I don't like it because more competition for closed BETA.

2012-06-25, 01:56 PM
So stop new people from checking out Planetside? No thanks.

Otherwise, yeah, make it free for all of us.

I don't like it because more competition for closed BETA.

YOu didnt really read, did ya? The whole point is to do a snapshot and leave it there. You are a vet if you ever payed one month of sub, so there wont be any extra competition after the snapshot. :>

2012-06-25, 02:01 PM
Definitely a good idea...was thinking something similar myself.

I think box fee for unlimited subscription and free to play for any account that has paid for at least 1 month would do the trick to stem the hackers whilst bringing the vets back in for one last time.

Pretty sure this'll be the annoucement for this week.

2012-06-25, 02:03 PM
wouldn´t it be easier to do a "welcome back!" thing again?

just give free playtime to all accounts that had an active sub in ps1 and leave everything else as is.

if new people want to try or hack, they still have to pay a subscription. would keep the hackers out and give the veterans something to do when beta servers are down, as well as making the planetside day an epic success!

they could give out free time for the whole beta timeframe and drop it back to normal when ps2 releases, to see if it dies, or they could leave it active to give the bittervets a refugee ;)

or they could link the ps2 beta access to free ps1 sub. everybody who gets into beta can also log into ps1. would not be that epic, but would still help with beta server downtime.

2012-06-25, 02:35 PM
I am at the point now that I'll install a game I haven't played in a while, then when I go to click on the icon on my desktop, I'll get depressed that it isn't PS2 and it makes me not want to play anything except PS2. I've spent more time forum lurking in this past month than I have in the past 2 years. Just can't find the motivation to play anything else. :doh:

I want to play PS1 but I would only pay $15 if I knew everyone from my old outfit was going to play as well. If it's just going to be me and a bunch of random people I don't know, no thanks.

2012-06-25, 02:39 PM
This sounds like a great idea basti. I hope that SOE actually does it.

2012-06-25, 02:56 PM
YOu didnt really read, did ya? The whole point is to do a snapshot and leave it there. You are a vet if you ever payed one month of sub, so there wont be any extra competition after the snapshot. :>

You said to mark them all as veteran accounts, implying some of them aren't marked as veteran accounts, which increases the competition for beta pool. ;)