View Full Version : Guide To Receiving A Beta Key

2012-06-26, 07:09 PM
Hello! This is my first post on the forums and I created this account to make this post to share a secret on receiving a beta key that you might not know!

Are you tired of sitting on Planetside's 2 twitter and trying to piece together [BetaKeyBill]'s tweets of confusing numbers only to be beat to the punch line?

Well guess what I was tired of it as well and I did some research.

This method will secure you a beta key 100% but will cost you $4.99. The reason it costs $4.99 is because you have to buy an issue of PC Gamer magazine July edition, which includes a beta code for Planetside 2.

You are buying the digital version of this magazine, and receiving your beta key via email.

Don't worry about it being from the UK. UK keys work for US and vise versa.

Let us begin!

------------------GUIDE TO YOUR BETA KEY 100% WORKING------------------

Step 1. Go to this website.


Click the indicated button in the picture:

Proceed to payment and pay for the single issue of the magazine.

Step 2. What you want to do is order this magazine. Make sure you disable continuous service and only order that particular issue. (I never had a continous service to disable, but I suggest you look into your Zinio account.)

It should come out to a total of $4.99 for the single copy. When your order is confirmed, you should receive a receipt from this particular merchant.

Step 3. What you want to do is send an e-mail to pcgamer.giftageddon (at) futurenet (dot) com. In the e-mail, explain that you would like to opt-in to their PlanetSide 2 beta key giveaway, and include a copy of your receipt. Once that e-mail is sent, it will likely take a few days for your request to be processed. They should still have plenty of keys available, and send you a key when they respond.

That is basically it. Now you may be asking, where is the source? How do I know I am not getting scammed?

Here is your proof of source:


And there you go, within 2-3 days you recieve your beta key, just like me for $4.99. Also, you get to enjoy the latest issue of Pc Gamer magazine July edition!

(I am in no way affiliated with Pc Gamer magazine, or Zinio.com. I am just a gamer that loves Planetside 2 and wanted to share my knowledge of how I got a beta key. I am in no way shape or form responsible for any form of losses ect. If you follow this guide correctly, like I did.. you should get a beta key.)

Happy gaming!

2012-06-26, 07:11 PM
Or just bribe a UK guy on the forums to go buy you a copy/cd-key and pay him back through paypal :p

nice write up btw

2012-06-26, 07:14 PM
I'm partial to a bribe to get PC gamer magazines.......... *Wink*

2012-06-26, 07:44 PM
Cool! :D

2012-06-26, 07:58 PM
Well this would be cool if I wasn't already a vet and happy enough that I get priority anyway, but I'll be honest, any proof linking to a social media site makes me wary regardless of how many people post their success stories. Are there any other links with the instructions? Like post a picture of the page in that issue with the instructions written on it for those of us who don't want to put 5 bucks down straight off?

2012-06-26, 09:25 PM
confirming that this works.

2012-06-26, 09:28 PM
Well this would be cool if I wasn't already a vet and happy enough that I get priority anyway, but I'll be honest, any proof linking to a social media site makes me wary regardless of how many people post their success stories. Are there any other links with the instructions? Like post a picture of the page in that issue with the instructions written on it for those of us who don't want to put 5 bucks down straight off?

This is the actual page from the digital version of the magazine.


It states the email adress to reply to if your code did not work, or if there was an error.

This situation applies to that error, as stated before on redit by Chris,

"Here's the thread.
Here's the zinio link
It's 4.99 USD, and your key will be emailed to you within a few days, apparently you must opt in for emails on the zinio account settings to receive this email, if you don't want to do that then you can email [email protected] to contact their support and provide them with a proof of purchase to get your key, although, I would wait a bit as they seem kind of swamped and the beta isn't even out yet.
EDIT: /facepalm, I meant Zinio not Zimio."

Also I have taken the steps above and received my own beta key. I understand you may have doubts but I don't gain anything from you buying this magazine, as I am not affiliated with the website, nor PC Gamer in anyway.

This is just a guide I wrote up to help people get beta keys. There is no harm intended. I cannot guarantee after July when the next issue of Pc Gamer magazine is released, the email support will continue to issue out keys after July.

2012-06-26, 09:42 PM
Ah thanks. And it's not that I don't trust that it's a legit thing, haha, just when people post things like "Here is proof *tags reddit/tumblr/etc*" I instantly cringe and begin to question the legitimacy of the claim haha. The page is proof enough and I'm glad to know that the option is still available for people looking to get a Beta key :)

Thanks for the headsup :cheers:

2012-06-26, 09:46 PM
Just be aware that this UK PC Gamer beta code may not be a Priority code. Why not?

In the Producers Letter today they said:

"External Beta will include primary rounds of entry for existing PlanetSide 1 players and additional External Beta registrants, including those who obtained Beta codes from the PC Gamer magazine cover feature."

The cover feature was the April US edition of PC Gamer.

2012-06-26, 09:47 PM
SOE should have just SOLD BETA keys, at least the Devs would get the money instead of PC Gamer!

2012-06-26, 09:55 PM
A post from Planetside 2 executive producer Josh Hackney on the Planetside 2 blog


2012-06-26, 10:11 PM
Just be aware that this UK PC Gamer beta code may not be a Priority code. Why not?

In the Producers Letter today they said:

"External Beta will include primary rounds of entry for existing PlanetSide 1 players and additional External Beta registrants, including those who obtained Beta codes from the PC Gamer magazine cover feature."

The cover feature was the April US edition of PC Gamer.

