View Full Version : Higby in the Jungle

2012-06-25, 03:58 PM
I didn't' see this posted surprisingly.. :p



Lythca Frost
2012-06-25, 04:01 PM
This is the first screenshot in quite some time that has gotten me super excited! Any worry I had about optimization cutting down on the amount of environmental detail has been extremely diminished!

I hope we see large tracts of land like this, inhospitable to vehicle entry.


2012-06-25, 04:03 PM
Omg that has me shaking like a sixteen year old virgin

2012-06-25, 04:04 PM
This is the first screenshot in quite some time that has gotten me super excited! Any worry I had about optimization cutting down on the amount of environmental detail has been extremely diminished!

I hope we see large tracts of land like this, inhospitable to vehicle entry.


That would be amazing, a heaven for airfights + lib bomb runs. I WANT!

2012-06-25, 04:04 PM
cool inards of a biolab

2012-06-25, 04:04 PM
He is inside a biolab!

2012-06-25, 04:05 PM
Wow, that looks amazing!!!

2012-06-25, 04:06 PM
You know where you are??? You're in the jungle baby....you're gonna DIE!!!

Welcome to the jungle!!

Lythca Frost
2012-06-25, 04:07 PM
He is inside a biolab!

So he is, Definitely my favorite base type now!

2012-06-25, 04:07 PM
Fighting in there is going to be so damned cool.

2012-06-25, 04:07 PM
cool inards of a biolab

I thought it was the inside of the bioLab at first too. But then I noticed that you couldn't see the dome of the Biolab, just the clear sky. So I'm thinking this might be something else.

EDIT: Nevermind. Mini-map.

Top Sgt
2012-06-25, 04:09 PM
time for that multicam camo

2012-06-25, 04:09 PM
I thought it was the inside of the bioLab at first too. But then I noticed that you couldn't see the dome of the Biolab, just the clear sky. So I'm thinking this might be something else.

EDIT: Nevermind. Mini-map.
Look at the mini map.

2012-06-25, 04:09 PM
Damnit that is so freakin cool!

2012-06-25, 04:12 PM
Got really excited this was a view of a new continent. Then I saw comments and realized it was Biolab. Still pleased, but excitement is now 75% of its original levels.

2012-06-25, 04:14 PM
Can we have a half or quarter continent like this?

Think future-style vietnam. Large columns of footsoldiers grinding away hidden by huge jungle trees.

I'm envisioning jungle warfare for foot soldiers with riverways and cleared roads for armor. The roadways should make for fast travel to get armor to base assaults but also make them vulnerable to ambush from the thick trees on either side.


Rivers and waterfalls make for terrain that allows hover vehicles like the magrider a little extra mobility, but a lack of long visiblity due to tall tree cover and winding roads means that most armor engagements happen on the roads at close range.

Air vehicles would be limited to interdiction around bases and blind bombing runs at the trees when they spot tracer fire coming up at them.

2012-06-25, 04:17 PM
Wow, that is some of the densest jungle I've seen in an FPS, even more so than Crysis, THAT will be some mean, mean infantry-grinding combat!

Someone break out the Agent-Orange and Liberator Napalm Cannon!

...Liberator Napalm Cannon... there's an idea!

2012-06-25, 04:18 PM
looks class. cant wait to get into this. need beta soon :(

2012-06-25, 04:18 PM
Predator anyone?

2012-06-25, 04:21 PM
Thats the last confirmed in game art asset to be shown right, b esides weapon/vehicle loadouts? Looking at you, skyguard lightning config.

2012-06-25, 04:22 PM
For anyone else who doesn't see it and might think the map is bugged or something. Also it gives you an idea of the scale of the facility cause it looks like the "arms" are closely spaced, but in that recent screenshot, you can see there is decent space between them, meaning the facility is huge.


Also, Higby, if you guys still want to do generators but can't figure out a way to do them. Just thought of something for the BioLab. What if the generator gave power to the dome shield on the Biolab? Like you have to send in small ground teams to take the gen down, so aircraft can then penetrate the protective bubble and deploy reinforcements. Would make for some interesting tactical combat.

2012-06-25, 04:26 PM
It is a Bio Lab dome ......
Bio Lab domes have shields of some type, which probably means no aircraft, no tanks and no squad spawning.

There may be a generator that can turn the shield off, we don't have enough information as yet.

So, fighting looks cool but what about respawns?

Maybe, access into the done is via a teleport/elevator and there are capurable spawns adjacent to those at ground level?

2012-06-25, 04:29 PM
And now I officially know I cannot run PS2, lol

2012-06-25, 04:30 PM
For anyone else who doesn't see it and might think the map is bugged or something. Also it gives you an idea of the scale of the facility cause it looks like the "arms" are closely spaced, but in that recent screenshot, you can see there is decent space between them, meaning the facility is huge.

I think I see a third arm between the two you pointed out, up and behind the cloaked infiltrators scope.

