View Full Version : Social emotes -- PURE ENTERTAINMENT

2012-06-25, 03:20 PM
I'm not talking about laughy faces or frowny faces. I'm talking about emotes that would actually boost morale in-game and serve a useful function. For instance, we could wave our hands over our heads and yell for HEE-EEELLLP! in PS1. That was a useful attention getter. So was WE NEED A GUNNER! (as long as you weren't a retard who spammed it while driving full speed, a small flock of exasperated volunteers running after you). I'd like to see them return.

I'd also like to be able to throw a salute once in awhile. I'm TR. I'm professional military, supposedly. When I agree with or approve of something, I wanna be able to throw that person a salute.

Another thing I'd like to be able to do is *point*. There, RIGHT THERE, is where that sniper is. He just shot me. See him? LAND MINES, dude! Right THERE! See 'em? It'd look and work just like pointing your weapon, except you'd have a pointy finger instead of your knife or Cycler. Or a knife hand, even. Why not?

It *seems* all of this would be easy enough to do. Certainly not as complex as vehicle entry/exit animations, with all the custom certs and paint jobs and whatnot. Have we heard from the devs whether or not any emotes at all will be included in the game?

2012-06-25, 05:05 PM
Additional voice macros (http://www.planetside-universe.com/search.php?searchid=831141)

Pure Entertainment! -Voice Emotes you want in PS2 (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=37903&highlight=Macro)

2012-07-15, 10:17 AM
I was watching this youtube video of higby, today: PlanetSide 2 - TwitchTV stream of Matt Higby - YouTube

I noticed in it that all the troops seemed like they were mutes. Even when he heals a guy, the guy couldn't even say thanks. Anyone from PS1 remembers that the least you could do for the guy healing you was to hit V-V-T to say thanks.

There were at least 2 or 3 dozen different emotes in PS1 and all the social ones had both a phrase and character gesture from a salute when you said "hail" to "Fantastic" which would throw your fists in the air for a couple seconds. It was all awesome and I do hope they give us some kind of at least voice emotes in PS2 if not voice plus gestures.

2012-07-15, 10:21 AM
All MMOs should have emotes, or else!

/e threaten :mad:

2012-07-15, 10:55 AM
I'm better than you!

2012-07-15, 02:49 PM
AGN Broadcast vid said there will be emotes.

2012-07-15, 03:50 PM
Yeah i think he said right now alot of this stuff isnt fully in yet because theyre focusing on other more pressing things but that they are definitely adding these.

2012-07-15, 03:59 PM
Another thing I'd like to be able to do is *point*. There, RIGHT THERE, is where that sniper is. He just shot me. See him? LAND MINES, dude! Right THERE! See 'em? It'd look and work just like pointing your weapon, except you'd have a pointy finger instead of your knife or Cycler. Or a knife hand, even. Why not?
Pointing would be nice if it actually MARKED what you were pointing at, with maybe a blip on the minimap and/or a highlighted ring over the area. (Or a dot above something's head, like for spotting enemies) Just think of how many times you've pointed in real life and the other person had no idea what you were pointing at.

"Dude, look! Right there!"
"It's right there, are you blind? Look where I'm pointing!"
"I don't see it."
"Alright, stand where I'm standing. You see over there? Follow where my finger is pointing! You see it now?"

2012-07-15, 09:11 PM
Another thing I'd like to be able to do is *point*. There, RIGHT THERE, is where that sniper is. He just shot me. See him? LAND MINES, dude! Right THERE! See 'em? It'd look and work just like pointing your weapon, except you'd have a pointy finger instead of your knife or Cycler. Or a knife hand, even. Why not?

This is why I'm hoping that they have some sort of high powered flashlights (NOT BF3s TACTICAL SUNLIGHT) that have very visible beams so I can just turn them on and point "HERE!".

Example, ARMA2s SOFLAM:

Protvino Pipe Organ - YouTube

Be cool if it was visible enough from above so you can point out nice little targets for your buddies in aircraft.

2012-07-15, 10:00 PM
Some way to indicate where enemies are for gunners, like "Tank, 12 o'clock"