View Full Version : Autorun

Shade Millith
2012-06-26, 12:23 AM
Having resubbed to Planetside 1, I quickly came to realise just how often I use Autorun. Often enough that I bind it to F for quick use.

Traveling by foot, vehicle, or air, I constantly use it.

I feel that this ability is an integral part of Planetside.

TL: DR - Autorun in Planetside 2?

2012-06-26, 12:28 AM
Autorun is a feature in practically every MMO nowadays. I'd bet my beta access that it'll be in here too.

2012-06-26, 12:30 AM
Yea its in every game, cant see it not been in.

2012-06-26, 12:31 AM
I wonder if there even is a sort of walking vs running thing. I mean as far as I can tell, there's running and sprinting (based on what is seen in the videos from E3). If the sprint is infinite, I would guess you could "auto sprint" by double-tapping W as this is how it seems to work in many games with similar movement features.

2012-06-26, 12:44 AM
sprint should be on a stamina type bar, though i cant remember seeing it in the videos.

2012-06-26, 12:51 AM
sprint should be on a stamina type bar, though i cant remember seeing it in the videos.

It's not there, but it should be. Infinite sprint, or sprint with an invisible c/d don't make much sense to me.

2012-06-26, 12:52 AM
i dont think its in. I think i remember someone asking higby this on one of those random PS1 streams or twitter or something and he said no. I could be mistaken though, maybe he was responding to someone else talking or something. Theres alot of people typing all at once during streams. I cant remember where i saw it or i would try to link it, sorry.

Cant see it being in this game anyways...Planetside has more FPS than MMO type mechanics now, i dont think it would fit. imagine autorun in any other fps. it just seems out of place

2012-06-26, 12:53 AM
i dont think its in. I think i remember someone asking higby this on one of those random PS1 streams or twitter or something and he said no. I could be mistaken though, maybe he was responding to someone else talking or something. Theres alot of people typing all at once during streams. I cant remember where i saw it or i would try to link it, sorry.

Cant see it being in this game anyways...Planetside has more FPS than MMO type mechanics now, i dont think it would fit. imagine autorun in any other fps. it just seems out of place

If you don't put in autorun then people will just macro it. Might as well put in in by default.

2012-06-26, 12:58 AM
As has been said, pretty sure it will be in by default.

2012-06-26, 12:59 AM
Autorun at launch or I'm done ;)

2012-06-26, 01:10 AM
i just hope i dont have to hold the button to auto run

2012-06-26, 01:20 AM
Or you can just set a shotgun shell on the "w" key.

2012-06-26, 03:10 AM
sprint should be on a stamina type bar, though i cant remember seeing it in the videos.

I remember one of the devs in a vid saying different classes will have different sprint speeds, so this may be indicative of infinite sprint stamina. or maybe not

2012-06-26, 03:15 AM
Yea its in every game, cant see it not been in.

Not in most FPSs. Wasn't listed in the controls we saw for the E3 play test and this worries me greatly.

2012-06-26, 03:48 AM
if it's not in the game, ill just make a macro for it on my keyboard :)