2012-06-25, 04:33 PM


2012-06-25, 04:34 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.

2012-06-25, 04:35 PM
10 points if you can spot Schwarzenegger in the bushes covered in mud.

20 points if you have any idea what I'm talking about.

2012-06-25, 04:36 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.


2012-06-25, 04:38 PM
It looks so fantastic. Brilliant job and well done to the team

2012-06-25, 04:40 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.
A job well done, it looks spectacular! Props :thumbsup:

2012-06-25, 04:40 PM
http://s7.postimage.org/hoj2dl2p7/dome_2.jpg (http://postimage.org/)


2012-06-25, 04:41 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.

Looks amazing. You have done a great job with that.

Do you have something in the works that tops that?

2012-06-25, 04:41 PM
Looks awesome! Can't wait to get in there myself :D

2012-06-25, 04:43 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.

Awesome job by you and the team on the biolab. It looks absolutely stunning. I can't wait to see the whole thing.:thumbsup:

2012-06-25, 04:44 PM
Mother of god.

2012-06-25, 04:44 PM
Looks really great, and to top it off I see the base is in the hands of it's rightful owners.

Also for those that didn't see Higby is running that on SLI 580s at 100+ fps at 2560x1600.

2012-06-25, 04:48 PM
Looks amazing. You have done a great job with that.

Do you have something in the works that tops that?

How could the Scottish Highlands of Amerish not do so? :D

2012-06-25, 04:50 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.

Crysis 3 will swallow it. Nice job =))))))))))

EDIT: Anyone responded with this yet?
Welcome to the jungle By Guns N***39; Roses with lyrics - YouTube

2012-06-25, 04:51 PM

2012-06-25, 04:51 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.

So you got a promotion and do now move plants around? :D

Anyway, looks awesome. Cant wait to strap 2 Flamethrowers on my max and just burn it all down. :evil:

2012-06-25, 04:54 PM
Anyway, looks awesome. Cant wait to strap 2 Flamethrowers on my max and just burn it all down. :evil:

When all else fails, adopt a scorch earth policy and burn them out.

2012-06-25, 04:55 PM
Anyway, looks awesome. Cant wait to strap 2 Flamethrowers on my max and just burn it all down. :evil:
Are the trees and plants going to be flammable? Things can get really messy if they are.

2012-06-25, 04:56 PM
I don't know what's more awesome: the jungle terrain or the camo on that gun...right out of Predator or something. Wait....this is just inf cloak, isn't it? In either case, awesome screenshot.

The Degenatron
2012-06-25, 04:57 PM
The first thing I thought of:


OMG I can't wait!

2012-06-25, 05:03 PM
Crysis who? Planetside steals yet another award, this time for best looking jungle. I hope there are some outdoor amerish areas that approach this level as well

2012-06-25, 05:06 PM
In the words of Arnold


2012-06-25, 05:07 PM
The first thing I thought of:


OMG I can't wait!

we have a winner. haha

2012-06-25, 05:08 PM
The first thing I thought of:


OMG I can't wait! :rofl:

2012-06-25, 05:11 PM
Look at the mini map.

Yeah but look at all the plants i bet this kind of vegetation will be used for some jungle continents other than thats its a lost of work ;)

Iam pretty much sure they will want to use those biolab to serve as (( esports )) smalll scale team based match ;) i bet few bucks on it !

2012-06-25, 05:21 PM
Lol Stew really wants esports :p

2012-06-25, 05:23 PM
Yeah but look at all the plants i bet this kind of vegetation will be used for some jungle continents other than thats its a lost of work ;) Yeah, probably. In which case I cant wait to see it on a massive scale from an ariel view, going to be epic! Would love to see some forest's so thick that you'd have to abandon all vehicles and aircraft and carry on on foot to get through.

2012-06-25, 05:38 PM
10 points if you can spot Schwarzenegger in the bushes covered in mud.

20 points if you have any idea what I'm talking about.

Surely planetside community is old enough to know!

2012-06-25, 05:44 PM
Surely planetside community is old enough to know!

It's a Terminator reference right?

No, wait... Commando.

The Last Action Hero?

2012-06-25, 05:45 PM
I just came...

...here to comment on how amazing that photo is!

I SandRock
2012-06-25, 05:59 PM
I'll turn off all the foilage shit and be killing all of you hiding behind a shrub enjoying the environment!


Looks good!

2012-06-25, 06:00 PM
I'll turn off all the foilage shit and be killing all of you hiding behind a shrub enjoying the environment!


Looks good!

You can't turn off foilage iirc.

2012-06-25, 06:00 PM
Made me think of the Bio Domes in Silent Running :)

Silent Running Intro monolog - YouTube

2012-06-25, 06:06 PM
Made me think of the Bio Domes in Silent Running :)



Joan Baez ***39;Rejoice in the Sun***39; - Silent Running - YouTube

2012-06-25, 06:19 PM
Wow that looks beautiful.