It sounds like your nitpicking Smeds quote, or is this confirmed to actually be the case? Did I just blow 5 bucks:furious:

2012-06-26, 10:14 PM
Just be aware that this UK PC Gamer beta code may not be a Priority code. Why not?

In the Producers Letter today they said:

"External Beta will include primary rounds of entry for existing PlanetSide 1 players and additional External Beta registrants, including those who obtained Beta codes from the PC Gamer magazine cover feature."

The cover feature was the April US edition of PC Gamer.

It sounds like your nitpicking Smeds quote, or is this confirmed to actually be the case? Did I just blow 5 bucks:furious:

Not sure to be honest. Maybe perhaps those who receive keys via this method are induced in a waiting period to log into servers? Anyone else have any info on this? I am not quite sure what he is saying.

2012-06-26, 10:14 PM
confirming that this works.

Did you just go through process just now, or did you do it a while back and have received the code since then?

Red Beard
2012-06-26, 10:16 PM
Hey I got that email about my computer specs as a tester, but when I clicked on the link to tell them what I have, it just says "you are already signed up for beta"...

What's with that?

2012-06-26, 10:18 PM
It sounds like your nitpicking Smeds quote, or is this confirmed to actually be the case? Did I just blow 5 bucks:furious:

I said 'may not' because I'm not sure. The April edition was a cover feature (the cover of the magazine was PS2 art), and the UK one has non-PS2 related cover art.

Like I said, it 'may not'. He said 'cover feature' instead of PC Gamer codes. Why differentiate?

2012-06-26, 10:23 PM
Did you just go through process just now, or did you do it a while back and have received the code since then?

I did it last week. I emailed that address in the OP (after i bought the e-magazine) and they replied with a code that worked.

2012-06-26, 11:26 PM
what does the receipt look like and were do i get it?

2012-06-26, 11:33 PM
what does the receipt look like and were do i get it?

I used my order number, and took a screenshot of my zinio account with the purchase on the page and included it as an attachment just to be safe.

2012-06-27, 12:01 AM
Hey I got that email about my computer specs as a tester, but when I clicked on the link to tell them what I have, it just says "you are already signed up for beta"...

What's with that? Using Chrome I had the same problem. I switched to Firefox and signed in on the official site rather than the email and it worked.

2012-06-27, 01:42 AM
SOE should have just SOLD BETA keys, at least the Devs would get the money instead of PC Gamer!

Well the issue about that is they'd have a duty to provide a functional beta at all times vecause people have paid them directly.

By giving the keys away for free and also distributing them via PC Gamer magazine, they teansfer any risk of beta unavailability as the payment was made for the mag itself rather than just for beta.

You never know - SOE might have gotten a deal out of giving PC Gamer an exclusive which has generated some cash.

Using Chrome I had the same problem. I switched to Firefox and signed in on the official site rather than the email and it worked.

I got this and had to change my default browser language to US Englush to get it to work (IE settings, language button, add..., English-US, and then remove any other entries + restart browser).

Found that out in abother thread...bizaar but it works!

2012-06-27, 03:13 AM
Meh. I'd bet that £4.99 that the non-vets won't get much beta time before full open-beta.

2012-06-27, 11:31 PM
TY Arch! I got my beta key! This topic needs to be stickied.

2012-06-28, 12:45 AM
Or you can go sub to PS1 for a month for $15 and get vet status.

2012-06-28, 12:52 AM
Or you can go sub to PS1 for a month for $15 and get vet status.

+ $20 for the game.

2012-06-28, 08:19 AM
SOE should have just SOLD BETA keys, at least the Devs would get the money instead of PC Gamer!

I think i bought a few if they sold them.

1 for me and some for my freinds.

2012-06-28, 11:05 AM
great first post! I have a friend that was asking if the key was included in digital copies.

2012-06-29, 08:06 AM
Hope it helped.

2012-06-29, 08:22 AM
I would buy a PC Gamer UK since I couldn't buy a US one when I left for Europe. Unfortunately, the cover does not feature PS2 and I'm a vet. The old colony US April edition is still superior to the union jack one.

2012-07-04, 11:40 AM
Can I still do this?

2012-07-04, 02:08 PM
Beta keys are given out on the PSU IRC channel from time to time, and most of the regulars have keys already so you'll have an easier time getting one.

2012-07-04, 02:34 PM
Is this magazine sold in the UK only or could I find it at a magazine store around the airport where I live? (If not there its nowhere)

2012-07-06, 08:13 PM
+ $20 for the game.

wait, do you mean subbing PS1 gets you 20 dollars in PS2?

2012-07-06, 08:55 PM
Hey I got that email about my computer specs as a tester, but when I clicked on the link to tell them what I have, it just says "you are already signed up for beta"...

What's with that?

Its a little confusing but I remember you click through as if to sign up although you already did and you get the survey.

2012-07-06, 09:27 PM
Do NOT buy the digital version of the pc gamer magazine for the beta key anymore. Even though my entire team and I did the same thing and received a key a few of my friends who bought it just recently have gotten the email reply saying "We don't give beta keys for the digital download version". If you want one you will have to get the physical copy from a store otherwise you'll get screwed.

Blue Sam
2012-07-07, 08:54 AM
Or, to do it the free and easy way, just go on twitter and ask nicely.

2012-07-07, 03:12 PM
Or, to do it the free and easy way, just go on twitter and ask nicely.

And get ignored or have your tweet get lost in the other hundreds of tweets.

Blue Sam
2012-07-07, 03:38 PM
And get ignored or have your tweet get lost in the other hundreds of tweets.

Everybody in my outfit got one that way.