Crysis? What's Crysis?

All it's missing is corpses, explosions and blood stains.

2012-06-25, 06:20 PM
Wow that looks beautiful.

Crysis? What's Crysis?

All it's missing is corpses, explosions and blood stains.

I feel like an ocelot would really touch up the scene nicely as well.

2012-06-25, 06:42 PM
Reminds me of my killing days and where I hid the bodies.

Pillar of Armor
2012-06-25, 06:46 PM
so pretty :)

2012-06-25, 06:54 PM
It looks awesome Cleg! Nice work on it.

2012-06-25, 06:58 PM
Definitely good job Cleg & crew. I love the overgrown look, I am always building hidden/forgotten Mayan cities in Minecraft.:cool:

2012-06-25, 06:59 PM
It looks awesome Cleg! Nice work on it.

Indeed!! great job :love:

2012-06-25, 06:59 PM

2012-06-25, 07:04 PM
is very nice

2012-06-25, 07:05 PM
looking good, bonus points to the folks that reminded me about silent running, not seen many classic sci-fi clips in a long time.

2012-06-25, 07:09 PM
Can't wait to get into the game ! More screeny's please :)

2012-06-25, 07:17 PM
Why would any1 have a snake pit in his base?

2012-06-25, 07:43 PM
I'm still hoping for large, dense jungles to fight in :D

2012-06-25, 07:45 PM
I'll turn off all the foilage shit and be killing all of you hiding behind a shrub enjoying the environment!


Looks good!

I can't even imagine that you really think that would be an option. :lol:

2012-06-25, 07:47 PM
It looks like a different world in there. Awesome!

2012-06-25, 08:02 PM
Omg that has me shaking like a sixteen year old virgin

Soooooo you feel like 90% of the people on this board.

2012-06-25, 08:12 PM
Soooooo you feel like 90% of the people on this board.

So those 10% are virgins' partners?

2012-06-25, 09:33 PM
Guys, guys, guys!

I think we're all forgetting to talk about the most important part of that picture...

The base is secure, I see a New Conglomerate flag.

2012-06-25, 09:35 PM
I didn't' see this posted surprisingly.. :p





2012-06-25, 09:45 PM
You have finally seen the inside of a part of the biolab. I've been working on this thing for a long, long time. It's still not done yet, needs more polish. A lot of work has been done by the artists on this thing, they've made it look and feel amazing.

Lookin' good!

Any plans for a vibrant and verdant continent?

2012-06-25, 10:04 PM
Looking at it closely, the biolab also has 6 capture points to control it. I wonder what that involves?

2012-06-25, 10:31 PM
Looking at it closely, the biolab also has 6 capture points to control it. I wonder what that involves?
Same thing we saw at E3, only with twice the number of hackable points?

2012-06-26, 01:21 AM
I've been dying to see the inside of a Bio Lab, and I'm glad to say it was well worth the wait. Hopefully we get to see some footage soon.

2012-06-26, 01:27 AM
Same thing we saw at E3, only with twice the number of hackable points?

I wonder if they will add in that you actually have to have someone interact with the console to actually hack, then you can have people cert to be faster at it, and will mean you can't just defend the actual console, you would have to spread out to keep the defenders away, or some different ways to capture bases would be cool.

2012-06-26, 01:32 AM
oh man the bio lab looks awesome

2012-06-26, 02:06 AM
...check out the Bloom in there...

I SandRock
2012-06-26, 03:47 AM
I can't even imagine that you really think that would be an option. :lol:

No. But it was possible in PS, kinda. And other (older) games :D

2012-06-26, 05:52 AM
Same thing we saw at E3, only with twice the number of hackable points?

Yes, they deliberately removed the 3 smaller outpost control points for E3. This was mentioned in the live streams. Zurvan, and maybe all the big bases, have 6 control points. Hopefully more than one control point has a spawn in it.

2012-06-26, 08:34 AM
I wonder if they will add in that you actually have to have someone interact with the console to actually hack, then you can have people cert to be faster at it, and will mean you can't just defend the actual console, you would have to spread out to keep the defenders away, or some different ways to capture bases would be cool.
It wouldn't have to be added. It was a ~20 second process to hack the console for each point in the E3 streams we saw.

2012-06-26, 08:51 AM
Higby's hiding somewhere in the Jungle? well the TR tactic to flush him out has been well documented.

Can't get it to start at 1:25 for some reason, stupid youtube you'll have to do it manually :(
302 Found

2012-06-26, 10:34 AM
Higby's hiding somewhere in the Jungle? well the TR tactic to flush him out has been well documented.

Yeah I can see how well that tactic worked. :p

2012-06-26, 10:52 AM
Yeah I can see how well that tactic worked. :p

the principle is sound!, they just needed some more daka like a couple TR twin cycler MAXs :D